Words Starting With AB

Ready to dive into the world of words that kick off with "AB"? You're in for a treat! From charming "abodes" to adventurous "abysses," discover a vibrant collection that adds a sprinkle of zest to your vocabulary. Let's embark on this alphabetic adventure together and uncover some amazing "AB" words!

10 letter words

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  • absolutely 15
  • abstinence 14
  • abominable 16
  • absolution 12
  • aberration 12
  • aboriginal 13
  • abnormally 17
  • absorption 14
  • abundantly 16
  • abstention 12
  • abdication 15
  • aboveboard 18
  • abstracted 15
  • abominably 19
  • abstractly 17
  • abdicating 16
  • absorbable 16
  • abnegation 13
  • abreaction 14
  • absolutism 14

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9 letter words

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  • abandoned 13
  • abundance 14
  • abduction 14
  • abdominal 14
  • absorbing 14
  • absurdity 15
  • abhorrent 14
  • abolition 11
  • aborigine 12
  • abducting 15
  • absorbent 13
  • abdicated 15
  • abstinent 11
  • abatement 13
  • abounding 13
  • absolving 15
  • abysmally 19
  • abandoner 12
  • abnormity 16
  • abridging 14

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8 letter words

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  • absolute 10
  • abortion 10
  • abnormal 12
  • absorbed 13
  • abstract 12
  • abundant 11
  • abruptly 15
  • absinthe 13
  • abetting 11
  • absolved 14
  • abattoir 10
  • abductor 13
  • abrasive 13
  • absurdly 14
  • aberrant 10
  • ablution 10
  • absentee 10
  • abdicate 13
  • abrasion 10
  • abhorred 14

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7 letter words

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  • ability 12
  • abandon 10
  • absence 11
  • abusing 10
  • abusive 12
  • abdomen 12
  • abigail 10
  • abalone 9
  • abiding 11
  • absolve 12
  • abolish 12
  • abstain 9
  • abscess 11
  • abysmal 14
  • abreast 9
  • abraxas 16
  • abetted 10
  • abetter 9
  • abscond 12
  • abyssal 12

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6 letter words

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  • abroad 9
  • absurd 9
  • aboard 9
  • abused 9
  • absent 8
  • absorb 10
  • abrupt 10
  • abduct 11
  • ablaze 17
  • abound 9
  • abject 17
  • abbess 10
  • abuser 8
  • abacus 10
  • abated 9
  • abrade 9
  • abseil 8
  • abided 10
  • abjure 15
  • ablest 8

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5 letter words

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  • about 7
  • above 10
  • abuse 7
  • abort 7
  • abyss 10
  • abbey 12
  • abide 8
  • abode 8
  • abbot 9
  • aback 13
  • abhor 10
  • abram 9
  • abate 7
  • abuzz 25
  • abase 7
  • abele 7
  • abler 7
  • abaca 9
  • abaci 9
  • abacs 9

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4 letter words

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  • able 6
  • abba 8
  • abed 7
  • abut 6
  • ably 9
  • abet 6
  • abbs 8
  • abri 6
  • abac 8
  • abas 6
  • abbe 8
  • aber 6
  • abid 7
  • abos 6
  • abye 9
  • abys 9

3 letter words

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  • abs 5
  • aba 5
  • abo 5
  • abb 7
  • aby 8

2 letter words

  • ab 4

Imagine diving into a treasure chest of words where each gem begins with the enchanting combination "AB". These words don't just sparkle because of their meanings or uses; they have a unique charm thanks to the melodious way they roll off the tongue. From the commonplace to the quirky, words starting with AB can add zest to your vocabulary. Let's embark on a journey through some fascinating examples you'll soon be eager to use in conversation or even your next Scrabble match.

About words starting with AB

The letters AB at the start of a word often signal something intriguing. In English, "AB" can act as a prefix, suggesting notions of separation, movement away, or intensifying the meaning. For instance, "abnormal" hints at deviating from the norm, while "absorb" suggests taking in completely. This prefix can make words sound more formal or scientific, adding gravitas to our language.

Moreover, the pronunciation of these words often includes a short, punchy "a" sound followed by a resonant "b," making them fun to articulate. Words like "abstract" and "absolute" have a rhythm and flow that make them memorable. These combinations enrich our language, providing options that are both descriptive and precise.

