Words Containing SU
Explore a range of words that include the letter SU, showcasing the diversity and richness of the English language. Enhance your vocabulary with interesting and unique terms featuring SU.
3 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
sun | 3 | first day of the week; observed as a day of rest and worship by most Christians | - |
sue | 3 | French writer whose novels described the sordid side of city life (1804-1857) | - |
sum | 5 | determine the sum of | - |
sub | 5 | a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States | - |
sup | 5 | a small amount of liquid food | a sup of ale |
sur | 3 | a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks | - |
sui | 3 | - | - |
sus | 3 | type genus of the Suidae | - |
sug | 4 | - | - |
sud | 4 | - | - |
suk | 7 | - | - |
suq | 12 | - | - |
4 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
sure | 4 | having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured | was sure (or certain) she had seen it |
such | 9 | of so extreme a degree or extent | such weeping |
suit | 4 | enhance the appearance of | This behavior doesn't suit you! |
suck | 10 | give suck to | The wetnurse suckled the infant |
sung | 5 | the imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 1279; noted for art and literature and philosophy | - |
surf | 7 | waves breaking on the shore | - |
sunk | 8 | doomed to extinction | - |
sumo | 6 | a Japanese form of wrestling; you lose if you are forced out of a small ring or if any part of your body (other than your feet) touches the ground | - |
sulk | 8 | a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal | stayed home in a sulk |
sumi | 6 | - | - |
sulu | 4 | - | - |
sura | 4 | the muscular back part of the shank | - |
suds | 5 | make froth or foam and become bubbly | - |
suet | 4 | hard fat around the kidneys and loins in beef and sheep | - |
suss | 4 | - | - |
susu | 4 | - | - |
sump | 8 | a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it | - |
sums | 6 | - | - |
suks | 8 | - | - |
sukh | 11 | - | - |
sudd | 6 | - | - |
sugo | 5 | - | - |
sugs | 5 | - | - |
suni | 4 | - | - |
masu | 6 | - | - |
sued | 5 | - | - |
suer | 4 | someone who petitions a court for redress of a grievance or recovery of a right | - |
sues | 4 | - | - |
subs | 6 | - | - |
suba | 6 | - | - |
sugh | 8 | - | - |
suid | 5 | - | - |
sunn | 4 | - | - |
suns | 4 | - | - |
supe | 6 | - | - |
sups | 6 | - | - |
suqs | 13 | - | - |
surd | 5 | produced without vibration of the vocal cords | - |
sumy | 9 | - | - |
5 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
jesus | 12 | a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29) | - |
super | 7 | a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector | - |
usual | 5 | commonly encountered | the usual greeting |
sugar | 6 | an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain | - |
issue | 5 | a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon | - |
sucks | 11 | - | - |
sunny | 8 | bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer | a gay sunny room |
suite | 5 | apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel) | - |
sushi | 8 | rice (with raw fish) wrapped in seaweed | - |
suing | 6 | - | - |
surge | 6 | rise rapidly | - |
sully | 8 | United States painter (born in England) of portraits and historical scenes (1783-1872) | - |
sutra | 5 | a rule or aphorism in Sanskrit literature or a group of aphoristic doctrinal summaries prepared for memorization | - |
surly | 8 | inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace | a surly waiter |
suave | 8 | having a sophisticated charm | - |
suede | 6 | leather with a napped surface | - |
sucre | 7 | the basic unit of money in Ecuador; equal to 100 centavos | - |
sunup | 7 | the first light of day | - |
usurp | 7 | seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession | he usurped my rights |
sulky | 12 | depressingly dark | - |
usury | 8 | an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest | - |
surat | 5 | - | - |
ensue | 5 | issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end | - |
supra | 7 | (in writing) at an earlier place | - |
summa | 9 | - | - |
surer | 5 | - | - |
sunna | 5 | (Islam) the way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the teachings and practices of Muhammad and interpretations of the Koran | - |
sudsy | 9 | resembling lather or covered with lather | - |
asura | 5 | earlier a god; later a demon; counterpart of Zoroastrian Ahura | - |
sumac | 9 | a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous members of the genus) | - |
surah | 8 | - | - |
sutta | 5 | - | - |
bosun | 7 | a petty officer on a merchant ship who controls the work of other seamen | - |
sulfa | 8 | antibacterial consisting of any of several synthetic organic compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of bacteria that require PABA | - |
tsubo | 7 | - | - |
sused | 6 | - | - |
sunis | 5 | - | - |
sumis | 7 | - | - |
sulph | 10 | - | - |
sukuk | 13 | - | - |
suhur | 8 | - | - |
sugos | 6 | - | - |
suete | 5 | - | - |
cusum | 9 | - | - |
resus | 5 | - | - |
nisus | 5 | an effortful attempt to attain a goal | - |
usure | 5 | - | - |
tsuba | 7 | - | - |
susus | 5 | - | - |
sured | 6 | - | - |
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6 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
