9-letter words containing J

Embark on an exploration of 9-letter words that contain the letter J. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate J within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

objection 20
marijuana 18
objective 23
injection 18
injustice 18
judgement 20
rejection 18
jewellery 22
justified 20
prejudice 21
jellyfish 25
projector 20
enjoyable 21
enjoyment 21
hijacking 26
blackjack 30
projected 21
overjoyed 23
maharajah 24
jailhouse 19
jabbering 21
ejaculate 18
adjective 22
journeyed 20
jellyroll 19
adjoining 18
rejoicing 19
judiciary 22
interject 18
jailbreak 22
jockstrap 24
conjoined 19
conjugate 19
conjuring 19
juridical 19
judicious 19
injurious 16
jambalaya 23
objectify 26
jitterbug 19
jackknife 29
jealously 19
jaundiced 20
subjugate 19
jockeying 26
jellybean 21
uninjured 17
janissary 19
majordomo 21
majorette 18
dejection 19
judgeship 23
jobcentre 20
jerkiness 20
jerkwater 23
bejeweled 22
amberjack 26
sojourner 16
jointress 16
juxtapose 25
janitress 16
jackfruit 25
applejack 26
misadjust 19
misjudges 20
misjudger 20
misjoined 19
misjudged 21
mujahedin 22
mujahidin 22
mudejares 19
naartjies 16
nonmajors 18
noninjury 19
nonjoiner 16
nonjuries 16
nonjuring 17
nonjurors 16
nightjars 20
ninjutsus 16
ninjitsus 16
nutjobber 20
objecting 21
objectors 20
objurgate 19
outjested 17
outjinxed 24
outjinxes 23
outjockey 25
outjuggle 18
outjumped 21
outjutted 17
overjumps 23
panjandra 19
megajoule 19
mijnheers 21
microjets 20
whipjacks 30
zabajones 27
waterjets 19
scramjets 20
serjeancy 21
serjeants 16
serjeanty 19
sjamboked 25
skyjacked 30
skyjacker 29
skijorers 20
skijoring 21
skipjacks 28
smokejack 28
slapjacks 24
sojourned 17
stickjaws 25
rijstafel 19
tjantings 17
trajected 19
trijugate 17
trijugous 17
unabjured 19
turbojets 18
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unenjoyed 20
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unjustest 16
unjealous 16
unjamming 21
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unsubject 20
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verjuiced 22
sucurujus 18
subjacent 20
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subjoined 19
swarajism 21
swarajist 19
superjock 24
superjets 18
surrejoin 16
popinjays 23
popjoying 24
prejudged 21
prejudger 20
prejudges 20
prejudize 28
preadjust 19
pulsojets 18
pulsejets 18
quillajas 25
readjusts 17
rajahship 24
rajaships 21
reejected 19
reinjects 18
reinjured 17
reinjures 16
rejectees 18
rejecters 18
rejecting 19
rejective 21
rejectors 18
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rejigging 19
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rejoining 17
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injective 21
introject 18
johnboats 21
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jokesmith 25
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jointedly 20
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jointweed 20
jollyboat 21
jollyhead 23
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jonnycake 25
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jarovises 19
jarovized 29
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jawboning 22
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jaywalker 26
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kinkajous 24
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komitajis 22
lancejack 24
kurrajong 21
lehrjahre 22
logjammed 22
logjuices 19
longjumps 21
majuscule 20
majesties 18
majolicas 20
majorship 23
mahjonggs 23
maharajas 21
marjorams 20
maryjanes 21
hobjobbed 26
hobjobber 25
hijackers 25

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