Words Starting With N

Welcome to a nifty nook of the alphabet! Dive into a world where words like "nifty," "nimble," and "noteworthy" bring language to life. Whether you're a word nerd or just nosy, explore nouns, verbs, and adjectives that start with the letter N. Let's navigate this nuanced narrative together!

10 letter words

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  • navigation 14
  • nationwide 14
  • negotiable 13
  • negotiator 11
  • nutritious 10
  • negligence 14
  • nomination 12
  • neutralize 19
  • newscaster 15
  • noticeable 14
  • needlessly 14
  • negativity 17
  • nutcracker 18
  • negatively 17
  • naturalist 10
  • nightstand 15
  • narcissism 14
  • narcissist 12
  • neutrality 13
  • newsletter 13

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9 letter words

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  • necessary 14
  • newspaper 16
  • nightmare 15
  • naturally 12
  • neighbour 15
  • negotiate 10
  • nightclub 17
  • narrating 10
  • notorious 9
  • necessity 14
  • neglected 13
  • northeast 12
  • northwest 15
  • nominated 12
  • nervously 15
  • nightfall 16
  • nutrition 9
  • narrative 12
  • navigator 13
  • nighttime 15

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8 letter words

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  • national 8
  • nonsense 8
  • narrator 8
  • normally 13
  • negative 12
  • neighbor 14
  • nowadays 15
  • november 15
  • necklace 16
  • northern 11
  • nickname 16
  • notebook 14
  • napoleon 10
  • nuisance 10
  • numerous 10
  • nineteen 8
  • noticing 11
  • nauseous 8
  • notified 12
  • newcomer 15

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7 letter words

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  • nothing 11
  • neither 10
  • nervous 10
  • natural 7
  • noticed 10
  • nowhere 13
  • numbers 11
  • network 14
  • nuclear 9
  • naughty 14
  • nearest 7
  • nursing 8
  • needles 8
  • nursery 10
  • neutral 7
  • nagging 10
  • newborn 12
  • neglect 10
  • nutcase 9
  • nucleus 9

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6 letter words

View all
  • number 10
  • nobody 12
  • normal 8
  • needed 8
  • notice 8
  • nature 6
  • nearly 9
  • nation 6
  • nights 10
  • nephew 14
  • nearby 11
  • nerves 9
  • nicely 11
  • nigger 8
  • needle 7
  • native 9
  • nelson 6
  • narrow 9
  • norman 8
  • notion 6

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5 letter words

View all
  • never 8
  • night 9
  • needs 6
  • north 8
  • names 7
  • naked 10
  • noise 5
  • nurse 5
  • nasty 8
  • notes 5
  • novel 8
  • noble 7
  • nerve 8
  • nanny 8
  • niece 7
  • naive 8
  • nancy 10
  • nicky 14
  • nicer 7
  • noisy 8

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4 letter words

View all
  • need 5
  • name 6
  • nice 6
  • next 11
  • news 7
  • none 4
  • near 4
  • nine 4
  • nose 4
  • nuts 4
  • neck 10
  • nick 10
  • note 4
  • nope 6
  • nail 4
  • noon 4
  • navy 10
  • nest 4
  • nazi 13
  • neat 4

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3 letter words

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  • not 3
  • now 6
  • new 6
  • nor 3
  • non 3
  • nah 6
  • net 3
  • nut 3
  • nap 5
  • nam 5
  • nun 3
  • ned 4
  • nat 3
  • nan 3
  • nod 4
  • nay 6
  • nag 4
  • nil 3
  • nim 5
  • nip 5

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2 letter words

View all
  • no 2
  • na 2
  • ne 2
  • nu 2
  • ny 5

Find more words starting with N

In the vast, colorful tapestry of the English language, words starting with N stand out like shining stars. These nifty nuggets of vocabulary not only enchant us with their unique sounds but also add a dash of nuance and novelty to our everyday conversations. From the noble "narrative" to the nimble "nifty," these words wield the power to shape our communication in fascinating ways. Curious about the neighborly "nebulous" or the nocturnal "nocturne"? Stick around as we explore some intriguing examples that are sure to tickle your linguistic fancy!

About Words Starting with N

The letter 'N' is the 14th letter of the English alphabet, and its presence at the beginning of words brings a nasal quality to pronunciation. This sound is produced by airflow through the nose, which gives words starting with N a distinct auditory charm. Frequently appearing in both common and complex words, 'N' plays a crucial role in forming words that are vital to daily communication and specialized jargon alike. For example, consider the contrast between "nice" and "nuance" — one word is straightforward and simple, while the other hints at subtlety and complexity.

In many cases, the position of 'N' at the beginning of a word can influence its meaning profoundly. Take "naive" and "noble" — the former suggests innocence or simplicity, while the latter denotes a sense of grandeur or high moral character. The versatility of 'N' helps construct a rich variety of words that can describe everything from intricate emotions to straightforward actions. This versatility makes words starting with N indispensable in both casual conversation and formal discourse.

