9-letter words ending with DE

Dive into the specific realm of 9-letter words that conclude with the letter DE. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with DE, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

gratitude 11
worldwide 17
alongside 11
magnitude 13
barricade 14
riverside 13
landslide 11
pesticide 14
marmalade 14
multitude 12
promenade 14
hydroxide 24
longitude 11
servitude 13
motorcade 14
fortitude 13
centipede 14
underside 11
interlude 10
intercede 12
stateside 10
statewide 13
electrode 12
esplanade 12
patricide 14
lampshade 17
broadside 13
downgrade 15
turpitude 12
millipede 14
cavalcade 17
herbicide 17
fungicide 16
beatitude 12
certitude 12
supersede 12
rectitude 12
matricide 14
blindside 13
retrocede 12
amplitude 14
oceanside 12
orangeade 11
rockslide 16
tamponade 14
platitude 12
plenitude 12
remoulade 12
colonnade 12
backslide 18
sarabande 12
subdivide 16
telluride 10
demimonde 15
fusillade 13
allemande 12
ambuscade 16
misdivide 16
multicide 14
multipede 14
multimode 14
negritude 11
naugahyde 17
newstrade 13
nialamide 12
nigritude 11
nightside 14
nighttide 14
ostracode 12
outstride 10
outstrode 10
overtrade 13
overgrade 14
overshade 16
paraglide 13
palmipede 16
paloverde 15
parricide 14
menticide 14
mercifide 17
melampode 16
millepede 14
methoxide 22
microcode 16
vulpicide 17
weedicide 16
waveguide 17
waterside 13
sclereide 12
semantide 12
shoreside 13
snowslide 13
staminode 12
sporicide 14
storewide 13
sacrifide 15
tailslide 10
taligrade 11
teniacide 12
tetroxide 17
toluidide 11
torpitude 12
trematode 12
trailside 10
tracheide 15
trackside 16
ultrawide 13
twayblade 18
unprovide 15
uxoricide 19
vermicide 17
verbicide 17
vastitude 13
sulfoxide 20
supercede 14
superwide 15
planeside 12
pinnipede 14
polyimide 17
polyamide 17
posigrade 13
prolicide 14
protoxide 19
queenside 19
readymade 16
reformade 15
periodide 13
pentoside 12
pentoxide 19
phosphide 20
phenoxide 22
hydrazide 26
hydathode 20
horsehide 16
incommode 16
internode 10
ionosonde 10
lassitude 10
larvicide 15
lippitude 14
macrocode 16
lysergide 14
matchmade 19
cottonade 12
courtside 12
croustade 12
cyanamide 17
dibromide 15
deuteride 11
desuetude 11
dipeptide 15
disulfide 14
disillude 11
downslide 14
dressmade 13
ebrillade 12
dropsonde 13
dulcitude 13
embassade 14
eigenmode 13
ethnocide 15
estrapade 12
everglade 14
fanfarade 16
floodtide 14
fissipede 15
formamide 17
foeticide 15
frusemide 15
fulleride 13
gasconade 13
gabionade 13
gaillarde 11
gallopade 13
gingerade 12
germicide 15
glycoside 16
glucoside 13
glyceride 16
graveside 14
bastinade 12
beachside 17
biguanide 13
bisulfide 15
carbamide 16
carbonade 14
cannonade 12
cassonade 12
carronade 12
celsitude 12
cetrimide 14
cirripede 14
citigrade 13
assuetude 10
autoguide 11
antitrade 10
algaecide 13
anhydride 17
anguipede 13
acetamide 14
acaricide 14
acetylide 15
macrolide 14
moosehide 15
slopeside 12
sexcapade 21
tableside 12
transcode 12
creekside 16
bullycide 17
cliffside 18
aluminide 12

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