Words Starting With U

Unlock a universe of unique and unforgettable words! This page is your ultimate guide to exploring the versatile vocabulary that starts with the letter U. Whether you're a word wizard or a curious novice, get ready to uncover some unexpected gems. Let's jump in and embrace the underappreciated 'U'!

10 letter words

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  • understand 12
  • understood 12
  • university 16
  • underneath 14
  • undercover 16
  • unexpected 22
  • underwater 14
  • ultimately 15
  • unpleasant 12
  • unbearable 14
  • unemployed 18
  • underworld 15
  • ungrateful 14
  • unfaithful 19
  • unfinished 17
  • underpants 13
  • ultrasound 11
  • unreliable 12
  • upbringing 16
  • undertaker 15

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9 letter words

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  • underwear 13
  • universal 12
  • undressed 11
  • unlimited 12
  • upsetting 12
  • unnatural 9
  • uncertain 11
  • uncovered 15
  • unmarried 12
  • unanimous 11
  • unhealthy 18
  • untouched 15
  • unnoticed 12
  • unusually 12
  • urinating 10
  • undermine 12
  • unrelated 10
  • undertake 14
  • unpopular 13
  • unwilling 13

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8 letter words

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  • upstairs 10
  • universe 11
  • ultimate 10
  • umbrella 12
  • unlikely 15
  • unstable 10
  • urgently 12
  • unlocked 15
  • underway 15
  • underage 10
  • uprising 11
  • unsolved 12
  • unwanted 12
  • underdog 11
  • uncommon 14
  • unworthy 17
  • upcoming 15
  • unharmed 14
  • unlawful 14
  • unloaded 10

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7 letter words

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  • usually 10
  • useless 7
  • uniform 12
  • unknown 14
  • unusual 7
  • unhappy 17
  • unlucky 16
  • utterly 10
  • uptight 13
  • undress 8
  • unaware 10
  • upright 13
  • unarmed 10
  • upgrade 11
  • unclear 9
  • uranium 9
  • updated 11
  • undergo 9
  • unified 11
  • unleash 10

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6 letter words

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  • unless 6
  • united 7
  • unique 15
  • useful 9
  • urgent 7
  • unlike 10
  • unable 8
  • unfair 9
  • upside 9
  • unlock 12
  • update 9
  • unload 7
  • undone 7
  • unreal 6
  • upbeat 10
  • uneasy 9
  • utmost 8
  • unpack 14
  • unseen 6
  • unwell 9

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5 letter words

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  • until 5
  • under 6
  • uncle 7
  • using 6
  • upset 7
  • usual 5
  • union 5
  • upper 9
  • unite 5
  • untie 5
  • urban 7
  • urine 5
  • unity 8
  • utter 5
  • ultra 5
  • ulcer 7
  • unfit 8
  • usher 8
  • usage 6
  • unify 11

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4 letter words

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  • used 5
  • upon 6
  • ugly 8
  • unit 4
  • urge 5
  • unto 4
  • undo 5
  • user 4
  • ulna 4
  • uric 6
  • ursa 4
  • urea 4
  • ulan 4
  • urus 4
  • unde 5
  • uvea 7
  • updo 7
  • upas 6
  • upby 11
  • upgo 7

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3 letter words

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  • use 3
  • ugh 7
  • ufo 6
  • urn 3
  • uni 3
  • udo 4
  • ute 3
  • uta 3
  • ump 7
  • utu 3
  • uns 3
  • upo 5
  • ups 5
  • urb 5
  • urd 4
  • ure 3
  • urp 5
  • uts 3
  • uva 6
  • uds 4

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2 letter words

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  • up 4
  • us 2
  • un 2
  • ut 2
  • ur 2
  • ug 3
  • uh 5
  • um 4

Find more words starting with U

Welcome to the whimsical world of words starting with U! These unique utterances bring a certain uncommon charm to our daily dialogues. From the ubiquitous "umbrella" to the utterly unusual "ululate," words beginning with U often carry a sense of uniqueness and utility. The intriguing "u" sound, whether it’s the long 'u' as in "unicorn" or the short 'u' as in "under," adds a fun twist to pronunciation and meaning. Let's embark on an exciting journey exploring how these words influence our language and make communication a tad more interesting.

About words starting with U

Words starting with U are like hidden gems in the English language. Although not as frequent as their counterparts starting with vowels like A or E, they hold a significant place in our vocabulary. The letter U often introduces words that convey a sense of inclusiveness and unity, such as "universal." Additionally, U can transform the base of a word into something entirely new with prefixes like "un-" (meaning not) and "ultra-" (meaning beyond), adding layers of meaning and versatility.

