11-letter words containing X

Embark on an exploration of 11-letter words that contain the letter X. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate X within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

  • explanation 20
  • experienced 23
  • examination 20
  • exceptional 22
  • exaggerated 21
  • exclusively 26
  • exploration 20
  • expectation 22
  • executioner 20
  • exterminate 20
  • intoxicated 21
  • extravagant 22
  • flexibility 26
  • existential 18
  • extradition 19
  • crucifixion 25
  • unexplained 21
  • exceedingly 25
  • excessively 26
  • nonexistent 18
  • exclamation 22
  • transsexual 18
  • inexcusable 22
  • exponential 20
  • extensively 24
  • approximate 24
  • expenditure 21
  • paradoxical 23
  • inexpensive 23
  • extenuating 19
  • exasperated 21
  • explanatory 23
  • taxidermist 21
  • exquisitely 30
  • overexcited 24
  • exploratory 23
  • exoskeleton 22
  • coexistence 22
  • exhilarated 22
  • exclusivity 26
  • extractions 20
  • excellently 23
  • extrapolate 20
  • asphyxiated 27
  • exacerbated 23
  • preexisting 21
  • exfoliation 21
  • explosively 26
  • expensively 26
  • bisexuality 23
  • exfoliating 22
  • extroverted 22
  • expropriate 22
  • exemplified 26
  • exculpatory 25
  • exploitable 22
  • overexposed 24
  • luxuriously 21
  • unexpressed 21
  • exonerating 19
  • explication 22
  • extraditing 20
  • sexlessness 18
  • auxiliaries 18
  • exoneration 18
  • expeditious 21
  • extrication 20
  • externalize 27
  • obnoxiously 23
  • oxygenation 22
  • reflexology 25
  • anxiousness 18
  • anaphylaxis 26
  • excremental 22
  • explicating 23
  • exportation 20
  • saxophonist 23
  • inexistence 20
  • juxtaposing 28
  • antioxidant 19
  • amoxicillin 22
  • detoxifying 26
  • exhortation 21
  • explainable 22
  • expostulate 20
  • expressible 22
  • extirpation 20
  • myxomatosis 25
  • overanxious 21
  • oxygenating 23
  • prophylaxis 28
  • underexpose 21
  • anxiolytics 23
  • antianxiety 21
  • anthotaxies 21
  • antisexists 18
  • antihelixes 21
  • asphyxiants 26
  • asphyxiates 26
  • asphyxiator 26
  • arbitratrix 20
  • axerophthol 26
  • axiological 21
  • axiologists 19
  • axiomatical 22
  • axiomatised 21
  • axiomatises 20
  • axiomatized 30
  • axiomatizes 29
  • axisymmetry 28
  • axonometric 22
  • auxotrophic 25
  • autotoxemia 20
  • auxanometer 20
  • auxochromes 25
  • biconvexity 28
  • bobbysoxers 27
  • bisexualism 22
  • bissextiles 20
  • carboxylate 25
  • carboxylase 25
  • buxomnesses 22
  • chalcedonyx 29
  • cephalexins 25
  • cataplexies 22
  • chionodoxas 24
  • cloxacillin 22
  • coextension 20
  • coextensive 23
  • coextending 22
  • coexecutors 22
  • coexecutrix 29
  • ciphertexts 25
  • complexions 24
  • complexness 24
  • complexones 24
  • complexuses 24
  • commixtions 24
  • commixtures 24
  • consolatrix 20
  • contextless 20
  • contextural 20
  • contextures 20
  • connexional 20
  • alexandrine 19
  • alexandrite 19
  • aldohexoses 22
  • affixations 24
  • androsphinx 24
  • anaphylaxes 26
  • annexations 18
  • ambisexuals 22
  • ambidexters 23
  • amplexicaul 24
  • amphioxuses 25
  • amoxycillin 25
  • hyperoxides 27
  • monkeypoxes 29
  • maxidresses 21
