5 letter words starting with te

Welcome to a world of whimsical words where each gem begins with "TE"! From tempting treats to terrific tales, these five-letter wonders are here to tickle your curiosity. Dive in and discover how these tiny treasures can transform your vocabulary and add a touch of magic to your conversations!

teach 10
teeth 8
tears 5
terms 7
terry 8
texas 12
teddy 10
tense 5
tease 5
tenth 8
telly 8
tempo 9
tesla 5
tempt 9
teens 5
teeny 8
terra 5
tenor 5
tenia 5
teary 8
testy 8
tepid 8
telex 12
tetra 5
tenet 5
terse 5
tepee 7
testa 5
tench 10
tenon 5
telia 5
teade 6
teads 6
teaed 6
teaks 9
teals 5
teams 7
teats 5
teaze 14
techs 10
techy 13
tecta 7
teels 5
teems 7
teend 6
teene 5
teers 5
teffs 11
teggs 7
tegua 6
tegus 6
tehrs 8
teiid 6
teils 5
teind 6
teins 5
telae 5
telco 7
teles 5
telic 7
tells 5
teloi 5
telos 5
temed 8
temes 7
tempi 9
temps 9
temse 7
tends 6
tendu 6
tenes 5
tenge 6
tenne 5
tenno 5
tenny 8
tents 5
tenty 8
tenue 5
tepal 7
tepas 7
tepoy 10
terai 5
teras 5
terce 7
terek 9
teres 5
terfe 8
terfs 8
terga 6
terne 5
terns 5
terts 5
teste 5
tests 5
tetes 5
teths 8
tetri 5
teuch 10
teugh 9
tewed 9
tewel 8
tewit 8
texes 12
texts 12

In the vast world of English vocabulary, the combination of letters "TE" at the start of a word can open up a treasure trove of intriguing linguistic gems. These five-letter words are like tiny puzzles, each offering a unique twist in sound and meaning. From everyday essentials to high-scoring Scrabble saviors, words starting with "TE" have a special place in our language toolkit. Dive with us into the fascinating dynamics of these words as we explore some popular examples, delve into their etymology, and uncover a few rare finds along the way.

About 5-letter words starting with TE

The letters "T" and "E" might seem simple at first glance, but their placement at the beginning of a word can dramatically affect its pronunciation and meaning. The "T" provides a hard, crisp start, while "E" often softens the sound, leading to a blend that is both pleasing to the ear and easy on the tongue. This combination is not only common but also essential in English, as it forms the basis for numerous words across various contexts. For instance, "teach" uses this crisp-soft blend to convey the act of imparting knowledge, with its simplicity making it a staple of communication.

Moreover, the "TE" prefix can transform root words and create entirely new meanings. Take "tease," for example. Here, the "TE" start gives rise to a playful or mocking tone, a testament to how these letters can shape the emotional weight of a word. It's fascinating to note how such a small change in letter arrangement can result in vastly different interpretations and uses, showcasing the versatility and richness of the English language.

Popular word examples

Let's look at some popular examples of words that begin with "TE."


  • Definition: To impart knowledge or skill.
  • Example in a Sentence: Mr. Adams loves to teach history to high school students.
  • Fun Fact: The word "teach" has roots in Old English, related to "tæcan," which means "to show" or "to point out."


  • Definition: To make fun of or attempt to provoke in a playful manner.
  • Example in a Sentence: Sarah would often tease her brother about his messy hair.
  • Fun Fact: "Tease" was originally used to describe the act of teasing wool or hair, separating fibers for textile production.


  • Definition: Stretched tight or anxious.
  • Example in a Sentence: The room was tense as they awaited the results of the election.
  • Fun Fact: In grammar, "tense" refers to the time of action and comes from the Latin "tempus," meaning "time."


  • Definition: Third in order or level.
  • Example in a Sentence: He pursued a tertiary education after completing high school.
  • Fun Fact: "Tertiary" is often used in geology to refer to the period between the Mesozoic and Quaternary eras.


  • Definition: To entice or allure someone to do something.
  • Example in a Sentence: The smell of fresh cookies tempted her to break her diet.
  • Fun Fact: Derived from Latin "temptare," meaning "to handle" or "to test."

High-scoring scrabble examples

Here's a list of high-scoring Scrabble words starting with "TE."

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Teeth 8 Hard, bony structures in the mouth.
Tempo 9 The speed or pace of music.
Tetchy 14 Bad-tempered and irritable.
Tenet 5 A principle or belief.
Tenth 8 Constituting number ten in a sequence.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

For Wordle enthusiasts, these "TE" words might just be your next winning guess.

Word Definition
Terse Sparing in the use of words; abrupt.
Teary Tearful or prone to shedding tears.
Tidal Relating to or affected by tides.
Tweak To make minor adjustments or improvements.
Tonic A medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of vigor or well-being.

Unusual and rare word examples

Explore some of the more unusual and rare "TE" words.


  • Definition: Belonging to a group of Pueblo peoples in New Mexico.
  • Interesting Fact: The Tewan people have a rich cultural heritage with distinct languages and practices.
  • Example in a Sentence: The museum showcased artifacts from the Tewan civilization.


  • Definition: A type of traditional Native American footwear.
  • Interesting Fact: Teguas are known for their craftsmanship and were made from natural materials like leather and yucca.
  • Example in a Sentence: His teguas were beautifully decorated with intricate beadwork.


  • Definition: An archaic term for a lapwing, a type of bird.
  • Interesting Fact: The name "tewit" mimics the call of the northern lapwing, a form of onomatopoeia.
  • Example in a Sentence: The tewit flew overhead, its calls echoing across the fields.

Final words

From teaching to tempting, these five-letter wonders starting with "TE" leave an indelible mark on our vocabulary. Whether you're looking for the perfect Scrabble play or wanting to expand your linguistic horizons, these words offer endless opportunities for fun and learning. So, next time you encounter a word beginning with "TE," take a moment to appreciate the charm and complexity it brings to the language.

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