8-letter words with B in the middle
Delve into the fascinating world of words where the letter B is nestled in the middle. This section highlights the unique placement of B in various words, illustrating how it contributes to their sound and meaning. From everyday language to more unusual terms, discover how B in the middle shapes the essence of these words.
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
remember | 14 | keep in mind for attention or consideration | - |
probably | 17 | easy to believe on the basis of available evidence | he will probably win the election |
somebody | 16 | a human being | - |
possible | 12 | existing in possibility | possible uses of nuclear power |
terrible | 10 | causing fear or dread or terror | a terrible curse |
horrible | 13 | provoking horror | war is beyond all words horrible |
football | 13 | any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal | - |
possibly | 15 | by chance | we may possibly run into them at the concert |
neighbor | 14 | live or be located as a neighbor | the neighboring house |
describe | 13 | give a description of | - |
stubborn | 12 | not responding to treatment | a stubborn infection |
fabulous | 13 | extremely pleasing | a fabulous vacation |
terribly | 13 | used as intensifiers | terribly interesting |
gambling | 14 | the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize) | his gambling cost him a fortune |
absolute | 10 | not capable of being violated or infringed | - |
valuable | 13 | having worth or merit or value | a valuable friend |
obsessed | 11 | influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion | - |
november | 15 | the month following October and preceding December | - |
republic | 14 | a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them | - |
doorbell | 11 | a push button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed | - |
abortion | 10 | failure of a plan | - |
umbrella | 12 | a formation of military planes maintained over ground operations or targets | an air umbrella over England |
climbing | 15 | an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.) | - |
adorable | 11 | lovable especially in a childlike or naive way | - |
suitable | 10 | worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse | the parents found the girl suitable for their son |
rumbling | 13 | continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound | the rumbling rolling sound of thunder |
reliable | 10 | conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief | reliable information |
troubled | 11 | characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination | these troubled areas |
assembly | 15 | the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery) | - |
ambition | 12 | a cherished desire | his ambition is to own his own business |
notebook | 14 | a small compact portable computer | - |
sensible | 10 | able to feel or perceive | even amoeba are sensible creatures |
chambers | 17 | English architect (1723-1796) | - |
combined | 15 | made or joined or united into one | - |
cannabis | 12 | any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs | - |
unstable | 10 | affording no ease or reassurance | - |
wardrobe | 14 | a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes | - |
disabled | 12 | having restricted mental or physical functioning as a consequence of injury or illness | - |
database | 11 | an organized body of related information | - |
grabbing | 14 | - | - |
cupboard | 15 | a small room (or recess) or cabinet used for storage space | - |
imbecile | 14 | having a mental age of three to seven years | - |
isabella | 10 | the queen of Castile whose marriage to Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469 marked the beginning of the modern state of Spain; they instituted the Spanish Inquisition in 1478 and sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1492 (1451-1504) | - |
observed | 14 | discovered or determined by scientific observation | no explanation for the observed phenomena |
abnormal | 12 | not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm | abnormal powers of concentration |
keyboard | 18 | device consisting of a set of keys on a piano or organ or typewriter or typesetting machine or computer or the like | - |
comeback | 20 | a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one) | - |
publicly | 17 | in a manner accessible to or observable by the public; openly | she admitted publicly to being a communist |
symbolic | 17 | relating to or using or proceeding by means of symbols | symbolic logic |
stabbing | 13 | causing physical or especially psychological injury | a stabbing remark |
feedback | 20 | response to an inquiry or experiment | - |
subtitle | 10 | translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen | - |
