Words Starting With EA

Welcome to a world of words where everything starts with "EA"! From the exciting adventures of eagles soaring high to the comforting embrace of an easy chair, let's explore this unique collection of words. Get ready to embark on an enchanting linguistic journey that’s both educational and exhilarating!

2 letter words

ea 2

3 letter words

View all
eat 3
ear 3
eau 3
eas 3
ean 3

4 letter words

View all
each 9
easy 7
east 4
earn 4
ease 4
eats 4
earl 4
eath 7
eave 7
eale 4
eans 4
eard 5
ears 4
eaus 4
eaux 11

5 letter words

View all
earth 8
early 8
eaten 5
eagle 6
eager 6
eater 5
eared 6
eased 6
eaves 8
easel 5
eagre 6
ealed 6
eales 5
eaned 6
eards 6
earls 5
earns 5
earnt 5
earst 5
easer 5
eases 5

6 letter words

View all
eating 7
easier 6
easily 9
earned 7
easter 6
eatery 9
easing 7
earful 9
earner 6
earthy 12
earwax 16
ealing 7
earwig 10
eadish 10
eagers 7
eagled 8
eagles 7
eaglet 7
eagres 7
eaning 7
earbob 10

7 letter words

View all
earlier 7
eastern 7
earning 8
easiest 7
earring 8
earthly 13
earnest 7
eagerly 11
eardrum 10
eatable 9
earlobe 9
earache 12
earshot 10
earthen 10
earplug 10
earmark 13
easeful 10
eagerer 8
eaglets 8
eagling 9
eanling 8

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8 letter words

View all
earliest 8
earnings 9
earpiece 12
eastward 12
earphone 13
easterly 11
easiness 8
eateries 8
eatables 10
eadishes 12
eagerest 9
eanlings 9
earaches 13
earballs 10
eardrops 11
eardrums 11
earflaps 13
earholes 11
earldoms 11
earlobes 10
earlocks 14

9 letter words

View all
eavesdrop 15
earthworm 17
earnestly 12
earthling 13
easygoing 14
eastbound 12
eagerness 10
eastwards 13
easterner 9
earthlike 16
earthwork 19
earthward 16
eachwhere 20
eaglehawk 20
eaglewood 14
ealdorman 12
ealdormen 12
earbashed 15
earbasher 14
earbashes 14
earliness 9

10 letter words

View all
earthquake 26
earthbound 16
earthlight 17
earthwards 17
eaglehawks 21
eaglestone 11
eaglewoods 15
earbashers 15
earbashing 16
earlierise 10
earlierize 19
earlywoods 17
earmarking 17
earthfalls 16
earthiness 13
earthliest 13
earthlings 14
earthmover 18
earthrises 13
earthshine 16
earthstars 13

Imagine diving into a whimsical realm where language dances on your tongue, and words shimmer with playful intrigue. This vibrant world is brought to life by the enchanting power of words starting with EA. These words are like linguistic gems, each one possessing a unique charm and musicality that can transform ordinary communication into a delightful experience. From everyday expressions to rare linguistic treasures, words beginning with this playful duo of letters open doors to a universe of meaning and pronunciation that's as fascinating as it is fun. So, let’s embark on a journey to explore some captivating examples that showcase the true essence of these magical words.

About words starting with EA

The English language is a vast tapestry woven from countless threads, and among these, words starting with the letters "EA" form a particularly intriguing pattern. The frequency of these words isn't overwhelming, yet their presence is undeniably impactful. The "EA" combination often leads to a rich variety of sounds and meanings, starting with the simple elegance of "ear" and extending to the more complex "eavesdrop." This duo can create soft, elongated vowel sounds like in "eagle," or shift to shorter, sharper tones as in "east."

Positioned at the front of a word, "EA" sets the stage for a rich array of phonetic and semantic possibilities. Consider "earthquake," where the letters simulate the rumbling vibrations of the ground, or "eager," which evokes a sense of anticipation. Words starting with "EA" can be both simple and profound, carrying meanings that range from the tangible "eat" to the abstract "ease." This versatility makes them not only useful but also a source of endless fascination for linguists and word lovers alike.

