4 letter words starting with p

Dive into the playful world of four-letter words that start with 'P'! Perfect for word games, puzzles, or just expanding your vocabulary, these pint-sized powerhouses pack a punch. From playful to practical, explore the possibilities and see how these petite words can add pizzazz to your conversations and writings!

play 9
part 6
pick 12
plan 6
poor 6
past 6
pass 6
pull 6
pain 6
paid 7
paul 6
park 10
push 9
papa 8
pray 9
pack 12
piss 6
plus 6
pool 6
path 9
post 6
pity 9
page 7
pure 6
pair 6
punk 10
pink 10
porn 6
pigs 7
pour 6
pipe 8
poem 8
pole 6
port 6
pork 10
poet 6
pill 6
pope 8
palm 8
pile 6
pump 10
plot 6
pops 8
pimp 10
prom 8
pale 6
prey 9
pace 8
plug 7
pond 7
puke 10
peak 10
ping 7
pong 7
pose 6
pine 6
prem 8
poop 8
puff 12
poke 10
pony 9
pier 6
peek 10
peel 6
plea 6
pawn 9
peep 8
pint 6
pact 8
prep 8
pooh 9
pros 6
peer 6
plum 8
polo 6
posh 9
pest 6
prop 8
pulp 8
psst 6
peck 12
phew 12
pike 10
puck 12
para 6
poof 9
puss 6
pear 6
ploy 9
pant 6
pang 7
perv 9
puri 6
perm 8
pita 6
plow 9
pika 10
poll 6
poon 6
puma 8
puny 9
peso 6
pane 6
pram 8
pail 6
pate 6
perk 10
putt 6
pelt 6
prat 6
prod 7
prof 9
putz 15
pyre 9
pomp 10
pout 6
pent 6
parr 6
pied 7
pele 6
poly 9
pave 9
prob 8
purr 6
puja 13
pont 6
poxy 16
piet 6
plop 8
punt 6
peon 6
pula 6
peat 6
pung 7
pogo 7
posy 9
pipa 8
pore 6
pall 6
pecs 8
prim 8
polk 10
prog 7
pert 6
pica 8
pupa 8
plie 6
pone 6
pyro 9
peal 6
pali 6
peri 6
pash 9
pled 7
poco 8
pish 9
pedi 7
peen 6
pock 12
plat 6
poky 13
prow 9
plod 7
pili 6
prig 7
pott 6
palp 8
pard 7
pith 9
pons 6
pare 6
pion 6
pouf 9
poss 6
phon 9
paca 8
phut 9
paty 9
plim 8
paly 9
pars 6
pepo 8
phiz 18
pima 8
pixy 16
paik 10
pase 6
pian 6
pean 6
pulu 6
purl 6
puka 10
pice 8
paua 6
pend 7
pule 6
pleb 8
pomo 8
puce 8
perc 8
pels 6
paks 10
paan 6
pohs 9
puky 13
pwns 9
padi 7
pals 6
pams 8
pand 7
pais 6
pads 7
pahs 9
pans 6
pats 6
pape 8
paps 8
parp 8
patu 6
pacy 11
paal 6
paco 8
pacs 8
peni 6
pern 6
perp 8
pets 6
pews 9
penk 10
pens 6
peps 8
pere 6
pfft 12
pfui 9
phat 9
pias 6
pics 8
pies 6
pial 6
phis 9
phoh 12
phos 9
phot 9
pene 6
peag 7
peas 6
peba 8
pays 9
paws 9
pavs 9
pawa 9
pawk 13
pawl 9
pech 11
pehs 9
pein 6
peke 10
pela 6
pelf 9
pell 6
pegs 7
pegh 10
peds 7
peed 7
pees 6
pumy 11
puna 6
puns 6
puli 6
pulk 10
puls 6
puly 9
pups 8
pupu 8
pyas 9
pyat 9
pyes 9
pyet 9
pyic 11
pyin 9
pyne 9
pyot 9
puys 9
purs 6
puts 6
puku 10
plue 6
poas 6
plew 9
plex 13
pods 7
pols 6
polt 6
pome 8
poms 8
poep 8
pogy 10
pois 6
pina 6
pins 6
piny 9
piki 10
pila 6
pily 9
pioy 9
pits 6
pium 8
pize 15
piso 6
pipi 8
pips 8
pipy 11
pirl 6
pirn 6
pirs 6
pise 6
plap 8
proa 6
proo 6
prau 6
pree 6
prex 13
prez 15
pruh 9
puer 6
pugh 10
pugs 7
puha 9
puir 6
pudu 7
puds 7
prys 9
psis 6
ptui 6
pube 8
pubs 8
prao 6
poos 6
poot 6
pook 10
ponk 10
pood 7
pouk 10
pown 9
pows 9
pozz 24
prad 7
pory 9
pote 6
pots 6

Welcome to the playful world of four-letter words starting with "P"! These words are not just a mere combination of letters but a dynamic force that influences our language, pronunciation, and even our daily conversations. From "play" to "plum," these words add zest to our vocabulary, making communication more vibrant and engaging. Dive in as we explore how these specific combinations of letters create unique sounds and meanings, adding color to everyday language. Get ready to uncover fascinating examples that showcase the charm and utility of these compact yet impactful words.