flexible | 20 | able to adjust readily to different conditions | a flexible personality |
diabetes | 11 | a polygenic disease characterized by abnormally high glucose levels in the blood; any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst | - |
resemble | 12 | appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to | She resembles her mother very much |
airborne | 10 | moved or conveyed by or through air | - |
absorbed | 13 | giving or marked by complete attention to | - |
mumbling | 15 | ineffectual chewing (as if without teeth) | - |
obstacle | 12 | something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted | lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement |
abstract | 12 | not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature | a large abstract painting |
sabotage | 11 | destroy property or hinder normal operations | The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war |
obedient | 11 | dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority | an obedient soldier |
cucumber | 16 | a melon vine of the genus Cucumis; cultivated from earliest times for its cylindrical green fruit | - |
assemble | 12 | collect in one place | We assembled in the church basement |
plumbing | 15 | utility consisting of the pipes and fixtures for the distribution of water or gas in a building and for the disposal of sewage | - |
liberate | 10 | grant freedom to | The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university |
horribly | 16 | of a dreadful kind | - |
observer | 13 | an expert who observes and comments on something | - |
probable | 14 | likely but not certain to be or become true or real | he foresaw a probable loss |
cerebral | 12 | involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct | a cerebral approach to the problem |
embraced | 15 | - | - |
eligible | 11 | qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen | eligible to run for office |
credible | 13 | capable of being believed | completely credible testimony |
textbook | 21 | according to or characteristic of a casebook or textbook; typical | a textbook example |
alphabet | 15 | the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural) | - |
nobility | 13 | the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct | - |
cannibal | 12 | a person who eats human flesh | - |
oblivion | 13 | the state of being disregarded or forgotten | - |
portable | 12 | a small light typewriter; usually with a case in which it can be carried | - |
suburban | 12 | relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs | suburban population |
outbreak | 14 | a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition) | the outbreak of hostilities |
yearbook | 17 | a reference book that is published regularly once every year | - |
tribunal | 10 | an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business | - |
scramble | 14 | climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling | - |
softball | 13 | a game closely resembling baseball that is played on a smaller diamond and with a ball that is larger and softer | - |
doubting | 12 | marked by or given to doubt | - |
seatbelt | 10 | a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident | - |
diabetic | 13 | someone who has diabetes | - |
fireball | 13 | a highly energetic and indefatigable person | - |
abundant | 11 | present in great quantity | an abundant supply of water |
embedded | 15 | enclosed firmly in a surrounding mass | found pebbles embedded in the silt |
snowball | 13 | plant having heads of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers; grows in sandy arid regions | - |
indebted | 12 | owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors etc | - |
clubbing | 15 | a condition in which the ends of toes and fingers become wide and thick; a symptom of heart or lung disease | - |
scrabble | 14 | an aimless drawing | - |
doubtful | 14 | unsettled in mind or opinion | - |
vibrator | 13 | a mechanical device that vibrates | a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound |
obsolete | 10 | no longer in use | obsolete words |
gullible | 11 | naive and easily deceived or tricked | at that early age she had been gullible and in love |
deathbed | 15 | the bed on which a person dies | - |
doubling | 12 | raising the stakes in a card game by a factor of 2 | - |
nobleman | 12 | a titled peer of the realm | - |
abruptly | 15 | quickly and without warning | - |
sociable | 12 | a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity | - |
rambling | 13 | spreading out in different directions or distributed irregularly | - |
daybreak | 18 | the first light of day | - |
vagabond | 15 | wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community | led a vagabond life |
