11-letter words ending with C

Dive into the specific realm of 11-letter words that conclude with the letter C. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with C, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

psychiatric 23
sympathetic 23
prehistoric 18
problematic 19
microscopic 21
unrealistic 13
atmospheric 20
therapeutic 18
pessimistic 17
charismatic 20
demographic 22
aphrodisiac 19
psychedelic 24
cataclysmic 22
melancholic 20
anaesthetic 16
apocalyptic 22
unpatriotic 15
holographic 22
masochistic 20
polytechnic 23
aerodynamic 19
pyroclastic 20
ritualistic 13
ectoplasmic 19
socialistic 15
animalistic 15
narcoleptic 17
geomagnetic 17
symptomatic 22
inauthentic 16
sociopathic 20
homeopathic 23
bioelectric 17
agoraphobic 21
hypothermic 26
hemorrhagic 22
anarchistic 18
hemophiliac 23
macrobiotic 19
telekinetic 17
philosophic 23
gastronomic 16
communistic 19
paleolithic 18
terroristic 13
voyeuristic 19
hydrocyanic 25
macroscopic 21
typographic 24
topographic 21
algorithmic 19
aeroelastic 13
hypovolemic 26
feudalistic 17
fetishistic 19
mythomaniac 23
nonspecific 20
orthopaedic 19
peripatetic 17
psychologic 24
radiometric 16
hermeneutic 18
synergistic 17
dipsomaniac 18
pyrotechnic 23
lymphocytic 28
mechanistic 20
erotomaniac 15
modernistic 16
multiethnic 18
orthodontic 17
panhellenic 18
peristaltic 15
metallurgic 16
psychogenic 24
racialistic 15
aposiopetic 17
aponeurotic 15
apostrophic 20
antispastic 15
anthracitic 18
anthomaniac 18
anticlastic 15
anomalistic 15
antipyretic 18
antimycotic 20
antimitotic 15
astraphobic 20
asplanchnic 20
astrophobic 20
astronautic 13
astrometric 15
asynartetic 16
atelectatic 15
atherogenic 17
archenteric 18
archangelic 19
areocentric 15
areographic 19
arachidonic 19
araeometric 15
arthromeric 18
autogenetic 14
autographic 19
autokinetic 17
automorphic 20
audiometric 16
autecologic 16
axonometric 22
azoospermic 26
autoplastic 15
auxotrophic 25
autotrophic 18
bibliopegic 20
bibliopolic 19
batholithic 21
bathometric 20
bathylithic 24
bathymetric 23
barographic 21
barycentric 20
blastogenic 16
blastomeric 17
blastematic 17
blastoporic 17
blepharitic 20
biologistic 16
biorhythmic 26
biquadratic 25
bioclimatic 19
biocoenotic 17
bimorphemic 24
bisymmetric 22
butenedioic 16
bradypeptic 23
borborygmic 23
cantharidic 19
cardiogenic 17
cardiotonic 16
carbocyclic 24
cabbalistic 19
cacodemonic 20
cacoepistic 19
cacogastric 18
cacographic 23
calisthenic 18
camouflagic 21
cenogenetic 16
centimetric 17
centrobaric 17
centromeric 17
cenesthetic 18
chalcedonic 21
chameleonic 20
centrosomic 17
cephalalgic 21
cerographic 21
ceroplastic 17
cartophilic 20
catechistic 20
cathedratic 19
catacaustic 17
catallactic 17
cataclasmic 19
cataclastic 17
cataplastic 17
cataplectic 19
cholestatic 18
cholesteric 18
cholinergic 19
chloracetic 20
chrysolitic 21
chromogenic 21
chromomeric 22
chromonemic 22
chromatinic 20
chronologic 19
chasmogamic 23
charlatanic 18
chiromantic 20
chemosmotic 22
chemotactic 22
chemotropic 22
chernozemic 29
coelenteric 15
coenzymatic 29
citharistic 18
cinchoninic 20
climacteric 19
clinometric 17
colouristic 15
columnistic 17
comedogenic 19
conspecific 22
albuminuric 17
alchemistic 20
alloplastic 15
allographic 19
allomorphic 20
alloplasmic 17
algolagniac 15
aeolotropic 15
anastomotic 15
anemometric 17
anacoluthic 18
analemmatic 17
anacreontic 15
anaplerotic 15
aniseikonic 17
animatronic 15
anisometric 15
anisotropic 15
anglophonic 19
anglophobic 21
anglomaniac 16
anglophilic 19
amenorrheic 18
amphipathic 25
amphiphilic 25
amphiprotic 22
amyotrophic 23
amphichroic 25
amphibiotic 22
amphimictic 24
acidophilic 21
acromegalic 18
acrocentric 17
acidimetric 18
achondritic 19
adiathermic 19
adaptogenic 17
abiogenetic 16
abiotrophic 20
acatalectic 17
acataleptic 17
leucoplakic 21
infographic 22
dyssynergic 21
hematogenic 19
quadrasonic 23
oxaloacetic 22
bacteraemic 19
arragonitic 14
