Words Starting With AC

Welcome to the world of "AC" words, where adventure meets curiosity! From "acorn" to "accomplish," this page is your gateway to a collection of fascinating words that all start with those two magical letters. Dive in, explore, and expand your vocabulary with these amazing words!

3 letter words

act 5
ace 5
ach 8

4 letter words

View all
acts 6
acid 7
ache 9
acre 6
acne 6
acme 8
achy 12
acai 6
acca 8
aced 7
acer 6
aces 6
acro 6
acta 6
acyl 9

5 letter words

View all
actor 7
acres 7
acute 7
acorn 7
actin 7
acton 7
acing 8
acrid 8
acock 13
achar 10
ackee 11
acais 7
acari 7
accas 9
accoy 12
acerb 9
acers 7
aceta 7
ached 11
aches 10
achoo 10

6 letter words

View all
across 8
accept 12
action 8
acting 9
access 10
accent 10
actual 8
active 11
accuse 10
aching 12
accord 11
acidic 11
acquit 17
acacia 10
acuity 11
accede 11
accrue 10
acumen 10
accost 10
acajou 15
acanth 11

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7 letter words

View all
account 11
actress 9
accused 12
achieve 15
academy 15
acquire 18
acrobat 11
acclaim 13
acronym 14
acrylic 14
acidity 13
accuser 11
acutely 12
acreage 10
accrued 12
acerbic 13
acolyte 12
acetone 9
acetate 9
acceded 13
accrete 11

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8 letter words

View all
actually 13
accident 13
accepted 15
activity 16
accurate 12
achieved 17
accusing 13
academic 15
acquired 20
activate 13
activist 13
accuracy 17
acoustic 12
actively 16
accursed 13
activism 15
academia 13
accosted 13
acquaint 19
achiever 16
accolade 13

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9 letter words

View all
according 15
accompany 20
accepting 16
activated 15
accordion 14
acquitted 21
accessory 16
achieving 18
acquittal 20
acquiring 21
actuality 14
acoustics 13
acropolis 13
acrobatic 15
acquiesce 22
accession 13
acetylene 14
acclimate 15
activator 14
acellular 11
actuarial 11

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10 letter words

View all
accountant 14
accomplish 21
acceptable 18
accomplice 20
acquainted 22
accounting 15
accustomed 17
acceptance 18
accidental 15
accusation 14
accurately 17
accelerate 14
accordance 17
accessible 16
accumulate 16
activation 15
activating 16
acrobatics 16
accelerant 14
accentuate 14
acclimated 17

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Ah, the magical realm of words that start with the letters "AC"! This specific combination of letters has the power to transform mundane conversations into intriguing dialogues, infusing language with a zest that's both playful and profound. From the quirky to the quintessential, words starting with AC offer an enigmatic charm, creating sounds that dance off the tongue. Whether you're a linguist or a logophile, these words promise to tickle your fancy and perhaps even expand your vocabulary arsenal. Let's dive into examples that will captivate your curiosity!

About words starting with AC

Words beginning with AC occupy a fascinating niche in the English language. These words often begin with an assertive "A" sound, followed by the softer "C," which can morph into a “k” or “s” sound depending on the word. This duality in pronunciation gives them a unique rhythm, allowing them to stand out in speech and writing. For example, "acquisition" rolls off the tongue with a formal flair, while "accordion" adds a musical note to everyday conversations. The versatility in pronunciation makes these words intriguing and essential for effective communication.

In terms of frequency, words starting with AC are not as common as those with other prefixes but hold significant importance. They often denote action, movement, or change, such as "accelerate," "activate," or "acclimate." This dynamic nature reflects their ability to convey concepts that are pivotal to understanding the world around us. These words are not only useful in everyday language but also enrich technical jargon in fields like science, music, and business, making them indispensable in both casual and professional settings.

Popular word examples

These popular words beginning with AC showcase their versatility and charm, each adding a distinct flavor to the English language.


  • Definition: To increase speed or rate.
  • Example in a Sentence: The car began to accelerate as it reached the open highway.
  • Fun Fact: The word "accelerate" originates from the Latin "accelerare," meaning "to hasten."