Popular word examples

Words starting with the letters "EA" cover a wide range of definitions and usages. Here are ten popular examples that showcase their versatility and charm.


  • Definition: A large bird of prey known for its keen eyesight and powerful flight.
  • Example in a Sentence: The eagle soared majestically across the clear blue sky.
  • Fun Fact: The eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom, often used in national emblems.


  • Definition: Having a keen interest or intense desire.
  • Example in a Sentence: She was eager to start her new job and embrace new challenges.
  • Fun Fact: The word "eager" comes from the Old French "eigre," meaning sharp or keen.


  • Definition: The cardinal compass point opposite west; where the sun rises.
  • Example in a Sentence: They traveled east to catch the sunrise over the mountains.
  • Fun Fact: In many cultures, east is associated with beginnings and new life.


  • Definition: To receive money in return for work or services.
  • Example in a Sentence: He worked hard to earn enough to buy a new car.
  • Fun Fact: The word "earn" has roots in the Old English "earnian," meaning to harvest.


  • Definition: Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
  • Example in a Sentence: The instructions were easy to follow, even for beginners.
  • Fun Fact: "Easy" traces back to the Latin "adjacens," meaning "lying near."


  • Definition: A sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  • Example in a Sentence: The earthquake caused significant damage to the city.
  • Fun Fact: The most powerful earthquake ever recorded occurred in Chile in 1960.


  • Definition: To consume food.
  • Example in a Sentence: They decided to eat at their favorite restaurant downtown.
  • Fun Fact: Humans have been eating with utensils for nearly 3,000 years!


  • Definition: To listen secretly to a conversation.
  • Example in a Sentence: She couldn't help but eavesdrop on their interesting discussion.
  • Fun Fact: The term originates from people standing under the eaves of a house to overhear conversations.


  • Definition: Every one of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately.
  • Example in a Sentence: Each student received a certificate at the end of the course.
  • Fun Fact: "Each" is one of the oldest words in English, dating back to before the 12th century.


  • Definition: Resulting from or showing intense conviction.
  • Example in a Sentence: He gave an earnest plea for help during the meeting.
  • Fun Fact: The phrase "in earnest" means taking something seriously or sincerely.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with "EA" can score big points! Here are some top choices for your next game.

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Eagerly 11 In a keenly expectant or interested manner.
Earthy 12 Resembling or suggestive of earth or soil.
Eardrum 12 The membrane of the middle ear.
Earplug 10 A device worn to protect the ears from noise.
Earnings 9 Money obtained in return for labor or services.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

If you're a Wordle aficionado, these five-letter words starting with "EA" might just give you the edge.

Word Definition
Eagle A large bird of prey.
Eager Having keen interest or enthusiasm.
Earth The planet we live on.
Early Happening or done before the expected time.
Eased Made less severe or intense.

Unusual and rare word examples

Words starting with "EA" also include some rare and unusual entries. Let's take a closer look at these linguistic curiosities.


  • Definition: A tidal bore, especially in a river.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "eagre" is primarily used in British English and is considered archaic.
  • Example in a Sentence: The eagre rushed up the river, surprising the onlookers.


  • Definition: A young lamb.
  • Interesting Fact: "Eanling" is derived from the Old English "eanic," related to birth.
  • Example in a Sentence: The shepherd tended to the eanling with great care.


  • Definition: Noblemen or officials in Anglo-Saxon England.
  • Interesting Fact: Ealdormen were predecessors to the modern title of "earl."
  • Example in a Sentence: The ealdormen gathered to discuss matters of the realm.


  • Definition: Easily.
  • Interesting Fact: "Eath" is an archaic word that has fallen out of common usage.
  • Example in a Sentence: He completed the task eath and with great skill.


  • Definition: Of a gray or white color; resembling the sea.
  • Interesting Fact: This word is so rare that it often appears in lists of obsolete vocabulary.
  • Example in a Sentence: The painter chose an eagreous hue for the seascape.

Final words

Whether you're a wordsmith, a Scrabble strategist, or a Wordle whiz, the world of words starting with "EA" offers a treasure trove of possibilities. These words not only provide practical utility but also lend a touch of whimsy and wonder to our everyday language. So go ahead, explore, and let your vocabulary adventures begin!