Words Starting With TH
Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of words starting with "TH"! From thunderous terms to thoughtful expressions, this page is a treasure trove of linguistic delights. Whether you're a wordsmith or just curious, dive in and discover how these "TH" words can transform your vocabulary adventures!
3 letter words
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
the | 6 | A word placed before nouns to limit or individualize their meaning. | - |
thy | 9 | - | - |
tho | 6 | a branch of the Tai languages | - |
4 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
that | 7 | As a demonstrative pronoun, that usually points out, or refers to, a person or thing previously mentioned, or supposed to be understood. That, as a demonstrative, may precede the noun to which it refers. | that which he has said is true |
this | 7 | As a demonstrative pronoun, this denotes something that is present or near in place or time, or something just mentioned, or that is just about to be mentioned. | - |
they | 10 | The plural of he, she, or it. They is never used adjectively, but always as a pronoun proper, and sometimes refers to persons without an antecedent expressed. | - |
them | 9 | The objective case of they. | - |
then | 7 | subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors) | then he left |
than | 7 | A particle expressing comparison, used after certain adjectives and adverbs which express comparison or diversity, as more, better, other, otherwise, and the like. It is usually followed by the object compared in the nominative case. Sometimes, however, the object compared is placed in the objective case, and than is then considered by some grammarians as a preposition. Sometimes the object is expressed in a sentence, usually introduced by that. | I would rather suffer than that you should want |
thus | 7 | an aromatic gum resin obtained from various Arabian or East African trees; formerly valued for worship and for embalming and fumigation | - |
thin | 7 | lacking excess flesh | you can't be too rich or too thin |
thou | 7 | the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100 | - |
thee | 7 | - | - |
thud | 8 | make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants | - |
thug | 8 | an aggressive and violent young criminal | - |
thru | 7 | - | - |
thaw | 10 | the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid | the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours |
thro | 7 | - | - |
thar | 7 | - | - |
thon | 7 | - | - |
thir | 7 | - | - |
thae | 7 | - | - |
thew | 10 | - | - |
thig | 8 | - | - |
thio | 7 | - | - |
5 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
there | 8 | to or toward that place; away from the speaker | go there around noon! |
think | 12 | judge or regard; look upon; judge | I think he is very smart |
thank | 12 | express gratitude or show appreciation to | - |
these | 8 | - | - |
thing | 9 | a vaguely specified concern | things are going well |
their | 8 | - | - |
those | 8 | - | - |
three | 8 | being one more than two | - |
throw | 11 | cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation | throw the lever |
third | 9 | coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position | - |
threw | 11 | - | - |
thief | 11 | a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it | - |
thick | 14 | hard to pass through because of dense growth | thick woods |
theme | 10 | (music) melodic subject of a musical composition | the theme is announced in the first measures |
thumb | 12 | look through a book or other written material | He thumbed through the report |
theft | 11 | the act of taking something from someone unlawfully | - |
thigh | 12 | the upper joint of the leg of a fowl | - |
thong | 9 | leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip | - |
thorn | 8 | a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf | - |
thump | 12 | hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument | a bible-thumping Southern Baptist |
thine | 8 | - | - |
theta | 8 | the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet | - |
thyme | 13 | any of various mints of the genus Thymus | - |
thunk | 12 | a dull hollow sound | the basketball made a thunk as it hit the rim |
throb | 10 | expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically | - |
thrip | 10 | any of various small to minute sucking insects with narrow feathery wings if any; they feed on plant sap and many are destructive | - |
thana | 8 | - | - |
thane | 8 | a feudal lord or baron | - |
thorp | 10 | - | - |
therm | 10 | a unit of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units | - |
thack | 14 | - | - |
thagi | 9 | - | - |
thaim | 10 | - | - |
thale | 8 | - | - |
thali | 8 | - | - |
thang | 9 | - | - |
thans | 8 | - | - |
thanx | 15 | - | - |
tharm | 10 | - | - |
thars | 8 | - | - |
