Words Starting With ON

Get ready to dive into the exciting world of words that start with "ON"! From the obvious to the obscure, this page will uncover a lively assortment of terms that kick off with those two letters. Whether you're here for curiosity or vocabulary expansion, you're in for an on-point adventure!

2 letter words

on 2

3 letter words

one 3
ono 3
ons 3
ony 6

4 letter words

View all
only 7
once 6
onto 4
onyx 14
onus 4
oner 4
ones 4
onie 4
onos 4
onst 4

5 letter words

View all
onion 5
onset 5
oncer 7
onces 7
oncet 7
oncus 7
onely 8
oners 5
onery 8
onium 7
onkus 9
onlay 8
onned 6
ontic 7

6 letter words

View all
online 6
onions 6
onward 10
ondine 7
onside 7
onager 7
onagri 7
onbeat 8
oncers 8
oncome 10
oncost 8
onding 8
onesie 6
oneyer 9
oneyre 9
onfall 9
onflow 12
oniony 9
oniric 8
oniums 8
onlays 9

7 letter words

View all
oneself 10
onstage 8
onwards 11
ongoing 9
oneness 7
onerous 7
onshore 10
onetime 9
onanist 7
oneiric 9
onagers 8
onanism 9
onbeats 9
onboard 10
oncogen 10
oncomes 11
oncosts 9
ondatra 8
ondines 8
ondings 9
onefold 11

8 letter words

View all
oncoming 13
onscreen 10
oncology 14
onlooker 12
ontology 12
onanisms 10
onanists 8
onboards 11
oncidium 13
oncogene 11
oncogens 11
oncomice 14
oncotomy 15
ondatras 9
ondogram 12
oneriest 8
ongaonga 10
ongoings 10
onionier 8
onioning 9
oniscoid 11

9 letter words

View all
onslaught 13
onrushing 13
onanistic 11
onboarded 13
oncidiums 14
oncogenes 12
oncogenic 14
oncologic 14
oncolyses 14
oncolysis 14
oncolytic 16
oncometer 13
oncomings 14
oncomouse 13
oncostman 13
oncostmen 13
oncovirus 14
ondograms 13
ondograph 16
onenesses 9
onerously 12

10 letter words

View all
oncologist 13
onboarding 14
oncogenous 13
oncologies 13
oncolytics 17
oncometers 14
oncotomies 14
ondographs 17
oneirology 14
onionskins 14
onocentaur 12
onomastics 14
onsettings 11
onshorings 14
onslaughts 14
ontogenies 11
ontologies 11
ontologist 11

Find more words starting with O

Welcome to the quirky corner of the English language, where words starting with the letters "ON" take center stage! These two characters together form a unique gateway into a world of sounds and meanings that can be as surprising as they are delightful. Their presence at the beginning of words can influence pronunciation in unexpected ways and imbue words with a sense of heaviness or balance depending on the subsequent letters. Get ready to explore this linguistic treasure trove, full of intriguing terms that range from the everyday to the extravagantly esoteric.

About words starting with ON

In the grand tapestry of the English language, words beginning with "ON" hold a special place. While not overly abundant, these words often carry significant meaning, serving pivotal roles in sentences. The "ON" prefix can denote positions, conditions, or even continuity, making it a versatile tool for word formation. For instance, "ongoing" immediately conveys the sense of something that continues over time, while "onset" describes the start of something, often with an aura of suddenness. The sounds generated by "ON" can also lend a certain weightiness to words, making them feel grounded and impactful.

Pronouncing words that start with "ON" can sometimes be a delightful challenge due to their phonetic structure. The combination of 'O' and 'N' often produces a nasal sound that is both strong and smooth, like the word "online," which rolls off the tongue with ease. This distinct sound contributes to the memorability and usefulness of these words in everyday communication. The influence of such a simple combination on language and meaning is a testament to the richness and adaptability of English, providing us with tools that are both functional and fun.

Popular word examples

The world of words starting with "ON" offers a delightful array of popular terms that spice up our language. Here are ten notable examples:


  • Definition: The beginning or early stages of something.
  • Example in a Sentence: The storm’s onset was marked by a sudden drop in temperature.
  • Fun Fact: The word "onset" originally referred to a military attack back in the 16th century.


