14-letter words with P in the middle

Delve into the fascinating world of words where the letter P is nestled in the middle. This section highlights the unique placement of P in various words, illustrating how it contributes to their sound and meaning. From everyday language to more unusual terms, discover how P in the middle shapes the essence of these words.

responsibility 21
representative 19
transportation 16
disappointment 21
superintendent 17
interpretation 16
representation 16
correspondence 21
unprofessional 19
hypothetically 30
claustrophobic 25
accomplishment 27
cinematography 27
sophistication 21
anthropologist 20
metaphorically 26
implementation 20
uncompromising 23
multiplication 20
impressionable 20
overprotective 24
antidepressant 17
claustrophobia 23
contemporaries 20
underdeveloped 22
respectability 23
geographically 26
superstructure 18
hypersensitive 25
alphabetically 26
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interplanetary 19
comprehensible 25
specialization 27
incompleteness 20
unpleasantness 16
cardiomyopathy 30
astrophysicist 24
misrepresented 19
disciplinarian 19
electrotherapy 24
hyperventilate 25
indecipherable 24
capitalization 27
fingerprinting 21
whippersnapper 28
supernaturally 19
susceptibility 23
interdependent 18
microprocessor 22
experimentally 28
unpreparedness 19
metaphysically 29
metempsychosis 28
telepathically 24
benzodiazepine 37
unapproachable 25
staphylococcus 28
diplomatically 24
expressiveness 26
unappreciative 23
voluptuousness 19
optimistically 23
simplification 23
incapacitating 21
irreproachable 23
expressionless 23
unaccomplished 26
overcompensate 23
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spectrographic 26
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impoverishment 26
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antiperspirant 18
capriciousness 20
encephalopathy 29
extemporaneous 25
hermaphroditic 27
conspiratorial 18
neuropathology 23
overemphasized 34
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staphylococcal 28
telephonically 24
superannuation 16
anticapitalism 20
businesspeople 20
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hydrotherapist 26
chromatography 30
chlorpromazine 32
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massotherapist 21
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mastigophorous 22
malabsorptions 20
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magnetospheric 24
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metallographic 24
metamorphosing 24
metaphosphates 26
metaphosphoric 28
metaphrastical 23
metaphysicians 26
megalocephalic 26
megalopolitans 19
mechanotherapy 29
megaphonically 27
megascopically 26
mercaptopurine 22
megasporangium 22
megasporophyll 27
librarianships 21
leukodystrophy 30
lexicographers 29
lexicographies 29
lexicographist 29
lipogrammatism 23
lipogrammatist 21
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laryngophonies 23
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laryngoscopist 22
lepidopterists 19
leptocephalous 23
leptodactylous 22
letterspacings 19
lepidodendroid 20
leucocytopenia 23
lymphosarcomas 28
lyophilisation 22
lyophilization 31
lymphographies 30
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lycanthropists 24
lymphangiogram 28
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macropinakoids 25
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macrocephalias 25
macrocephalies 25
macrocephalous 25
macrosporangia 21
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lithographical 25
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moderatorships 22
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monopropellant 20
monotelephones 21
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monophthongize 34
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myographically 30
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myelencephalic 28
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naphthylamines 27
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newspaperwomen 26
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onychophagists 28
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opinionatively 22
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optimalization 27
optoelectronic 20
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occupationally 23
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odontographies 21
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oesophagoscope 24
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ombudsmanships 26
oesophagoscopy 27
oligopsonistic 19
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oscillographic 24
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organographist 21
ornithodelphic 25
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orographically 25
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rehospitalised 20
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rehospitalized 29
rehospitalizes 28
registrarships 20
reimplantation 18
reimportations 18
reinterpreting 17
reincorporated 19
reincorporates 18

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