Popular word examples

Here's a peek into some popular words that begin with AB. These examples showcase not just the versatility but also the fun behind these AB-words.


  • Definition: To leave something or someone behind.
  • Example in a Sentence: She had to abandon her car in the flooded street.
  • Fun Fact: The word originates from the Old French "abandoner," meaning to bring under control.


  • Definition: To take someone away illegally by force.
  • Example in a Sentence: Aliens are often said to abduct humans in science fiction stories.
  • Fun Fact: "Abduct" shares its root with "abduction," a term also used in anatomy to describe the movement of limbs away from the body’s midline.


  • Definition: To formally put an end to a system, practice, or institution.
  • Example in a Sentence: The movement aimed to abolish slavery.
  • Fun Fact: The term comes from the Latin "abolere," which means to destroy or cause to die out.


  • Definition: Wildly unreasonable or illogical.
  • Example in a Sentence: His excuse for being late was utterly absurd.
  • Fun Fact: The "Theatre of the Absurd" is a post-World War II designation for particular plays of absurdist fiction.


  • Definition: To free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility.
  • Example in a Sentence: The priest absolved him of his sins.
  • Fun Fact: "Absolve" comes from the Latin word "absolvere," meaning to set free or release.


  • Definition: To choose not to do or have something.
  • Example in a Sentence: Many people abstain from voting in elections.
  • Fun Fact: "Abstain" is often used in parliamentary procedures when members choose not to vote either in favor or against a proposal.


  • Definition: Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
  • Example in a Sentence: The concept of love can be quite abstract.
  • Fun Fact: Abstract art is a style that does not attempt to represent reality but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, colors, and textures.


  • Definition: Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.
  • Example in a Sentence: The harvest was abundant this year.
  • Fun Fact: The word is derived from the Latin "abundare," meaning to overflow or be plentiful.


  • Definition: Deviating from what is normal or usual.
  • Example in a Sentence: The abnormal weather patterns have caused concern among scientists.
  • Fun Fact: "Abnormal" is often used in medical contexts to describe conditions that deviate from the typical state of health.


  • Definition: To accept or act in accordance with a rule, decision, or recommendation.
  • Example in a Sentence: You'll have to abide by the rules if you want to stay here.
  • Fun Fact: The phrase "abide by" has Old English roots, stemming from the word "abīdan," meaning to wait for or remain.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with AB can give you the edge you need to dominate the game. Here are some high-scoring examples:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Abjure 15 To solemnly renounce a belief, cause, or claim.
Absolve 12 To free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility.
Abscond 12 To leave hurriedly and secretly.
Absolve 12 To free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility.
Abolish 12 To formally put an end to a system or practice.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle fans, rejoice! Here are some five-letter words starting with AB that can help you crack the daily puzzle.

Word Definition
Abase To humiliate or degrade.
Abbey A building or group of buildings where monks or nuns live.
Abbot The head of an abbey of monks.
Abort To terminate something prematurely.
About On the subject of; concerning.

Unusual and rare word examples

Let’s dive into some of the rarer and more unusual words starting with AB that you might not come across every day.


  • Definition: Relating to the alphabet; a person who is learning the letters of the alphabet.
  • Interesting Fact: The term is derived from the first four letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D).
  • Example in a Sentence: His abecedarian efforts were evident in his childlike handwriting.


  • Definition: Difficult to understand; obscure.
  • Interesting Fact: The word comes from the Latin "abstrusus," meaning concealed or hidden.
  • Example in a Sentence: The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics was highly abstruse.


  • Definition: An absence of willpower or an inability to act decisively.
  • Interesting Fact: This term is often used in psychological contexts to describe a lack of motivation.
  • Example in a Sentence: His abulia made it difficult for him to make even simple decisions.


  • Definition: To solemnly renounce a belief, cause, or claim.
  • Interesting Fact: The word has legal connotations and is often used in formal declarations.
  • Example in a Sentence: He was forced to abjure his allegiance to the former king.


  • Definition: The act of renouncing or rejecting something.
  • Interesting Fact: It is often associated with self-denial or self-sacrifice.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her life of abnegation was admired by many but understood by few.

Final words

So there you have it—a delightful dive into the world of words starting with AB. Whether you're looking to spice up your vocabulary, impress in Scrabble, or conquer Wordle, these words offer a treasure trove of possibilities. Keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep having fun with the magical world of words.