Words Starting With EX

Explore the exciting world of words that start with "EX"! From exhilarating adventures to exceptional experiences, these words are bursting with energy and zest. Dive into this expressive collection and expand your vocabulary with expressions that exude excellence. Get ready to embark on an extraordinary linguistic journey!

2 letter words

ex 9

3 letter words

exo 10

4 letter words

View all
exam 13
exit 11
expo 13
exec 13
exed 12
exes 11
exon 11
exul 11

5 letter words

View all
extra 12
exist 12
exact 14
exile 12
expel 14
excel 14
exert 12
exude 13
exalt 12
expos 14
expat 14
extol 12
exult 12
exams 14
exeat 12
execs 14
exeem 14
exeme 14
exfil 15
exies 12
exine 12

6 letter words

View all
excuse 15
expect 17
except 17
expert 15
expose 15
extend 14
exotic 15
extent 13
expand 16
excess 15
export 15
exhale 16
exceed 16
excite 15
exodus 14
exiled 14
exempt 17
expire 15
extort 13
expiry 18
exhume 18

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7 letter words

View all
exactly 19
explain 16
example 18
excited 17
express 16
extreme 16
explode 17
exposed 17
examine 16
explore 16
execute 16
expense 16
exhibit 19
extract 16
extinct 16
expired 17
exploit 16
excused 17
exhaust 17
exclude 17
exalted 15

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8 letter words

View all
expected 20
exciting 18
exchange 21
exercise 17
executed 18
expelled 18
exploded 19
exposure 17
examined 18
external 15
existing 16
extended 17
exorcism 19
exterior 15
explorer 17
expanded 19
exposing 18
excluded 19
examiner 17
explored 18
exorcist 17

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9 letter words

View all
excellent 18
expensive 21
expecting 21
extremely 21
explosion 18
existence 18
exhausted 20
executive 21
exception 20
execution 18
exclusive 21
explosive 21
excrement 20
extension 16
expressed 19
exquisite 25
excessive 21
expertise 18
exploding 20
exploring 19
exchanged 23

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10 letter words

View all
experience 21
experiment 21
expression 19
excitement 21
exhibition 22
expedition 20
exaggerate 19
excellency 24
extinction 19
exhausting 21
excellence 21
exercising 20
extraction 19
exchanging 24
exhaustion 20
extinguish 21
excavation 22
exclaiming 22
expiration 19
expressive 22
expressway 25

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Examine, explore, and experience the extraordinary world of words starting with EX! These two unassuming letters come together to form a plethora of intriguing terms that shape our language in unique ways. Whether it's the sharp pronunciation of "ex" or the exotic meanings these words often convey, there's an undeniable allure to them. From everyday expressions to rare finds, EX words carry a special charm that can elevate both casual conversations and strategic word games. Ready to embark on a linguistic expedition? Let's dive into some fascinating examples that will expand your vocabulary and excite your curiosity.

About words starting with EX

The "EX" prefix is more than just a simple combination of letters; it frequently signals the beginning of words that denote removal, former status, or thoroughness. For example, "exclude" implies shutting something out, whereas "ex-president" refers to someone who once held office. This duality of meaning makes EX words especially versatile and rich in context. Pronunciation-wise, the "ex" sound often demands attention, giving the word a crisp, decisive start. It's no wonder these words are peppered throughout English, serving myriad purposes from mundane to majestic.

In addition to its role as a prefix, EX often stands alone at the start of words that have their own unique meanings unrelated to prefixes. Words like "exist" or "exuberant" carry meanings that aren’t tied to the prefix but still benefit from the strong initial sound. This phonetic feature sets the tone for the word, making it memorable and impactful. The interplay between meaning and sound in EX words contributes to their frequent use and the dynamic roles they play in language.

Popular word examples

Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular words starting with EX. These words not only enrich our language but also add depth to our conversations.


  • Definition: A representative form or pattern.
  • Example in a Sentence: She used her life as an example of resilience and perseverance.
  • Fun Fact: "Example" comes from the Latin "exemplum," which means a sample or specimen.


  • Definition: Causing great enthusiasm and eagerness.
  • Example in a Sentence: The announcement of the new theme park was truly exciting for the kids.
  • Fun Fact: The word "exciting" has its roots in the Latin "excitare," meaning to rouse or wake up.


