Words Starting With ET

Embark on an exciting exploration of words beginning with "ET"! From everyday encounters to extraordinary expressions, this collection is sure to entertain and enlighten. Whether you're expanding your vocabulary or just love a linguistic adventure, dive into the etymology and meanings of these intriguing terms. Let's get started on this etymological journey!

2 letter words

et 2

3 letter words

eta 3
eth 6

4 letter words

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etch 9
etna 4
etas 4
etat 4
eten 4
ethe 7
eths 7
etic 6
etui 4

5 letter words

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ether 8
ethic 10
ethos 8
ethyl 11
etude 6
etape 7
etage 6
etats 5
etens 5
ethal 8
ethne 8
etics 7
etnas 5
ettin 5
ettle 5
etuis 5
etwee 8
etyma 10

6 letter words

View all
ethics 11
ethnic 11
etched 12
eterne 6
etoile 6
ethane 9
etages 7
etalon 6
etamin 8
etapes 8
etcher 11
etches 11
ethals 9
ethene 9
ethers 9
ethion 9
ethnos 9
ethoxy 19
ethyls 12
ethyne 12
etrier 6

7 letter words

View all
eternal 7
ethical 12
ethanol 10
etheric 12
etacism 11
etaerio 7
etagere 8
etalage 8
etalons 7
etamine 9
etamins 9
etatism 9
etatist 7
etchant 12
etchers 12
etching 13
etesian 7
ethanal 10
ethanes 10
ethenes 10
ethinyl 13

8 letter words

View all
eternity 11
etcetera 10
ethereal 11
ethylene 14
ethnical 13
etiology 12
ethology 15
etacisms 12
etaerios 8
etageres 9
etalages 9
etamines 10
etatisme 10
etatisms 10
etatiste 8
etchants 13
etchings 14
eternals 8
eternise 8
eternize 17
etesians 8

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9 letter words

View all
eternally 12
etiquette 18
ethically 17
ethnicity 17
etymology 18
etatismes 11
etatistes 9
etceteras 11
eternised 10
eternises 9
eternized 19
eternizes 18
ethanoate 12
ethanoyls 15
ethephons 17
ethercaps 16
ethereous 12
etherical 14
etherions 12
etherised 13
etheriser 12

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10 letter words

View all
ethnically 18
eternalize 19
ethologist 14
eternalise 10
eternalist 10
eternality 13
eternising 11
eternities 10
eternizing 20
ethambutol 17
ethanediol 14
ethanoates 13
ethereally 16
etherified 17
etherifies 16
etherisers 13
etherising 14
etherizers 22
etherizing 23
ethicality 18
ethicising 16

Prepare to embark on a whimsical journey through the fascinating niche of words starting with ET. These words are more than just a linguistic quirk; they offer a unique blend of sonic charm and lexical intrigue that captivates both casual speakers and language enthusiasts. From enriching your vocabulary to scoring high in word games, these words hold a special place in the English language. Stick around as we uncover some captivating examples that might just become your new favorites.

About words starting with ET

Words starting with ET might not be the most common in everyday conversation, but they pack a punch with their uniqueness and versatility. The "ET" combination often signals something intriguing, as it introduces a diverse array of words ranging from scientific terminology to everyday expressions. This letter pairing can affect pronunciation significantly, with the "E" often lending a soft start and the "T" providing a crisp, definitive stop—think of it as a linguistic seesaw that keeps the speaker engaged and the listener intrigued.

The position of these letters at the beginning of a word adds a certain flair to word formation, making them memorable and distinctive. Take "etch" for example, where the "ET" start gives an auditory clue to the sharpness and precision implied by the word itself. Words like "eternal" play on the soft opening, leading into more complex sounds that echo the vastness and continuity of time itself. In short, words starting with ET are linguistic gems, each with its own story to tell.

Popular word examples

Dive into this delightful list of popular words starting with ET, showcasing how they enrich our language with their unique meanings and applications.


  • Definition: To engrave a design or text onto a surface using acid or a similar substance.
  • Example in a Sentence: The artist decided to etch her initials into the metal sculpture.
  • Fun Fact: The word "etch" originates from the Dutch word "etsen," which means to eat, referring to the way acid 'eats' into the material.


  • Definition: Lasting or existing forever; without end.
  • Example in a Sentence: She wore a ring as a symbol of their eternal love.
  • Fun Fact: The concept of eternity has fascinated philosophers and theologians for centuries, often symbolizing endless time or existence.


