8-letter words containing XY

Embark on an exploration of 8-letter words that contain the letter XY. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate XY within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

oxymoron 20
apoplexy 22
oxytocin 20
paroxysm 22
xylenols 18
xylidine 19
xylidins 19
xylitols 18
xylocarp 22
xylogens 19
xyloidin 19
xylology 22
xylomata 20
xylonite 18
xylotomy 23
paradoxy 21
pyroxyle 23
oxyacids 21
oxygenic 21
oxyphile 23
oxyphils 23
oxysalts 18
oxysomes 20
oxytocic 22
oxytones 18
cacodoxy 23
acetoxyl 20
ethoxyls 21
epoxying 21
hexylene 21
hydroxyl 25
indoxyls 19
loxygens 19
methoxyl 23
nitroxyl 18
chronaxy 23
carboxyl 22
xystuses 18
oxyanion 18
oxytonic 20
oxytrope 20

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