Words Starting With TRI

Welcome to a world where everything starts with "tri"! Get ready to explore a triple-threat of terrific words that begin with those three magical letters. From tricky triangles to triumphant triumphs, dive into this treasure trove of terms that will tickle your curiosity and expand your vocabulary. Enjoy the ride!

4 letter words

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trip 6
trim 6
trio 4
trig 5
trie 4
trin 4

5 letter words

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tried 6
trick 11
trial 5
tribe 7
triad 6
tripe 7
trine 5
trite 5
trice 7
trier 5
trill 5
trios 5
trike 9
trigo 6
triac 7
tride 6
tries 5
triff 11
trigs 6
trild 6
trims 7

6 letter words

View all
triple 8
tricky 15
tribal 8
trifle 9
tripod 9
trivia 9
triton 6
triage 7
triste 6
triune 6
triply 11
triacs 8
triact 8
triads 7
trials 6
tribes 8
tricar 8
triced 9
tricep 10
trices 8
tricks 12

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7 letter words

View all
trigger 9
triumph 14
tribute 9
trivial 10
trinity 10
tribune 9
trimmed 12
trilogy 11
trinket 11
trickle 13
trimmer 11
trident 8
triceps 11
tripoli 9
tripper 11
triplet 9
triplex 16
tricksy 16
tritium 9
tritone 7
tricker 13

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8 letter words

View all
triangle 9
tripping 13
trillion 8
tribunal 10
trickery 17
tricycle 15
trilling 9
trimming 13
trifling 12
trickier 14
trifecta 13
tripwire 13
tricolor 10
triptych 18
triassic 10
tripling 11
triacids 11
triactor 10
triadics 11
triadism 11
triadist 9

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9 letter words

View all
trickster 15
tripitaka 15
trimester 11
trimmings 14
triathlon 12
triumphal 16
tributary 14
tribesman 13
tricyclic 18
trilobite 11
trickiest 15
tricolour 11
tribalism 13
triactine 11
triactors 11
triadisms 12
triadists 10
trialisms 11
trialists 9
trialling 10
triallist 9

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10 letter words

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triumphant 17
trilateral 10
triangular 11
trivialize 22
triplicate 14
triviality 16
triggerman 14
trippingly 18
trillionth 13
trivialise 13
triacetate 12
triaconter 12
triactinal 12
trialities 10
triallings 11
triallists 10
trialogues 11
trialwares 13
triandrian 11
triandrous 11
triapsidal 13

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Welcome to the whimsical world of words starting with TRI, where language takes a triumphant twist full of triangular treasures and trickling tributes! The tantalizing trio of letters "T," "R," and "I" beckons us into a linguistic landscape brimming with intriguing sounds and meanings. These words hold a special place in our vocabulary, not only for their melodious pronunciation but also for their dynamic definitions. Prepare to embark on a journey through words that are both useful and entertaining, where each example is more tantalizing than the last!

About Words Starting with TRI

Words beginning with the letters "T-R-I" occupy a special niche in the English language, weaving together an intricate tapestry of sounds and meanings. This prefix often carries connotations of three or trinity, as seen in words like "tricycle" or "tripod." It’s fascinating how this tripartite prefix can denote multiplicity and balance, forming words that are both functional and philosophical. Thanks to this trifecta of letters, the English language is endowed with words that are precise, playful, and sometimes even poetic.

The pronunciation of these words often charms the tongue with its rhythmic flow. Consider "triumph" or "trickster," which roll off the tongue with a satisfying cadence. The presence of TRI frequently indicates a blend of symmetry and complexity, whether referring to objects, ideas, or actions. This combination of letters adds a layer of intrigue to everyday language, making conversations more colorful and captivating.

Popular Word Examples

Let's dive into some popular word examples that start with TRI, each offering its own unique charm and usage:


  • Definition: A polygon with three edges and three vertices.
  • Example in a Sentence: The children learned how to draw a perfect triangle in geometry class.
  • Fun Fact: The word "triangle" comes from the Latin "triangulum," meaning "three-cornered."


  • Definition: A vehicle similar to a bicycle but having three wheels.
  • Example in a Sentence: Little Timmy rode his tricycle around the park with glee.
  • Fun Fact: The tricycle was first mass-produced in the 19th century and became a popular mode of transportation for children.


  • Definition: A group of three related novels, films, or albums.
  • Example in a Sentence: The fantasy trilogy captivated readers with its epic storytelling.
  • Fun Fact: One of the most famous trilogies is J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings."


  • Definition: A great victory or achievement.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her triumph in the science fair was celebrated by the entire school.
  • Fun Fact: In ancient Rome, a "triumph" was a ceremonial procession granted to victorious generals.


  • Definition: A three-pronged spear, especially as an attribute of Poseidon or Neptune.
  • Example in a Sentence: The statue of Poseidon wielded a mighty trident.
  • Fun Fact: The trident is often associated with the power to control the seas.

High-Scoring Scrabble Examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words that start with TRI can offer a treasure trove of points. Here are some high-scoring options:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Triumph 14 A great victory or achievement.
Triceps 11 A muscle having three heads or points of origin.
Triplex 16 Consisting of three parts; triple.
Triadic 10 Related to or consisting of three parts.
Trickle 13 To flow in a small stream.

Popular 5-Letter Words for Wordle

Wordle fans, rejoice! Here are some five-letter words starting with TRI that might just help you crack the daily puzzle:

Word Definition
Trial A test of performance, qualities, or suitability.
Tribe A social division in a traditional society.
Trice A very short period of time; an instant.
Trill A quavering or vibratory sound.
Trims To make neat or symmetrical by cutting.

Unusual and Rare Word Examples

Delight in the discovery of these unusual and rare words that start with TRI, each with its own peculiar allure:


  • Definition: Fear of the number 13.
  • Interesting Fact: The term comes from the Greek words "tris" (three), "kai" (and), and "deka" (ten).
  • Example in a Sentence: Due to her triskaidekaphobia, she refused to attend any events on the 13th.


  • Definition: A hat with three sides of the brim turned up.
  • Interesting Fact: Tricorn hats were popular during the 18th century, especially among military and naval officers.
  • Example in a Sentence: The pirate captain's tricorn was adorned with a large feather.


  • Definition: A motif consisting of three interlocked spirals or three bent human legs.
  • Interesting Fact: The triskelion is an ancient symbol that appears in many cultures, including Celtic and Greek art.
  • Example in a Sentence: The ancient artifact was decorated with a beautifully intricate triskelion.


  • Definition: A compulsive urge to pull out one’s own hair.
  • Interesting Fact: This condition is considered a mental health disorder and is often linked to stress or anxiety.
  • Example in a Sentence: She sought therapy to help manage her trichotillomania.


  • Definition: A bet in which the first, second, and third place winners are predicted correctly.
  • Interesting Fact: The term is commonly used in horse racing but has since expanded to describe any perfect set of three.
  • Example in a Sentence: Winning the trifecta at the Derby brought him unexpected fortune.

Final Words

In the captivating realm of words starting with TRI, language lovers find a delightful mix of utility, creativity, and fun. Whether you're a Scrabble strategist, a Wordle wizard, or simply a lover of linguistics, these words offer endless possibilities for exploration and enjoyment. So go forth and embrace the triad of letters that transforms ordinary conversations into extraordinary expressions!