Words Containing DA
Explore a range of words that include the letter DA, showcasing the diversity and richness of the English language. Enhance your vocabulary with interesting and unique terms featuring DA.
2 letter words
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
da | 3 | an official prosecutor for a judicial district | - |
3 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
day | 7 | the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside | the dawn turned night into day |
dad | 5 | an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk | - |
dan | 4 | - | - |
dam | 6 | a metric unit of length equal to ten meters | - |
dah | 7 | the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code | - |
das | 4 | any of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toes | - |
dal | 4 | a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 10 liters | - |
dag | 5 | 10 grams | - |
dab | 6 | apply (usually a liquid) to a surface | dab the wall with paint |
daw | 7 | common black-and-grey Eurasian bird noted for thievery | - |
dak | 8 | East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye | - |
dae | 4 | - | - |
dap | 6 | - | - |
oda | 4 | - | - |
4 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
days | 8 | the time during which someone's life continues | the monarch's last days |
damn | 7 | something of little value | his promise is not worth a damn |
dark | 9 | the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside | - |
date | 5 | a participant in a date | his date never stopped talking |
dare | 5 | take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission | How dare you call my lawyer? |
dawn | 8 | become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions | It dawned on him that she had betrayed him |
data | 5 | a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn | statistical data |
soda | 5 | a sodium salt of carbonic acid; used in making soap powders and glass and paper | - |
dale | 5 | an open river valley (in a hilly area) | - |
darn | 5 | something of little value | - |
dash | 8 | the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code | - |
dame | 7 | informal terms for a (young) woman | - |
dang | 6 | - | - |
damp | 9 | lessen in force or effect | - |
daft | 8 | informal or slang terms for mentally irregular | - |
davy | 11 | English chemist who was a pioneer in electrochemistry and who used it to isolate elements sodium and potassium and barium and boron and calcium and magnesium and chlorine (1778-1829) | - |
dada | 6 | a nihilistic art movement (especially in painting) that flourished in Europe early in the 20th century; based on irrationality and negation of the accepted laws of beauty | - |
nada | 5 | a quantity of no importance | - |
dart | 5 | run or move very quickly or hastily | - |
aida | 5 | - | - |
dali | 5 | surrealist Spanish painter (1904-1989) | - |
daze | 14 | to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light | - |
dahl | 8 | small highly nutritious seed of the tropical pigeon-pea plant | - |
dado | 6 | panel forming the lower part of an interior wall when it is finished differently from the rest of the wall | - |
sida | 5 | large genus of tropical subshrubs or herbs some of which yield fibers of mucilaginous substances | - |
dago | 6 | (ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Italian descent | - |
dank | 9 | unpleasantly cool and humid | a dank cellar |
coda | 7 | the closing section of a musical composition | - |
daud | 6 | - | - |
dais | 5 | a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it | - |
dari | 5 | an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan | - |
daub | 7 | a blemish made by dirt | - |
daut | 5 | - | - |
dace | 7 | small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body | - |
odas | 5 | - | - |
odal | 5 | - | - |
odah | 8 | - | - |
udal | 5 | - | - |
buda | 7 | - | - |
adaw | 8 | - | - |
darg | 6 | - | - |
darb | 7 | - | - |
dawk | 12 | - | - |
dawd | 9 | - | - |
daur | 5 | - | - |
dato | 5 | - | - |
daps | 7 | - | - |
dant | 5 | - | - |
dans | 5 | - | - |
daks | 9 | - | - |
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5 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
today | 9 | in these times | today almost every home has television |
daddy | 11 | an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk | - |
dance | 8 | move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance | My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio |
madam | 10 | a woman of refinement | - |
danny | 9 | - | - |
kinda | 10 | to some (great or small) extent | - |
daily | 9 | of or belonging to or occurring every day | daily routine |
dates | 6 | - | - |
daisy | 9 | any of numerous composite plants having flower heads with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in a single whorl | - |
medal | 8 | an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event | - |
dated | 7 | marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past | - |
radar | 6 | measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects | - |
judas | 13 | (New Testament) the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver | - |
dares | 6 | - | - |
adapt | 8 | adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions | - |
darcy | 11 | - | - |
