Words Starting With SO

Welcome to the splendid world of "SO" words! This page is your gateway to discovering a selection of intriguing and lively words that kick off with those two thrilling letters. Get ready to explore, expand your vocabulary, and perhaps even stumble upon some delightful surprises along the way. Let's dive in!

2 letter words

so 2

3 letter words

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son 3
sol 3
soy 6
sow 6
sod 4
sox 10
sob 5
som 5
sos 3
sou 3
sop 5
soc 5
soh 6
sot 3
sog 4
sov 6
soz 12

4 letter words

View all
some 6
soon 4
sort 4
song 5
soul 4
sold 5
soft 7
soup 6
soap 6
soda 5
soil 4
solo 4
sofa 7
sore 4
sole 4
sour 4
sock 10
sook 8
soak 8
soar 4
soho 7

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5 letter words

View all
sorry 8
sound 6
south 8
solve 8
solid 6
solar 5
sonny 8
sober 7
sonar 5
sonic 7
sodom 8
soggy 10
soapy 10
sowed 9
solon 5
softy 11
sooty 8
sophy 13
soppy 12
solus 5
souse 5

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6 letter words

View all
social 8
sooner 6
source 8
soccer 10
solved 10
softly 12
sorrow 9
soviet 9
sought 10
sorted 7
soaked 11
sodium 9
solely 9
solemn 8
solace 8
soften 9
soothe 9
socket 12
soiled 7
sordid 8
sonata 6

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7 letter words

View all
someone 9
society 12
somehow 15
soldier 8
someday 13
sobbing 12
solving 11
soaking 12
soviets 10
soprano 9
sorting 8
soaring 8
sorcery 12
soundly 11
sodding 10
soulful 10
soloist 7
solvent 10
solicit 9
soybean 12
souffle 13

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8 letter words

View all
somebody 16
solution 8
sometime 12
southern 11
software 14
somewhat 16
souvenir 11
solitary 11
sounding 10
solitude 9
socially 13
sorcerer 10
sorority 11
softball 13
soothing 12
solemnly 13
solstice 10
sociable 12
sobriety 13
soulless 8
softened 12

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9 letter words

View all
something 15
sometimes 13
somewhere 17
someplace 15
socialist 11
southeast 12
sovereign 13
southwest 15
socialism 13
sophomore 16
solicitor 11
sorceress 11
socialize 20
sociology 15
sorrowful 15
sociopath 16
socialite 11
solitaire 9
southland 13
socialise 11
softening 13

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10 letter words

View all
solidarity 14
songwriter 14
soundtrack 17
somersault 12
southbound 16
soundproof 16
somebodies 15
soothsayer 16
soldiering 12
solidified 15
socialized 22
somewheres 18
sophomoric 19
solicitous 12
southerner 13
southwards 17
songstress 11
socialised 13
solicitude 13
solubility 15
soapboxing 22

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Step into the whimsical world of words that start with "SO" and discover how this simple combination breathes life into our everyday language. From soothing sounds to sophisticated structures, these words carry a certain charm that captivates our tongues and minds. Whether you're a wordsmith or a casual chatterbox, prepare to be amazed by examples that not only sound delightful but also add depth and color to our conversations.

About words starting with SO

The letters "S" and "O" are like the dynamic duo of the English alphabet, rolling off the tongue with a sense of fluidity and grace. Together, they often herald sounds that range from the soft and gentle to the bold and assertive, shaping the meaning and mood of each word they introduce. Just think about it: "soft" conjures images of delicate textures, while "solid" evokes a sense of strength and security. This versatility makes "SO" a powerhouse prefix in our lexicon.

In terms of frequency, words starting with "SO" are a staple in English, weaving through various parts of speech with ease. From verbs like "solve" and "soar" to adjectives like "somber" and "soggy," these words enrich our language, adding layers of nuance and specificity. Their ability to modify meaning with just a few added letters makes them indispensable for crafting precise and engaging communication. So let’s dive deeper into some of these fascinating words!

Popular word examples

Words starting with "SO" are everywhere, bringing flavor and flair to our language. Here are ten popular ones that you may encounter frequently:


  • Definition: Smooth and pleasant to touch; not hard or firm.
  • Example in a Sentence: The kitten's fur was incredibly soft.
  • Fun Fact: The word "soft" originates from the Old English "sōfte," meaning agreeable or gentle.