summer | 10 | the warmest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox | they spent a lazy summer at the shore |
surely | 9 | definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely') | the results are surely encouraging |
sudden | 8 | happening without warning or in a short space of time | a sudden storm |
suffer | 12 | feel physical pain | - |
result | 6 | a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon | - |
assume | 8 | make a pretence of | She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger |
supply | 13 | circulate or distribute or equip with | supply blankets for the beds |
assure | 6 | cause to feel sure; give reassurance to | The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe |
insult | 6 | a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect | turning his back on me was a deliberate insult |
supper | 10 | a light evening meal; served in early evening if dinner is at midday or served late in the evening at bedtime | - |
absurd | 9 | a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless | The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth |
sucker | 12 | a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of | - |
visual | 9 | visible | a visual presentation |
sunset | 6 | the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon | - |
tissue | 6 | a soft thin (usually translucent) paper | - |
ensure | 6 | be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something | - |
subway | 14 | an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city) | in Paris the subway system is called the `metro' and in London it is called the `tube' or the `underground' |
resume | 8 | short descriptive summary (of events) | - |
pursue | 8 | carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in | She pursued many activities |
issued | 7 | - | - |
superb | 10 | of surpassing excellence | a superb actor |
subtle | 8 | difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze | his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change |
submit | 10 | yield to another's wish or opinion | - |
casual | 8 | hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough | a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws |
versus | 9 | Against; chiefly used in legal language, and abbreviated to v. or vs. | John Doe versus Richard Roe |
summit | 10 | reach the summit (of a mountain) | Many mountaineers go up Mt. Everest but not all summit |
survey | 12 | short descriptive summary (of events) | - |
missus | 8 | informal term of address for someone's wife | - |
sultan | 6 | the ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the former Ottoman Empire) | - |
suited | 7 | meant or adapted for an occasion or use | - |
summon | 10 | make ready for action or use | - |
consul | 8 | a diplomat appointed by a government to protect its commercial interests and help its citizens in a foreign country | - |
surfer | 9 | someone who engages in surfboarding | - |
suburb | 10 | a residential district located on the outskirts of a city | - |
unsure | 6 | lacking self-confidence | a very unsure young man |
sulfur | 9 | an abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element; best known in yellow crystals; occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions) | - |
possum | 10 | nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America | - |
suitor | 6 | a man who courts a woman | - |
insure | 6 | be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something | - |
census | 8 | a periodic count of the population | - |
sundae | 7 | ice cream served with a topping | - |
suckle | 12 | give suck to | The wetnurse suckled the infant |
sunken | 10 | having a sunken area | hunger gave their faces a sunken look |
subdue | 9 | correct by punishment or discipline | - |
suntan | 6 | a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun | - |
misuse | 8 | apply to a wrong thing or person; apply badly or incorrectly | - |
supple | 10 | (used of persons' bodies) capable of moving or bending freely | - |
sultry | 9 | characterized by oppressive heat and humidity | the summer was sultry and oppressive |
subtly | 11 | in a subtle manner | late nineteenth-century French opera at its most beautiful, subtly romantic with a twilight melancholy |
sullen | 6 | darkened by clouds | - |
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7 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
suppose | 11 | express a supposition | - |
support | 11 | financial resources provided to make some project possible | the foundation provided support for the experiment |
usually | 10 | under normal conditions | usually she was late |
suicide | 10 | the act of killing yourself | it is a crime to commit suicide |
survive | 13 | live longer than | - |
suspect | 11 | imagine to be the case or true or probable | I suspect he is a fugitive |
subject | 18 | a branch of knowledge | teachers should be well trained in their subject |
success | 11 | a person with a record of successes | if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success |
suggest | 9 | make a proposal, declare a plan for something | - |
surgery | 11 | a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations | - |
surface | 12 | put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface | - |
