Words Starting With H

Hey there, word enthusiasts! Dive into a delightful world where every word begins with the happy letter H. From heroic adventures to heartwarming tales, these H-words are here to add some zest to your vocabulary. Ready to discover hidden gems and have heaps of fun? Let's hop to it!

10 letter words

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  • helicopter 17
  • hallelujah 23
  • historical 15
  • humiliated 16
  • homosexual 22
  • hysterical 18
  • headmaster 16
  • harassment 15
  • homecoming 20
  • honourable 15
  • headphones 19
  • hesitation 13
  • hypothesis 21
  • henceforth 21
  • horrifying 20
  • horizontal 22
  • hypnotized 28
  • hemisphere 20
  • hopelessly 18
  • hereditary 17

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9 letter words

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  • happening 17
  • happiness 16
  • hopefully 20
  • honeymoon 17
  • household 16
  • hilarious 12
  • honorable 14
  • hurricane 14
  • heartbeat 14
  • handcuffs 21
  • hamburger 17
  • heartless 12
  • humiliate 14
  • housewife 18
  • hypocrite 19
  • horoscope 16
  • holocaust 14
  • handshake 20
  • highlight 20
  • hairstyle 15

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8 letter words

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  • hospital 13
  • handsome 14
  • horrible 13
  • honestly 14
  • homework 20
  • highness 15
  • humanity 16
  • headache 17
  • hopeless 13
  • homicide 16
  • hercules 13
  • homeless 13
  • helpless 13
  • homeland 14
  • handling 13
  • harmless 13
  • hesitate 11
  • heavenly 17
  • hometown 16
  • happiest 15

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7 letter words

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  • husband 13
  • himself 15
  • history 13
  • hundred 12
  • however 16
  • holding 12
  • herself 13
  • helping 13
  • hanging 12
  • hearing 11
  • heading 12
  • healthy 16
  • holiday 14
  • hitting 11
  • hunting 11
  • hurting 11
  • highway 20
  • hostage 11
  • happily 17
  • heavens 13

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6 letter words

View all
  • happen 13
  • having 13
  • hungry 13
  • handle 10
  • heaven 12
  • honest 9
  • hiding 11
  • health 12
  • hardly 13
  • hoping 12
  • higher 13
  • hidden 11
  • humans 11
  • headed 11
  • hearts 9
  • horses 9
  • houses 9
  • honour 9
  • highly 16
  • handed 11

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5 letter words

View all
  • hello 8
  • house 8
  • happy 15
  • heard 9
  • haven 11
  • heart 8
  • hands 9
  • hurry 11
  • honey 11
  • hours 8
  • human 10
  • hotel 8
  • horse 8
  • honor 8
  • harry 11
  • heavy 14
  • henry 11
  • heads 9
  • hired 9
  • hated 9

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4 letter words

View all
  • have 10
  • here 7
  • help 9
  • home 9
  • hear 7
  • hell 7
  • hold 8
  • head 8
  • hard 8
  • hand 8
  • hope 9
  • hurt 7
  • half 10
  • high 11
  • hate 7
  • hair 7
  • hour 7
  • hang 8
  • hide 8
  • holy 10

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3 letter words

View all
  • him 8
  • how 9
  • her 6
  • his 6
  • had 7
  • hey 9
  • has 6
  • huh 9
  • hit 6
  • hot 6
  • hat 6
  • hoo 6
  • hop 8
  • hug 7
  • hip 8
  • heh 9
  • han 6
  • hid 7
  • hut 6
  • ham 8

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2 letter words

View all
  • he 5
  • hi 5
  • ha 5
  • ho 5
  • hm 7

Find more words starting with H

There's something undeniably captivating about words starting with the letter H. These words have a certain panache, often packed with intriguing sounds and meanings that can make our everyday language feel more vibrant and dynamic. From "hilarious" to "hypnotic," words beginning with H hold a special place in our hearts and lexicons. Ready to dive into the world of H-words? Let's explore their unique impact on language and pronunciation, and discover why they’re so delightful!

About words starting with H

The letter H plays a significant role in the English language, both in terms of frequency and the unique sounds it creates. As one of the most versatile letters, H can produce various phonetic effects — think of the whispery softness in "humble" versus the hearty laugh in "ha-ha!" Its presence at the beginning of a word often sets the tone and mood right from the get-go. For instance, the word "hero" immediately conjures images of bravery and valor, while "harmony" soothes with its melodic suggestion.

