9-letter words containing OP

Embark on an exploration of 9-letter words that contain the letter OP. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate OP within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

operation 11
developed 16
hopefully 20
cooperate 13
operating 12
telescope 13
horoscope 16
proposing 14
operative 14
cleopatra 13
oppressed 14
sophomore 16
pedophile 17
copyright 20
menopause 13
saxophone 21
populated 14
propeller 13
developer 15
aeroplane 11
photocopy 21
unpopular 13
droppings 15
sociopath 16
stopwatch 19
galloping 13
autopilot 11
eavesdrop 15
opportune 13
periscope 15
tightrope 15
shortstop 14
propelled 14
prophetic 18
propriety 16
oppressor 13
propagate 14
hopscotch 21
esophagus 15
chopstick 22
acropolis 13
stoplight 15
poppycock 26
copacetic 17
enveloped 15
homophobe 21
ectoplasm 15
opposable 15
episcopal 15
xylophone 24
sweatshop 17
endoscope 14
cacophony 21
stoppable 15
dystrophy 21
proponent 13
atrophied 15
octopuses 13
soporific 16
flophouse 17
gyroscope 17
osteopath 14
copasetic 15
zoophilia 23
sophistry 17
sycophant 19
popularly 16
scalloped 14
unopposed 14
paratroop 13
redevelop 15
monoplane 13
copulated 14
elopement 13
theosophy 20
homeopath 19
cytoplasm 18
endoscopy 17
arthropod 15
neoplasia 11
walloping 15
propylene 16
isopropyl 16
dystopian 15
bishopric 18
autopsist 11
optimally 16
sloppiest 13
topflight 18
topiaries 11
sweetshop 17
pseudopod 15
photoplay 19
interlope 11
copiously 16
cyclopean 18
gastropod 13
anopheles 14
miscopied 16
miscopies 15
monopitch 18
monopulse 13
monoploid 14
monopodes 14
monopodia 14
monopoles 13
monopsony 16
monoptera 13
monoptote 13
mopboards 16
mopehawks 23
mopsticks 19
monophyly 22
mokopunas 17
monophagy 20
monophase 16
monophony 19
mycophile 21
myiophily 22
myriopods 17
myopathic 21
myoscopes 18
mycophagy 25
mutoscope 15
multicopy 18
nemophila 16
negrophil 15
neophobia 16
neophobic 18
neophytes 17
neophytic 19
neopilina 11
neoplasms 13
neoplasty 14
neophobes 16
neophilia 14
neopagans 12
neophiles 14
neoprenes 11
necrophil 16
necropoli 13
neuropath 14
neuropils 11
neotropic 13
mythopeic 21
mythopoet 19
nicompoop 17
nyctalops 16
nootropic 13
nopalitos 11
opacified 17
opacifier 16
opacifies 16
opacities 13
opalesced 14
opalesces 13
opensides 12
openworks 18
oophorons 14
operagoer 12
omophagia 17
ombrophil 18
omophagic 19
omophoria 16
omoplates 13
opsomania 13
optimates 13
optimised 14
optimiser 13
optimises 13
optimisms 15
optimists 13
optimized 23
optimizer 22
opticists 13
opsonised 12
opsonises 11
opsoniums 13
opsonized 21
opsonizes 20
optatives 14
optically 16
opticians 13
optimizes 22
optionals 11
optionees 11
opusculum 15
opuscules 13
optioning 12
optometer 13
optometry 16
optophone 16
optronics 13
opulences 13
opulently 14
opuscular 13
opsimathy 19
operantly 14
operculum 15
operettas 11
operosely 14
operosity 14
ophidians 15
ophiolite 14
ophiology 18
ophiurans 14
opercules 13
opercular 13
operatics 13
operatise 11
operatize 20
operators 11
operceles 13
ophiurids 15
ophiuroid 15
opificers 16
opposably 18
opposites 13
oppresses 13
oppugnant 14
oppugners 14
oppugning 15
opinioned 12
opiumisms 15
opobalsam 15
opodeldoc 15
oppilated 14
oppilates 13
opponency 18
opponents 13
opsimaths 16
octoploid 14
octopodan 14
octopodes 14
oligopoly 15
oesophagi 15
oenophile 14
oenophils 14
oenophily 17
outgallop 12
otoplasty 14
ouroscopy 16
otoscopes 13
otoscopic 15
