8-letter words ending with X

Dive into the specific realm of 8-letter words that conclude with the letter X. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with X, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

  • orthodox 19
  • bordeaux 18
  • appendix 20
  • crucifix 22
  • smallpox 19
  • matchbox 24
  • cybersex 22
  • parallax 17
  • intermix 17
  • tableaux 17
  • breadbox 20
  • snuffbox 23
  • sweatbox 20
  • transfix 18
  • aviatrix 18
  • watchbox 25
  • waterpox 20
  • zelatrix 24
  • videotex 19
  • subindex 18
  • swinepox 20
  • superfix 20
  • supersex 17
  • supertax 17
  • supermax 19
  • toadflax 19
  • tractrix 17
  • tonneaux 15
  • trumeaux 17
  • undertax 16
  • rouleaux 15
  • rondeaux 16
  • sardonyx 19
  • saucebox 19
  • scrumpox 21
  • spinifex 20
  • soundbox 18
  • phorminx 22
  • plateaux 17
  • pontifex 20
  • ponceaux 19
  • precieux 19
  • quadplex 27
  • quincunx 26
  • paintbox 19
  • anthelix 18
  • bandeaux 18
  • batteaux 17
  • berceaux 19
  • biconvex 22
  • bobbysox 24
  • brainbox 19
  • aftertax 18
  • earthwax 21
  • econobox 19
  • epicalyx 22
  • fabliaux 20
  • fourplex 20
  • disannex 16
  • haruspex 20
  • heritrix 18
  • heretrix 18
  • homeobox 22
  • horsebox 20
  • horsepox 20
  • interrex 15
  • intersex 15
  • janitrix 22
  • jambeaux 26
  • giambeux 20
  • genetrix 16
  • genitrix 16
  • lunchbox 22
  • loosebox 17
  • manteaux 17
  • megaplex 20
  • microlux 19
  • millilux 17
  • mirepoix 19
  • morceaux 19
  • octuplex 19
  • nouveaux 18
  • opopanax 19
  • chapeaux 22
  • chateaux 20
  • clangbox 20
  • clackbox 25
  • cicatrix 19
  • cineplex 19
  • creatrix 17
  • coturnix 17
  • couteaux 17
  • curatrix 17
  • curtalax 17
  • camaieux 19
  • carnifex 20
  • moneybox 22
  • mousseux 17
  • purlieux 17
  • checkbox 28
  • glovebox 21
  • smokebox 23
  • sneakbox 21
  • battleax 17

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