The pronunciation of U can vary, adding to its linguistic charm. Consider the difference between “urgent” and “umbrella” – the former has a short, punchy sound, while the latter rolls off the tongue more smoothly. This variability makes U-words stand out and sometimes even feel more dramatic or impactful. For instance, "ubiquitous" is far more striking than "everywhere," don’t you think? Let’s delve deeper into some popular examples that highlight just how fun and functional U-words can be.

Popular word examples

Here are ten popular words starting with U, each bringing its own flair to the English language:


  • Definition: Fully in agreement.
  • Example in a Sentence: The committee's decision was unanimous.
  • Fun Fact: The word stems from the Latin "unus," meaning one, and "animus," meaning mind or spirit.


  • Definition: A device for protection against rain or sun.
  • Example in a Sentence: She forgot her umbrella and got soaked in the rain.
  • Fun Fact: The term comes from the Latin word "umbra," meaning shade or shadow.


  • Definition: Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
  • Example in a Sentence: His artwork is truly unique.
  • Fun Fact: Despite its definition, people often use "unique" with modifiers like "very" or "most," which is technically incorrect!


  • Definition: All existing matter and space considered as a whole.
  • Example in a Sentence: The universe is vast and full of mysteries.
  • Fun Fact: The term originates from the Latin "universus," combining "unus" (one) and "versus" (turned).


  • Definition: Complete; absolute.
  • Example in a Sentence: She felt utter joy at the news.
  • Fun Fact: It can also mean to speak or pronounce, making it a versatile word!


  • Definition: Being or happening at the end of a process; final.
  • Example in a Sentence: Winning the championship was their ultimate goal.
  • Fun Fact: Comes from the Latin word "ultimatus," meaning last.


  • Definition: Relating to a city or town.
  • Example in a Sentence: Urban areas are often bustling with activity.
  • Fun Fact: The term stems from the Latin word "urbanus," meaning pertaining to the city.


  • Definition: Make practical and effective use of.
  • Example in a Sentence: We need to utilize all available resources.
  • Fun Fact: Often debated, some purists prefer "use" over "utilize" for simplicity.


  • Definition: Regard someone or something as less capable or important than they really are.
  • Example in a Sentence: Don’t underestimate her abilities.
  • Fun Fact: Combines "under," indicating below, with "estimate," suggesting a lower valuation.


  • Definition: Remove a veil or covering from.
  • Example in a Sentence: They will unveil the new sculpture tomorrow.
  • Fun Fact: Can also metaphorically mean to reveal plans or secrets.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, here are some high-scoring words starting with U that could turn the tide in your favor:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Ubiquity 22 The state of being everywhere at once
Upholster 14 To provide furniture with coverings
Ulterior 8 Existing beyond what is obvious
Unworthy 17 Not deserving effort, attention, or respect
Utilize 16 Make practical use of
Unquench 20 To extinguish or put out

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle fans, these five-letter U-words can help you crack the daily puzzle:

Word Definition
Usher To show or guide someone somewhere
Ultra Going beyond what is usual or ordinary
Unify To make or become united or whole
Upper Situated above another part
Utter Complete; absolute

Unusual and rare word examples

Let’s explore some rarer U-words that add a dash of curiosity to our vocabulary:


  • Definition: To howl or wail as an expression of strong emotion.
  • Interesting Fact: Commonly associated with certain cultural mourning practices.
  • Example in a Sentence: The wolves began to ululate under the full moon.


  • Definition: Offense or annoyance.
  • Interesting Fact: Originates from the Latin "umbraticum," meaning shadow or shade.
  • Example in a Sentence: He took umbrage at her critical remarks.


  • Definition: Having or showing excessive fondness for one's wife.
  • Interesting Fact: Comes from the Latin "uxor," meaning wife.
  • Example in a Sentence: His uxorious behavior was the talk of the town.


  • Definition: Move with a smooth wavelike motion.
  • Interesting Fact: Derived from the Latin "undulatus," meaning waved.
  • Example in a Sentence: The fields of wheat undulate in the breeze.


  • Definition: To sting or provoke to a stinging sensation.
  • Interesting Fact: Related to the Latin "urtica," meaning nettle.
  • Example in a Sentence: The plant’s leaves urticate when touched.

Final words

And there you have it, a delightful dive into the distinctive world of words starting with U. Whether you’re a linguistic enthusiast, a Scrabble strategist, or a Wordle wizard, these U-words add a unique sparkle to our language. Happy word hunting!