deadbeat | 12 | someone who fails to meet a financial obligation | - |
tangible | 11 | perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch | skin with a tangible roughness |
ensemble | 12 | the chorus of a ballet company | - |
rainbows | 13 | - | - |
asbestos | 10 | a fibrous amphibole; used for making fireproof articles; inhaling fibers can cause asbestosis or lung cancer | - |
mobilize | 21 | cause to move around | - |
tumbling | 13 | the gymnastic moves of an acrobat | - |
scrubbed | 15 | made clean by scrubbing | fresh-scrubbed floors |
headband | 15 | a band worn around or over the head | the earphones were held in place by a headband |
aerobics | 12 | exercise that increases the need for oxygen | - |
feasible | 13 | capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are | - |
meatball | 12 | ground meat formed into a ball and fried or simmered in broth | - |
membrane | 14 | a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants | - |
ambience | 14 | the atmosphere of an environment | - |
obituary | 13 | a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biography | - |
subtract | 12 | make a subtraction | subtract this amount from my paycheck |
forcibly | 18 | in a forcible manner | keep in mind the dangers of imposing our own values and prejudices too forcibly |
outburst | 10 | a sudden violent disturbance | - |
celibate | 12 | abstaining from sexual intercourse | celibate priests |
sobriety | 13 | moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or other drugs | - |
obstruct | 12 | block passage through | obstruct the path |
shambles | 15 | a building where animals are butchered | - |
mobility | 15 | the quality of moving freely | - |
trombone | 12 | a brass instrument consisting of a long tube whose length can be varied by a U-shaped slide | - |
handbook | 18 | a concise reference book providing specific information about a subject or location | - |
handball | 14 | a game played in a walled court or against a single wall by two or four players who strike a rubber ball with their hands | - |
debating | 12 | - | - |
variable | 13 | a star that varies noticeably in brightness | - |
subpoena | 12 | a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court | - |
playback | 21 | electronic equipment comprising the part of a tape recorder that reproduces the recorded material | - |
lifeboat | 13 | a strong sea boat designed to rescue people from a sinking ship | - |
sailboat | 10 | a small sailing vessel; usually with a single mast | - |
celibacy | 17 | abstaining from sexual relations (as because of religious vows) | - |
svedberg | 15 | Swedish theologian (1688-1772) | - |
cookbook | 20 | a book of recipes and cooking directions | - |
hibiscus | 15 | any plant of the genus Hibiscus | - |
verbally | 16 | as a verb | he had a habit of using nouns verbally |
squabble | 21 | a quarrel about petty points | - |
scribble | 14 | an aimless drawing | - |
crucible | 14 | a vessel made of material that does not melt easily; used for high temperature chemical reactions | - |
absinthe | 13 | aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe | - |
riverbed | 14 | a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a river | - |
prohibit | 15 | command against | - |
matchbox | 24 | a box for holding matches | - |
peekaboo | 16 | a game played with young children; you hide your face and suddenly reveal it as you say boo! | - |
ambrosia | 12 | a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae | - |
obsidian | 11 | acid or granitic glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava without crystallization; usually dark, but transparent in thin pieces | - |
enabling | 11 | providing legal power or sanction | an enabling resolution |
submerge | 13 | sink below the surface; go under or as if under water | - |
playbook | 19 | a book containing the scripts of one or more dramatic plays | the 1963 playbook leaves out the whole first scene |
cabernet | 12 | superior Bordeaux type of red wine | - |
habitual | 13 | commonly used or practiced; usual | his habitual comment |
lobbying | 16 | - | - |
labrador | 11 | the mainland part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in the eastern part of the large Labrador-Ungava Peninsula in northeastern Canada | - |
abetting | 11 | - | - |
trembles | 12 | disease of livestock and especially cattle poisoned by eating certain kinds of snakeroot | - |
snowbell | 13 | small tree native to Japan | - |
likeable | 14 | (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings | - |
subtlety | 13 | the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze | you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew |
unbutton | 10 | undo the buttons of | unbutton the shirt |