Popular Word Examples

Here are ten popular words starting with N that highlight their diversity and charm:


  • Definition: Pleasant, agreeable, or satisfactory.
  • Example in a Sentence: She had a nice time at the party last night.
  • Fun Fact: Originally, "nice" had negative connotations, meaning foolish or silly in Middle English.


  • Definition: Having high moral qualities or being of high rank or birth.
  • Example in a Sentence: His noble actions earned him widespread respect.
  • Fun Fact: The word "noble" comes from the Latin "nobilis," meaning well-known or notable.


  • Definition: Showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her naive questions amused her more experienced colleagues.
  • Fun Fact: "Naive" derives from the French word "naïf," which means natural or innocent.


  • Definition: A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.
  • Example in a Sentence: The narrative of the novel was both compelling and thought-provoking.
  • Fun Fact: "Narrative" comes from the Latin "narrare," which means to tell.


  • Definition: Quick and light in movement or action; agile.
  • Example in a Sentence: The dancer's nimble feet moved effortlessly across the stage.
  • Fun Fact: "Nimble" has roots in Old English, where it meant quick to seize or grasp.


  • Definition: A sentimental longing for the past.
  • Example in a Sentence: She felt a wave of nostalgia when she visited her old school.
  • Fun Fact: Originally, "nostalgia" referred to homesickness among soldiers in the 17th century.


  • Definition: Famous or well-known, typically for some bad quality or deed.
  • Example in a Sentence: The notorious criminal was finally captured by the police.
  • Fun Fact: "Notorious" comes from the Latin "notorius," meaning well-known or publicly known.


  • Definition: A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.
  • Example in a Sentence: The artist’s work captures every nuance of human emotion.
  • Fun Fact: "Nuance" is derived from the French word for shade or hue.


  • Definition: Care for and encourage the growth or development of.
  • Example in a Sentence: Parents should nurture their children's talents.
  • Fun Fact: The word "nurture" comes from the Latin "nutrire," which means to nourish.


  • Definition: In the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.
  • Example in a Sentence: His plans were still too nebulous to be implemented.
  • Fun Fact: "Nebulous" is derived from the Latin "nebulosus," meaning cloudy or foggy.

High-Scoring Scrabble Examples

For the Scrabble enthusiasts out there, here are some high-scoring words starting with N:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Nuzzle 24 To rub or push against gently with the nose.
Nebula 8 A cloud of gas and dust in outer space.
Nymph 13 A mythological spirit of nature.
Nitrox 13 A mixture of nitrogen and oxygen used in diving.
Nexus 12 A central or focal point.
Nix 10 To reject or cancel.
Napalm 10 A flammable liquid used in warfare.

Popular 5-Letter Words for Wordle

Wordle fans, take note! Here are some popular five-letter words starting with N:

Word Definition
Novel New and not resembling something formerly known.
Night The period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
Nifty Particularly good, skillful, or effective.
Noise A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant.
Never At no time in the past or future.
Niece A daughter of one's brother or sister.
Nudge To poke gently, especially to draw attention.

Unusual and Rare Word Examples

Dive into the whimsical world of unusual and rare words starting with N:


  • Definition: Wicked or criminal.
  • Interesting Fact: "Nefarious" comes from the Latin word "nefarius," meaning wicked or abominable.
  • Example in a Sentence: The villain's nefarious plans were thwarted by the hero.


  • Definition: The lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.
  • Interesting Fact: "Nadir" originates from Arabic, meaning opposite to the zenith.
  • Example in a Sentence: After losing his job, he felt he had reached the nadir of his career.


  • Definition: Extreme or irrational fear of the night or darkness.
  • Interesting Fact: "Nyctophobia" is derived from the Greek words "nyx" (night) and "phobos" (fear).
  • Example in a Sentence: Her nyctophobia prevented her from going out after dark.


  • Definition: The devising or choosing of names for things, especially in science.
  • Interesting Fact: "Nomenclature" comes from the Latin "nomenclatura," meaning calling by name.
  • Example in a Sentence: The nomenclature of chemical compounds can be quite complex.


  • Definition: A medicine, especially one that is not considered effective, prepared by an unqualified person.
  • Interesting Fact: "Nostrum" is Latin for "our," implying a remedy of one’s own making.
  • Example in a Sentence: The salesman claimed his nostrum could cure all ailments.


  • Definition: Having a pearly luster.
  • Interesting Fact: "Nacreous" is related to "nacre," also known as mother-of-pearl.
  • Example in a Sentence: The nacreous shell glittered under the sunlight.

Final Words

And there you have it — a nifty exploration of words that start with N! Whether you're playing Scrabble, tackling Wordle, or simply looking to enhance your vocabulary, these words offer an endless source of fascination and fun. So next time you come across a word starting with N, remember: there's always more nuance and novelty than meets the eye!