acetoacetic 17
aminoacetic 17
anthranilic 16
transphobic 20
cisatlantic 15
periplasmic 19
sonographic 19
sabermetric 17
hypochromic 28
logocentric 16
germophobic 23
geoeconomic 18
germaphobic 23
gynocentric 19
neutropenic 15
nonbaryonic 18
metabolomic 19
microbiotic 19
cytogenetic 19
cytokinetic 22
cystoscopic 22
cystocarpic 22
cytomegalic 21
cytoplasmic 22
cytoplastic 20
cyclopaedic 23
cycloplegic 23
cymographic 26
cyclothymic 28
decanedioic 17
decameronic 18
densimetric 16
dendrologic 16
demonologic 17
dialogistic 15
diamagnetic 17
diaphoretic 19
diastematic 16
dexiotropic 23
diastrophic 19
dichromatic 21
desmodromic 19
disharmonic 19
diphthongic 23
diotheletic 17
dioxonitric 21
diplococcic 22
dithyrambic 24
disulphuric 19
dissyllabic 19
dyotheletic 20
dyslogistic 18
dyspathetic 22
dysharmonic 22
dyothelitic 20
dysrhythmic 28
econometric 17
economistic 17
ecospecific 22
ectoplastic 17
ectothermic 20
ectotrophic 20
ectoblastic 17
ectogenetic 16
ectomorphic 22
doxographic 27
dramaturgic 17
duopolistic 16
empiricutic 19
emmenagogic 19
emphyteutic 23
endocentric 16
endocardiac 17
endoblastic 16
endocytotic 19
endoplasmic 18
endoplastic 16
endomorphic 21
endomitotic 16
encomiastic 17
elastomeric 15
embryogenic 21
embryologic 21
epilogistic 16
epiphytotic 23
enzymolytic 30
epanaleptic 17
epeirogenic 16
equicaloric 24
epithalamic 20
epithymetic 23
engrammatic 18
endotrophic 19
endothermic 19
endospermic 18
entoblastic 15
entomologic 16
eurythermic 21
esemplastic 17
erythematic 21
erythristic 19
eucharistic 18
eudiometric 16
euchromatic 20
euphemistic 20
ethanedioic 17
feldspathic 22
fibrocystic 23
fetichistic 21
ferrocyanic 21
ferricyanic 21
freemasonic 18
formulistic 18
formalistic 18
cosmocratic 19
cosmothetic 20
coulometric 17
cormophytic 25
copolymeric 22
coprolaliac 17
coprophagic 23
coprophilic 22
cryptogamic 23
cryptogenic 21
cryptologic 21
cyberphobic 27
curialistic 15
monotrichic 20
monostichic 20
monozygotic 28
monomorphic 22
morphogenic 21
morphologic 21
mithridatic 19
mitogenetic 16
mixotrophic 27
mithradatic 19
monochromic 22
monodelphic 21
monographic 21
monogastric 16
monogenetic 16
mythopoetic 23
myoelectric 20
myelopathic 23
necromaniac 17
necromantic 17
necrobiotic 17
necrophilic 20
necrophobic 22
necroscopic 19
natriuretic 13
nasogastric 14
multiphasic 20
mutualistic 15
mycotrophic 25
nonacademic 18
nomographic 21
nonathletic 16
nonallergic 14
nonanalytic 16
nonanatomic 15
nonaromatic 15
nonartistic 13
nitrometric 15
nondramatic 16
noneconomic 17
nonelectric 15
nonemphatic 20
nonharmonic 18
nondiabetic 16
nondidactic 17
nondogmatic 17
nondomestic 16
nephrotoxic 25
neologistic 14
neuropathic 18
neuroleptic 15
neurotropic 15
obscurantic 17
nyctinastic 18
nyctitropic 20
nyctophobic 25
octanedioic 16
ochlophobic 25
ochlocratic 20
odontologic 15
odontogenic 15
nonsyllabic 18
nonsymbolic 20
nonsystemic 18
nontheistic 16
nonoperatic 15
nonorgasmic 16
nonmagnetic 16
nonmetallic 15
nonphonemic 20
nonphonetic 18
nonvolcanic 18
nostradamic 16
nosographic 19
orthoscopic 20
orthostatic 16
orthotropic 18
orthophyric 24
osteodermic 16
orthodromic 19
osteopathic 18
osteophytic 21
ontogenetic 14
oestrogenic 14
oleographic 19
optokinetic 19
oreographic 19
oxycephalic 30
oxidimetric 23
pachydermic 26
palindromic 18
palynologic 19
paedodontic 17
paedophilic 21
paederastic 16
palaeotypic 20
parenthetic 18
paresthetic 18
parotiditic 16
paroxytonic 25
paraselenic 15
parapsychic 25
pasigraphic 21
pantoscopic 19
pantothenic 18
pantheistic 18
parabematic 19
parablastic 17
parableptic 19
pandemoniac 18
parallactic 17
paraparetic 17
paraphiliac 20
paramorphic 22
paranephric 20
paracrostic 17
paragraphic 21
paragenetic 16
periostitic 15
perinephric 20
periodontic 16
perispermic 19
pericardiac 18
pericentric 17
peridotitic 16
perigastric 16
perihepatic 20
perimorphic 22
periclastic 17

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