unbroken | 14 | (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded | unbroken promises |
proverbs | 15 | an Old Testament book consisting of proverbs from various Israeli sages (including Solomon) | - |
absolved | 14 | freed from any question of guilt | is absolved from all blame |
sunbathe | 13 | expose one's body to the sun | - |
labelled | 11 | bearing or marked with a label or tag | - |
lobbyist | 15 | someone who is employed to persuade legislators to vote for legislation that favors the lobbyist's employer | - |
callback | 18 | a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair) | - |
lobotomy | 15 | surgical interruption of nerve tracts to and from the frontal lobe of the brain; often results in marked cognitive and personality changes | - |
vertebra | 13 | one of the bony segments of the spinal column | - |
palpable | 14 | clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment | a palpable lie |
globally | 14 | throughout the world | this is globally significant |
suburbia | 12 | a residential district located on the outskirts of a city | - |
robotics | 12 | the area of AI concerned with the practical use of robots | - |
rebuttal | 10 | (law) a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff's surrejoinder | - |
amicable | 14 | characterized by friendship and good will | an amicable agreement |
hardball | 14 | a no-nonsense attitude in business or politics | they play hardball in the Senate |
numbness | 12 | the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally | - |
fastball | 13 | (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity | he swung late on the fastball |
mulberry | 15 | any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry | - |
crossbow | 15 | a bow fixed transversely on a wooden stock grooved to direct the arrow (quarrel) | - |
seaboard | 11 | the shore of a sea or ocean regarded as a resort | - |
ambiance | 14 | the atmosphere of an environment | - |
fumbling | 16 | showing lack of skill or aptitude | his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf |
embodied | 14 | possessing or existing in bodily form | - |
enviable | 13 | causing envy | an enviable position |
sensibly | 13 | with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner | he acted sensibly in the crisis |
jailbird | 18 | a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly | - |
intubate | 10 | introduce a cannula or tube into | - |
cobblers | 14 | a man's testicles (from Cockney rhyming slang: cobbler's awl rhymes with ball) | - |
abductor | 13 | a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line | - |
abattoir | 10 | a building where animals are butchered | - |
songbird | 12 | any bird having a musical call | - |
snobbish | 15 | befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior | - |
arguably | 14 | as can be shown by argument | she is arguably the best |
fullback | 19 | (American football) an offensive position in the backfield | - |
inedible | 11 | not suitable for food | - |
loveable | 13 | having characteristics that attract love or affection | - |
abrasive | 13 | causing abrasion | - |
workable | 17 | capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are | - |
passerby | 15 | a person who passes by casually or by chance | - |
fibrosis | 13 | development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ | - |
kickback | 26 | a commercial bribe paid by a seller to a purchasing agent in order to induce the agent to enter into the transaction | - |
obliging | 12 | showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others | the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave |
absurdly | 14 | in an absurd manner or to an absurd degree | an absurdly rich young woman |
succubus | 14 | a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men | - |
labourer | 10 | someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor | - |
goofball | 14 | a man who is a stupid incompetent fool | - |
verbatim | 15 | in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker | repeated their dialog verbatim |
sizeable | 19 | fairly large in size | - |
paperboy | 17 | a boy who sells or delivers newspapers | - |
dumbbell | 15 | an ignorant or foolish person | - |
drawback | 20 | the quality of being a hindrance | he pointed out all the drawbacks to my plan |
immobile | 14 | securely fixed in place | - |
jamboree | 19 | a gay festivity | - |
passable | 12 | about average; acceptable | - |
embolism | 14 | an insertion into a calendar | - |
fallback | 19 | to break off a military action with an enemy | - |
humpback | 23 | an abnormal backward curve to the vertebral column | - |
labeling | 11 | - | - |
moonbeam | 14 | a ray of moonlight | - |
objector | 19 | a person who dissents from some established policy | - |
