8-letter words ending with ALS

Dive into the specific realm of 8-letter words that conclude with the letter ALS. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with ALS, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

genitals 9
marshals 13
nuptials 10
victuals 13
bifocals 15
uprisals 10
ventrals 11
veronals 11
vegetals 12
wadmaals 14
subduals 11
subgoals 11
sundials 9
synodals 12
tarseals 8
thermals 13
tertials 8
trentals 8
unequals 17
stadials 9
spousals 10
ringhals 12
rinkhals 15
revivals 14
revisals 11
ruderals 9
rorquals 17
sahiwals 14
scandals 11
satyrals 11
seconals 10
shimaals 13
severals 11
specials 12
removals 13
renewals 11
reposals 10
retrials 8
retinals 8
retirals 8
retotals 8
partials 10
paschals 15
patrials 10
peregals 11
pedocals 13
perusals 10
peytrals 13
pluvials 13
poundals 11
predials 11
pursuals 10
radicals 11
quetzals 26
quittals 17
quintals 17
recitals 10
refusals 11
refutals 11
recusals 10
palatals 10
pairials 10
ovoidals 12
amygdals 15
ammirals 12
ammonals 12
asocials 10
arsenals 8
arrivals 11
arrayals 11
arousals 8
australs 8
bederals 11
bemedals 13
bimetals 12
bestials 10
borstals 10
brinjals 17
butyrals 13
admirals 11
adrenals 9
accruals 12
accusals 12
allheals 11
emendals 11
enthrals 11
ethanals 11
ethicals 13
eternals 8
exposals 17
excusals 17
federals 12
frontals 11
fractals 13
funerals 11
diurnals 9
gremials 11
graduals 10
harigals 12
humerals 13
illegals 9
inthrals 11
initials 8
juvenals 18
journals 15
laminals 10
lanitals 8
kursaals 12
lacteals 10
gharials 12
generals 9
glyptals 14
gomerals 11
glacials 11
macerals 12
maximals 19
medicals 13
martials 10
meticals 12
mistrals 10
minerals 10
minimals 12
misdeals 11
misdials 11
musicals 12
naturals 8
nagmaals 11
narwhals 14
nominals 10
neutrals 8
nutmeals 10
oatmeals 10
numerals 10
orbitals 10
ordinals 9
liberals 10
laterals 8
literals 8
linguals 9
chappals 17
ceramals 12
centrals 10
chlorals 13
coequals 19
coaevals 13
conceals 12
congeals 11
cordials 11
corivals 13
coronals 10
crystals 13
decrials 11
deiseals 9
decimals 13
deposals 11
digitals 10
diedrals 10
devisals 12
capitals 12
caracals 12
caporals 12
abuttals 10
abettals 10
pascuals 12
dextrals 16
donegals 10
crestals 10
footsals 11
topicals 12
surreals 8
soymeals 13

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