thaws | 11 | - | - |
thawy | 14 | - | - |
thebe | 10 | 100 thebe equal 1 pula in Botswana | - |
theca | 10 | a case or sheath especially a pollen sac or moss capsule | - |
theed | 9 | - | - |
theek | 12 | - | - |
thees | 8 | - | - |
thegn | 9 | - | - |
theic | 10 | - | - |
thein | 8 | - | - |
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6 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
things | 10 | any movable possession (especially articles of clothing) | she packed her things and left |
thanks | 13 | an acknowledgment of appreciation | - |
though | 13 | - | - |
throat | 9 | the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone | - |
theory | 12 | a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena | a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory |
thirty | 12 | the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three | - |
threat | 9 | a person who inspires fear or dread | - |
thrown | 12 | twisted together; as of filaments spun into a thread | thrown silk is raw silk that has been twisted and doubled into yarn |
throne | 9 | a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination | - |
theirs | 9 | - | - |
thread | 10 | thread on or as if on a string | thread dried cranberries |
thesis | 9 | a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree | - |
thirst | 9 | have a craving, appetite, or great desire for | - |
thrill | 9 | feel sudden intense sensation or emotion | he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine |
thrust | 9 | the act of applying force to propel something | - |
thingy | 13 | - | - |
thrash | 12 | give a thrashing to; beat hard | - |
thrive | 12 | make steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance | - |
thrice | 11 | - | - |
thorny | 12 | having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc. | - |
thatch | 14 | an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America (died in 1718) | - |
thawed | 13 | no longer frozen | the thawed ground was muddy |
thrift | 12 | extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily | - |
throes | 9 | violent pangs of suffering | death throes |
thorpe | 11 | outstanding United States athlete (1888-1953) | - |
thwart | 12 | a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat; used as a seat in a rowboat | - |
thorax | 16 | the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates | - |
thebes | 11 | an ancient Egyptian city on the Nile River that flourished from the 22nd century BC to the 18th century BC; today the archeological remains include many splendid temples and tombs | - |
thence | 11 | (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result | we were young and thence optimistic |
thinly | 12 | without viscosity | - |
throng | 10 | a large gathering of people | - |
thrush | 12 | a woman who sings popular songs | - |
thrall | 9 | the state of being under the control of another person | - |
thwack | 18 | deliver a hard blow to | - |
thymus | 14 | a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes and aids in producing immunity; atrophies with age | - |
theist | 9 | of or relating to theism | - |
thieve | 12 | take by theft | - |
thusly | 12 | in the way indicated | - |
thicko | 15 | - | - |
thetic | 11 | - | - |
thacks | 15 | - | - |
thagis | 10 | - | - |
thairm | 11 | - | - |
thaler | 9 | - | - |
thalis | 9 | - | - |
thalli | 9 | - | - |
thanah | 12 | - | - |
thanas | 9 | - | - |
thanes | 9 | - | - |
thangs | 10 | - | - |
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7 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
thought | 14 | a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty | what are your thoughts on Haiti? |
through | 14 | having finished or arrived at completion | after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up |
theater | 10 | the art of writing and producing plays | - |
therapy | 15 | (medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.) | heat therapy gave the best relief |
thunder | 11 | utter words loudly and forcefully | - |
thirsty | 13 | (usually followed by `for') extremely desirous | thirsty for information |
theatre | 10 | the art of writing and producing plays | - |
thieves | 13 | - | - |
thinner | 10 | a diluting agent | - |
thermal | 12 | relating to or associated with heat | thermal movements of molecules |
threads | 11 | informal terms for clothing | - |
thinker | 14 | an important intellectual | - |
thereby | 15 | - | - |
therein | 10 | (formal) in or into that thing or place | they can read therein what our plans are |
thereof | 13 | from that circumstance or source | - |
thermos | 12 | vacuum flask that preserves temperature of hot or cold drinks | - |
theorem | 12 | an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth | - |
thyself | 16 | - | - |
thirdly | 14 | in the third place | - |
