9-letter words ending with VE

Dive into the specific realm of 9-letter words that conclude with the letter VE. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with VE, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

detective 15
expensive 21
sensitive 12
executive 21
effective 20
objective 23
exclusive 21
offensive 18
primitive 16
explosive 21
defensive 16
microwave 19
excessive 21
intensive 12
extensive 19
operative 14
obsessive 14
impulsive 16
secretive 14
talkative 16
narrative 12
attentive 12
lucrative 14
repulsive 14
defective 18
seductive 15
incentive 14
addictive 16
intuitive 12
selective 14
digestive 14
misbehave 19
deceptive 17
directive 15
cognitive 15
inventive 15
receptive 16
intrusive 12
assertive 12
proactive 16
inclusive 14
adjective 22
overdrive 16
tentative 12
pervasive 17
reclusive 14
combative 18
corrosive 14
expansive 21
evocative 17
shortwave 18
conducive 17
formative 17
plaintive 14
brainwave 17
probative 16
retentive 12
expletive 21
impassive 16
reflexive 22
affective 20
purgative 15
reductive 15
deductive 16
divertive 16
educative 15
cookstove 18
causative 14
nutritive 12
obtrusive 14
normative 14
inductive 15
recessive 14
collusive 14
calmative 16
nonactive 14
nonnative 12
occlusive 16
olfactive 17
ostensive 12
overdrove 16
outstrive 12
outstrove 12
outthieve 15
oxidative 20
palsgrave 15
patercove 16
parasceve 16
partitive 14
mediative 15
wildgrave 17
yestereve 15
woodreeve 16
woodstove 16
writative 15
waldgrave 17
violative 15
semibreve 16
seclusive 14
siccative 16
sociative 14
spoilfive 17
revertive 15
revulsive 15
transmove 14
traditive 13
unabusive 14
unbelieve 14
undeserve 13
undeceive 15
unreserve 12
urinative 12
vibrative 17
variative 15
suffusive 18
summative 16
suboctave 16
subsecive 16
superwave 17
superhive 17
placative 16
pollutive 14
portreeve 14
portative 14
prelusive 14
precative 16
precisive 16
predative 15
prolative 14
profusive 17
promotive 16
privative 17
pulsative 14
purposive 16
quotative 21
reapprove 16
radiative 13
recursive 14
rejective 21
reinvolve 15
reenslave 12
reengrave 13
refective 17
remissive 14
reobserve 14
retortive 12
revengive 16
resentive 12
resistive 12
perfusive 17
humective 19
hortative 15
impactive 18
imitative 14
immersive 16
incursive 14
infective 17
inflative 15
implosive 16
inceptive 16
intentive 12
ingestive 13
injective 21
irruptive 14
iterative 12
isolative 12
interwove 15
invective 17
inversive 15
landgrave 14
laudative 13
laticlave 14
lambitive 16
lightwave 19
contusive 14
connexive 21
connotive 14
corrasive 14
creamwove 19
crimewave 19
curvative 17
decoctive 17
decursive 15
decretive 15
dataglove 14
demissive 15
depletive 15
depictive 17
deviative 16
detersive 13
diffusive 19
divulsive 16
divorcive 18
disproove 15
drawshave 19
dormitive 15
duckshove 22
emanative 14
embracive 18
collative 14
expulsive 21
evolutive 15
excursive 21
excretive 21
exemptive 23
exceptive 23
exudative 20
extortive 19
extorsive 19
extrusive 19
factitive 17
forgetive 16
fricative 17
gemmative 17
gerundive 14
gestative 13
gustative 13
endorsive 13
enhancive 17
emulative 14
equivalve 24
bijective 23
biconcave 18
bioactive 16
caressive 14
champleve 21
attritive 12
attuitive 12
assentive 12
assistive 12
aspersive 14
assortive 12
assuasive 12
autoclave 14
aperitive 14
arrestive 12
ascensive 14
appulsive 16
agitative 13
accretive 16
acceptive 18
adductive 16
advective 18
adventive 16
adjustive 20
admissive 15
posidrive 15
pozidrive 24
egressive 13

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