panda | 8 | large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae | - |
dandy | 10 | a sailing vessel with two masts; a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost | - |
pedal | 8 | a lever that is operated with the foot | - |
dairy | 9 | a farm where dairy products are produced | - |
darts | 6 | a game in which small pointed missiles are thrown at a dartboard | - |
honda | 9 | - | - |
tidal | 6 | of or relating to or caused by tides | tidal wave |
cedar | 8 | durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chests | - |
sedan | 6 | a car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors | - |
dazed | 16 | in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock | he had a dazed expression on his face |
daffy | 15 | - | - |
dally | 9 | talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions | - |
banda | 8 | - | - |
fonda | 9 | United States film actress and daughter of Henry Fonda (born in 1937) | - |
daric | 8 | - | - |
adage | 7 | a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people | - |
dacha | 11 | Russian country house | - |
garda | 7 | - | - |
vanda | 9 | any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes | - |
dayan | 9 | Israeli general and statesman (1915-1981) | - |
darky | 13 | - | - |
datum | 8 | an item of factual information derived from measurement or research | - |
dales | 6 | - | - |
nodal | 6 | - | - |
dater | 6 | - | - |
whyda | 15 | - | - |
zedas | 15 | - | - |
zaida | 15 | - | - |
kadai | 10 | a family of Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in southeastern Asia | - |
dancy | 11 | - | - |
daiko | 10 | - | - |
daals | 6 | - | - |
rueda | 6 | - | - |
aidas | 6 | - | - |
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6 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
danger | 8 | a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury | there was a danger he would do the wrong thing |
damage | 10 | the act of damaging something or someone | - |
damned | 10 | in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell | poor damned souls |
dating | 8 | use of chemical analysis to estimate the age of geological specimens | - |
madame | 11 | title used for a married Frenchwoman | - |
dammit | 11 | - | - |
dancer | 9 | a performer who dances professionally | - |
canada | 9 | a nation in northern North America; the French were the first Europeans to settle in mainland Canada | - |
jordan | 14 | a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan | - |
agenda | 8 | a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting) | - |
daring | 8 | radically new or original | - |
daphne | 12 | any of several ornamental shrubs with shiny mostly evergreen leaves and clusters of small bell-shaped flowers | - |
update | 9 | bring to the latest state of technology or supply with the latest data | tonight, I will update my operating system |
dagger | 9 | a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote | - |
danish | 10 | light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese | - |
mayday | 15 | an internationally recognized distress signal via radiotelephone (from the French m'aider) | - |
dalton | 7 | English chemist and physicist who formulated atomic theory and the law of partial pressures; gave the first description of red-green color blindness (1766-1844) | - |
goddam | 11 | extremely | you are goddamn right! |
bridal | 9 | of or relating to a wedding | bridal procession |
midday | 13 | the middle of the day | - |
payday | 15 | the day on which you receive pay for your work | - |
dazzle | 25 | to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light | She was dazzled by the bright headlights |
damsel | 9 | a young unmarried woman | - |
dahlia | 10 | any of several plants of or developed from the species Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads; native to the mountains of Mexico and Central America and Colombia | - |
davies | 10 | - | - |
daemon | 9 | a person who is part mortal and part god | - |
dashed | 11 | having gaps or spaces | - |
lambda | 11 | the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet | - |
darken | 11 | become dark or darker | The sky darkened |
sundae | 7 | ice cream served with a topping | - |
pagoda | 10 | an Asian temple; usually a pyramidal tower with an upward curving roof | - |
sandal | 7 | a shoe consisting of a sole fastened by straps to the foot | - |
sardar | 7 | - | - |
dangle | 8 | hang freely | the ornaments dangled from the tree |
sedate | 7 | dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises | a quiet sedate nature |
feudal | 10 | of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism | - |
darned | 8 | expletives used informally as intensifiers | I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing |
vandal | 10 | a member of the Germanic people who overran Gaul and Spain and North Africa and sacked Rome in 455 | - |
dainty | 10 | delicately beautiful | a dainty teacup |
dabble | 11 | work with in an amateurish manner | She dabbles in astronomy |
darkly | 14 | without light | the river was sliding darkly under the mist |
midair | 9 | some point in the air; above ground level | the planes collided in midair |
damper | 11 | a device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations | - |
darkie | 11 | - | - |
heyday | 16 | the period of greatest prosperity or productivity | - |
