14-letter words ending with L

Dive into the specific realm of 14-letter words that conclude with the letter L. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with L, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

pharmaceutical 25
constitutional 16
unprofessional 19
archaeological 22
circumstantial 20
unconventional 19
meteorological 19
ecclesiastical 20
organizational 24
quintessential 23
transcendental 17
conversational 19
gynaecological 23
denominational 17
jurisdictional 24
conspiratorial 18
unidirectional 17
nontraditional 15
organisational 15
staphylococcal 28
megalomaniacal 21
nymphomaniacal 28
dermatological 20
congregational 18
martyrological 22
metaphrastical 23
megasporophyll 27
lichenological 22
laryngological 21
lithographical 25
monotheistical 21
monotheletical 21
misogynistical 22
multidialectal 19
multifactorial 21
multipotential 18
metropolitical 20
metoposcopical 24
methodological 23
misanthropical 23
microseismical 22
microspherical 25
nonexistential 21
nongrammatical 21
nonideological 18
nongeometrical 19
nonjudgemental 25
noncontractual 18
noneducational 17
nondimensional 17
nondirectional 17
nontheoretical 19
nonoperational 16
nonresidential 15
nonstatistical 16
nonsymmetrical 23
nonsensational 14
nontheological 20
nasopharyngeal 23
narratological 17
myrmecological 26
nomenclatorial 18
nonchromosomal 23
overanalytical 22
oneirocritical 18
opisthoglossal 20
ornithological 20
orthographical 25
perimenopausal 20
periphrastical 23
perturbational 18
pharmacopoeial 25
petrographical 24
palingenetical 19
pantographical 24
paleobotanical 20
paleographical 24
paronomastical 20
paradigmatical 22
paraphrastical 23
polysyllabical 26
pluviometrical 23
poikilothermal 25
postpositional 18
postmillennial 18
polytheistical 24
postindustrial 17
posterolateral 16
postmenopausal 20
photographical 27
phraseological 22
planetological 19
plenipotential 18
phytogenetical 25
physiognomical 27
phyllotactical 26
prothonotarial 19
propaedeutical 21
psychometrical 28
psychochemical 33
preoperational 18
preconsonantal 18
progestational 17
presentational 16
presentimental 18
primatological 21
recurvirostral 19
recrementitial 18
registrational 15
reflexological 27
quincentennial 25
pteridological 20
psychophysical 34
psychosurgical 27
rareficational 19
quinquagesimal 35
scenographical 24
sacrococcygeal 26
reminiscential 18
resurrectional 16
sovietological 20
spatiotemporal 20
soteriological 17
spelaeological 19
spermatogonial 19
spectrological 21
sociopolitical 20
seismometrical 20
serratirostral 14
semielliptical 20
semicommercial 24
semasiological 19
semicentennial 18
subcontinental 18
stroboscopical 22
stylographical 25
subarachnoidal 22
substitutional 16
subterrestrial 16
squirearchical 30
spermatophoral 23
sphaerocrystal 24
stomatological 19
stenographical 22
stereochemical 23
stichometrical 23
stereotactical 18
stereometrical 18
stereoscopical 20
tablespoonsful 21
tacheometrical 23
tachygraphical 30
thanatological 20
thaumatropical 23
thaumaturgical 22
televangelical 20
temperamentful 23
terminological 19
supercelestial 18
superessential 16
suprasegmental 19
infopreneurial 19
immunochemical 27
iconographical 24
illuminational 16
illustrational 14
intramercurial 18
lamellirostral 16
isodiametrical 19
intervertebral 19
intercessional 16
intercessorial 16
interferential 17
interdialectal 17
insurrectional 16
intelligential 15
interparochial 21
intersectional 16
intersegmental 17
interventional 17
interjectional 23
intermenstrual 16
apothegmatical 24
arachnological 22
arboricultural 18
antiscriptural 18
aristocratical 18
archiepiscopal 25
anagrammatical 21
amphibological 26
antihistorical 19
antihomosexual 26
antipathetical 21
antiphrastical 21
anticommercial 22
branchiostegal 22
brachydiagonal 26
carcinological 21
cartographical 24
catechumenical 25
catachrestical 23
catadioptrical 21
calligraphical 24
calorimetrical 20
campanological 23
axisymmetrical 30
biogeochemical 26
biostatistical 18
bathygraphical 30
belletristical 18
bibliomaniacal 22
dehydroretinol 22
craniometrical 20
craniocerebral 20
cryobiological 24
criminological 21
discographical 25
disceptatorial 19
diagrammatical 22
electrothermal 21
enteropneustal 16
enthusiastical 19
enthymematical 26
empyreumatical 25
encyclopedical 26
dissertational 15
disquisitional 24
distributional 17
dissymmetrical 24
dispensational 17
dynamometrical 24
dysmenorrhoeal 23
extrapyramidal 29
extracorporeal 25
extracanonical 25
eschatological 22
ethnobotanical 21
epicontinental 18
epigrammatical 23
excrementitial 25
eugeosynclinal 20
ethnographical 25
eudemonistical 19
heliographical 25
haematological 22
hagiographical 26
haematothermal 24
forethoughtful 27
geostrategical 18
gerontological 18
gastroduodenal 17
hyperemotional 24
hydrographical 29
hydrokinetical 27
hygrographical 29
hyetographical 28
ichnographical 27
ichthyological 28
hypsographical 30
hypocoristical 26
hypertrophical 29
heterolecithal 22
hierographical 25
hieroglyphical 28
hephthemimeral 29
hemispheroidal 25
herpetological 22
hydrocolloidal 24
hydrodynamical 29
climatological 21
circumlittoral 20
civilisational 19
civilizational 28
commentatorial 20
commonsensical 22
colorimetrical 20
chirographical 27
centrolecithal 21
chronometrical 23
chorographical 27
contracyclical 25
cosmographical 26
cosmopolitical 22
counterfactual 21
condensational 17
compensational 20
compurgatorial 21
consociational 18
conservatorial 19
conscriptional 20
conservational 19
conspirational 18
constructional 18
consubstantial 18
confirmational 21
conformational 21
agrostological 18
agroindustrial 16
agrobiological 20
aeromechanical 23
alphanumerical 23
aerobiological 19
adrenocortical 19
actinometrical 20
tridimensional 17
triconsonantal 16
trisoctahedral 20
trinitrocresol 16
trinitrophenol 19
trinitrotoluol 14
transplacental 18
ultrapractical 20
thermochemical 28
thermoscopical 25
thermometrical 23
transferential 17
transductional 17
transmissional 16
unmetaphorical 23
unmetaphysical 26
unidimensional 17
unintellectual 16
unmathematical 23
unsystematical 21
volcanological 22
vulcanological 22
zincographical 33
venereological 20
uranographical 22
vexillological 27
antidiarrhoeal 18
antiretroviral 17
suprachoroidal 22
nonbehavioural 22
cyanobacterial 23
agroecological 20
antichlamydial 25
transabdominal 19
levonorgestrel 18
semifunctional 21

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