11-letter words containing F

Embark on an exploration of 11-letter words that contain the letter F. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate F within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

information 16
comfortable 20
grandfather 19
performance 20
transferred 15
differently 21
forgiveness 18
fascinating 17
magnificent 19
certificate 18
unfortunate 14
fortunately 17
significant 17
frightening 19
beautifully 19
fundamental 17
transformed 17
enforcement 18
battlefield 17
butterflies 16
furthermore 19
affirmative 22
frustration 14
influential 14
trafficking 24
confiscated 19
frustrating 15
interfering 15
suffocating 20
counterfeit 16
superficial 18
foolishness 17
comfortably 23
fashionable 19
fingerprint 17
manufacture 18
effectively 25
financially 19
functioning 17
wonderfully 21
indifferent 18
bulletproof 18
formalities 16
confinement 18
fascination 16
malfunction 18
defenseless 15
disgraceful 18
unification 16
identifying 19
blindfolded 19
firefighter 21
beneficiary 21
resourceful 16
selfishness 17
godforsaken 20
overflowing 21
flexibility 26
infiltrated 15
forthcoming 22
suspenseful 16
sacrificial 18
shoplifting 20
transfusion 14
confederate 17
crucifixion 25
unfulfilled 18
transformer 16
cauliflower 19
fulfillment 19
fluorescent 16
suffocation 19
fantasizing 24
refreshment 19
reformatory 19
conflicting 19
ineffective 22
efficiently 22
familiarity 19
firecracker 22
unforgiving 19
antifascist 16
bullfighter 20
inferiority 17
fornication 16
scaffolding 21
influencing 17
defenceless 17
dysfunction 20
electrified 17
infatuation 14
affirmation 19
flourishing 18
safekeeping 21
superfluous 16
foreclosure 16
infestation 14
infuriating 15
informative 19
fabrication 18
intensified 15
camouflaged 20
confidently 20
inefficient 19
foreseeable 16
irrefutable 16
unconfirmed 19
unsatisfied 15
affiliation 17
flirtatious 14
frantically 19
personified 17
confederacy 22
frightfully 24
deformation 17
unqualified 24
distasteful 15
fluctuating 17
furnishings 18
fashionably 22
reformation 16
justifiable 23
undignified 17
referencing 17
regretfully 18
infertility 17
efficacious 21
fluctuation 16
unfavorable 19
certifiable 18
coffeehouse 22
facilitated 17
reconfigure 17
forgettable 17
prefectural 18
familiarize 25
ferociously 19
ineffectual 19
unjustified 22
diversified 19
forecasting 17
inoffensive 20
friendliest 15
fornicating 17
proficiency 23
distrustful 15
fantastical 16
facilitator 16
formulation 16
centrifugal 17
dumbfounded 21
rastafarian 14
handcrafted 21
windsurfing 19
defensively 21
forevermore 19
neckerchief 25
refrigerate 15
infomercial 18
inflammable 20
malfeasance 18
suffragette 18
antifascism 18
disaffected 21
familiarise 16
freelancing 17
frostbitten 16
playfulness 19
pocketknife 26
infanticide 17
confounding 18
affectation 19
fabricating 19
foreclosing 17
offensively 23
softhearted 18
spendthrift 20
standoffish 21
interoffice 19
justifiably 26
disfiguring 17
fertilizing 24
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simplifying 22
steadfastly 18
infiltrator 14
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freeloading 16
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officiating 20
pontificate 18
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coefficient 21
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feasibility 19
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hundredfold 20
indefinable 17
unspecified 19
francophone 21
functionary 19
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forethought 21
formulating 17
crestfallen 16
proliferate 16
teaspoonful 16
certifiably 21
disfunction 17
exemplified 26
favouritism 19
fragmentary 20
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resurfacing 17
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specificity 23
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masterfully 19
furtherance 19
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wakefulness 21
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biofeedback 25
classifying 20
difficultly 23
distressful 15
fantabulous 16
fortnightly 21
reproachful 21
reshuffling 21
safecracker 22
solidifying 19
sorrowfully 20
proofreader 17
informality 19
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undefinable 17
unfailingly 18
beneficence 20
battlefront 16
afterburner 16
deferential 15
defloration 15
effectuated 20
enforceable 18
fanatically 19
featureless 14
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fetishistic 19
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frivolously 20
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nonspecific 20
officialdom 22
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reformulate 16
reflexology 25
hereinafter 17
imperfectly 23
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unselfishly 20
aftermarket 20
deafeningly 19
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detoxifying 26
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aquafortist 23
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antifogging 17
antiforeign 15
antifouling 15
assafetidas 15
assafoetida 15
arefactions 16
artifactual 16
asafoetidas 15
asbestiform 18
artefactual 16
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barefacedly 22
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autografted 16
authorcraft 19
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babyproofed 24
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benefactory 21
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benefitting 17
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benefacting 19
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bellfounder 17
bellfoundry 20
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befriending 18
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buffleheads 23
bufotenines 16
bulbiferous 18
bronzifying 29
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brownfields 20
butterflyer 19
butterflied 17
bumfreezers 27
bumfuzzling 37
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bullmastiff 21
bountifully 19
briefnesses 16
brickfields 23
brimfulness 18
breadfruits 17
breadstuffs 20
branfulness 16
breakfasted 21
breakfaster 20
breakfronts 20
breastfeeds 17
carfuffling 23
carefullest 16
carefulness 16
calcifugous 19
calciferous 18
calciferols 18
calcariform 20
calefacient 18
californium 18
calefaction 18
calefactive 21
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calefactory 21
cafetoriums 18
caffeinated 20
caffeinisms 21
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campaniform 22
camoufleurs 18
calorifiers 16
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camouflagic 21
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centrifuged 18
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celliferous 16
chaffinches 27
cerebriform 20
carnificial 18
catafalques 25
catafalcoes 18
chondrified 21
chondrifies 20
chloroforms 21
chyliferous 22
chymiferous 24
chaudfroids 21
chauffeured 23
chauffeused 23
chauffeuses 22
cheerfuller 19
changefully 23
chieftaincy 24
chieftainry 22
chiffchaffs 33
chiffonades 23
chiffoniers 22
chiffonnier 22
chifforobes 24
cheliferous 19
cockchafers 27
cocciferous 20
cockneyfied 26
codefendant 18
cockneyfies 25
cocknifying 26
cloverleafs 19
coinfecting 19
coinferring 17
cofavorites 19
cofeaturing 17
coffeemaker 25
cofinancing 19
cofunctions 18
circumfuses 20
circumfused 21
cinquefoils 25
circumflect 22
clingfishes 20
cliffhanger 23
closefisted 17
clofibrates 18
clanjamfray 28
classifiers 16
colourfully 19
commodified 22
commodifies 21
colubriform 20

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