thrower | 13 | a person who twists silk or rayon filaments into a thread or yarn | - |
thyroid | 14 | located near the base of the neck | - |
thrifty | 16 | mindful of the future in spending money | - |
thicket | 16 | a dense growth of bushes | - |
thawing | 14 | the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid | the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours |
thicken | 16 | make thick or thicker | - |
thistle | 10 | any of numerous plants of the family Compositae and especially of the genera Carduus and Cirsium and Onopordum having prickly-edged leaves | - |
thereon | 10 | on that | text and commentary thereon |
thimble | 14 | as much as a thimble will hold | - |
thither | 13 | to or toward that place; away from the speaker | - |
thready | 14 | forming viscous or glutinous threads | - |
thickly | 19 | in quick succession | - |
thumbed | 15 | (of pages) worn or soiled by thumb and fingers by frequent handling or turning | well-thumbed pages of the dictionary |
thinned | 11 | mixed with water | a cup of thinned soup |
thruway | 16 | a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic | - |
thorium | 12 | a soft silvery-white tetravalent radioactive metallic element; isotope 232 is used as a power source in nuclear reactors; occurs in thorite and in monazite sands | - |
thereto | 10 | to that | with all the appurtenances fitting thereto |
thermic | 14 | relating to or associated with heat | thermic energy |
throaty | 13 | sounding as if pronounced low in the throat | a rich throaty voice |
thiamin | 12 | a B vitamin that prevents beriberi; maintains appetite and growth | - |
thymine | 15 | a base found in DNA (but not in RNA) and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with adenine | - |
thacked | 17 | - | - |
thairms | 12 | - | - |
thalami | 12 | - | - |
thalers | 10 | - | - |
thalian | 10 | - | - |
thallic | 12 | - | - |
thallus | 10 | a plant body without true stems or roots or leaves or vascular system; characteristic of the thallophytes | - |
thalweg | 14 | a line following the lowest points of a valley | - |
thanage | 11 | - | - |
thanahs | 13 | - | - |
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8 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
thinking | 16 | endowed with the capacity to reason | - |
thousand | 12 | denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units | - |
threaten | 11 | pose a threat to; present a danger to | - |
thrilled | 12 | feeling intense pleasurable excitement | - |
thirteen | 11 | being one more than twelve | - |
thankful | 18 | feeling or showing gratitude | a thankful smile |
thorough | 15 | without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers | a thorough nuisance |
thumping | 16 | (used informally) very large | a thumping loss |
throttle | 11 | kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air | - |
thieving | 15 | the act of taking something from someone unlawfully | the thieving is awful at Kennedy International |
thatcher | 16 | British stateswoman; first woman to serve as Prime Minister (born in 1925) | - |
thriller | 11 | a suspenseful adventure story or play or movie | - |
thriving | 15 | very lively and profitable | a thriving tourist center |
theology | 15 | the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth | - |
thudding | 14 | not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft | thudding bullets |
thirties | 11 | the time of life between 30 and 40 | - |
thermite | 13 | - | - |
thwarted | 15 | disappointingly unsuccessful | disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions |
theorist | 11 | someone who theorizes (especially in science or art) | - |
thievery | 17 | the act of taking something from someone unlawfully | - |
thinning | 12 | the act of diluting something | the thinning of paint with turpentine |
thespian | 13 | a theatrical performer | - |
thoracic | 15 | of or relating to the chest or thorax | - |
thanatos | 11 | (psychoanalysis) an unconscious urge to die | - |
theorize | 20 | to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds | - |
threaded | 13 | (of bolts or screws) having screw threads | - |
thruster | 11 | one who intrudes or pushes himself forward | - |
thematic | 15 | of or relating to a melodic subject | - |
thresher | 14 | a farm machine for separating seeds or grain from the husks and straw | - |
theistic | 13 | of or relating to theism | - |
therefor | 14 | (in formal usage, especially legal usage) for that or for it | ordering goods and enclosing payment therefor |
thinness | 11 | relatively small dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width | the thinness of a rope |
throated | 12 | having a throat as specified | deep-throated |
thuggery | 16 | violent or brutal acts as of thugs | - |
thalamus | 13 | large egg-shaped structures of grey matter that form the dorsal subdivision of the diencephalon | - |