  • Definition: Moving forward or continuing a journey.
  • Example in a Sentence: We must move onward despite the challenges we face.
  • Fun Fact: "Onward" has been used in motivational speeches to inspire perseverance.


  • Definition: Connected to, served by, or available through a system, especially the internet.
  • Example in a Sentence: Shopping online has become incredibly popular in recent years.
  • Fun Fact: The term "online" became common in the late 20th century with the rise of the internet.


  • Definition: A person who observes but does not participate.
  • Example in a Sentence: The onlookers watched as the parade passed through the street.
  • Fun Fact: "Onlooker" can also imply someone who is watching with curiosity or interest.


  • Definition: A burden or responsibility.
  • Example in a Sentence: The onus of completing the project fell on her shoulders.
  • Fun Fact: Derived from Latin, "onus" has been used in legal contexts to signify the burden of proof.


  • Definition: The branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.
  • Example in a Sentence: His studies in ontology led him to question the existence of reality.
  • Fun Fact: Ontology is a fundamental aspect of philosophical inquiry.


  • Definition: A semiprecious stone with bands of different colors.
  • Example in a Sentence: The ring was adorned with a striking black onyx.
  • Fun Fact: Onyx has been used in jewelry and carvings since ancient times.


  • Definition: On or in a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.
  • Example in a Sentence: All passengers are requested to remain onboard until further notice.
  • Fun Fact: "Onboard" can also figuratively refer to getting someone to join or agree with a plan.


  • Definition: On the stage of a theater or other performance venue.
  • Example in a Sentence: She felt a rush of excitement when she stepped onstage.
  • Fun Fact: "Onstage" moments can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking for performers.


  • Definition: A fierce or destructive attack.
  • Example in a Sentence: The city was unprepared for the onslaught of the storm.
  • Fun Fact: "Onslaught" comes from a Middle Dutch word meaning "to strike."

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with "ON" can be a real game-changer. Here are some high-scoring examples:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Onyx 14 A semiprecious stone with bands of different colors.
Oncoming 13 Approaching; moving towards you.
Onshore 10 Situated or occurring on land.
Onstage 9 On the stage of a theater or other performance venue.
Onbound 9 Moving or traveling in a specified direction.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

For those hooked on Wordle, here are some five-letter words starting with "ON" that might just be the key to your next victory:

Word Definition
Onset The beginning or early stages of something.
Onlay A dental restoration that covers one or more cusps of a tooth.
Onion A bulbous plant cultivated for its edible bulb.
Oncer Something that happens once.
Onlap The process of one geological layer overlapping another.

Unusual and rare word examples

Dive into the lesser-known depths of words starting with "ON" with these unusual and rare finds:


  • Definition: The habit of biting one's nails.
  • Interesting Fact: Derived from Greek, where "onycho" means nail and "phagia" means eating.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her onychophagia often left her nails looking ragged.


  • Definition: The study of the history and origin of proper names.
  • Interesting Fact: Onomastics can reveal fascinating insights into cultural and linguistic histories.
  • Example in a Sentence: His interest in onomastics led him to research his family name's origins.


  • Definition: The development or course of development, especially of an individual organism.
  • Interesting Fact: Ontogeny is a key concept in biology, illustrating how organisms develop from conception to adulthood.
  • Example in a Sentence: The scientist studied the ontogeny of the butterfly from larva to adult.


  • Definition: An archaic term for an onomatopoeic word (a word that phonetically imitates a sound).
  • Interesting Fact: While "onomatope" itself is rare, onomatopoeia is a common literary device.
  • Example in a Sentence: The word "buzz" is a classic onomatope describing a bee's sound.


  • Definition: A dialectal variant of "only."
  • Interesting Fact: Though "onliest" is rare, it's still used in some regional dialects.
  • Example in a Sentence: He was the onliest one who knew the secret.

Final words

Exploring words that begin with "ON" uncovers a world of linguistic charm, from the everyday to the exotic. Whether you're a lover of language, a gamer seeking an edge, or just curious about the quirkier side of English, these words offer a delightful journey through the nuances of sound and meaning. So keep your eyes—and ears—open for the "ON" words that might just inspire your next conversation or creative endeavor!