9-letter words starting with L

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter L. This section showcases how L at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with L, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

  • listening 10
  • literally 12
  • lightning 14
  • lifestyle 15
  • landscape 14
  • legendary 14
  • liberated 12
  • leftovers 15
  • liability 14
  • lunchtime 16
  • librarian 11
  • launching 15
  • luxurious 16
  • livestock 18
  • lucrative 14
  • lecturing 12
  • limousine 11
  • ludicrous 12
  • labyrinth 17
  • landslide 11
  • logically 15
  • lifeguard 14
  • lubricant 13
  • limitless 11
  • lingering 11
  • limestone 11
  • longevity 16
  • locksmith 20
  • logistics 12
  • lifesaver 15
  • libraries 11
  • limelight 15
  • letterman 11
  • loveliest 12
  • liquidate 19
  • longitude 11
  • leviathan 15
  • loudmouth 15
  • loathsome 14
  • leisurely 12
  • leukaemia 15
  • landowner 13
  • lawnmower 17
  • lethargic 15
  • loneliest 9
  • liberator 11
  • laughable 15
  • lecherous 14
  • lightness 13
  • liquorice 20
  • libertine 11
  • loincloth 14
  • lazybones 23
  • localized 21
  • legalized 20
  • lifeblood 15
  • laborious 11
  • lettering 10
  • licensing 12
  • liquidity 22
  • lightbulb 17
  • lacerated 12
  • liquefied 22
  • loosening 10
  • lamenting 12
  • landshark 17
  • laminated 12
  • lamplight 17
  • litigator 10
  • liberally 14
  • lubricate 13
  • lumbering 14
  • lidocaine 12
  • lymphatic 21
  • lakeshore 16
  • lampshade 17
  • lorazepam 22
  • laundress 10
  • labelling 12
  • levitated 13
  • lunchroom 16
  • longboard 13
  • longingly 14
  • lyrically 17
  • longhouse 13
  • labouring 12
  • laterally 12
  • litterbug 12
  • legislate 10
  • lactating 12
  • localizer 20
  • lowercase 14
  • lotteries 9
  • logorrhea 13
  • lambasted 14
  • lamington 12
  • logarithm 15
  • leastways 15
  • likeliest 13
  • litigious 10
  • luxuriate 16
  • liveliest 12
  • luxuriant 16
  • lamebrain 13
  • laryngeal 13
  • libidinal 12
  • latecomer 13
  • localised 12
  • laughably 18
  • lessening 10
  • liquified 22
  • looseness 9
  • lachrymal 19
  • lactation 11
  • lodestone 10
  • lakefront 16
  • lambswool 16
  • longshore 13
  • lumberman 15
  • lightsome 15
  • lobectomy 18
  • layperson 14
  • levelling 13
  • legalised 11
  • legionary 13
  • leniently 12
  • lethality 15
  • luminesce 13
  • lowliness 12
  • librettos 11
  • languidly 14
  • largeness 10
  • libellous 11
  • limitedly 15
  • loadstone 10
  • locomotor 13
  • launchpad 17
  • lavaliere 12
  • labdacism 16
  • labdanums 14
  • labellate 11
  • labellist 11
  • labelloid 12
  • labelmate 13
  • labialise 11
  • labialism 13
  • labiality 14
  • labialize 20
  • laborists 11
  • laborites 11
  • laborsome 13
  • labourism 13
  • labourist 11
  • labourite 11
  • labradors 12
  • labruscas 13
  • laburnums 13
  • laccolite 13
  • lacemaker 17
  • lacerable 13
  • lacertids 12
  • lacertine 11
  • lacewings 15
  • lacewoods 15
  • laceworks 18
  • laciniate 11
  • lackering 16
  • lacklands 16
  • laconical 13
  • laconisms 13
  • lacquered 21
  • lacquerer 20
  • lacqueyed 24
  • lacrimals 13
  • lacrimary 16
  • lacrimoso 13
  • lacrosses 11
  • lacrymals 16
  • lactarian 11
  • lacteally 14
  • lactitols 11
  • ladybirds 16
  • ladyflies 16
  • ladyfying 20
  • ladyhoods 17
  • ladyships 18
  • laetriles 9
  • laevigate 13
  • laevulins 12
  • laevulose 12
  • laggardly 15
  • laggingly 15
  • lagnappes 14
  • lagniappe 14
  • lagomorph 17
  • lagrimoso 12
  • laicising 12
  • laicities 11
  • laicizing 21
  • laidliest 10
  • lairdlier 10
  • lairising 10
  • lairizing 19
  • laitances 11
  • lakefills 16
  • lakeheads 17
  • lakelands 14
  • lakeports 15
  • lakesides 14
  • lakewards 17
  • lallation 9
  • lallygags 14
  • lamaistic 13
  • lamantins 11
  • lamaserai 11
  • lambastes 13
  • lambently 16
  • lambitive 16
  • lambkills 17
  • lamblings 14
  • lambrusco 15
  • lambskins 17
  • lamellate 11
  • lamelloid 12
  • lamellose 11
  • lamenters 11
  • laminable 13
  • lytically 17
  • lampooned 14
  • lampshell 16
  • lampstand 14
  • lampyrids 17
  • lancegays 15
  • lancejack 24
  • lancelets 11
  • lancelike 15
  • lanceolar 11
  • lancinate 11
  • landamman 14
  • landaulet 10
  • landboard 13
  • landdamne 13
  • landdrost 11
  • landfalls 13
