8-letter words ending with SIS

Dive into the specific realm of 8-letter words that conclude with the letter SIS. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with SIS, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

analysis 11
hypnosis 16
emphasis 15
dialysis 12
neurosis 8
fibrosis 13
synopsis 13
necrosis 10
narcosis 10
phimosis 15
stenosis 8
ellipsis 10
cyanosis 13
acidosis 11
synapsis 13
lordosis 9
exegesis 16
zoonosis 17
xeransis 15
syndesis 12
teniasis 8
thlipsis 13
thylosis 14
reversis 11
sanyasis 11
semiosis 10
siriasis 8
phthisis 16
phylesis 16
pheresis 13
phytosis 16
protasis 10
psilosis 10
ptilosis 10
pycnosis 15
pyknosis 17
pachisis 15
anabasis 10
anemosis 10
alphosis 13
amitosis 10
ameiosis 10
apneusis 10
apoapsis 12
apodosis 11
anuresis 8
anthesis 11
biolysis 13
adenosis 9
adiposis 11
akinesis 12
agenesis 9
eccrisis 12
ecstasis 10
eclipsis 12
enclisis 10
empyesis 15
emptysis 15
enuresis 8
epitasis 10
esthesis 11
erotesis 8
diuresis 9
diplosis 11
gummosis 13
haplosis 13
hidrosis 12
heliosis 11
homeosis 13
kolbasis 14
kyllosis 15
kyphosis 20
kurtosis 12
lyolysis 14
mathesis 13
methysis 16
orchesis 13
orthosis 11
osteosis 8
leukosis 12
centesis 10
chorisis 13
coniosis 10
cosmesis 12
cyclosis 15
dieresis 9
diegesis 10
leucosis 10
hormesis 13
inkhosis 15

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