unusual | 7 | being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird | - |
succeed | 12 | attain success or reach a desired goal | The enterprise succeeded |
measure | 9 | a statute in draft before it becomes law | - |
supreme | 11 | greatest or maximal in degree; extreme | supreme folly |
surgeon | 8 | a physician who specializes in surgery | - |
assumed | 10 | adopted in order to deceive | an assumed name |
sucking | 14 | the act of sucking | - |
surfing | 11 | the sport of riding a surfboard toward the shore on the crest of a wave | - |
assured | 8 | characterized by certainty or security | a tiny but assured income |
pursuit | 9 | a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly) | they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits |
sunrise | 7 | the first light of day | - |
presume | 11 | take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission | - |
consult | 9 | get or ask advice from | They had to consult before arriving at a decision |
surname | 9 | the name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name) | - |
lawsuit | 10 | a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy | - |
sustain | 7 | lengthen or extend in duration or space | We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible |
consume | 11 | serve oneself to, or consume regularly | - |
tsunami | 9 | a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption | a colossal tsunami destroyed the Minoan civilization in minutes |
subedit | 10 | edit and correct (written or printed material) | - |
closure | 9 | an obstruction in a pipe or tube | - |
pursued | 10 | a person who is being chased | the film jumped back and forth from the pursuer to the pursued |
capsule | 11 | a shortened version of a written work | - |
leisure | 7 | time available for ease and relaxation | his job left him little leisure |
insured | 8 | a person whose interests are protected by an insurance policy; a person who contracts for an insurance policy that indemnifies him against loss of property or life or health etc. | - |
suspend | 10 | stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it | - |
sensual | 7 | marked by the appetites and passions of the body | a sensual delight in eating |
sublime | 11 | change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting | sublime iodine |
pegasus | 10 | a constellation in the northern hemisphere near Andromeda and Pisces | - |
suffice | 15 | be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity | A `B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school |
summons | 11 | a request to be present | - |
sundown | 11 | the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon | - |
summary | 14 | briefly giving the gist of something | a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject |
suction | 9 | the act of sucking | - |
surplus | 9 | more than is needed, desired, or required | surplus cheese distributed to the needy |
insulin | 7 | hormone secreted by the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas; regulates storage of glycogen in the liver and accelerates oxidation of sugar in cells | - |
surreal | 7 | characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions | the incongruous imagery in surreal art and literature |
issuing | 8 | the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity) | - |
succumb | 15 | consent reluctantly | - |
surpass | 9 | move past | One line of soldiers surpassed the other |
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8 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
supposed | 13 | based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence | the supposed reason for his absence |
surprise | 10 | the act of surprising someone | - |
pleasure | 10 | a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience | he was tingling with pleasure |
suddenly | 13 | on impulse; without premeditation | he made up his mind suddenly |
pressure | 10 | to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means | - |
treasure | 8 | accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc. | the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies |
survived | 15 | - | - |
sunshine | 11 | the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom | - |
suitcase | 10 | a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes | - |
superman | 12 | street name for lysergic acid diethylamide | - |
survival | 14 | a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment | - |
superior | 10 | having a higher rank | superior officer |
suitable | 10 | worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse | the parents found the girl suitable for their son |
assuming | 11 | excessively forward | on a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide |
measures | 10 | - | - |
sunlight | 12 | the rays of the sun | - |
persuade | 11 | win approval or support for | - |
survivor | 14 | one who lives through affliction | the survivors of the fire were taken to a hospital |
exposure | 17 | the state of being vulnerable or exposed | his exposure to ridicule |
consumed | 13 | - | - |
measured | 11 | having notes of fixed rhythmic value | - |
pursuing | 11 | following in order to overtake or capture or as accompaniment to such pursuit | the fox fled from the pursuing hounds |