culpable | 14 | deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious | culpable negligence |
debonair | 11 | having a sophisticated charm | a debonair gentleman |
saboteur | 10 | someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks | - |
reliably | 13 | in a faithful manner | - |
caboodle | 13 | any collection in its entirety | she bought the whole caboodle |
grubbing | 14 | - | - |
ladybird | 15 | small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests | - |
aberrant | 10 | markedly different from an accepted norm | aberrant behavior |
subdural | 11 | below the dura mater but above the arachnoid membrane of the meninges | - |
sobering | 11 | tending to make sober or more serious | the news had a sobering effect |
passbook | 16 | a record of deposits and withdrawals and interest held by depositors at certain banks | - |
purebred | 13 | a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses | - |
fishbowl | 19 | a transparent bowl in which small fish are kept | - |
hairball | 13 | a compact mass of hair that forms in the alimentary canal (especially in the stomach of animals as a result of licking fur) | - |
humbling | 16 | causing awareness of your shortcomings | golf is a humbling game |
potbelly | 15 | slang for a paunch | - |
forcible | 15 | impelled by physical force especially against resistance | forcible entry |
damnable | 13 | deserving a curse | her damnable pride |
superbly | 15 | (used as an intensifier) extremely well | her voice is superbly disciplined |
sombrero | 12 | a straw hat with a tall crown and broad brim; worn in American southwest and in Mexico | - |
amicably | 17 | in an amicable manner | they separated amicably |
freeborn | 13 | born free of free parents | - |
highbrow | 20 | highly cultured or educated | highbrow events such as the ballet or opera |
absentee | 10 | one that is absent or not in residence | - |
ablution | 10 | the ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels | - |
unusable | 10 | not capable of being used | - |
wobbling | 16 | (of sound) fluctuating unsteadily | a low-pitched wobbling sound |
wishbone | 16 | the furcula of a domestic fowl | - |
unburden | 11 | take the burden off; remove the burden from | unburden the donkey |
unbeaten | 10 | not conquered | - |
drumbeat | 13 | the sound made by beating a drum | - |
ebenezer | 19 | - | - |
honeybee | 16 | social bee often domesticated for the honey it produces | - |
laboured | 11 | lacking natural ease | - |
libretto | 10 | the words of an opera or musical play | - |
choirboy | 18 | a boy who sings in a choir | - |
abdicate | 13 | give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations | The King abdicated when he married a divorcee |
suitably | 13 | in accordance with what is appropriate or suitable for the circumstances | - |
unbiased | 11 | characterized by a lack of partiality | an unbiased account of her family problems |
rutabaga | 11 | the large yellow root of a rutabaga plant used as food | - |
scrubber | 14 | a brush with short stiff bristles for heavy cleaning | - |
amenable | 12 | responsive to suggestions and influences | an amenable child |
autobahn | 13 | an expressway in a German-speaking country | - |
laboring | 11 | doing arduous or unpleasant work | the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton |
mandible | 13 | the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth | - |
copybook | 21 | a book containing models of good penmanship; used in teaching penmanship | - |
readable | 11 | easily deciphered | - |
embezzle | 30 | appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use | The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family |
embossed | 13 | embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery | an embossed satin |
gangbang | 13 | - | - |
cerebrum | 14 | anterior portion of the brain consisting of two hemispheres; dominant part of the brain in humans | - |
sunblock | 16 | a cream spread on the skin; contains a chemical (as PABA) to filter out ultraviolet light and so protect from sunburn | - |
overbite | 13 | (dentistry) malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend abnormally far over the lower teeth | - |
jailbait | 17 | - | - |
longboat | 11 | the largest boat carried by a merchant sailing vessel | - |
crossbar | 12 | a horizontal bar that goes across something | - |
diabolic | 13 | showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil | the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen |
abrasion | 10 | erosion by friction | - |
zindabad | 21 | - | - |
subspace | 14 | a space that is contained within another space | - |
pembroke | 18 | the smaller and straight-legged variety of corgi having pointed ears and a short tail | - |
redouble | 11 | double again | The noise doubled and redoubled |
