Words Starting With ER

Welcome to a world where words burst into action with "ER"! Dive into this exciting collection where you'll explore everything from "erupting" volcanoes to "energizing" adventures. Whether you're expanding your vocabulary or just curious, get ready to embark on an exhilarating linguistic journey filled with surprises and discoveries!

2 letter words

er 2

3 letter words

View all
era 3
err 3
ere 3
erk 7
ers 3
ern 3
erg 4
erf 6
erm 5

4 letter words

View all
eric 6
eros 4
ergo 5
eras 4
ered 5
eres 4
erev 7
ergs 5
erhu 7
erks 8
erne 4
erns 4
errs 4
erst 4
eruv 7

5 letter words

View all
error 5
erase 5
erica 7
erect 7
erupt 7
erode 6
erbia 7
erevs 8
ergon 6
ergos 6
ergot 6
erhus 8
erick 11
erics 7
ering 6
erned 6
ernes 5
erose 5
erred 6
erses 5
eruct 7

6 letter words

View all
erotic 8
erased 7
errand 7
eraser 6
eroded 8
errant 6
ermine 8
erring 7
ersatz 15
erlang 7
erases 6
erbias 8
erbium 10
erects 8
eremic 10
erenow 9
ergate 7
ergons 7
ergots 7
eriach 11
ericas 8

7 letter words

View all
erratic 9
erasing 8
erosion 7
erotica 9
eroding 9
erudite 8
erasure 7
erector 9
erasers 7
erasion 7
erathem 12
erbiums 11
erected 10
erecter 9
erectly 12
erelong 8
eremite 9
eremuri 9
erepsin 9
erethic 12
ergates 8

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8 letter words

View all
erection 10
eruption 10
erectile 10
erecting 11
erythema 16
eruptive 13
eradiate 9
erasable 10
erasions 8
erasures 8
erathems 13
erecters 10
erective 13
erectors 10
eremital 10
eremites 10
eremitic 12
eremurus 10
erepsins 10
erethism 13
erewhile 14

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9 letter words

View all
eradicate 12
erroneous 9
eroticism 13
erogenous 10
ergonomic 14
erudition 10
eradiated 11
eradiates 10
eradicant 12
erasement 11
erectable 13
erections 11
erectness 11
eremitish 14
eremitism 13
erethisms 14
erethitic 14
erewhiles 15
ergataner 10
ergatives 13
ergatoids 11

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10 letter words

View all
eradicated 14
erotically 15
erotomania 12
ergonomics 15
eradicator 13
eradiating 12
eradiation 11
eradicable 15
eradicably 18
eradicants 13
eradicates 13
erasements 12
erectility 15
eremitical 14
eremitisms 14
eremuruses 12
erethismic 17
erethistic 15
ergataners 11
ergativity 17
ergatogyne 15

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Welcome to the enchanting world where words begin with the intriguing letters "ER". These letters create a unique sound that rolls off the tongue with an aura of sophistication and mystery. From everyday terms to those we rarely encounter, words starting with ER unfold like a linguistic treasure chest. Dive in as we explore their significance in language, their quirky charm, and some captivating examples that make them so interesting.

About Words Starting with ER

The English language is a playground of sounds, and words beginning with ER hold a special place in this funfair. The prefix "ER" often denotes someone who performs an action, like a "writer" or an "employer", but it also graces words with meanings far beyond actions. Its phonetic presence can transform a simple word into something that sounds almost regal or mysterious. For instance, the way "erudite" flows from one’s lips immediately conjures images of wisdom and knowledge.

In terms of frequency, these versatile letters appear in numerous common words, making them a staple in our daily communication. Their position at the start of a word can alter pronunciations and meanings, turning "error" into a cautionary note of mistakes, while "ermine" evokes the image of luxurious fur. The combination of E and R is particularly potent, creating a soft yet assertive sound that commands attention. This phonetic allure is part of what makes words beginning with ER both useful and delightful.

Popular word examples

Words starting with ER are not only abundant but also fascinating in their variety and use. Here are some popular examples:


  • Definition: A tool typically used to remove pencil marks from paper.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She reached for the eraser to correct her mistake."
  • Fun Fact: The first erasers were made from bread long before rubber became the standard material.


