11-letter words ending with A
Dive into the specific realm of 11-letter words that conclude with the letter A. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with A, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.
- hypothermia 24
- abracadabra 18
- memorabilia 17
- anaesthesia 14
- bodhisattva 20
- perestroika 17
- necrophilia 18
- melancholia 18
- synesthesia 17
- tachycardia 22
- agoraphobia 19
- haemophilia 21
- nymphomania 23
- megalomania 16
- psychedelia 22
- christiania 16
- spermatozoa 24
- hydrophobia 25
- photophobia 23
- impedimenta 18
- kleptomania 19
- paedophilia 19
- psychodrama 24
- septicaemia 17
- dysrhythmia 26
- hyperplasia 21
- antonomasia 13
- appressoria 15
- antimalaria 13
- astraphobia 18
- assafoetida 15
- astrophobia 18
- astrocytoma 18
- archesporia 18
- arctophilia 18
- bacteraemia 17
- bacteriuria 15
- baresthesia 16
- automobilia 15
- bacchanalia 20
- azoospermia 24
- bacillaemia 17
- autotoxemia 20
- bibliomania 17
- bibliotheca 20
- bathophobia 23
- blennorrhea 16
- bimillennia 15
- bradycardia 20
- carcinomata 17
- calceamenta 17
- calceolaria 15
- cenesthesia 16
- cephalalgia 19
- carpentaria 15
- chondromata 19
- choreodrama 19
- chuckawalla 25
- cicatricula 17
- chrysocolla 21
- chaulmoogra 19
- chiliahedra 20
- chimichanga 24
- coenenchyma 23
- cladosporia 16
- cleptomania 17
- collectanea 15
- coleorrhiza 25
- collenchyma 23
- condylomata 19
- conjunctiva 25
- albuminuria 15
- allocheiria 16
- androclinia 14
- aniseikonia 15
- anemophobia 20
- anglophilia 17
- anglophobia 19
- anacoluthia 16
- amenorrhoea 16
- amphitricha 23
- amphithecia 23
- amphisbaena 20
- acronymania 18
- acetonaemia 15
- acidanthera 17
- hypnophobia 26
- hybridomata 22
- epirrhemata 18
- encheiridia 17
- haemophobia 23
- folktronica 20
- rhinophonia 19
- rhododendra 17
- perispomena 17
- deinotheria 15
- alexithymia 26
- transphobia 18
- heterokarya 21
- cladophylla 22
- chikungunya 24
- phytoplasma 23
- definientia 15
- cyclopaedia 21
- cycloplegia 21
- cyclothymia 26
- demonomania 16
- differentia 18
- diencephala 19
- dolphinaria 17
- diverticula 17
- dodecahedra 19
- dyssynergia 19
- dyspareunia 17
- dyscalculia 19
- dromophobia 21
- empyreumata 20
- emetophobia 20
- encephaloma 20
- enchondroma 19
- electronica 15
- ejectamenta 22
- epicheirema 20
- epencephala 20
- epithalamia 18
- epithelioma 18
- entomofauna 16
- entoplastra 13
- exanthemata 23
- erythropsia 19
- erythraemia 19
- erotophobia 18
- etheromania 16
- etymologica 19
- fashionista 17
- francomania 18
- fritillaria 14
- fothergilla 18
- counterplea 15
- contrayerva 19
- coprophilia 20
- cryptomeria 20
- cyberphobia 25
- crassamenta 15
- necrophobia 20
- mycodomatia 21
- negrophobia 19
- neutropenia 13
- nyctophobia 23
- ochlophobia 23
- orthodontia 15
- oneirodynia 15
- orchestrina 16
- opisthosoma 18
- pachysandra 22
- pachydermia 24
- paludamenta 16
- paronomasia 15
- paresthesia 16
- paraphraxia 25
- paraphrenia 18
- parataniwha 19
- pathophobia 23
- passacaglia 16
- pasteurella 13
- pantophobia 20
- papillomata 17