daimon | 9 | an evil supernatural being | - |
dapper | 11 | marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners | a dapper young man |
dawdle | 11 | take one's time; proceed slowly | - |
dasher | 10 | - | - |
cicada | 11 | stout-bodied insect with large membranous wings; male has drum-like organs for producing a high-pitched drone | - |
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7 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
darling | 9 | an Australian river; tributary of the Murray River | - |
goddamn | 12 | extremely | you are goddamn right! |
dancing | 11 | taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music | - |
holiday | 14 | leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure | we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico |
someday | 13 | - | - |
damaged | 12 | being unjustly brought into disrepute | her damaged reputation |
scandal | 10 | a disgraceful event | - |
damages | 11 | a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury | - |
daytime | 13 | the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside | it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime |
bandage | 11 | a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body | - |
adapted | 11 | changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose | seeds precisely adapted to the area |
grandad | 10 | the father of your father or mother | - |
updated | 11 | - | - |
faraday | 14 | the English physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction (1791-1867) | - |
dashing | 12 | lively and spirited | a dashing hero |
cadaver | 13 | the dead body of a human being | the cadaver was intended for dissection |
mandate | 10 | a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves | - |
pendant | 10 | branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling | - |
bondage | 11 | the state of being under the control of another person | - |
adamant | 10 | impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason | he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind |
matilda | 10 | - | - |
daycare | 13 | childcare during the day while parents work | - |
sedated | 9 | - | - |
mundane | 10 | belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly | not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind |
cheddar | 14 | hard smooth-textured cheese; originally made in Cheddar in southwestern England | - |
veranda | 11 | a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed) | - |
dazzled | 27 | having vision overcome temporarily by or as if by intense light | she shut her dazzled eyes against the sun's brilliance |
dawning | 12 | the first light of day | - |
disdain | 9 | look down on with disdain | - |
dailies | 8 | - | - |
alameda | 10 | - | - |
daresay | 11 | - | - |
weekday | 18 | any day except Sunday (and sometimes except Saturday) | - |
bandana | 10 | large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief | - |
bipedal | 12 | having two feet | - |
damning | 11 | threatening with damnation | - |
darkies | 12 | - | - |
hidalgo | 12 | - | - |
adapter | 10 | a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance | - |
dabbled | 13 | covered with bright patches (often used in combination) | waves dabbled with moonlight |
mandala | 10 | any of various geometric designs (usually circular) symbolizing the universe; used chiefly in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation | - |
dauphin | 13 | formerly, the eldest son of the King of France and direct heir to the throne | - |
dampier | 12 | - | - |
damiana | 10 | - | - |
rotunda | 8 | a building having a circular plan and a dome | - |
workday | 18 | a day on which work is done | - |
candida | 11 | any of the yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida | - |
fazenda | 20 | - | - |
dappled | 13 | having spots or patches of color | - |
dadaism | 11 | a nihilistic art movement (especially in painting) that flourished in Europe early in the 20th century; based on irrationality and negation of the accepted laws of beauty | - |
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8 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
daughter | 13 | a female human offspring | her daughter cared for her in her old age |
birthday | 17 | the date on which a person was born | - |
everyday | 18 | appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions | everyday clothes |
darkness | 13 | absence of light or illumination | - |
standard | 10 | a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated | the schools comply with federal standards |
nowadays | 15 | the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech | - |
headache | 17 | pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs | - |
daylight | 16 | the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside | - |
calendar | 11 | a list or register of events (appointments or social events or court cases etc) | I have you on my calendar for next Monday |
granddad | 12 | the father of your father or mother | - |
guidance | 12 | the act of setting and holding a course | - |
predator | 11 | someone who attacks in search of booty | - |
database | 11 | an organized body of related information | - |
suicidal | 11 | dangerous to yourself or your interests | suicidal impulses |