thrasher | 14 | a farm machine for separating seeds or grain from the husks and straw | - |
thuggish | 16 | - | - |
thallium | 13 | a soft grey malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air; it is highly toxic and is used in rodent and insect poisons; occurs in zinc blende and some iron ores | - |
theorise | 11 | to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds | - |
thickset | 17 | having a short and solid form or stature | a thickset young man |
thievish | 17 | given to thievery | - |
theogony | 15 | the study of the origins and genealogy of the gods | - |
thronged | 13 | filled with great numbers crowded together | I try to avoid the thronged streets and stores just before Christmas |
thacking | 18 | - | - |
thalamic | 15 | - | - |
thalline | 11 | - | - |
thalloid | 12 | of or relating to or resembling or consisting of a thallus | - |
thallous | 11 | - | - |
thalwegs | 15 | - | - |
thanadar | 12 | - | - |
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9 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
therefore | 15 | (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result | therefore X must be true |
therapist | 14 | a person skilled in a particular type of therapy | - |
thrilling | 13 | causing a surge of emotion or excitement | a thrilling performer to watch |
threshold | 16 | the sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway | - |
threesome | 14 | three people considered as a unit | - |
thrashing | 16 | the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows | - |
throbbing | 17 | an instance of rapid strong pulsation (of the heart) | he felt a throbbing in his head |
thickness | 18 | used of a line or mark | - |
thrusting | 13 | a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow) | he made a thrusting motion with his fist |
theatrics | 14 | - | - |
thankless | 16 | not feeling or showing gratitude | How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child! |
throwaway | 21 | thrown away | throwaway children living on the streets |
throwback | 23 | characteristic of an atavist | - |
thesaurus | 12 | a book containing a classified list of synonyms | - |
threefold | 16 | by a factor of three | our rent increased threefold in the past five years |
therefrom | 17 | from that circumstance or source | public interest and a policy deriving therefrom |
thighbone | 18 | the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton; extends from the pelvis to the knee | - |
thumbnail | 16 | the nail of the thumb | - |
thereupon | 14 | - | - |
thickhead | 22 | Australian and southeastern Asian birds with a melodious whistling call | - |
thickened | 19 | having calluses; having skin made tough and thick through wear | - |
thirtieth | 15 | coming next after the twenty-ninth in position | - |
thwarting | 16 | preventing realization or attainment of a desire | - |
therewith | 18 | - | - |
threshing | 16 | the separation of grain or seeds from the husks and straw | they used to do the threshing by hand but now there are machines to do it |
theocracy | 19 | a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided) | - |
theosophy | 20 | a system of belief based on mystical insight into the nature of God and the soul | - |
thermidor | 15 | eleventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (July and August); the month of heat | - |
thingummy | 20 | something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known | - |
thinkable | 18 | capable of being conceived or imagined or considered | - |
theorised | 13 | - | - |
thirstier | 12 | - | - |
thumbtack | 22 | a tack for attaching papers to a bulletin board or drawing board | - |
thalassic | 14 | relating to the seas, especially smaller or inland seas | deposits of sediment in gulfs and seas rather than in the ocean proper are known as thalassic deposits |
thallines | 12 | - | - |
thallious | 12 | - | - |
thalliums | 14 | - | - |
thalluses | 12 | - | - |
thanadars | 13 | - | - |
thanatism | 14 | - | - |
thanatist | 12 | - | - |
thanatoid | 13 | - | - |
thanedoms | 15 | - | - |
thanehood | 16 | - | - |
thaneship | 17 | the position of thane | - |
thankings | 17 | - | - |
thankyous | 19 | - | - |
thatchers | 17 | - | - |
thatchier | 17 | - | - |
thatching | 18 | - | - |
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10 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
themselves | 18 | The plural of himself, herself, and itself. | - |
throughout | 17 | from first to last | - |
threatened | 14 | (of flora or fauna) likely in the near future to become endangered | the spotted owl is a threatened species, not yet an endangered one |
thoroughly | 20 | completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly') | - |
thoughtful | 20 | acting with or showing thought and good sense | - |