  • Definition: To achieve or complete successfully.
  • Example in a Sentence: She managed to accomplish all her goals for the year.
  • Fun Fact: "Accomplish" shares its roots with "complete," both deriving from Latin components that suggest achieving fullness.


  • Definition: A portable musical instrument with keys and bellows.
  • Example in a Sentence: He played a lively tune on his accordion at the festival.
  • Fun Fact: The accordion is known as the "squeeze box" in some cultures due to its method of playing.


  • Definition: To come into possession of something.
  • Example in a Sentence: She plans to acquire more skills through advanced training.
  • Fun Fact: "Acquire" is related to the word "quest," both rooted in seeking or searching.


  • Definition: Free from error, precise.
  • Example in a Sentence: The scientist provided an accurate measurement of the substance.
  • Fun Fact: Derived from Latin "accuratus," meaning "done with care."


  • Definition: To make someone aware or familiar with.
  • Example in a Sentence: He took time to acquaint himself with the new software.
  • Fun Fact: "Acquaint" shares roots with "cognition," both linked to knowledge.


  • Definition: To adjust or modify to fit well with new conditions.
  • Example in a Sentence: Animals adapt to their environments over generations.
  • Fun Fact: "Adapt" is a cousin to "apt," both derived from Latin, highlighting suitability.


  • Definition: Enthusiastic approval or praise.
  • Example in a Sentence: The novel received critical acclaim.
  • Fun Fact: The word's roots point to calling out loudly in approval.


  • Definition: Easily reached or entered.
  • Example in a Sentence: The website was designed to be accessible for all users.
  • Fun Fact: "Accessible" and "access" share a direct lineage, emphasizing entry or approach.


  • Definition: To recognize the presence or existence of.
  • Example in a Sentence: She nodded to acknowledge the compliment.
  • Fun Fact: The word combines "ack-" (akin to "accord") with "know," implying mutual recognition.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, mastering high-scoring words is key. Here are some great options to boost your score.

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Acquiesce 20 To accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Accolade 13 An award or privilege given as a special honor.
Acumen 10 The ability to make good judgments and quick decisions.
Acquit 17 To free someone from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
Acrostic 12 A poem or puzzle in which certain letters in each line form a word.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Perfecting your Wordle game? These five-letter words starting with AC might just be your ticket to victory.

Word Definition
Acorn The nut of the oak tree.
Actor A person whose profession is acting on stage, in movies, or on television.
Acute Present or experienced to a severe degree.
Acid A chemical substance that typically has a sour taste.
Acre A unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards.

Unusual and rare word examples

The world of words starting with AC isn't just common and popular; it also hides some rare gems that are a delight to discover.


  • Definition: Sharp and forthright in style of speaking.
  • Interesting Fact: The word comes from the Latin "acerbus," meaning sour or unripe, reflecting its biting tone.
  • Example in a Sentence: His acerbic wit often left his friends either laughing or wincing.


  • Definition: Extreme fear of heights.
  • Interesting Fact: Derived from Greek "acros" meaning heights and "phobos" meaning fear.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her acrophobia prevented her from going on the Ferris wheel.


  • Definition: An additional item of dress or equipment.
  • Interesting Fact: Often used in military contexts, it can refer to soldiers' gear.
  • Example in a Sentence: The knight's accoutrement included a shield and helmet.


  • Definition: An upward slope.
  • Interesting Fact: It shares its root with the word "climb," both stemming from Latin "clivus."
  • Example in a Sentence: The acclivity was steep, challenging hikers on the trail.


  • Definition: Tapering to a point; pointed.
  • Interesting Fact: Botanists often use this term to describe leaf shapes.
  • Example in a Sentence: The acuminate leaves gave the plant a distinct appearance.


  • Definition: Needle-shaped.
  • Interesting Fact: This word is frequently used in botanical descriptions.
  • Example in a Sentence: The acerate leaves of the pine tree were sharp to the touch.

Final words

Embarking on a journey through words starting with AC opens up a world of linguistic wonder. Whether it's their playful sounds, cultural significance, or strategic utility in games, these words enrich our language in countless ways. As you continue to explore the tapestry of English vocabulary, let these words remind you of the joy and complexity that language brings to our lives. Happy word hunting!