  • exergamings 22
  • exfiltrated 22
  • exfiltrates 21
  • exhaustedly 25
  • exoticising 21
  • exoticizing 30
  • experiencer 22
  • extradurals 19
  • extravertly 24
  • extrovertly 24
  • dorsiflexed 23
  • dorsiflexes 22
  • haemotoxins 23
  • flexicurity 26
  • pretextings 21
  • sextuplying 24
  • sextariuses 18
  • reoxygenate 22
  • relaxatives 21
  • planoconvex 25
  • orthorexias 21
  • pixellating 21
  • pixellation 20
  • pixillating 21
  • oxaloacetic 22
  • chessboxing 26
  • ciguatoxins 21
  • autosexings 19
  • alexithymia 26
  • antivaxxers 28
  • antisexuals 18
  • carborexics 24
  • beatboxings 23
  • ubersexuals 20
  • xeriscaping 23
  • sulphoxides 24
  • nontaxables 20
  • ceftriaxone 23
  • exaptations 20
  • exceedances 23
  • exceedences 23
  • astaxanthin 21
  • omnisexuals 20
  • raloxifenes 21
  • retexturize 27
  • unexpecteds 23
  • zeaxanthins 30
  • unexcitedly 24
  • textualized 28
  • textualizes 27
  • cyclohexane 28
  • deoxidating 21
  • deoxidation 20
  • deoxidisers 20
  • deoxidising 21
  • deoxidizers 29
  • deoxidizing 30
  • deoxygenate 23
  • deoxygenise 23
  • deoxygenize 32
  • deoxyribose 24
  • deflexional 22
  • dexterities 19
  • dexterously 22
  • dextranases 19
  • dextrorsely 22
  • dexiotropic 23
  • dictatrixes 21
  • desexualise 19
  • desexualize 28
  • detoxicants 21
  • detoxicated 22
  • detoxicates 21
  • disclimaxes 23
  • dioxonitric 21
  • directrixes 21
  • disannexing 20
  • earthflaxes 24
  • echopraxias 25
  • doxographer 25
  • doxographic 27
  • doxological 22
  • doxorubicin 23
  • doxycycline 29
  • duplexities 21
  • endomixises 21
  • epitaxially 23
  • epistaxises 20
  • epizeuxises 29
  • epoxidation 21
  • epoxidising 22
  • epoxidizing 31
  • enterotoxin 18
  • exacerbates 22
  • exanimation 20
  • exanthemata 23
  • exasperater 20
  • exasperates 20
  • exasperator 20
  • excarnating 21
  • excarnation 20
  • examinators 20
  • exactitudes 21
  • exactnesses 20
  • exactresses 20
  • exaggerates 20
  • exaggerator 20
  • exaltations 18
  • exaltedness 19
  • excavations 23
  • executaries 20
  • exenterated 19
  • exenterates 18
  • exercisable 22
  • exfoliative 24
  • exfoliators 21
  • exhalations 21
  • exemplifies 25
  • exemplifier 25
  • executively 26
  • executorial 20
  • executrices 22
  • executrixes 27
  • exemplarily 25
  • exemplarity 25
  • exhaustible 23
  • exhaustions 21
  • exhaustless 21
  • exhumations 23
  • exocuticles 22
  • exocytosing 24
  • exodermises 21
  • exodontists 19
  • exogenously 22
  • exhortatory 24
  • exhortative 24
  • exheredated 23
  • exheredates 22
  • exhibitions 23
  • exhilarants 21
  • exhilarates 21
  • exhilarator 21
  • executables 22
  • excitedness 21
  • excitements 22
  • exclamative 25
  • exclamatory 25
  • exclusivism 25
  • exclusivist 23
  • excitations 20
  • excitancies 22
  • excellences 22
  • excerptible 24
  • excerptings 23
  • excerptions 22
  • exchequered 33
  • excogitable 23
  • excogitated 22
  • excretories 20
  • excruciated 23
  • excruciates 22
  • exculpating 23
  • exculpation 22
  • excursioned 21
  • excursively 26
  • excrescency 27
  • excrescence 24
  • excogitates 21
  • excogitator 21
  • excommunion 24
  • excoriating 21