anabolic | 12 | characterized by or promoting constructive metabolism | some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily |
incubate | 12 | sit on (eggs) | - |
operable | 12 | fit or ready for use or service | - |
outboard | 11 | internal-combustion engine that mounts at stern of small boat | - |
layabout | 13 | person who does no work | - |
subhuman | 15 | less than human or not worthy of a human being | treated natives as subhuman |
sunburst | 10 | a design consisting of a central disk resembling the sun and rays emanating from it | - |
sunburnt | 10 | suffering from overexposure to direct sunlight | - |
shinbone | 13 | the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle | - |
doughboy | 18 | an American infantryman in World War I | - |
inscribe | 12 | mark with one's signature | - |
kabbalah | 19 | an esoteric or occult matter resembling the Kabbalah that is traditionally secret | - |
kickball | 20 | - | - |
abridged | 13 | (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting | an abridged version |
abhorred | 14 | - | - |
washable | 16 | capable of being washed without injury | washable woolens |
scabbard | 15 | a sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet | - |
showboat | 16 | a river steamboat on which theatrical performances could be given (especially on the Mississippi River) | - |
slobbery | 15 | - | - |
pitiable | 12 | inspiring mixed contempt and pity | pitiable lack of character |
plebeian | 12 | of or associated with the great masses of people | his square plebeian nose |
puffball | 18 | any of various fungi of the genus Scleroderma having hard-skinned subterranean fruiting bodies resembling truffles | - |
dumbhead | 17 | - | - |
honeybun | 16 | - | - |
jubilant | 17 | full of high-spirited delight | - |
kielbasa | 14 | - | - |
outbound | 11 | that is going out or leaving | - |
diatribe | 11 | thunderous verbal attack | - |
ablation | 10 | surgical removal of a body part or tissue | - |
antibody | 14 | any of a large variety of proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immune response | - |
faubourg | 14 | a New Orleans district lying outside the original city limits; used in combination with the names of various quarters of the city | - |
larboard | 11 | the left side of a ship or aircraft to someone who is aboard and facing the bow or nose | - |
mobilise | 12 | cause to move around | - |
cherubim | 17 | - | - |
subsonic | 12 | (of speed) less than that of sound in a designated medium | aircraft flying at subsonic speeds |
tabletop | 12 | the top horizontal work surface of a table | - |
toboggan | 12 | move along on a luge or toboggan | - |
spitball | 12 | an illegal pitch in which a foreign substance (spit or Vaseline) is applied to the ball by the pitcher before he throws it | - |
airbrush | 13 | an atomizer to spray paint by means of compressed air | - |
laudable | 11 | worthy of high praise | applaudable efforts to save the environment |
cybersex | 22 | sexual arousal involving communication on the internet | - |
carbolic | 14 | - | - |
abeyance | 15 | temporary cessation or suspension | - |
wearable | 13 | a covering designed to be worn on a person's body | - |
workbook | 21 | a student's book or booklet containing problems with spaces for solving them | - |
winnable | 13 | - | - |
verboten | 13 | excluded from use or mention | - |
verbiage | 14 | the manner in which something is expressed in words | use concise military verbiage |
unabated | 11 | continuing at full strength or intensity | the winds are unabated |
snobbery | 15 | the trait of condescending to those of lower social status | - |
preamble | 14 | a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose) | - |
publican | 14 | the keeper of a public house | - |
cabstand | 13 | a place where taxis park while awaiting customers | - |
dribbler | 13 | a person who dribbles | that baby is a dribbler; he needs a bib |
embalmer | 14 | a mortician who treats corpses with preservatives | - |
fallible | 13 | wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings | I'm only a fallible human |
knobbing | 17 | - | - |
morbidly | 16 | in a morbid manner or to a morbid degree | he was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies |
lifebelt | 13 | - | - |
cobbling | 15 | the shoemaker's trade | - |
cribbing | 15 | - | - |
unbuckle | 16 | undo the buckle of | - |
sandbank | 15 | a submerged bank of sand near a shore or in a river; can be exposed at low tide | - |
reusable | 10 | capable of being used again | - |
parabola | 12 | a plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the curve | - |
dumbness | 13 | the quality of being mentally slow and limited | - |
duckbill | 17 | primitive fish of the Mississippi valley having a long paddle-shaped snout | - |