treasury | 11 | negotiable debt obligations of the United States government which guarantees that interest and principal payments will be paid on time | - |
surround | 9 | envelop completely | - |
suicidal | 11 | dangerous to yourself or your interests | suicidal impulses |
consumer | 12 | a person who uses goods or services | - |
subtitle | 10 | translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen | - |
surgical | 11 | relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine | a surgical appendix |
supplied | 13 | - | - |
supplier | 12 | someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity | - |
casualty | 13 | someone injured or killed in an accident | - |
suppress | 12 | come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority | - |
casually | 13 | in an unconcerned manner | glanced casually at the headlines |
suspense | 10 | an uncertain cognitive state | the matter remained in suspense for several years |
suburban | 12 | relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs | suburban population |
reassure | 8 | cause to feel sure; give reassurance to | The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe |
swimsuit | 13 | tight fitting garment worn for swimming | - |
presumed | 13 | - | - |
visually | 14 | - | - |
subtract | 12 | make a subtraction | subtract this amount from my paycheck |
subpoena | 12 | a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court | - |
surfaced | 14 | - | - |
ensuring | 9 | - | - |
jumpsuit | 19 | one-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform | - |
tiramisu | 10 | an Italian dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked with coffee and brandy or liqueur layered with mascarpone cheese and topped with grated chocolate | - |
submerge | 13 | sink below the surface; go under or as if under water | - |
subtlety | 13 | the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze | you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew |
sunbathe | 13 | expose one's body to the sun | - |
colossus | 10 | a person of exceptional importance and reputation | - |
sensuous | 8 | taking delight in beauty | the sensuous joy from all things fair |
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9 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
surprised | 12 | taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment | surprised by her student's ingenuity |
insurance | 11 | written contract or certificate of insurance | - |
suffering | 16 | feelings of mental or physical pain | - |
surrender | 10 | the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions) | - |
suspected | 14 | believed likely | a suspected thief |
suspended | 13 | (of undissolved particles in a fluid) supported or kept from sinking or falling by buoyancy and without apparent attachment | suspended matter such as silt or mud... |
supported | 14 | held up or having the weight borne especially from below | supported joints in a railroad track have ties directly under the rail ends |
substance | 13 | the property of holding together and retaining its shape | - |
suspicion | 13 | an impression that something might be the case | - |
submarine | 13 | a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States | - |
superstar | 11 | someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field | - |
insulting | 10 | expressing extreme contempt | - |
sustained | 10 | (of an electric arc) continuous | - |
surviving | 16 | still in existence | the Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil |
superhero | 14 | - | - |
successor | 13 | a person who follows next in order | he was President Lincoln's successor |
consulate | 11 | diplomatic building that serves as the residence or workplace of a consul | - |
submitted | 14 | - | - |
measuring | 12 | the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule | his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate |
peninsula | 11 | a large mass of land projecting into a body of water | - |
suffocate | 17 | become stultified, suppressed, or stifled | - |
consuming | 14 | very strong; urgently felt | politics is his consuming passion |
midsummer | 16 | June 21, when the sun is at its northernmost point | - |
supervise | 14 | watch and direct | - |
sunflower | 15 | any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays | - |
consensus | 11 | agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole | the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions |
unusually | 12 | to a remarkable degree or extent | she was unusually tall |
visualize | 21 | make visible | With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized |
submerged | 15 | beneath the surface of the water | submerged rocks |
assurance | 11 | a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something | an assurance of help when needed |
resurrect | 11 | return from the dead | - |
supposing | 14 | - | - |
pressured | 12 | - | - |
surrogate | 10 | providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties | surrogate father |
supporter | 13 | a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose | - |
reassured | 10 | having confidence restored; freed from anxiety | reassured by her praise he pressed on |
supplying | 17 | the activity of supplying or providing something | - |
supernova | 14 | a star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the process | - |