  • landfills 13
  • landforce 15
  • landforms 15
  • landgrabs 13
  • landgrave 14
  • landlines 10
  • landloper 12
  • landlords 11
  • landmarks 16
  • landmined 13
  • landmines 12
  • landraces 12
  • landrails 10
  • landsides 11
  • landskips 16
  • landsleit 10
  • landslips 12
  • landwards 14
  • landwinds 14
  • langlaufs 13
  • langouste 10
  • langridge 12
  • langshans 13
  • langspels 12
  • langspiel 12
  • langspils 12
  • langsynes 13
  • languaged 12
  • languages 11
  • languette 10
  • laniaries 9
  • lankiness 13
  • lannerets 9
  • lanolated 10
  • lanolines 9
  • lanterloo 9
  • lanterned 10
  • lanthanon 12
  • lanthanum 14
  • lanthorns 12
  • lantskips 15
  • laodicean 12
  • lapboards 14
  • lapidated 13
  • lapidates 12
  • lapideous 12
  • lapidific 17
  • lapidists 12
  • lappering 14
  • lapstones 11
  • lapstrake 15
  • lapstreak 15
  • laquearia 18
  • larboards 12
  • larceners 11
  • larcenies 11
  • larcenist 11
  • larcenous 11
  • larchwood 18
  • lardalite 10
  • larderers 10
  • largening 11
  • largesses 10
  • larghetto 13
  • largition 10
  • lariating 10
  • larkiness 13
  • larkspurs 15
  • larrigans 10
  • larrikins 13
  • larrupers 11
  • larruping 12
  • larvicide 15
  • larviform 17
  • larvikite 16
  • laryngals 13
  • laserdisc 12
  • laserdisk 14
  • laserwort 12
  • lashingly 16
  • lassitude 10
  • lassoings 10
  • laudators 10
  • laudatory 13
  • laughiest 13
  • laughings 14
  • laughline 13
  • laughsome 15
  • laughters 13
  • launchers 14
  • laundered 11
  • launderer 10
  • laundries 10
  • laureated 10
  • laurelled 10
  • lavalavas 15
  • lavaliers 12
  • lavandins 13
  • lavateras 12
  • lavations 12
  • laveering 13
  • lavements 14
  • lavenders 13
  • laverocks 18
  • lavishers 15
  • lavishest 15
  • lavishing 16
  • lavoltaed 13
  • lavolting 13
  • lawcourts 14
  • lawgivers 16
  • lawgiving 17
  • lawlessly 15
  • lawmakers 18
  • lawmaking 19
  • lawmonger 15
  • lawyering 16
  • laxations 16
  • laxatives 19
  • laxnesses 16
  • layabouts 14
  • laybacked 21
  • layerages 13
  • layerings 13
  • laymanise 14
  • laymanize 23
  • laypeople 16
  • layshafts 18
  • laystalls 12
  • lazarette 18
  • lazaretto 18
  • lazulites 18
  • lazurites 18
  • lazzarone 27
  • lazzaroni 27
  • leachable 16
  • leachates 14
  • leachiest 14
  • leachings 15
  • leachours 14
  • leadening 11
  • leaderene 10
  • leadingly 14
  • leadplant 12
  • leadscrew 15
  • leadworks 17
  • leadworts 13
  • leaferies 12
  • leafiness 12
  • leafleted 13
  • leafleter 12
  • leafmolds 15
  • leafrolls 12
  • leafstalk 16
  • leafworms 17
  • leakiness 13
  • leakproof 18
  • leaperous 11
  • leapfrogs 15
  • leaporous 11
  • leariness 9
  • learnable 11
  • learnedly 13
  • learnings 10
  • leaseback 17
  • leasehold 13
  • leasowing 13
  • leastwise 12
  • leathered 13
  • leaveners 12
  • leavening 13
  • leavenous 12
  • lebkuchen 20
  • lecanoras 11
  • lechayims 19
  • lecheries 14
  • lechering 15
  • lecithins 14
  • lectorate 11
  • lectotype 16
  • lecturers 11
  • ledgering 12
  • leeboards 12
  • leechdoms 17
  • leechlike 18
  • leeriness 9
  • leeringly 13
  • leetspeak 15
  • leewardly 16
  • leftmosts 14
  • leftwards 16
  • legaleses 10
  • legaliser 10
  • legalises 10
  • legalisms 12
  • legalists 10
  • legalizer 19
  • legalizes 19
  • legations 10
  • legendise 11
  • legendist 11
  • legendize 20
  • legerings 11
  • legginess 11
  • legginged 13
  • legwarmer 15
  • lehrjahre 22
  • leiomyoma 16
  • leistered 10
  • leisuring 10
  • leitmotif 14
  • leitmotiv 14
  • lekgotlas 14
  • lemmatise 13
  • lemmatize 22
  • lemniscal 13
  • lemniscus 13
  • lemonades 12
  • lemonfish 17
  • lemoniest 11
  • lemonlike 15
  • lemonwood 15
  • lemurians 11
  • lemurines 11
  • lemurlike 15
  • lemuroids 12
  • lengthens 13
  • lengthful 16
  • lengthier 13
  • lengthily 16
  • lengthman 15
  • lengthmen 15
  • leniences 11
  • lenifying 16
  • lenitions 9
  • lenitives 12
  • lenticels 11
  • lenticles 11
  • lenticule 11
  • lentiform 14
  • leotarded 11
  • lepidotes 12
  • leporidae 12
  • leprosery 14
  • leprosies 11
  • leprosity 14
  • leprously 14
  • leptophos 16
  • leptosome 13
  • leptotene 11
  • lesbigays 15
  • lesioning 10
  • lespedeza 21
  • lessoning 10
  • letchings 15
  • letrozole 18

More 9 letter words