Words Starting With EL

Welcome to a world of words that elegantly start with "EL"! Dive into this exciting list showcasing everything from electrifying expressions to elusive terms. Whether you're exploring for fun or expanding your vocabulary, prepare to be enchanted by the endless possibilities that emerge from these enchanting beginnings. Let the adventure begin!

2 letter words

el 2

3 letter words

View all
elf 6
ell 3
elm 5
elk 7
elt 3
eld 4
els 3

4 letter words

View all
else 4
elan 4
elds 5
elfs 7
elhi 7
elks 8
ells 4
elms 6
elmy 9
elts 4

5 letter words

View all
elder 6
elite 5
elbow 10
elves 8
elect 7
elope 7
elude 6
elide 6
elfin 8
elegy 9
eland 6
elver 8
elain 5
elans 5
elate 5
elchi 10
eldin 6
elemi 7
elfed 9
eliad 6
elint 5

6 letter words

View all
eleven 9
eldest 7
eloped 9
elixir 13
elated 7
eluded 8
elvish 12
elicit 8
elapse 8
elains 6
elance 8
elands 7
elanet 6
elapid 9
elater 6
elates 6
elbows 11
elchee 11
elchis 11
elders 7
elding 8

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7 letter words

View all
element 9
elegant 8
elected 10
elderly 11
elusive 10
elastic 9
electro 9
elevate 10
eloping 10
elation 7
elitist 7
elapsed 10
elysian 10
eluding 9
elevens 10
ellipse 9
elitism 9
elusion 7
elmwood 13
elegiac 10
elastin 7

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8 letter words

View all
elevator 11
electric 12
elephant 13
election 10
elements 10
eligible 11
elevated 12
elegance 11
electron 10
eleventh 14
eloquent 17
eldorado 10
elective 13
elapsing 11
eldritch 14
ellipsis 10
elongate 9
elliptic 12
elbowing 14
elancing 11
elaphine 13

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9 letter words

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elsewhere 15
eliminate 11
elaborate 11
elevation 12
elemental 11
electoral 11
elongated 11
elegantly 13
eloquence 20
electrode 12
elocution 11
electrify 17
elevating 13
elucidate 12
elopement 13
eldership 15
elaeagnus 10
elaeolite 9
elaiosome 11
elastance 11
elastanes 9

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10 letter words

View all
electrical 14
electronic 14
elementary 15
eliminated 13
eloquently 22
elasticity 15
elliptical 14
electorate 12
elaborated 13
elderberry 16
elongation 11
eliminator 12
elaborates 12
elaborator 12
elaeolites 10
elaeoptene 12
elaiosomes 12
elasmosaur 12
elastances 12
elasticate 12
elasticise 12

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Step into the world of words that begin with the delightful duo of letters "EL" and discover how these seemingly ordinary letters can turn into a linguistic party. They might look like simple characters, but when they get together at the front of a word, magic happens. From electrifying to elusive, these words offer a range of meanings, sounds, and even Scrabble points! Whether you're an intrepid linguist or just someone who loves a good word puzzle, prepare to be enchanted by the stories and structures of some fascinating examples.

About words starting with EL

The allure of words beginning with "EL" lies in the gentle roll off the tongue, thanks to the cushy vowel-consonant blend that starts them. The "E" serves as a soft opener, while the "L" gives it a lift, making for a pleasant and engaging beginning. This combination is crucial in English, as it sets a tone that can be both commanding and calming. Words that start with "EL" often evoke a sense of elevation, electricity, or even elegance. Think of "elegant," which suggests sophistication, or "elaborate," which hints at complexity and detail.

In terms of frequency, "EL" is not as common as some other letter pairings, which makes its appearance a bit more special. It adds a unique flair to the English language, making each "EL" word a little treasure to discover. Consider "elusive"—it’s not just the meaning that slips away from you, but also the rarity and beauty of the combination itself. This rarity can influence pronunciation, offering a soft, flowing sound that leaves a memorable impression.

Popular word examples

There is a world of popular yet intriguing words that begin with "EL". Here are ten examples that highlight why these words stand out in everyday language:


  • Definition: Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
  • Example in a Sentence: She wore an elegant dress to the gala.
  • Fun Fact: The word "elegant" comes from the Latin "elegans," meaning "tasteful."


  • Definition: Involving many carefully arranged parts or details.
  • Example in a Sentence: The architect presented an elaborate plan for the new building.
  • Fun Fact: "Elaborate" can also mean to add more detail, which makes it a word that describes its own action!