treasured | 10 | characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for | a treasured heirloom |
surfboard | 15 | ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard | - |
subscribe | 15 | adopt as a belief | I subscribe to your view on abortion |
succulent | 13 | tender and full of juice | succulent roast beef |
sugarcane | 12 | juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice | - |
enclosure | 11 | something (usually a supporting document) that is enclosed in an envelope with a covering letter | - |
supremacy | 18 | power to dominate or defeat | - |
sunscreen | 11 | a cream spread on the skin; contains a chemical (as PABA) to filter out ultraviolet light and so protect from sunburn | - |
absurdity | 15 | a message whose content is at variance with reason | - |
treasurer | 9 | an officer charged with receiving and disbursing funds | - |
summarize | 22 | be a summary of | The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper |
composure | 15 | steadiness of mind under stress | he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity |
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10 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
successful | 17 | having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome | a successful architect |
surrounded | 12 | confined on all sides | a camp surrounded by enemies |
suspicious | 14 | not as expected | suspicious behavior |
surprising | 13 | causing surprise or wonder or amazement | the report shows a surprising lack of hard factual data |
suggestion | 12 | a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection | it was a suggestion we couldn't refuse |
supervisor | 15 | a program that controls the execution of other programs | - |
supporting | 15 | furnishing support and encouragement | the anxious child needs supporting and accepting treatment from the teacher |
supposedly | 18 | believed or reputed to be the case | - |
sufficient | 18 | of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant | sufficient food |
substitute | 12 | act as a substitute | - |
cocksucker | 24 | insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous | - |
consultant | 12 | an expert who gives advice | - |
sunglasses | 11 | (plural) spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun | - |
suspension | 12 | an interruption in the intensity or amount of something | - |
supportive | 17 | furnishing support or assistance | a supportive family network |
assumption | 14 | a hypothesis that is taken for granted | any society is built upon certain assumptions |
consulting | 13 | - | - |
presumably | 19 | by reasonable assumption | presumably, he missed the train |
submission | 14 | something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc.) submitted for the judgment of others (as in a competition) | several of his submissions were rejected by publishers |
reassuring | 11 | restoring confidence and relieving anxiety | a very reassuring remark |
suffocated | 19 | - | - |
subversive | 18 | in opposition to a civil authority or government | - |
persuasive | 15 | intended or having the power to induce action or belief | persuasive eloquence |
suppressed | 15 | held in check with difficulty | suppressed laughter |
summertime | 16 | the warmest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox | - |
succession | 14 | a following of one thing after another in time | - |
persuasion | 12 | the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action | - |
supplement | 16 | a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency) | - |
supermodel | 15 | a fashion model who has attained the status of a celebrity | - |
superhuman | 17 | above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance | superhuman beings |
subsequent | 21 | following in time or order | subsequent developments |
supervised | 16 | under observation or under the direction of a superintendent or overseer | supervised play |
submissive | 17 | abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant | she has become submissive and subservient |
superpower | 17 | a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world | - |
pressuring | 13 | - | - |
insulation | 10 | insulating material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat or sound or electricity | - |
disclosure | 13 | the speech act of making something evident | - |
subjective | 24 | of a mental act performed entirely within the mind | - |
sensuality | 13 | desire for sensual pleasures | - |
succeeding | 16 | (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving | - |
consummate | 16 | without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers | a consummate fool |
sunbathing | 16 | - | - |
consensual | 12 | existing by consent | a consensual contract |
surgically | 16 | in a surgical manner; by means of surgery | surgically removed |
sustenance | 12 | the financial means whereby one lives | - |
submitting | 15 | - | - |
unsuitable | 12 | not capable of being applied | - |
subsidiary | 16 | functioning in a supporting capacity | - |
surrealist | 10 | an artist who is a member of the movement called surrealism | - |
surrealism | 12 | a 20th century movement of artists and writers (developing out of dadaism) who used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams | - |
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