  • Definition: To completely destroy or eliminate something.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The program aims to eradicate illiteracy among children."
  • Fun Fact: The word originates from the Latin "eradicare", meaning to pluck out by the roots.


  • Definition: To build or put up a structure.
  • Example in a Sentence: "They plan to erect a statue in the town square."
  • Fun Fact: Erecting structures has been a part of human history since ancient times, showcasing our engineering prowess.


  • Definition: To remove or obliterate written or recorded information.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She wished she could erase the embarrassing memory."
  • Fun Fact: In the digital age, "erase" has taken on new dimensions with data deletion.


  • Definition: To burst forth, often used in reference to volcanoes.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The volcano could erupt at any moment, prompting an evacuation."
  • Fun Fact: The term can also be used figuratively, such as when tempers erupt during a heated argument.


  • Definition: A short journey undertaken to complete a specific task or chore.
  • Example in a Sentence: "He ran an errand to pick up groceries for dinner."
  • Fun Fact: Originally, errands were messages or missions carried out by messengers.


  • Definition: A mistake or wrong decision.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She realized her error and quickly apologized."
  • Fun Fact: Errors have driven numerous scientific discoveries, proving the value of learning from mistakes.


  • Definition: Having or showing great knowledge or learning.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The professor's erudite lectures captivated the students."
  • Fun Fact: The word traces back to the Latin "eruditus", meaning to instruct or polish.


  • Definition: To receive money in return for work or services.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She worked hard to earn a promotion."
  • Fun Fact: Earning is not only about money; it can also refer to gaining respect or recognition.


  • Definition: A type of weasel known for its luxurious white winter fur.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The ermine coat was a symbol of wealth and status."
  • Fun Fact: Ermine fur has historically been associated with royalty and nobility.

High-scoring Scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with ER can be a game-changer. Here’s a list of some high-scoring words:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Erudite 8 Having or showing great knowledge.
Erythro 13 Related to red blood cells or the pigment of blood.
Ergotism 11 Poisoning produced by eating food affected by ergot.
Eremite 9 A recluse or hermit, especially for religious reasons.
Erucic 10 Pertaining to or derived from erucic acid, found in certain oils.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle players rejoice! Here are some five-letter words starting with ER that might just help you crack the daily puzzle:

Word Definition
Erase To remove or obliterate something written or recorded.
Eruct To belch or expel gas from the stomach noisily.
Erect To build or set something upright.
Ergot A fungus that affects grains and can cause poisoning.
Erode To gradually wear away or be destroyed by natural forces.

Unusual and rare word examples

Let’s delve into some unusual and rare words that add a splash of uniqueness to our vocabulary:


  • Definition: Blushing or becoming red.
  • Interesting Fact: This word comes from the Latin "erubescere," which means to blush.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Her cheeks turned erubescent when she received the unexpected compliment."


  • Definition: An abnormal fear of work.
  • Interesting Fact: Derived from Greek, where "ergon" means work and "phobos" means fear.
  • Example in a Sentence: "His ergophobia prevented him from holding down a steady job."


  • Definition: Characterized by disputatious and often subtle and specious reasoning.
  • Interesting Fact: The term has roots in Greek mythology, tied to Eris, the goddess of strife and discord.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The debate turned eristic as both sides focused more on winning than on finding truth."


  • Definition: Bursting forth or emerging violently.
  • Interesting Fact: Frequently used in botany to describe fungi or similar organisms breaking through a surface.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The erumpent mushrooms appeared overnight in the damp forest."


  • Definition: Government by the workers or the working class.
  • Interesting Fact: A rare term that combines "ergat," meaning worker, with "cracy," meaning government.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Some political theorists propose ergatocracy as an ideal form of governance."

Final words

Exploring words starting with ER is like opening a box of linguistic chocolates: each one offering a different flavor, texture, and story. From common to rare, simple to complex, these words enrich our communication and challenge our minds. Whether you're playing word games or simply expanding your vocabulary, embracing the world of ER words is a delightful journey worth taking.