  • excoriation 20
  • excorticate 22
  • excrementum 24
  • execrations 20
  • fellatrixes 21
  • fauxbourdon 24
  • expertizing 30
  • explicative 25
  • explicators 22
  • explicatory 25
  • exploitages 21
  • explorative 23
  • expletively 26
  • expirations 20
  • expiscating 23
  • expiscation 22
  • expiscatory 25
  • explanative 23
  • expressways 26
  • exprobrated 23
  • exprobrates 22
  • expromissor 22
  • expugnation 21
  • expunctions 22
  • expurgating 22
  • expressures 20
  • expressness 20
  • exposedness 21
  • expositions 20
  • expositress 20
  • expressages 21
  • expressions 20
  • expurgation 21
  • expertising 21
  • exonerative 21
  • exotericism 22
  • expansional 20
  • expansively 26
  • expansivity 26
  • expatiating 21
  • expatiation 20
  • expatiative 23
  • expatiators 20
  • exoskeletal 22
  • exonerators 18
  • exonuclease 20
  • exoparasite 20
  • exorability 23
  • exorbitance 22
  • exorbitancy 25
  • exorbitated 21
  • exorbitates 20
  • expatiatory 23
  • expatriated 21
  • expatriates 20
  • expeditates 21
  • expeditions 21
  • expendables 23
  • experiences 22
  • expeditated 22
  • expediently 24
  • expectances 24
  • expectantly 25
  • expectative 25
  • expectingly 26
  • expectorant 22
  • expectorate 22
  • expediences 23
  • experiments 22
  • extollingly 22
  • extralities 18
  • extraposing 21
  • extravagate 22
  • extravasate 21
  • extraverted 22
  • extremeness 20
  • extrafloral 21
  • extorsively 24
  • extortioner 18
  • extractable 22
  • extractants 20
  • extractible 22
  • extractives 23
  • extremities 20
  • extricating 21
  • exuviations 21
  • exurbanites 20
  • exultations 18
  • extrinsical 20
  • exuberances 22
  • exuberantly 23
  • exuberating 21
  • exulcerated 21
  • exulcerates 20
  • exultancies 20
  • extirpatory 23
  • expurgators 21
  • exsufflated 25
  • exsufflates 24
  • extemporary 25
  • extemporise 22
  • extemporize 31
  • extensional 18
  • extensities 18
  • exstrophies 23
  • exstipulate 20
  • expurgatory 24
  • exsanguined 20
  • exsiccating 23
  • exsiccation 22
  • exsiccative 25
  • exsiccators 22
  • exsolutions 18
  • extenuation 18
  • extenuative 21
  • externality 21
  • externships 23
  • extinctions 20
  • extinctures 20
  • extirpating 21
  • extirpative 23
  • externalist 18
  • externalism 20
  • extenuators 18
  • extenuatory 21
  • exteriorise 18
  • exteriority 21
  • exteriorize 27
  • extermining 21
  • externalise 18
  • extirpators 20
  • flexography 30
  • flexitarian 21
  • flexionless 21
  • flexecutive 26
  • fixednesses 22
  • fixtureless 21
  • fluxionists 21
  • fluvoxamine 26
  • fluxionally 24
  • fluoxetines 21
  • ferredoxins 22
  • fraxinellas 21
  • foxhuntings 25
  • foxtrotting 22
  • fucoxanthin 26
  • fricandeaux 24
  • convexities 23
  • coxcombical 28
  • coxcombries 26
  • coxswaining 24
  • moxibustion 22
  • mixednesses 21
  • mixologists 21
  • mixotrophic 27
  • monohydroxy 30
  • naltrexones 18
  • myxoviruses 26
  • myxomatoses 25
  • myxomycetes 30
  • nasopharynx 26
  • multiplexed 23
  • multiplexer 22
  • multiplexes 22
  • multiplexor 22
  • nephrotoxic 25
  • negotiatrix 19
  • neoorthodox 22
  • neocortexes 20
  • neurotoxins 18

More 11 letter words