orthopedy 18
orthopods 15
orthopter 14
orthoptic 16
overcrops 16
outrooper 11
outropers 11
outpeople 13
outtopped 14
outscoops 13
overhopes 17
overhoped 18
pantropic 15
panoplied 14
panoplies 13
pansophic 18
paradrops 14
palinopia 13
pauropods 14
pawnshops 19
menopolis 13
menopomes 15
meropidan 14
merpeople 15
mesopause 13
mesophile 16
mesophyll 19
mesophyls 19
megalopic 16
megascope 16
megaflops 17
milksoppy 22
mesophyte 19
microcopy 20
micropore 15
micropsia 15
micropump 19
micropyle 18
metopisms 15
metopryls 16
metroplex 20
wineshops 17
wincopipe 18
whoopings 18
whoopsies 17
whoppings 20
xylophage 25
xerophagy 25
xerophile 21
xerophily 24
xerophyte 24
xenophile 21
xenophobe 23
xenophoby 26
xenopuses 18
xiphopagi 24
woodchops 20
woodentop 15
workshops 21
zoophytic 28
zooplasty 23
zooscopic 24
zoophytes 26
zoophorus 23
zoophoric 25
zooperies 20
zooperist 20
zoophagan 24
zoophiles 23
zoophilic 25
zoophobes 25
zoophobia 25
zootropes 20
zygophyte 30
zootrophy 26
zopilotes 20
zoetropes 20
zoetropic 22
vitascope 16
wallopers 14
sauropods 12
sarcoptic 15
scalloper 13
scaphopod 19
sapropels 13
scotophil 16
scotopias 13
scolloped 14
scopelids 14
scopeloid 14
scopoline 13
scopulate 13
scoopsful 16
scoopings 14
scoopable 15
scoopfuls 16
screwtops 16
schizopod 26
sciophyte 19
sciosophy 19
scrooping 14
sharecrop 16
seropuses 11
shopboard 17
shopfront 17
shopgirls 15
shophroth 20
shoplifts 17
shoppiest 16
shoppings 17
shoptalks 18
skiascope 17
skiascopy 20
sinopites 11
sinopises 11
snoopiest 11
slavophil 17
slopewise 14
slopingly 15
slopworks 18
slipslops 13
sopapilla 13
sophister 14
sophistic 16
soppiness 13
sopranini 11
soopstake 15
sopranino 11
somascope 15
sopranist 11
snowdrops 15
stanhopes 14
sporophyl 19
stonecrop 13
stoopball 13
stopbanks 17
stopwords 15
stopcocks 19
stopovers 14
stoppages 14
stoppered 14
stoppings 14
stoppling 14
stenopaic 13
stylopise 14
stylopize 23
strophuli 14
stroppers 13
stroppier 13
stroppily 16
stropping 14
strophoid 15
stovetops 14
ridgetops 13
rheophile 17
rheotrope 14
rhodopsin 15
rhizopods 24
rhopalism 16
ropeworks 18
ropewalks 18
tabletops 13
tallyshop 17
syncopate 16
syncoptic 18
synopsise 14
synthpops 19
synopsize 23
synoptics 16
synoptist 14
telophase 14
telescopy 16
teleshops 14
teraflops 14
teardrops 12
technopop 18
thiophene 17
thiophens 17
theropods 15
thropples 16
throppled 17
theosophs 17
theopathy 20
theophagy 21
theophany 20
tonoplast 11
topalgias 12
topectomy 18
topiarian 11
toponymal 16
toponymic 18
topotypes 16
toppingly 17
topsiders 12
topsoiled 12
topstitch 16
topstones 11
topologic 14
topograph 17
topiarist 11
topically 16
topliners 11
toplining 12
topmakers 17
topmaking 18
topminnow 16
topworked 19
toxophily 24
tragopans 12
truckstop 17
troparion 11
tropeolin 11
trophying 18
tropicals 13
tropistic 13
tropology 15
troponins 11
tropaeola 11
trolloped 12
trollopee 11
troopials 11
troopship 16
tuckshops 20
unadopted 13
tyropitta 14
unbishops 16
turophile 14
turboprop 15
turcopole 13
twopences 16
underprop 14
uncropped 16
unpeopled 14
unpeoples 13
unhooping 15
unhopeful 17
unstopped 14
unstopper 13
unpropped 16
uropygium 17
uroscopic 15
utopistic 13
utopiasts 11
uropygial 15
uropodous 12
uppropped 18
subtopics 15
subtropic 15
subtopias 13
subtopian 13
swagshops 18
swoopiest 14
swoppings 17
sweetsops 14
supercops 15
piroplasm 15

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