firebird | 14 | tropical American flycatcher found as far north as southern Texas and Arizona; adult male has bright scarlet and black plumage | - |
freebase | 13 | - | - |
habanero | 13 | - | - |
imbedded | 15 | - | - |
kissable | 14 | - | - |
oblation | 10 | the act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist | - |
cornball | 12 | - | - |
debasing | 12 | used of conduct; characterized by dishonor | - |
dingbats | 12 | - | - |
tailback | 16 | (American football) the person who plays tailback | - |
undoable | 11 | impossible to achieve | - |
saleable | 10 | capable of being sold; fit for sale | saleable at a low price |
sellable | 10 | fit to be offered for sale | - |
shabbily | 18 | so as to appear worn and threadbare or dilapidated | a shabbily dressed man |
songbook | 15 | a book containing a collection of songs | - |
solvable | 13 | capable of being solved | such problems are perfectly solvable |
ascribed | 13 | - | - |
albacore | 12 | large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and has long pectoral fins; found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters | - |
fishbone | 16 | a bone of a fish | - |
doubloon | 11 | a former Spanish gold coin | - |
highborn | 17 | belonging to the peerage | - |
homebrew | 18 | an alcoholic beverage (especially beer) made at home | - |
jackboot | 23 | (19th century) a man's high tasseled boot | - |
marabout | 12 | large African black-and-white carrion-eating stork; its downy underwing feathers are used to trim garments | - |
marbling | 13 | the intermixture of fat and lean in a cut of meat | - |
moribund | 13 | not growing or changing; without force or vitality | - |
moneybag | 16 | a drawstring bag for holding money | - |
moveable | 15 | capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another | - |
clambake | 18 | a cookout at the seashore where clams and fish and other foods are cooked--usually on heated stones covered with seaweed | - |
deadbolt | 12 | the part of a lock that is engaged or withdrawn with a key | - |
capybara | 17 | pig-sized tailless South American amphibious rodent with partly webbed feet; largest living rodent | - |
woodbine | 14 | common North American vine with compound leaves and bluish-black berrylike fruit | - |
yardbird | 15 | a military recruit who is assigned menial tasks | - |
vibrancy | 18 | having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant | - |
tableaux | 17 | - | - |
unburied | 11 | not buried | - |
stabling | 11 | accommodation for animals (especially for horses) | - |
rubidium | 13 | a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group; burns in air and reacts violently in water; occurs in carnallite and lepidolite and pollucite | - |
rosebush | 13 | any of many shrubs of the genus Rosa that bear roses | - |
shabbier | 15 | - | - |
airburst | 10 | an explosion in the atmosphere | - |
garbanzo | 20 | large white roundish Asiatic legume; usually dried | - |
disrobed | 12 | - | - |
downbeat | 14 | the first beat of a musical measure (as the conductor's arm moves downward) | - |
halfback | 22 | (American football) an offensive back usually positioned behind the quarterback and to the side of the fullback | - |
highball | 17 | a mixed drink made of alcoholic liquor mixed with water or a carbonated beverage and served in a tall glass | - |
hobbyist | 18 | a person who pursues an activity in their spare time for pleasure | - |
houseboy | 16 | - | - |
huggable | 15 | - | - |
glibness | 11 | a kind of fluent easy superficiality | the glibness of a high-pressure salesman |
nebulous | 10 | of or relating to or resembling a nebula | - |
libation | 10 | a serving (of wine) poured out in honor of a deity | - |
liveable | 13 | fit or suitable to live in or with | - |
lifebuoy | 16 | - | - |
chewable | 18 | able to be chewed or cut | - |
chubbier | 17 | - | - |
crabmeat | 14 | the edible flesh of any of various crabs | - |
cribbage | 15 | a card game (usually for two players) in which each player is dealt six cards and discards one or two | - |
debugger | 13 | a program that helps in locating and correcting programming errors | - |
carbonic | 14 | relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon | - |
abrogate | 11 | revoke formally | - |
wannabee | 13 | an ambitious and aspiring young person | - |
vibrated | 14 | - | - |
testable | 10 | - | - |
trembler | 12 | one who quakes and trembles with (or as with) fear | - |
tuberous | 10 | of or relating to or resembling a tuber | a tuberous root |
sawbones | 13 | a physician who specializes in surgery | - |
snubbing | 13 | - | - |
snuffbox | 23 | a small ornamental box for carrying snuff in your pocket | - |
reburied | 11 | - | - |
rebutted | 11 | - | - |
