9-letter words containing ATI

Embark on an exploration of 9-letter words that contain the letter ATI. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate ATI within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

situation 9
operation 11
education 12
satisfied 13
relations 9
operating 12
radiation 10
salvation 12
gratitude 11
sensation 9
automatic 13
repeating 12
probation 13
violation 12
formation 14
impatient 13
animation 11
isolation 9
traumatic 13
imitating 12
narrating 10
operative 14
inflation 12
talkative 16
violating 13
narrative 12
vibrating 15
imitation 11
patiently 14
lucrative 14
cremation 13
damnation 12
migration 12
vibration 14
urinating 10
hepatitis 14
variation 12
quotation 18
elevation 12
migrating 13
cinematic 15
adoration 10
dictation 12
narration 9
versatile 12
educating 13
enigmatic 14
agitation 10
pragmatic 16
rationing 10
fanatical 14
isolating 10
statistic 11
deviation 13
tentative 12
asthmatic 16
carnation 11
ovulation 12
pulsating 12
dalmatian 12
valuation 12
combative 18
quadratic 21
defeatist 13
summation 13
flotation 12
schematic 18
urination 9
pneumatic 15
dramatize 21
acrobatic 15
emanating 12
evocative 17
cessation 11
satirical 11
radiating 11
dramatics 14
formative 17
tarnation 9
oxidation 17
rationale 9
mediation 12
hydration 16
lymphatic 21
gratified 14
agitating 11
adulation 10
simpatico 15
inflating 13
expiation 18
animating 12
elevating 13
gestation 10
causation 11
probative 16
privatize 23
defeatism 15
deflating 14
zygomatic 26
ruination 9
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cremating 14
beatitude 12
mediating 13
spatially 14
rheumatic 16
ululating 10
placating 14
inpatient 11
lactating 12
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combating 16
chromatic 18
purgative 15
mandating 13
educative 15
prismatic 15
privation 14
hydrating 17
deviating 14
dramatise 12
dogmatism 15
collating 12
evocation 14
emulating 12
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platitude 12
predation 12
causative 14
nitration 9
normative 14
pulsation 11
prostatic 13
lactation 11
emanation 11
fatiguing 14
emulation 11
enzymatic 25
axiomatic 20
aerobatic 13
adiabatic 14
nitrating 10
striation 9
vexatious 19
piratical 13
instating 10
iteration 9
dramatist 12
gestating 11
hanseatic 14
calmative 16
chelation 14
avocation 14
anosmatic 13
actuation 11
adulating 11
misrating 12
misdating 13
mismating 14
miseating 12
mydriatic 17
mutations 11
negatives 13
negations 10
negatived 14
neuration 9
nervation 12
natations 9
nationals 9
nativisms 14
nativists 12
nonnative 12
nictating 12
nictation 11
nidations 10
nivations 12
nodations 10
nitratine 9
nutations 9
obbligati 14
nystatins 12
nudations 10
nunnation 9
oblations 11
nonstatic 11
novations 12
notations 9
ommatidia 14
optatives 14
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outeating 10
oribatids 12
ovational 12
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pacations 13
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ozonating 19
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oxidative 20
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palmation 13
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patinized 21
patinizes 20
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patiences 13
patiented 12
patienter 11
patinated 12
pedatifid 16
mentation 11
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mediative 15
mediatise 12
migmatite 14
miniation 11
miniating 12
metabatic 15
miasmatic 15
zaratites 18
writative 15
zeugmatic 23
zonations 18
volatiles 12
vocations 14
vocatives 17
violative 15
vitiating 13
vitiation 12
wheatiest 15
satinette 9
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satisfier 12
satisfies 12
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satirizer 18
satinpods 12
satinwood 13
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satiriser 9
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satirists 9
satirized 19
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satiating 10
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satieties 9
scalation 11
saltating 10
saltation 9
sciatical 13
sciaticas 13
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scutation 11
seriating 10
seriation 9
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serration 9
siccative 16
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sigmation 12
sigmatism 14
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sinuation 9
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solvation 12
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spiration 11
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stigmatic 14
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steatitic 11
stationer 9
stationed 10
stational 9
stemmatic 15
strumatic 13
stromatic 13
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rogations 10
rheumatiz 23
ructation 11
ruinating 10
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rotations 9
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throatily 15
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threating 13
testation 9
teratisms 11
thematics 16
thaumatin 14
thanatist 12
thanatism 14
tomatillo 11
toccatina 13
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titration 9
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treatises 9
umbratile 13
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ululation 9
unabating 12
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uncrating 12
unstating 10
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urinative 12
valuating 13
vallation 12
vanaspati 14
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vernation 12
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viaticals 14
viaticums 16
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viciating 15
vexations 19
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variative 15
venations 12
venatical 14
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vaticinal 14
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sulfation 12
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sulphatic 16
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summative 16
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sublation 11
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placation 13
placative 16
pizzicati 31
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platinize 20
platinoid 12
platinous 11
planation 11
pinnation 11
plication 13
plicating 14
potations 11
pratingly 15
pratiques 20
portative 14
portatile 11
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prelatist 11
prelatize 20
prelation 11
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prolative 14
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pronation 11
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pulsative 14
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psoriatic 13
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rationals 9
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ratifiers 12
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raciation 11
rangatira 10
recrating 12
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reheating 13
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relatival 12
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reflation 12
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replating 12
reptation 11
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reseating 10
restating 10
restation 9
reslating 10
peltation 11
pegmatite 14
phonating 15
phonation 14
horiatiki 16
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hortative 15
illatives 12
illations 9
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idiomatic 14
ideations 10
inflative 15
implating 14
insatiate 9
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ischiatic 16
ismatical 13
irisation 9
irisating 10
isostatic 11
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iterative 12
isocratic 13
isolative 12
iodations 10
jobations 18
juneating 17
judgmatic 22
jactation 18
jawbation 21
kinematic 17
katabatic 17
keratitis 13
latifondi 13
laudation 10
laudative 13
latration 9
latimeria 11
latinised 10
latinises 9
latinized 19
latinizes 18
latitancy 14
latitudes 10
laticlave 14
lariating 10

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