9-letter words containing PH

Embark on an exploration of 9-letter words that contain the letter PH. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate PH within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

telephone 14
orphanage 15
autograph 15
cellphone 16
physician 19
geography 19
phenomena 16
paragraph 17
physicist 19
blasphemy 21
sophomore 16
biography 20
telegraph 15
pedophile 17
aphrodite 15
emphasize 25
saxophone 21
photocopy 21
polygraph 20
diaphragm 18
sphincter 16
euphemism 18
pheromone 16
emphysema 21
megaphone 17
ephemeral 16
prophetic 18
blaspheme 18
amphibian 18
esophagus 15
upholding 16
biosphere 16
homophobe 21
emphasise 16
triumphal 16
symphonic 21
xylophone 24
porphyria 19
headphone 18
periphery 19
cacophony 21
telephoto 14
phosphate 19
dystrophy 21
lymphatic 21
ephedrine 15
amorphous 16
spherical 16
atrophied 15
phalanges 15
hyphenate 20
flophouse 17
haphazard 27
endorphin 15
zoophilia 23
sophistry 17
sycophant 19
philology 18
caliphate 16
sulphuric 16
telephony 17
photocell 16
pharaonic 16
scrapheap 18
semaphore 16
theosophy 20
phenotype 19
dysphoric 20
euphonium 16
apocrypha 21
slaphappy 21
phlebitis 16
phonetics 16
phoniness 14
philander 15
graphical 17
metaphase 16
polymorph 21
photoplay 19
phonology 18
dysphoria 18
ecosphere 16
anopheles 14
misphrase 16
moonphase 16
morphetic 18
morphines 16
morphings 17
morphinic 18
morphogen 17
morphoses 16
morphosis 16
morphotic 18
morphemic 20
morphemes 18
monophyly 22
monograph 17
monophagy 20
monophase 16
monophony 19
mycophile 21
myiophily 22
myographs 20
myography 23
mycophagy 25
nemophila 16
nenuphars 14
negrophil 15
neophobia 16
neophobic 18
neophytes 17
neophytic 19
neophobes 16
neophilia 14
neomorphs 16
neophiles 14
necrophil 16
nephalism 16
nephalist 14
nepheline 14
nephelite 14
nephogram 17
nephology 18
nephralgy 18
nephridia 15
nephrisms 16
nephrites 14
nephritic 16
nephritis 14
nephroses 14
nephrosis 14
nephrotic 16
naphthene 17
naphthols 17
naphthous 17
naphthyls 20
nomograph 17
nymphaeum 21
nymphalid 20
nymphetic 21
nymphette 19
nymphical 21
nymphlike 23
noosphere 14
notaphily 17
oospheres 14
oophorons 14
omophagia 17
ombrophil 18
omophagic 19
omophoria 16
ondograph 16
omphacite 18
omphaloid 17
optophone 16
ophidians 15
ophiolite 14
ophiology 18
ophiurans 14
ophiurids 15
ophiuroid 15
odographs 16
oleograph 15
oliphants 14
oesophagi 15
oenophile 14
oenophils 14
oenophily 17
orpharion 14
orphreyed 18
orphanism 16
orphaning 15
orography 18
oxyphilic 26
oxyphiles 24
pansophic 18
paramorph 18
paraphing 17
paranymph 21
pamphlets 18
pamphreys 21
payphones 19
melaphyre 19
melphalan 16
mesomorph 18
mesophile 16
mesophyll 19
mesophyls 19
mephitism 18
megaphyll 20
metaphors 16
mesophyte 19
wirephoto 17
xylograph 25
xylophage 25
xeromorph 23
xerophagy 25
xerophile 21
xerophily 24
xerophyte 24
xiphoidal 22
xenophile 21
xenophobe 23
xenophoby 26
xeraphims 23
xiphopagi 24
zoophytic 28
zoophytes 26
zoophorus 23
zoophoric 25
zoomorphs 25
zoomorphy 28
zoophagan 24
zoophiles 23
zoophilic 25
zoophobes 25
zoophobia 25
zygophyte 30
zootrophy 26
zoography 27
viewphone 20
weepholes 17
scaphoids 17
scaphopod 19
samphires 16
saphenous 14
sapheaded 16
sapphired 17
sapphires 16
sapphisms 18
sapphists 16
scotophil 16
scarphing 17
sciophyte 19
sciosophy 19
sheephead 18
seraphims 16
seraphine 14
seraphins 14
serigraph 15
shepherds 18
shophroth 20
skiagraph 19
siphonate 14