  • Definition: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
  • Example in a Sentence: The elusive fox darted through the forest.
  • Fun Fact: "Elusive" shares roots with the word "elude," both stemming from the Latin "eludere."


  • Definition: Of, worked by, charged with, or producing electricity.
  • Example in a Sentence: The concert had an electric atmosphere.
  • Fun Fact: The term "electric" was coined in the 17th century, derived from the Greek word for amber, "elektron."


  • Definition: To raise something to a higher position.
  • Example in a Sentence: The new policy aims to elevate the quality of education.
  • Fun Fact: "Elevate" has been used since the 15th century, originally meaning "to lift up."


  • Definition: Able to resume its normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or compressed.
  • Example in a Sentence: The waistband of the pants is elastic to ensure comfort.
  • Fun Fact: "Elastic" originates from the Greek word "elastos," meaning "ductile" or "flexible."


  • Definition: A part or aspect of something abstract, especially one that is essential or characteristic.
  • Example in a Sentence: The story lacked an essential element of surprise.
  • Fun Fact: In ancient philosophy, elements were believed to be earth, water, air, and fire.


  • Definition: Having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions.
  • Example in a Sentence: He is eligible to vote in the upcoming election.
  • Fun Fact: "Eligible" comes from the Latin "eligibilis," which means "fit to be chosen."


  • Definition: To completely remove or get rid of something.
  • Example in a Sentence: The team needs to eliminate all errors before the final submission.
  • Fun Fact: The word "eliminate" is derived from the Latin "eliminatus," meaning "turned out of doors."


  • Definition: A magical or medicinal potion.
  • Example in a Sentence: She believed the herbal tea was an elixir for good health.
  • Fun Fact: The concept of an elixir dates back to ancient times as a substance capable of changing base metals into gold or prolonging life indefinitely.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For those who love a good game of Scrabble, words starting with "EL" can pack a powerful punch on the board. Here are some high-scoring examples:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Elixir 13 A magical or medicinal potion.
Elapse 10 (Of time) to pass or go by.
Elfish 12 Resembling or suggestive of an elf.
Elbows 11 The joint or bend of the arm.
Elated 7 Ecstatically happy.
Eloped 9 Ran away to get married without parental consent.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle enthusiasts know the value of having a solid arsenal of five-letter words. Here are some starting with "EL" that might come in handy:

Word Definition
Elude Evade or escape from danger, enemy, or pursuer.
Elate Make someone ecstatically happy.
Elder A person of greater age or seniority.
Elbow The joint between the forearm and the upper arm.
Elect Choose someone to hold public office or other position.
Elfin Small and delicate, typically with an enchanting quality.

Unusual and rare word examples

Delve into the uncommon and curious realm of words beginning with "EL". These rare gems are sure to pique interest:


  • Definition: To purify or separate by washing and decanting.
  • Interesting Fact: The term is often used in a scientific context, particularly in chemistry.
  • Example in a Sentence: The lab technician needed to elutriate the sample before analysis.


  • Definition: Relating to charity or given as charity.
  • Interesting Fact: The word has a Latin origin, rooted in "eleemosyna," meaning alms.
  • Example in a Sentence: The foundation's eleemosynary efforts have supported hundreds of families.


  • Definition: Weird and sinister or ghostly.
  • Interesting Fact: "Eldritch" is often used in Gothic literature to describe eerie scenes.
  • Example in a Sentence: The eldritch howls echoed through the haunted mansion.


  • Definition: The skill of clear and expressive speech.
  • Interesting Fact: Elocution lessons were once a staple of Victorian-era education.
  • Example in a Sentence: She improved her public speaking through dedicated elocution practice.


  • Definition: Energy, style, and enthusiasm.
  • Interesting Fact: "Elan" is borrowed from French, where it means "rush" or "impetuosity."
  • Example in a Sentence: He performed the dance with remarkable elan.


  • Definition: Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "eloquence" is derived from the Latin "eloquentia."
  • Example in a Sentence: The politician's eloquence won him many supporters.

Final words

Words that start with "EL" offer a captivating glimpse into the richness of the English language. From the everyday elegance of "elegant" to the mysterious allure of "eldritch," these words demonstrate the power of language to engage, entertain, and educate. Whether you're playing word games or exploring linguistic quirks, let the charm of "EL" words elevate your vocabulary adventures.