mandarin | 11 | a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose skinned citrus of China | - |
boundary | 14 | the greatest possible degree of something | - |
dazzling | 28 | shining intensely | dazzling snow |
sedative | 12 | tending to soothe or tranquilize | took a hot drink with sedative properties before going to bed |
outdated | 10 | old; no longer valid or fashionable | outdated equipment |
abundant | 11 | present in great quantity | an abundant supply of water |
damaging | 13 | designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions | - |
dangling | 11 | the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely) | - |
endanger | 10 | pose a threat to; present a danger to | The pollution is endangering the crops |
riddance | 12 | the act of forcing out someone or something | - |
doomsday | 15 | (New Testament) day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives | - |
daybreak | 18 | the first light of day | - |
ordained | 10 | fixed or established especially by order or command | - |
daydream | 15 | absentminded dreaming while awake | - |
hacienda | 14 | a large estate in Spanish-speaking countries | - |
audacity | 14 | fearless daring | - |
darkroom | 15 | a room in which photographs are developed | - |
dandruff | 16 | a condition in which white scales of dead skin are shed by the scalp | - |
bandaged | 13 | covered or wrapped with a bandage | the bandaged wound on the back of his head |
anaconda | 11 | large arboreal boa of tropical South America | - |
darkened | 14 | become or made dark by lack of light | a darkened house |
gendarme | 12 | a French policeman | - |
daunting | 10 | discouraging through fear | - |
validate | 12 | give evidence for | - |
daiquiri | 18 | a cocktail made with rum and lime or lemon juice | - |
updating | 12 | the act of changing something to bring it up to date (usually by adding something) | criminal records need regular updating |
sedation | 9 | the administration of a sedative agent or drug | - |
weekdays | 19 | - | - |
intifada | 12 | an uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000 | the first intifada ended when Israel granted limited autonomy to the Palestine National Authority in 1993 |
laudanum | 11 | narcotic consisting of an alcohol solution of opium or any preparation in which opium is the main ingredient | - |
dawdling | 14 | the deliberate act of delaying and playing instead of working | - |
medalist | 11 | someone who has won a medal | - |
mandated | 12 | - | - |
quandary | 21 | a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one | - |
mesdames | 13 | - | - |
damnable | 13 | deserving a curse | her damnable pride |
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9 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
yesterday | 16 | the day immediately before today | it was in yesterday's newspapers |
dangerous | 11 | involving or causing danger or risk; liable to hurt or harm | a dangerous criminal |
defendant | 14 | a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused | - |
candidate | 13 | someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc.) | - |
legendary | 14 | celebrated in fable or legend | legendary exploits of Jesse James |
goddammit | 16 | - | - |
secondary | 15 | coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil | - |
attendant | 10 | someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another | - |
goddamned | 15 | extremely | - |
mandatory | 15 | the recipient of a mandate | - |
abundance | 14 | the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply | an age of abundance |
goddamnit | 14 | - | - |
damnation | 12 | the state of being condemned to eternal punishment in Hell | - |
vandalism | 15 | willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others | - |
redundant | 11 | more than is needed, desired, or required | yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant |
medallion | 12 | an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event | - |
davenport | 15 | a city in eastern Iowa on the Mississippi River across from Moline and Rock Island | - |
magdalene | 13 | - | - |
affidavit | 19 | written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath | - |
daylights | 17 | - | - |
dashboard | 16 | instrument panel on an automobile or airplane containing dials and controls | - |
homicidal | 17 | characteristic of or capable of or having a tendency toward killing another human being | a homicidal rage |
daredevil | 14 | presumptuously daring | a daredevil test pilot having the right stuff |
dauntless | 10 | invulnerable to fear or intimidation | - |
liquidate | 19 | eliminate by paying off (debts) | - |
dandelion | 11 | any of several herbs of the genus Taraxacum having long tap roots and deeply notched leaves and bright yellow flowers followed by fluffy seed balls | - |
candidacy | 18 | the campaign of a candidate to be elected | - |
predatory | 15 | characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding | predatory warfare |
intendant | 10 | - | - |
andromeda | 13 | broad-leaved evergreen Asiatic shrub with glossy leaves and drooping clusters of white flowers | - |
inundated | 11 | covered with water | inundated farmlands |
adaptable | 14 | capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use | to succeed one must be adaptable |