Positioned at the start of many words, H serves as the herald of countless concepts. Consider "habit," a word that speaks to routine and repetition, or "hustle," which shouts energy and urgency. The pronunciation of H-words can also vary, adding another layer of richness to our language. Silent H's in words like "honor" contrast sharply with the pronounced H in "happy," showcasing the letter’s flexibility and the subtle nuances it brings to communication.

Popular word examples

Words beginning with H are not just frequent but also fascinating. Here are ten popular examples that highlight their charm:


  • Definition: A state of well-being and contentment.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Her smile was a beacon of happiness throughout the room."
  • Fun Fact: The word "happiness" comes from the Middle English word "hap," which means luck or chance.


  • Definition: The combination of different musical notes played or sung simultaneously to produce a pleasing sound.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The choir's harmony was flawless and uplifting."
  • Fun Fact: In addition to music, "harmony" is used metaphorically to describe peaceful relationships.


  • Definition: A person admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The firefighter was hailed as a hero for saving the child from the burning building."
  • Fun Fact: The term "hero" is derived from the Greek word "heros," meaning protector or defender.


  • Definition: Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Despite his fame, he remained humble and approachable."
  • Fun Fact: The word "humble" has Latin roots from "humilis," which means low or grounded.


  • Definition: The quality of being amusing or comic.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Her quick wit and sense of humor made her the life of the party."
  • Fun Fact: Humor originally referred to bodily fluids in ancient medicine that influenced one's mood.


  • Definition: A feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Despite the challenges, they never lost hope."
  • Fun Fact: The word "hope" has Old English origins from the word "hopian."


  • Definition: Busy movement and activity.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The hustle of the city streets was invigorating."
  • Fun Fact: "Hustle" can also mean to work energetically or to engage in aggressive business practices.


  • Definition: The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Their hospitality made the stay even more enjoyable."
  • Fun Fact: The word "hospitality" shares roots with "hospital," reflecting care and comfort for guests.


  • Definition: Extremely amusing.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The comedian's performance was absolutely hilarious."
  • Fun Fact: "Hilarious" comes from the Latin word "hilaris," meaning cheerful or merry.


  • Definition: Of, producing, or relating to hypnosis.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The rhythmic sound of the waves had a hypnotic effect."
  • Fun Fact: The word "hypnotic" is derived from Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with H can be game-changers. Here are some high-scoring examples:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Hexapod 20 A six-legged arthropod, especially an insect.
Hypoxia 22 Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching tissues.
Hydrogen 15 The chemical element with atomic number 1.
Hyrax 19 A small, thickset, herbivorous mammal.
Haphazard 25 Lacking any obvious principle of organization.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

For Wordle fans, these five-letter H-words are perfect picks:

Word Definition
Happy Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
Hinge A movable joint or mechanism on which a door swings.
Hover Remain in one place in the air.
Human Relating to or characteristic of people.
Hurry Move or act with speed.

Unusual and rare word examples

Let's venture into the world of rare and unusual H-words, each with its own quirky charm:


  • Definition: A violent and oppressive wind blowing in summer, especially in Sudan, bringing sand from the desert.
  • Interesting Fact: The word comes from the Arabic word "habbÅ«b," meaning strong wind.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The haboob swept through the town, reducing visibility to zero."


  • Definition: Of, relating to, or resembling a goat.
  • Interesting Fact: "Hircine" is derived from the Latin word "hircinus," from "hircus," meaning goat.
  • Example in a Sentence: "His hircine features gave him a distinct and memorable appearance."


  • Definition: A fountain on Mount Helicon in Greece, sacred to the Muses and regarded as a source of poetic inspiration.
  • Interesting Fact: The name "Hippocrene" comes from Greek mythology, where it was created by the hoof of Pegasus.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The poet sought the waters of Hippocrene to inspire his next great work."


  • Definition: Not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs.
  • Interesting Fact: The word comes from the Greek "heterodoxos," with "hetero-" meaning other and "doxa" meaning opinion.
  • Example in a Sentence: "His heterodox views often sparked lively debates among his peers."


  • Definition: Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
  • Interesting Fact: "Halcyon" comes from a mythical bird that calmed the seas, from Greek "alkyon."
  • Example in a Sentence: "They reminisced about the halcyon days of their youth."

Final words

Exploring words starting with H is like embarking on a linguistic adventure, full of twists, turns, and delightful discoveries. Whether common or rare, each word carries its unique charm and utility, enriching our conversations and enlivening our vocabulary. So next time you encounter an H-word, take a moment to appreciate the history, sound, and meaning it brings to the table.