10-letter words starting with TRI

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter TRI. This section showcases how TRI at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with TRI, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

triumphant 17
trilateral 10
triangular 11
trivialize 22
triplicate 14
triviality 16
triggerman 14
trippingly 18
trillionth 13
trivialise 13
triacetate 12
triaconter 12
triactinal 12
trialities 10
triallings 11
triallists 10
trialogues 11
trialwares 13
triandrian 11
triandrous 11
triapsidal 13
triarchies 15
triathlete 13
triathlons 13
tribadisms 15
tribalisms 14
tribalists 12
tribometer 14
tribrachic 19
tribulated 13
tribulates 12
tribunates 12
tricameral 14
tricerions 12
trichiases 15
trichiasis 15
trichinise 15
trichinize 24
trichinose 15
trichinous 15
trichocyst 20
trichogyne 19
trichology 19
trichotomy 20
trichroism 17
trichromat 17
trichromic 19
trickeries 16
trickiness 16
trickishly 22
trickliest 16
tricklings 17
tricksiest 16
tricksters 16
tricktrack 22
triclinium 14
triclosans 12
tricolette 12
tricolored 13
tricolours 12
tricostate 12
tricoteuse 12
tricotines 12
tricrotism 14
tricrotous 12
tricuspids 15
tricyclers 17
tricyclics 19
tricycling 18
tricyclist 17
tridentate 11
tridominia 13
tridymites 16
triennials 10
trienniums 12
trierarchs 15
trierarchy 18
trifacials 15
trifarious 13
triffidian 17
triffidier 17
triflingly 17
trifoliate 13
trifoliums 15
trifurcate 15
trigamists 13
trigeminal 13
trigeminus 13
triggering 13
triggermen 14
triglyphic 21
trignesses 11
trigonally 14
trigrammic 17
trigraphic 18
trihedrals 14
trihedrons 14
trihybrids 19
trihydrate 17
trihydroxy 27
trilineate 10
trilingual 11
triliteral 10
trilithons 13
trilobated 13
trilobites 12
trilobitic 14
trilocular 12
trimerisms 14
trimesters 12
trimestral 12
trimmingly 18
trimnesses 12
trimonthly 18
trimorphic 19
trimphones 17
trinacrian 12
triniscope 14
trinitrate 10
trinitrins 10
trinketers 14
trinketing 15
trinocular 12
trinomials 12
trioecious 12
trioxygens 21
tripartism 14
tripartite 12
tripehound 16
triphammer 19
triphthong 19
triphylite 18
tripinnate 12
tripitakas 16
tripleness 12
tripletail 12
triplexing 20
triplicity 17
tripmeters 14
tripperier 14
tripperish 17
tripterous 12
triptyques 24
tripudiary 16
tripudiate 13
tripudiums 15
triquetrae 19
triquetral 19
triquetras 19
triquetrum 21
triradiate 11
trisagions 11
trisecting 13
trisection 12
trisectors 12
trisectrix 19
triskelion 14
tristearin 10
tristesses 10
tristfully 16
tristichic 17
trisulcate 12
trisulfide 14
tritanopes 12
tritanopia 12
tritanopic 14
triternate 10
tritheisms 15
tritheists 13
trithionic 15
tritiating 11
tritiation 10
triticales 12
tritically 15
triticeous 12
triticisms 14
triturable 12
triturated 11
triturates 10
triturator 10
triumphals 17
triumphers 17
triumphery 20
triumphing 18
triumviral 15
triunities 10
trivalence 15
trivalency 18
trivialism 15
trivialist 13

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