  • Definition: Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.
  • Example in a Sentence: The table is made of solid oak.
  • Fun Fact: "Solid" comes from the Latin word "solidus," which was also a Roman coin.


  • Definition: Not affected by alcohol; serious and thoughtful.
  • Example in a Sentence: He gave a sober assessment of the situation.
  • Fun Fact: The word "sober" is derived from the Latin "sobrius," meaning moderate.


  • Definition: A feeling of deep distress caused by loss or disappointment.
  • Example in a Sentence: She was filled with sorrow after hearing the news.
  • Fun Fact: In literature, "sorrow" is often used to evoke empathy and emotion from the reader.


  • Definition: Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard.
  • Example in a Sentence: The sound of waves is calming.
  • Fun Fact: "Sound" can also mean sensible, as in a "sound decision."


  • Definition: Fly or rise high in the air.
  • Example in a Sentence: The eagle soared above the mountains.
  • Fun Fact: "Soar" is often used metaphorically to describe success or progress.


  • Definition: Find an answer to a problem or mystery.
  • Example in a Sentence: She worked all night to solve the puzzle.
  • Fun Fact: "Solve" is often used in mathematical contexts, especially regarding equations.


  • Definition: Dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy.
  • Example in a Sentence: The somber atmosphere of the room made everyone feel uneasy.
  • Fun Fact: "Somber" comes from the French word "sombre," meaning shaded.


  • Definition: Relating to society or its organization.
  • Example in a Sentence: Humans are inherently social creatures.
  • Fun Fact: The term "social media" has redefined how "social" is perceived in the modern age.


  • Definition: Wet and soft, usually in an unpleasant way.
  • Example in a Sentence: The bread was soggy after being left in the rain.
  • Fun Fact: "Soggy" is believed to have originated from the Scandinavian word "sogga," which means to soak.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with "SO" can be a goldmine of points. Here are some high-scoring options:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Socket 12 A hollow part or piece for receiving another.
Sojourn 14 A temporary stay.
Sovereign 14 A supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
Solvent 10 Capable of dissolving other substances.
Somatic 11 Relating to the body, especially distinct from the mind.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle players, rejoice! Here are some popular five-letter words starting with "SO" that might just help you crack the code:

Word Definition
Sober Not affected by alcohol; serious and thoughtful.
Socks A garment for the foot and lower part of the leg.
Solar Relating to or determined by the sun.
Sonic Relating to sound waves.
Solid Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.

Unusual and rare word examples

In the realm of the rare and unusual, words starting with "SO" offer some intriguing options:


  • Definition: A person's nickname.
  • Interesting Fact: "Sobriquet" is borrowed from French, where it originally meant "chuck under the chin."
  • Example in a Sentence: The artist was known by the sobriquet "The Master."


  • Definition: Either of the two times in the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator.
  • Interesting Fact: The term "solstice" is derived from the Latin "solstitium," meaning "sun standing still."
  • Example in a Sentence: The summer solstice marks the longest day of the year.


  • Definition: A person who walks about in their sleep.
  • Interesting Fact: The word comes from the Latin "somnus" for sleep and "ambulare" for walk.
  • Example in a Sentence: The somnambulist was found wandering the halls at midnight.


  • Definition: A genus of flowering plants in the grass family, some of which are cultivated as grain.
  • Interesting Fact: Sorghum is one of the top five cereal crops in the world.
  • Example in a Sentence: Sorghum is often used to make syrup or animal feed.


  • Definition: The practice of foretelling the future from a card or other item drawn at random.
  • Interesting Fact: "Sortilege" shares roots with "sorcery," both stemming from the Latin "sortilegium."
  • Example in a Sentence: The fortune teller used sortilege to predict the client’s future.

Final words

Words beginning with "SO" are more than just a combination of letters; they're an exciting exploration of meaning, sound, and culture. Whether common or rare, each word brings a unique twist to our language, offering endless opportunities for expression and discovery. Embrace the intrigue and enjoy the playful journey through the world of "SO"!