  • Definition: To represent something as larger, better, or worse than it really is.
  • Example in a Sentence: He tends to exaggerate his achievements to impress others.
  • Fun Fact: "Exaggerate" comes from the Latin "exaggerare," where "agger" means heap, suggesting piling on details.


  • Definition: Extremely tired or depleted.
  • Example in a Sentence: After running the marathon, she felt completely exhausted.
  • Fun Fact: The word "exhaust" originally described the act of drawing something out until nothing is left.


  • Definition: Restricted to a particular person, group, or area.
  • Example in a Sentence: They live in an exclusive neighborhood with gated access.
  • Fun Fact: "Exclusive" is often associated with luxury, suggesting something limited or privileged.


  • Definition: To display or show publicly.
  • Example in a Sentence: The museum will exhibit the artist's latest works next month.
  • Fun Fact: An "exhibit" can also refer to evidence presented in court.


  • Definition: A person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular area.
  • Example in a Sentence: As an expert in marine biology, she was invited to speak at the conference.
  • Fun Fact: The term "expert" originates from the Latin "expertus," meaning to have tried or tested.


  • Definition: To increase in size, volume, or scope.
  • Example in a Sentence: The company plans to expand its operations into Asia.
  • Fun Fact: "Expand" can also relate to elaborating on an idea or argument.


  • Definition: To investigate or study something in detail.
  • Example in a Sentence: They set out to explore the uncharted regions of the rainforest.
  • Fun Fact: "Explore" comes from the Latin "explorare," meaning to search out or investigate.


  • Definition: Extremely beautiful and delicate.
  • Example in a Sentence: The artist's exquisite attention to detail captured everyone's admiration.
  • Fun Fact: Originally, "exquisite" referred to something that was selected carefully or chosen out.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with EX can offer a treasure trove of high-scoring possibilities. Here's a list of some valuable options:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Exorcize 24 To expel evil spirits; to cleanse
Exequy 26 A funeral procession
Exuviae 17 Cast-off skins or coverings of animals
Exhume 18 To dig out something buried, especially a body
Exclaim 18 To cry out suddenly, often in surprise

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

For Wordle fans, here are some excellent five-letter words beginning with EX that might just help you crack the code:

Word Definition
Excel To be exceptionally good at
Exist To have actual being; to be present
Extra More than is usual or necessary
Exile To banish or expel from a country
Exact Precise; accurate

Unusual and rare word examples

Dive into the realm of the unusual with these rare words starting with EX. Each offers a quirky twist to your vocabulary.


  • Definition: The beginning or introductory part, especially of a discourse or composition.
  • Interesting Fact: Derived from Latin, "exordium" literally means "the warp of a fabric."
  • Example in a Sentence: The exordium of his speech captured the audience's attention immediately.


  • Definition: Very small in size or amount.
  • Interesting Fact: It shares roots with "exiguus," a Latin term meaning scanty or meager.
  • Example in a Sentence: The exiguous portions of food were not enough to satisfy their hunger.


  • Definition: To feel or express great loathing for.
  • Interesting Fact: Comes from the Latin "execrari," meaning to curse or denounce.
  • Example in a Sentence: The dictator was execrated by the international community for his oppressive regime.


  • Definition: To dry up or cause to dry up.
  • Interesting Fact: This word is rarely used today but was once common in scientific and medical contexts.
  • Example in a Sentence: The botanist needed to exsiccate the plant sample before further analysis.


  • Definition: To drain of blood.
  • Interesting Fact: Used primarily in medical contexts, it's derived from Latin "exsanguinatus," meaning deprived of blood.
  • Example in a Sentence: Vampires are often depicted as creatures that exsanguinate their victims.


  • Definition: To make a formal beginning.
  • Interesting Fact: This word is nearly obsolete today, having been replaced by simpler terms like "begin" or "start."
  • Example in a Sentence: The professor decided to exordiate the lecture with a humorous anecdote.

Final words

Exploring words starting with EX can lead to delightful discoveries, enriching both your everyday conversations and your arsenal of words for games. Whether you're looking to impress at dinner parties or dominate the Scrabble board, these words hold the key to linguistic prowess. Stay curious and keep expanding your vocabulary horizons!