albinism | 12 | the congenital absence of pigmentation in the eyes and skin and hair | - |
drubbing | 14 | the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows | - |
eatables | 10 | - | - |
encumber | 14 | restrict (someone or something) so as to make free movement difficult | - |
embolden | 13 | give encouragement to | - |
fastback | 19 | - | - |
fogbound | 15 | enveloped in fog | a fogbound fleet |
gadabout | 12 | a restless seeker after amusement or social companionship | - |
instable | 10 | - | - |
jubilate | 17 | to express great joy | - |
kibitzer | 23 | (Yiddish) a meddler who offers unwanted advice to others | - |
lambskin | 16 | skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on | - |
gigabyte | 15 | a unit of information equal to 1000 megabytes or 10^9 (1,000,000,000) bytes | - |
globular | 11 | having the shape of a sphere or ball | little globular houses like mud-wasp nests |
lovebird | 14 | small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors | - |
noblesse | 10 | the state of being of noble birth | - |
clubfoot | 15 | congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle and heel and toes | - |
curbside | 13 | the side of a sidewalk that is bordered by a curb | policemen stood at intervals along the curbside |
absorber | 12 | (physics) material in a nuclear reactor that absorbs radiation | - |
abutment | 12 | a masonry support that touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge | - |
sideburn | 11 | facial hair that has grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off) | - |
stubbing | 13 | - | - |
subduing | 12 | - | - |
swabbing | 16 | cleaning with a mop | - |
talkback | 20 | - | - |
tangibly | 14 | in a tangible manner | virtue is tangibly rewarded |
turbojet | 17 | a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust | - |
turbaned | 11 | wearing a turban | - |
unbolted | 11 | not firmly fastened or secured | - |
unbraced | 13 | without braces or props | - |
unbelief | 13 | a rejection of belief | - |
unbathed | 14 | - | - |
rollback | 16 | the act of forcing the enemy to withdraw | - |
scalable | 12 | capable of being scaled; possible to scale | the scalable slope of a mountain |
scabrous | 12 | rough to the touch; covered with scales or scurf | - |
resubmit | 12 | submit (information) again to a program or automatic system | - |
passably | 15 | to certain extent or degree | - |
penumbra | 14 | a fringe region of partial shadow around an umbra | - |
playbill | 15 | a theatrical program | he couldn't find her name on the playbill |
provable | 15 | capable of being demonstrated or proved | practical truth provable to all men |
probated | 13 | - | - |
overbill | 13 | - | - |
elbowing | 14 | jostling with the elbows | elbowing is a foul in basketball |
flexibly | 23 | with flexibility | `Come whenever you are free,' he said flexibly |
foldable | 14 | capable of being folded up and stored | - |
disburse | 11 | expend, as from a fund | - |
disabuse | 11 | free somebody (from an erroneous belief) | - |
dogsbody | 16 | a worker who has to do all the unpleasant or boring jobs that no one else wants to do | - |
handbill | 14 | an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution | - |
hardback | 20 | having a hard back or cover | hardback books |
hornbill | 13 | bird of tropical Africa and Asia having a very large bill surmounted by a bony protuberance; related to kingfishers | - |
homebody | 19 | a person who seldom goes anywhere; one not given to wandering or travel | - |
megabyte | 16 | a unit of information equal to 1024 kibibytes or 2^20 (1,048,576) bytes | - |
libelous | 10 | (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign | - |
limbless | 12 | having no limbs | a snake is a limbless reptile |
demobbed | 16 | - | - |
deniable | 11 | capable of being denied or contradicted | - |
carbonyl | 15 | relating to or containing the carbonyl group | - |
unviable | 13 | - | - |
urbanite | 10 | - | - |
sweatbox | 20 | a device that causes tobacco leaves or fruit or hides to sweat | - |
tabulate | 10 | arrange or enter in tabular form | - |
uncombed | 15 | (of hair) not combed | he was unwashed and uncombed with his clothes half buttoned |
unburned | 11 | - | - |
unbidden | 12 | - | - |
unbilled | 11 | - | - |
rhomboid | 16 | any of several muscles of the upper back that help move the shoulder blade | - |
runabout | 10 | an open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat | - |
slyboots | 13 | a shifty deceptive person | - |
playable | 15 | capable of or suitable for being played or played on | a playable lie in golf |
provably | 18 | in an obvious and provable manner | - |
pullback | 18 | a device (as a decorative loop of cord or fabric) for holding or drawing something back | the draperies were drawn to the sides by pullbacks |