theatrical | 15 | a performance of a play | - |
thankfully | 23 | in a thankful manner; with thanks | he accepted thankfully my apologies |
thereafter | 16 | from that time on | thereafter he never called again |
thundering | 15 | extraordinarily big or impressive | a thundering success |
thousandth | 17 | one part in a thousand equal parts | - |
thunderous | 14 | loud enough to cause (temporary) hearing loss | - |
thirteenth | 16 | coming next after the twelfth in position | - |
thumbprint | 19 | fingerprint made by the thumb (especially by the pad of the thumb) | - |
thermostat | 15 | a regulator for automatically regulating temperature by starting or stopping the supply of heat | - |
thereabout | 15 | near that place | he stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks |
theologian | 14 | someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology | - |
thrombosis | 17 | the formation or presence of a thrombus (a clot of coagulated blood attached at the site of its formation) in a blood vessel | - |
thickening | 20 | the act of thickening | - |
throttling | 14 | the act of suffocating (someone) by constricting the windpipe | - |
threepenny | 18 | of trifling worth | - |
thimbleful | 20 | as much as a thimble will hold | - |
threepence | 17 | former cupronickel coin of the United Kingdom equal to three pennies | - |
thiopental | 15 | barbiturate that is a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong barbiturate that acts rapidly; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic | - |
threadbare | 16 | repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse | repeating threadbare jokes |
thriftless | 16 | careless of the future | - |
throughput | 19 | output relative to input; the amount passing through a system from input to output (especially of a computer program over a period of time) | - |
throughway | 23 | a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic | - |
thalassian | 13 | - | - |
thalictrum | 17 | widely distributed genus of perennial herbs: meadow rue | - |
thalliform | 18 | - | - |
thanatisms | 15 | - | - |
thanatists | 13 | - | - |
thanatoses | 13 | - | - |
thanatosis | 13 | - | - |
thanehoods | 17 | - | - |
thaneships | 18 | - | - |
thatchiest | 18 | - | - |
thatchings | 19 | - | - |
thatchless | 18 | - | - |
thatnesses | 13 | - | - |
thaumasite | 15 | - | - |
thaumatins | 15 | - | - |
thearchies | 18 | - | - |
thecodonts | 16 | - | - |
thegnliest | 14 | - | - |
theistical | 15 | of or relating to theism | - |
thelements | 15 | - | - |
thelitises | 13 | - | - |
thematised | 16 | - | - |
thematises | 15 | - | - |
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Prepare to embark on a whimsical journey through the world of words starting with TH, where the letters t and h come together to create a delightful linguistic soundscape. These two letters, often paired to form a soft or hard "th" sound, wield a peculiar power in the English language. From the basic yet essential "the" to the evocative "thunder," these words make their mark both phonetically and semantically. Join us as we delve into the magic of these words, discovering how they shape our speech and add flavor to our vocabulary.
About words starting with TH
The combination of t and h is quite the dynamic duo in the English language. Whether whispering softly or thundering loudly, these letters stitch together some of the most commonly used words, like "this" and "that," playing a crucial role in everyday communication. Their unique sound can vary, with a gentle lisp in "thick" and a resonant rumble in "thunder." This versatility makes TH words indispensable for clarity and expression.
The positioning of t and h at the beginning of words influences their formation, often lending a sense of direction or emphasis. For instance, "through" suggests movement, while "thrust" conveys force. Words like "thought" and "theme" introduce concepts or ideas, proving that these letters not only start words but also start conversations. Their presence is felt across various contexts, from the mundane to the profound, making them both essential and intriguing.
Popular word examples
Words starting with TH are both common and charismatic. Let's explore some popular examples that enrich our lexicon.
- Definition: A loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air.
- Example in a Sentence: The thunder echoed through the valley, shaking the windows.
- Fun Fact: The word "thunder" originates from the Old English "thunor," related to the Norse god Thor.
- Definition: A feeling of needing or wanting to drink something.
- Example in a Sentence: After the long hike, I was overcome with thirst.
- Fun Fact: Thirst is not just a physical sensation; it's also used metaphorically to describe a strong desire for something.
- Definition: To grow or develop well or vigorously.