siphonets 14
siphoning 15
siphuncle 16
siphonage 15
silphiums 16
snaphance 16
slapheads 15
slavophil 17
sonograph 15
sophister 14
sophistic 16
spheriest 14
spheroids 15
spherular 14
spherules 14
sphingids 16
sphygmoid 21
sphacelus 16
sphaerite 14
sphagnous 15
sphagnums 17
sphairees 14
sphendone 15
sphenodon 15
sphenoids 15
sporophyl 19
stephanes 14
strophuli 14
strophoid 15
straphung 15
straphang 15
rhamphoid 20
rhaphides 18
rheophile 17
rotograph 15
symphytic 24
symphysis 22
symphiles 19
symphyses 22
synalepha 17
synapheas 17
synapheia 17
sylphides 18
sylphiest 17
sylphlike 21
syphering 18
syphilise 17
syphilize 26
syphiloid 18
syphiloma 19
syphoning 18
syrphians 17
syngraphs 18
telophase 14
telphered 15
telpheric 16
telepheme 16
tephroite 14
tephritic 16
tephigram 17
tephillah 17
tephillin 14
tephrites 14
teraphims 16
taphonomy 19
taphouses 14
thiophene 17
thiophens 17
theosophs 17
theophagy 21
theophany 20
textphone 21
tomograph 17
topograph 17
trephines 14
trephiner 14
trephined 15
toxophily 24
toxaphene 21
tragelaph 15
trophying 18
trigraphs 15
triglyphs 18
triumphed 17
triumpher 16
trimorphs 16
triphones 14
turophile 14
typograph 20
typhlitic 19
typhlitis 17
typhoidal 18
typhoidin 18
typhonian 17
unciphers 16
unsphered 15
unspheres 14
urography 18
upheavals 17
upheavers 17
upheaving 18
uphoarded 16
uphoisted 15
upholders 15
upholster 14
upheaping 17
uphauding 16
uphanging 16
uphoorded 16
uphurling 15
sulphones 14
sulphonic 16
sulphonyl 17
sulphured 15
sulphuret 14
sulphuryl 17
sulphitic 16
sulphites 14
sulphated 15
sulphates 14
sulphatic 16
sulphides 15
sulphinyl 17
subphylum 21
subphases 16
subphylar 19
subgraphs 17
polyphony 22
polyphagy 23
polyphase 19
polyphone 19
polyphons 19
pompholyx 28
porphyric 21
porphyrin 19
porphyrio 19
prophasic 18
prophylls 19
prophases 16
prophages 17
pronephra 16
pumphoods 19
psephitic 18
psephites 16
psephisms 18
pyrophone 19
reaphooks 18
raphanias 14
rephrased 15
rephrases 14
perilymph 21
perimorph 18
pemphixes 25
pemphigus 19
peepholes 16
pentalpha 16
phosphins 19
photogeny 18
photogram 17
photolyse 17
photolyze 26
photomaps 18
photomask 20
photonics 16
photophil 19
photogens 15
photogene 15
phosphite 19
phosphore 19
phosphori 19
phosphors 19
photinias 14
photofits 17
photopias 16
photopsia 16
phrasiest 14
phrasings 15
phratries 14
phreakers 18
phreaking 19
phreneses 14
phrenesis 14
phrenetic 16
phrasemen 16
phraseman 16
photoscan 16
photosets 14
photostat 14
phototaxy 24
phototube 16
phototype 19
phototypy 22
phrasally 17
phrenisms 16
phosphine 19
phinnocks 20
phoenixes 21
phonathon 17
phonating 15
phonation 14
phonatory 17
phonecams 18
phonecard 17
phonemics 18
phoebuses 16
phocomely 21
phishings 18
phlebitic 18
phlegmier 17
phlegmons 17
phlomises 16
phlorizin 23
phlyctena 19
phonetise 14
phonetism 16
phonotypy 22
phoresies 14
phormiums 18
phoronids 15
phosgenes 15
phosphene 19
phosphide 20
phonotype 19
phonopore 16
phonetist 14
phonetize 23
phoneying 18
phonmeter 16
phonogram 17
phonolite 14
phosphids 20
phrenitic 16
phycology 23
phylarchs 22
phylarchy 25
phyletics 19
phyllites 17
phyllitic 19
phyllodes 18
phyllodia 18
phycocyan 24
phthisics 19
phrenitis 14
phrensied 15
phrensies 14
phrentick 20
phryganas 18
phthalate 17
phthalein 17
phthalins 17
phylloids 18
phyllomes 19
phyllomic 21
physiqued 27
physiques 26
phytogeny 21

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