- panesthesia 16
- paranthelia 16
- paragraphia 19
- paragenesia 14
- perinephria 18
- perionychia 21
- periodontia 14
- periselenia 13
- perichaetia 18
- pericynthia 21
- philodendra 18
- phantasmata 18
- phonophobia 23
- phagophobia 24
- petalomania 15
- plasmalemma 19
- plasmodesma 18
- pleiochasia 18
- plerophoria 18
- pleurodynia 17
- phyllomania 21
- pinacotheca 20
- postliminia 15
- metasequoia 22
- menorrhagia 17
- mesogastria 14
- miscellanea 15
- pseudopodia 17
- psychodelia 22
- pyritohedra 20
- prothalamia 18
- proteinuria 13
- protonemata 15
- prosenchyma 23
- prosopopeia 17
- pseudologia 15
- quadriennia 21
- pyrrhuloxia 26
- quinquennia 29
- receptacula 17
- rejoneadora 19
- retrophilia 16
- retinospora 13
- retinispora 13
- rhabdomyoma 24
- rhinorrhoea 17
- rhombohedra 22
- rhizoctonia 25
- scleroderma 16
- scopophilia 20
- scopophobia 22
- scolopendra 16
- saltimbocca 19
- saintpaulia 13
- sansevieria 14
- sanguinaria 12
- saprolegnia 14
- selaginella 12
- scyphistoma 23
- sideropenia 14
- sialorrhoea 14
- sinfonietta 14
- sitiophobia 18
- somesthesia 16
- somatotonia 13
- sporangiola 14
- spanakopita 19
- spanokopita 19
- spermagonia 16
- spermatheca 20
- spermogonia 16
- stomatodaea 14
- stereotaxia 18
- steatopygia 17
- steatorrhea 14
- stenocardia 14
- progymnasia 19
- prolegomena 16
- halleflinta 17
- haemangioma 19
- haematomata 18
- haemostasia 16
- gubernacula 16
- hemianopsia 18
- heterotaxia 21
- heterotopia 16
- hemeralopia 18
- hebephrenia 21
- hibernacula 18
- hierophobia 21
- hypocorisma 23
- hypnopaedia 22
- hypogastria 20
- hypoplastra 21
- hypokalemia 25
- hyperphagia 25
- hypermnesia 21
- hyperorexia 26
- hypersomnia 21
- hypesthesia 22
- hyperthymia 27
- idioglossia 13
- hyposthenia 22
- hypsophobia 26
- hydromedusa 21
- hydrargyria 22
- hypercapnia 23
- hypercarbia 23
- hydroxyurea 28
- hydrosomata 20
- hymenoptera 21
- incarvillea 16
- infundibula 17
- interlingua 12
- isometropia 15
- involucella 16
- ipecacuanha 20
- kotahitanga 19
- kinesthesia 18
- kitchenalia 20
- lalapalooza 22
- kawanatanga 19
- leukoplakia 21
- leucoplakia 19
- leucorrhoea 16
- leucodermia 16
- leiomyomata 18
- lepidoptera 16
- lymphopenia 23
- maceranduba 18
- liriodendra 13
- logagraphia 18
- mammillaria 17
- malonylurea 16
- maquiladora 23
- mangalsutra 14
- mantelletta 13
- gentianella 12
- granulomata 14
- graphomania 19
- grandiflora 16
- glyptotheca 22
- globigerina 15
- glossodynia 16
- glossolalia 12
- syphilomata 21
- taphephobia 23
- taphophobia 23
- taratantara 11
- tachyphasia 24
- suspensoria 13
- synclinoria 16
- terebratula 13
- tetraplegia 14
- thalassemia 16
- tetrahymena 19
- technomania 18
- telesthesia 14
- subopercula 17
- subschemata 20
- subumbrella 17
- superstrata 13
- supernacula 15
- typographia 22
- tuberculoma 17
- tufftaffeta 23
- tulipomania 15
- understrata 12
- unguentaria 12
- utricularia 13
- verumontana 16
- welwitschia 22
- timbromania 17
- tibiofibula 18
- treponemata 15
- trichinella 16
- toxicomania 22
- xenoglossia 19
- xiphisterna 23
- xerostomata 20