4 letter words starting with v

Welcome to the vibrant world of four-letter words starting with V! Venture into this vivacious list where vocabulary shines with verve. Whether you're a word game enthusiast or just vibing with language, these V-words are versatile and full of vitality, ready to add a bit of vim to your lexicon!

very 10
view 10
vote 7
vice 9
vain 7
vast 7
visa 7
veil 7
vase 7
void 8
vest 7
vibe 9
vent 7
vile 7
vein 7
viva 10
veal 7
veto 7
vine 7
veer 7
vale 7
verb 9
vary 10
vega 8
vial 7
vita 7
vino 7
vane 7
vara 7
vill 7
volt 7
vive 10
vena 7
vise 7
vert 7
vamp 11
vail 7
vali 7
vite 7
vasa 7
vole 7
vivo 10
vang 8
vina 7
vier 7
veld 8
volk 11
vers 7
vela 7
vend 8
vide 8
voip 9
vogs 8
vlog 8
viff 13
vape 9
voms 9
vair 7
vans 7
vant 7
vacs 9
vade 8
vaes 7
vagi 8
vags 8
vare 7
vars 7
veep 9
vees 7
vego 8
vehm 12
vaws 10
vavs 10
vats 7
vatu 7
vaus 7
vaut 7
vire 7
voar 7
voes 7
vola 7
vols 7
vlei 7
vizy 19
virl 7
vors 7
vows 10
vums 9
vril 7
vrot 7
vrou 7
vrow 10
vugg 9
vugh 11
vugs 8
vuln 7
viol 7
vets 7
vext 14
viae 7
verd 8
vele 7
vell 7
vera 7
vias 7
vibs 9
vims 9
vins 7
vint 7
vild 8
vigs 8
vids 8
vied 8
vies 7
viga 8
viny 10

If you’ve ever found yourself pondering the peculiar magic of language, you might have noticed the special charm of four-letter words that start with V. These words carry an intrinsic energy and rhythm, perhaps because the letter V itself is vibrant and vivacious. Its unique buzz adds a touch of excitement to any word it begins. Whether they’re common or rare, these words often possess a certain flair, a playful bounce in their pronunciation. Let's explore some captivating examples that demonstrate their unique place in our lexicon.

About 4 Letter Words Starting with V

The letter V is not the most common initial letter in English, but when it appears, it commands attention. The rarity of V at the beginning of a word makes these words particularly striking, often lending them a sense of vigor. In terms of phonetics, the V sound is a voiced labiodental fricative, which is just a fancy way of saying it’s produced by vibrating your vocal cords while your top teeth lightly touch your bottom lip. This distinctive sound can make words seem more dynamic and forceful.

In four-letter words, the presence of V often provides a punchy start, setting the tone for the rest of the syllables. Consider how it shapes words like "vibe" or "veto," each carrying its own distinct connotation and energy. The positioning of V can lead to words that are both utilitarian and expressive, making them valuable assets in both everyday conversation and creative writing.

Popular Word Examples

Four-letter words starting with V are both functional and fun. Here are a few popular examples that showcase their versatility:


  • Definition: A person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
  • Example in a Sentence: The cafe had a laid-back vibe that made it the perfect spot to relax.
  • Fun Fact: "Vibe" originated in the 1960s from the word "vibration," linking to the cultural emphasis on energy and mood of the era.


  • Definition: Any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying mainly oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart.
  • Example in a Sentence: The nurse found a vein easily and took a blood sample quickly.
  • Fun Fact: In geology, a "vein" is also a term for a distinct sheet of minerals within a rock.


  • Definition: A constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body.
  • Example in a Sentence: The president used his power to veto the bill passed by Congress.
  • Fun Fact: The word "veto" comes from Latin, meaning "I forbid."


  • Definition: The unit of electromotive force, the difference of potential that would drive one ampere of current against one ohm resistance.
  • Example in a Sentence: The battery operates at 12 volts.
  • Fun Fact: The term "volt" is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, who invented the voltaic pile, considered the first chemical battery.


  • Definition: Of very great extent or quantity; immense.
  • Example in a Sentence: The Sahara Desert is a vast expanse of sand and rock.
  • Fun Fact: The word "vast" comes from the Latin "vastus," meaning empty or desolate, highlighting its dramatic scope.

High-scoring Scrabble Examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, four-letter words starting with V offer strategic advantages due to their relatively high point value. Here are some to consider:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Vary 10 To change or alter.
Vext 14 Past tense of vex; annoyed or worried.
Vow 9 A solemn promise.
Vats 7 Large containers used for storing liquids.
Vise 7 A tool for holding work in place.

Popular 5-Letter Words for Wordle

Wordle players know the thrill of finding the perfect word. Here are some five-letter words starting with V that might just be your next winning guess:

Word Definition
Vivid Producing powerful feelings or strong images in the mind.
Voice The sound produced by a person's larynx.
Vital Absolutely necessary or important; essential.
Value The importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
Visit Go to see and spend time with (someone) socially.

Unusual and Rare Word Examples

Delve into the world of rare and unusual four-letter words starting with V that add color and curiosity to language:


  • Definition: A wooden beam used in the construction of adobe buildings in the southwestern United States.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "viga" comes from Spanish, reflecting the architectural influence of Spanish colonizers in the Southwest.
  • Example in a Sentence: The ceiling was supported by sturdy viga beams.


  • Definition: A small, burrowing, mouse-like rodent.
  • Interesting Fact: Voles are often mistaken for mice but are distinguished by their stouter bodies and shorter tails.
  • Example in a Sentence: The vole scurried across the field, disappearing into a burrow.


  • Definition: The basic monetary unit of Vanuatu.
  • Interesting Fact: Vanuatu is a Pacific island nation, and its currency reflects its unique cultural heritage.
  • Example in a Sentence: She exchanged her dollars for vatu at the local bank.


  • Definition: Open, uncultivated country or grassland in southern Africa.
  • Interesting Fact: "Veld" is derived from Afrikaans, a language developed from Dutch settlers in South Africa.
  • Example in a Sentence: The vast veld stretched out before them, teeming with wildlife.

Final Words

Exploring the realm of four-letter words starting with V offers a delightful glimpse into the richness of the English language. From common words that punctuate our daily conversations to rare gems that spark curiosity, these words demonstrate the power of a single letter to transform sound and meaning. They're a testament to the vibrancy of language, inviting us to play with sounds and meanings in endless ways. So the next time you encounter a word beginning with V, remember the veritable voyage it represents!

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