About 4 Letter Words Starting with P

The letter "P" is a powerhouse in the English language, often providing an initial punch that shapes the meaning and sound of words. When combined with three additional letters, it forms a plethora of words that are both common and crucial in everyday speech. The placement of "P" at the beginning gives these words a distinctive plosive sound, which is produced by obstructing airflow followed by a sudden release. This makes words like "palm" or "path" not only pleasant to pronounce but also memorable in conversation.

Four-letter words starting with "P" are more than just fun to say; they play significant roles in language construction and communication. For example, "pink" conveys vivid imagery, while "park" and "pier" provide clear definitions of space and place. These words often carry strong connotations and can evoke emotions or imagery, making them particularly engaging. Their brevity makes them quick to use and easy to understand, ensuring their frequent appearance in both spoken and written language.

Popular Word Examples

Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular four-letter words starting with "P." Each word carries its own charm and significance in the English lexicon.


  • Definition: Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
  • Example in a Sentence: The children love to play in the park every afternoon.
  • Fun Fact: The word "play" comes from the Old English word "plegian," meaning to exercise or frolic.


  • Definition: A type of fruit that is typically sweet and juicy.
  • Example in a Sentence: She picked a ripe plum from the tree.
  • Fun Fact: Plums have been cultivated since ancient times, with evidence of their consumption dating back to the Neolithic age.


  • Definition: A way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading.
  • Example in a Sentence: Follow the path through the forest to reach the lake.
  • Fun Fact: The word "path" shares roots with the Latin word "patere," which means to be open.


  • Definition: A small round mass of solid medicine to be swallowed whole.
  • Example in a Sentence: She takes a vitamin pill every morning to boost her health.
  • Fun Fact: The concept of pills dates back to ancient Egypt, where they were made of bread dough mixed with honey and herbs.


  • Definition: A large public green area in a town, used for recreation.
  • Example in a Sentence: They spent the afternoon relaxing in the city park.
  • Fun Fact: The word "park" comes from the Middle English "parc," meaning an enclosed preserve for animals.

High-Scoring Scrabble Examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, four-letter words starting with "P" can be a game-changer. Here are some high-scoring options that could give you the edge:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Putz 15 A fool or simpleton.
Pyro 9 A pyromaniac or someone fascinated with fire.
Pint 6 A unit of liquid capacity.
Plea 6 A request made in an urgent and emotional manner.
Pave 9 To cover a surface with a hard material.

Popular 5-Letter Words for Wordle

For those who enjoy Wordle, a five-letter word game, here are some five-letter words starting with "P" that might just help you crack the code:

Word Definition
Plain Simple or ordinary in character.
Prime Of first importance; main.
Plumb Measure the depth of something.
Pluck Take hold of something and remove it.
Prank Practical joke or mischievous act.

Unusual and Rare Word Examples

Explore the intriguing world of rare and unusual words starting with "P." These words may not be commonly used, but they certainly add flair to any vocabulary.


  • Definition: The essence of something.
  • Interesting Fact: The term "pithy" originates from this word, meaning concise and expressive language.
  • Example in a Sentence: The pith of the argument was lost in all the details.


  • Definition: A strong, unpleasant smell.
  • Interesting Fact: "Pong" is of British origin and is often used colloquially.
  • Example in a Sentence: The pong from the garbage was unbearable.


  • Definition: A beaver skin.
  • Interesting Fact: The term was used in the fur trade era as a unit of currency.
  • Example in a Sentence: He traded a plew for supplies at the trading post.


  • Definition: A type of knitting stitch.
  • Interesting Fact: The term "purl" has been used in knitting since the 16th century.
  • Example in a Sentence: She learned to knit using the purl stitch.


  • Definition: Slang for one's face or expression.
  • Interesting Fact: "Phiz" is short for physiognomy, which refers to facial features.
  • Example in a Sentence: His phiz lit up when he heard the good news.

Final Words

Four-letter words starting with "P" are a playful and powerful element of the English language. They contribute significantly to our conversations, whether in everyday speech or strategic games like Scrabble and Wordle. Whether you're exploring their sounds, meanings, or just having fun with them, these words offer endless possibilities for expression and creativity. Keep playing with these words, and you'll find they truly pack a punch in your linguistic toolkit!

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