9-letter words starting with CL

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter CL. This section showcases how CL at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with CL, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

classical 13
classroom 13
classmate 13
clearance 13
cleopatra 13
clamoring 14
cleansing 12
clockwork 24
clubhouse 16
clientele 11
clergyman 17
clarified 15
closeness 11
cloakroom 17
clockwise 20
clipboard 16
cloudless 12
climactic 17
cluttered 12
classless 11
clustered 12
clingfilm 17
classiest 11
clumsiest 13
cleanness 11
cloudland 13
clapboard 16
clarendon 12
clonidine 12
clabbered 16
clackdish 21
claddaghs 17
claddings 14
cladistic 14
cladodial 13
cladogram 15
clafoutis 14
claggiest 13
claimable 15
claimants 13
clamantly 16
clambakes 19
clambered 16
clamberer 15
clammiest 15
clamorers 13
clamorous 13
clamoured 14
clamourer 13
clampdown 19
clampered 16
clampings 16
clamshell 16
clamworms 18
clangings 13
clangored 13
clangours 12
clankiest 15
clankings 16
clanships 16
clapbread 16
clappered 16
clappings 16
claptraps 15
claqueurs 20
clarences 13
clareting 12
clarifier 14
clarifies 14
clarinets 11
clarioned 12
clarionet 11
clarities 11
clarsachs 16
clarthead 15
clartiest 11
clashings 15
claspings 14
classable 13
classible 13
classific 16
classings 12
classisms 13
classists 11
classwork 18
clatching 17
clathrate 14
clattered 12
clatterer 11
clauchted 17
claughted 16
claustral 11
claustrum 13
clausulae 11
clausular 11
clavately 17
clavation 14
clavecins 16
clavering 15
clavicles 16
clavicorn 16
clavicula 16
claviform 19
clavigers 15
clavulate 14
clawbacks 22
claybanks 20
claymores 16
claystone 14
claytonia 14
claywares 17
cleanable 13
cleanings 12
cleanlier 11
cleanlily 14
cleanouts 11
cleansers 11
cleanskin 15
cleantech 16
clearable 13
clearages 12
clearcole 13
clearcuts 13
cleareyed 15
clearings 12
clearness 11
clearouts 11
clearskin 15
clearways 17
clearweed 15
clearwing 15
cleavable 16
cleavages 15
cleavings 15
cleckiest 17
cleckings 18
cleithral 14
clemently 16
clenchers 16
clenching 17
clepsydra 17
clergymen 17
clericals 13
clericate 13
clericity 16
clerihews 17
clerisies 11
clerkdoms 18
clerklier 15
clerklike 19
clerkling 16
clerkship 20
cleruchia 16
cleveites 14
cleverest 14
cleverish 17
clianthus 14
clickable 19
clickbait 19
clicketed 18
clickings 18
clickless 17
clickwrap 22
clientage 12
cliffhang 21
cliffhung 21
cliffiest 17
clifflike 21
cliffside 18
clifftops 19
cliftiest 14
climating 14
climatise 13
climatize 22
climature 13
climaxing 21
climbable 17
climbdown 19
climbings 16
clinamens 13
clinchers 16
clinching 17
clingfish 18
clingiest 12
clingwrap 17
clinician 13
cliniques 20
clinkered 16
clinoaxes 18
clinoaxis 18
clinostat 11
clinquant 20
clintonia 11
cliometry 16
clippable 17
clippings 16
clipshear 16
clipsheet 16
cliquiest 20
cliquisms 22
clitellar 11
clitellum 13
cliticise 13
cliticize 22
clittered 12
cloacinal 13
cloacitis 13
clobbered 16
clochards 17
clockface 22
clockings 18
clocklike 21
cloddiest 13
clodpated 15
clodpates 14
clodpoles 14
clodpolls 14
clogdance 15
cloggiest 13
cloggings 14
clogmaker 18
cloisonne 11
cloisters 11
cloistral 11
clonicity 16
clonkiest 15
closeable 13
closedown 15
closehead 15
closeouts 11
closetful 14
closeting 12
closuring 12
clothiers 14
clothings 15
clothlike 18
clotpolls 13
clottered 12
clottiest 11
clottings 12
cloturing 12
cloudages 13
cloudiest 12
cloudings 13
cloudlets 12
cloudlike 16
cloudtown 15
clouterly 14
clovepink 20
cloverier 14
clownfish 20
clownings 15
cloyingly 18
cloyments 16
clozapine 22
clubbable 17
clubbiest 15
clubbings 16
clubbisms 17
clubbists 15
clubfaces 18
clubhands 17
clubhauls 16
clubheads 17
clublands 14
clubmates 15
clubrooms 15
clubroots 13
clubwoman 18
clubwomen 18
cluckiest 17
clumpered 16
clumpiest 15
clumplike 19
clunkiest 15
clupeoids 14
clutchier 16
clutching 17

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