  • Definition: Extremely delicate and light, seemingly too perfect for this world.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her voice had an ethereal quality that captivated everyone in the room.
  • Fun Fact: In ancient Greek mythology, "ether" was considered the pure essence that the gods breathed, giving rise to the term "ethereal."


  • Definition: The study of the origin of words and the way their meanings have changed throughout history.
  • Example in a Sentence: His fascination with language led him to pursue a career in etymology.
  • Fun Fact: The word "etymology" itself comes from the Greek "etymon," meaning "true sense" or "original meaning."


  • Definition: A Latin expression used to denote continuation of a list; literally translates to "and the rest."
  • Example in a Sentence: The recipe called for flour, sugar, eggs, etcetera.
  • Fun Fact: Often abbreviated as "etc.," it's one of the few Latin phrases still commonly used in English today.


  • Definition: The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
  • Example in a Sentence: She studied the etiquette of fine dining before attending the formal dinner.
  • Fun Fact: The word "etiquette" originally referred to small cards given at French royal courts, detailing proper behavior.


  • Definition: Relating to a population subgroup with a common national or cultural tradition.
  • Example in a Sentence: The festival celebrated the ethnic diversity of the community.
  • Fun Fact: The term "ethnic" derives from the Greek "ethnos," meaning people or nation.


  • Definition: A colorless, volatile, highly flammable liquid used as an anesthetic and solvent.
  • Example in a Sentence: Early surgeries often utilized ether as a general anesthetic.
  • Fun Fact: Ether also refers to a hypothetical substance once thought to fill space and transmit electromagnetic waves.


  • Definition: Pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality.
  • Example in a Sentence: The debate centered around the ethical implications of genetic cloning.
  • Fun Fact: The concept of ethics has been a cornerstone of philosophical thought since the time of Aristotle.


  • Definition: A colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, C2H5OH, with a distinctive odor.
  • Example in a Sentence: Ethanol is commonly used as a biofuel additive for gasoline.
  • Fun Fact: Ethanol is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, and it's produced by the fermentation of sugars.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For those looking to boost their Scrabble game, here's a list of high-scoring words starting with ET that will impress your opponents.

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Ethoxy 19 A chemical group derived from ethanol by removal of a hydrogen atom.
Etching 13 The process of using strong acid to cut into a surface to create a design.
Etamine 9 A light, open-mesh fabric, often used for curtains or mosquito nets.
Etalist 7 A member of the ETA, a Basque separatist organization.
Eternize 17 To make eternal; immortalize.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle fans, rejoice! Here are some excellent five-letter words starting with ET to add to your guessing arsenal.

Word Definition
Ether A flammable liquid used as an anesthetic and solvent.
Etude A short musical composition for practice or performance.
Ethic A set of moral principles.
Ethel A female given name.
Etnas Plural form of "Etna," referring to Mount Etna, a volcano.

Unusual and rare word examples

Venture into the realm of the uncommon with these intriguing and rare words starting with ET, each with its own peculiar charm.


  • Definition: A standard of length, typically a bar of platinum-iridium, used in scientific measurements.
  • Interesting Fact: The word comes from the French "étalon," meaning "standard" or "benchmark."
  • Example in a Sentence: Scientists used an etalon to calibrate the measurement devices precisely.


  • Definition: A hydrocarbon, the simplest alkyne, with the formula C2H2, also known as acetylene.
  • Interesting Fact: Ethyne is highly flammable and is used in welding torches.
  • Example in a Sentence: Ethyne is stored in special cylinders to prevent explosions.


  • Definition: Relating to the ancient civilization of Etruria in what is now Italy.
  • Interesting Fact: The Etruscans were known for their rich culture and influence on early Roman civilization.
  • Example in a Sentence: Archeologists uncovered Etruscan artifacts that revealed much about their lifestyle.


  • Definition: A small ornamental case for holding needles, cosmetics, and other small items.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "etui" has its origins in the Old French "estuier," meaning "to keep."
  • Example in a Sentence: She carried an antique etui that held her sewing essentials.


  • Definition: An archaic term for a person of Ethiopian descent or origin.
  • Interesting Fact: This term is rarely used today and is considered outdated and inappropriate.
  • Example in a Sentence: References to an Ethiop can be found in classic literature.

Final words

And there you have it—a deep dive into the world of words starting with ET, a delightful exploration of the quirks and wonders of language. Whether you're a logophile, a Scrabble enthusiast, or just someone who enjoys the nuances of speech, these words offer a treasure trove of fun and discovery. May your vocabulary be ever enriched with these linguistic gems!