confidant | 15 | someone to whom private matters are confided | - |
skedaddle | 16 | a hasty flight | - |
dachshund | 19 | small long-bodied short-legged German breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears; suited for following game into burrows | - |
macadamia | 16 | any tree of the genus Macadamia | - |
audacious | 12 | invulnerable to fear or intimidation | audacious explorers |
dalmatian | 12 | a large breed having a smooth white coat with black or brown spots; originated in Dalmatia | - |
barracuda | 14 | any voracious marine fish of the genus Sphyraena having an elongated cylindrical body and large mouth with projecting lower jaw and long strong teeth | - |
dependant | 13 | a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support) | - |
undamaged | 14 | not harmed or spoiled; sound | - |
avoidance | 15 | deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening | - |
dastardly | 14 | despicably cowardly | the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on...December 7th |
darkening | 15 | changing to a darker color | - |
damnedest | 13 | - | - |
appendage | 15 | a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant | - |
bodacious | 14 | unrestrained by convention or propriety | the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim |
enchilada | 15 | tortilla with meat filling baked in tomato sauce seasoned with chili | - |
validated | 14 | declared or made legally valid | a validated claim |
undaunted | 11 | unshaken in purpose | - |
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10 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
foundation | 14 | education or instruction in the fundamentals of a field of knowledge | he lacks the foundation necessary for advanced study |
propaganda | 16 | information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause | - |
solidarity | 14 | a union of interests or purposes or sympathies among members of a group | - |
endangered | 13 | (of flora or fauna) in imminent danger of extinction | an endangered species |
attendance | 13 | the act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.) | - |
formidable | 18 | inspiring fear | the formidable prospect of major surgery |
adaptation | 13 | the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions) | - |
accordance | 17 | the act of granting rights | the accordance to Canada of rights of access |
descendant | 14 | a person considered as descended from some ancestor | - |
intimidate | 13 | make timid or fearful | Her boss intimidates her |
roundabout | 13 | a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island | - |
scandalous | 13 | giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation | scandalous behavior |
dependable | 16 | worthy of reliance or trust | a dependable worker |
commandant | 17 | an officer in command of a military unit | - |
granddaddy | 18 | the father of your father or mother | - |
affordable | 19 | that you have the financial means for | - |
expendable | 22 | (used of funds) remaining after taxes | - |
redundancy | 17 | the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded | the use of industrial robots created redundancy among workers |
vandalized | 24 | - | - |
validation | 14 | the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something | - |
abundantly | 16 | in an abundant manner | they were abundantly supplied with food |
sandalwood | 15 | close-grained fragrant yellowish heartwood of the true sandalwood; has insect repelling properties and is used for carving and cabinetwork | - |
liquidated | 21 | - | - |
unreadable | 13 | not easily deciphered | - |
refundable | 16 | - | - |
discordant | 14 | lacking in harmony | - |
confidante | 16 | a female confidant | - |
invalidate | 14 | declare invalid | - |
daydreamer | 17 | someone who indulges in idle or absentminded daydreaming | - |
validating | 15 | serving to support or corroborate | - |
schooldays | 19 | the time of life when you are going to school | - |
liquidator | 20 | a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being) | - |
balderdash | 17 | trivial nonsense | - |
ascendancy | 18 | the state that exists when one person or group has power over another | - |
suicidally | 16 | - | - |
scandalize | 22 | strike with disgust or revulsion | - |
dillydally | 18 | postpone doing what one should be doing | - |
extendable | 20 | capable of being lengthened | - |
mendacious | 15 | given to lying | a mendacious child |
inundation | 11 | an overwhelming number or amount | - |
cadaverous | 16 | very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold | - |
expandable | 22 | able to expand or be expanded | - |
disdainful | 15 | having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy | some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines |
pedagogics | 17 | the principles and methods of instruction | - |
recordable | 15 | - | - |
dependance | 16 | being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs) | - |
dazzlingly | 33 | in a manner or to a degree that dazzles the beholder | - |
daintiness | 11 | the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance | the daintiness of her touch |
unbendable | 15 | marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable | a man of unbendable perseverence |
brigandage | 15 | - | - |
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