9-letter words starting with EM

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter EM. This section showcases how EM at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with EM, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

emergency 17
emotional 11
embarrass 13
emptiness 13
emphasize 25
embracing 16
empowered 17
emergence 14
emigrated 13
emphysema 21
empirical 15
empathize 25
embezzled 32
embroider 14
emanating 12
emphasise 16
embellish 16
embryonic 18
embedding 16
empathise 16
emaciated 14
eminently 14
embroiled 14
embezzler 31
emulating 12
embattled 14
embodying 18
emanation 11
emulation 11
emplacing 16
emaciates 13
emailable 13
emailings 12
emanatist 11
emanative 14
emanators 11
emanatory 14
embailing 14
emballing 14
embalmers 15
embalming 16
embankers 17
embanking 18
embargoed 15
embargoes 14
embarking 18
embarring 14
embassade 14
embassage 14
embassies 13
embathing 17
embattles 13
embayment 18
embedment 16
embezzles 31
embiggens 15
embitters 13
emblazers 22
emblazing 23
emblazons 22
emblemata 15
embleming 16
emblemise 15
emblemize 24
embloomed 16
emblossom 15
embodiers 14
embogging 16
emboguing 15
emboiling 14
emboldens 14
embolised 14
embolises 13
embolisms 15
embolized 23
embolizes 22
emboluses 13
emborders 14
emboscata 15
embosking 18
embosomed 16
embossers 13
embossing 14
embounded 15
emboweled 17
embowered 17
embowment 18
embraceor 15
embracers 15
embracery 18
embracive 18
embraided 15
embrangle 14
embrasors 13
embrasure 13
embraving 17
embrazure 22
embreaded 15
embreathe 16
embrittle 13
embrocate 15
embroglio 14
embroiler 13
embrowned 17
embruting 14
embryoids 17
embryonal 16
embryotic 18
embusques 22
embussing 14
embusying 17
emeerates 11
emendable 14
emendated 13
emendates 12
emendator 12
emeraudes 12
emergents 12
emersions 11
emicating 14
emication 13
emictions 13
emigrants 12
emigrates 12
eminences 13
emissions 11
emittance 13
emmarbled 16
emmarbles 15
emmeshing 17
emmetrope 15
emolliate 11
emollient 11
emolument 13
emoticons 13
emotively 17
emotivism 16
emotivity 17
empackets 19
empaestic 15
empairing 14
empanadas 14
empaneled 14
empanoply 18
emparling 14
emparting 14
empathies 16
empathist 16
empatrons 13
empayring 17
empeached 19
empeaches 18
empennage 14
empeopled 16
empeoples 15
empercing 16
emperised 14
emperises 13
emperized 23
emperizes 22
emphatics 18
emphlyses 19
emphlysis 19
empierced 16
empierces 15
empighted 18
emplaning 14
emplaster 13
emplastic 15
emplastra 13
emplecton 15
emplectum 17
emplonged 15
emplonges 14
employees 16
employers 16
employing 17
empluming 16
empoisons 13
empolders 14
emporiums 15
empresses 13
emptiable 15
emptional 13
emptyings 17
empurpled 16
empurples 15
empyemata 18
empyreans 16
empyreuma 18
emulative 14
emulators 11
emulgence 14
emulously 14
emulsible 13
emulsions 11
emulsoids 12
emunction 13
emunctory 16

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