- Example in a Sentence: The garden thrived under her meticulous care.
- Fun Fact: "Thrive" comes from the Old Norse word "þrÃfa," meaning "to grasp."
- Definition: A long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing.
- Example in a Sentence: She carefully threaded the needle to mend her shirt.
- Fun Fact: Threads are not just for sewing; the term is also used in computing to describe a sequence of executable instructions.
- Definition: A person who steals another person's property.
- Example in a Sentence: The thief was caught on camera sneaking into the store.
- Fun Fact: "Thief" has been part of the English language since before the 12th century.
- Definition: To push suddenly and strongly.
- Example in a Sentence: He thrust the door open with his shoulder.
- Fun Fact: In physics, thrust refers to the force exerted by an engine to propel a vehicle.
- Definition: To become liquid or soft as a result of warming up.
- Example in a Sentence: The ice cream was left to thaw on the counter.
- Fun Fact: The term is often used metaphorically to describe the easing of tension or hostility.
- Definition: A dull, heavy sound, such as that made by an object falling to the ground.
- Example in a Sentence: The book fell off the shelf with a loud thud.
- Fun Fact: "Thud" is an example of onomatopoeia, where the word mimics the sound it describes.
- Definition: A sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure.
- Example in a Sentence: Riding the roller coaster was a real thrill.
- Fun Fact: The word "thrill" dates back to the 13th century and originally meant "to pierce."
- Definition: To express gratitude to someone.
- Example in a Sentence: I must thank you for your generous gift.
- Fun Fact: "Thank" shares its roots with the word "think," reflecting the notion of having thoughts of gratitude.
High-scoring scrabble examples
For Scrabble aficionados, words starting with TH can be a game-changer. Here are a few high-scoring gems to keep in your arsenal:
Word | Scrabble Points | Definition |
Thwack | 18 | To strike or beat with something flat. |
Thwart | 12 | To prevent someone from accomplishing something. |
Throne | 9 | A ceremonial chair for a sovereign or bishop. |
Thrift | 12 | The quality of using money and other resources carefully. |
Throng | 10 | A large, densely packed crowd of people or animals. |
Popular 5-letter words for Wordle
Wordle lovers, take note! Here are some five-letter words starting with TH that might help you crack the code:
Word | Definition |
Theme | The subject of a talk, piece of writing, or exhibition. |
Thief | A person who steals. |
Thorn | A stiff, sharp-pointed woody projection on the stem or other part of a plant. |
Third | Constituting number three in a sequence. |
Thick | Having relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite. |
Unusual and rare word examples
Discover some lesser-known words starting with TH that add an exotic twist to any conversation.
- Definition: The line connecting the lowest points along the bed of a river or valley.
- Interesting Fact: Used in geology and international law to define river boundaries.
- Example in a Sentence: The treaty defined the border along the thalweg of the river.
- Definition: A lament or mournful song, often for the dead.
- Interesting Fact: Derived from the Greek word "threnoidia," meaning wailing.
- Example in a Sentence: The poet composed a threnody for his lost love.
- Definition: An ancient remedy for poisonings and other ailments.
- Interesting Fact: Once considered a universal antidote, it included a mix of dozens of ingredients.
- Example in a Sentence: Historical texts describe the elaborate preparation of theriac.
- Definition: A pin or similar device on a boat's gunwale to serve as a fulcrum for an oar.
- Interesting Fact: The word "thole" is of Old English origin, linked to nautical traditions.
- Example in a Sentence: The rower adjusted the thole to ensure smooth rowing.
- Definition: Any insect of the order Thysanoptera, known for feeding on plants and occasionally causing damage.
- Interesting Fact: Singular and plural forms are the same—"thrip" and "thrips."
- Example in a Sentence: The gardener noticed thrips on the leaves.
Final words
And there you have it—a delightful exploration of words beginning with the letters TH. From common expressions to peculiar rarities, these words not only enrich our vocabulary but also charm us with their sounds and stories. Whether you're conquering a Scrabble board or solving a Wordle puzzle, the power of TH is ever-present, ready to thrill and inspire.