Words Starting With MU

Welcome to the marvelous world of "MU"! From musical melodies to mysterious myths, words beginning with MU are multifaceted and full of surprises. Whether you’re a curious learner or a word enthusiast, prepare to be mesmerized by this magical collection that’s as diverse as it is delightful. Let’s explore!

2 letter words

mu 4

3 letter words

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mum 7
mud 6
mug 6
mun 5
mus 5
mut 5
mux 12

4 letter words

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much 11
must 6
mute 6
mutt 6
mule 6
muse 6
mush 9
muck 12
musk 10
muff 12
muir 6
mull 6
mura 6
mung 7
muss 6
muni 6
murk 10
muon 6
muds 7
mugg 8
mugs 7

5 letter words

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music 9
mummy 14
muddy 12
munch 12
mushy 13
muted 8
murky 14
mucus 9
mural 7
mumps 11
musty 10
mucky 16
mungo 8
mutch 12
muggy 12
mufti 10
musky 14
muzak 20
mulch 12
mulla 7
mures 7

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6 letter words

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murder 9
museum 10
muscle 10
murphy 16
mutual 8
murray 11
muffin 14
mutant 8
mutton 8
mutiny 11
muller 8
muzzle 26
mullet 8
mumble 12
muster 8
murmur 10
mullen 8
mughal 12
musket 12
mullah 11
mugger 10

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7 letter words

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musical 11
muffled 16
mustard 10
mustang 10
mundane 10
mutated 10
muffler 15
mugging 12
mucking 16
muddled 12
mulatto 9
muezzin 27
muncher 14
munster 9
muskrat 13
muggins 11
mutable 11
muddied 12
mugshot 13
mugwort 13
mummify 19

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8 letter words

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murdered 12
murderer 11
musician 12
multiple 12
mustache 15
mushroom 15
mumbling 15
multiply 15
muscular 12
mutation 10
mutually 13
mulligan 11
mutilate 10
mulberry 15
mutating 11
mutinous 10
munition 10
musicale 12
mudslide 12
mudguard 13
mutinied 11

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9 letter words

View all
muttering 12
murmuring 14
municipal 15
murderous 12
mutilated 12
musically 16
multitude 12
musketeer 15
mummified 19
munitions 11
murderess 12
multiplex 20
muscovite 16
mutilator 11
murkiness 15
muscleman 15
mustachio 16
mutuality 14
muchachas 21
muchachos 21
mucidness 14

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10 letter words

View all
multiplied 15
mutilation 12
multimedia 15
mujahideen 23
mudskipper 21
mutilating 13
musicality 17
musicology 18
multistory 15
munificent 17
muckraking 23
muttonhead 16
mudslinger 14
multifocal 17
multilevel 15
multiplier 14
mutability 17
mucedinous 15
muchnesses 17
mucidities 15
muciferous 17

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Welcome to the mesmerizing world of words starting with MU, where language dances to the unique rhythm of these captivating letters. The MU combination offers a melodious start that can transform words into something magical—whether it’s in the way they sound, the imagery they evoke, or the stories they tell. Prepare to embark on a linguistic journey filled with musings, mysteries, and more as we uncover some fascinating examples and delve into high-scoring Scrabble treasures and Wordle wonders.

About words starting with MU

Words beginning with MU are more than just a quirky linguistic phenomenon; they are a testament to the rich tapestry of the English language. The MU combination often introduces a soft yet firm sound that can make words feel grandiose or even whimsical. Take "music," for instance, a word that not only sounds harmonious but also encapsulates the very essence of rhythm and melody. The MU beginning is versatile, shaping words that range from mundane to magnificent, often influencing their pronunciation and meaning.

The frequency of words starting with MU in English is notable, lending to their utility in everyday language. This is partly due to the commonality of the "mu" sound in various prefixes and roots, which can denote abstract concepts like 'mutation' or tangible ones like 'muffin.' Whether they're part of technical jargon or culinary delight, these words are indispensable. Their pronunciation often adds a touch of elegance or curiosity, making them as fun to say as they are useful.

Popular word examples

Here's a look at some popular words starting with MU that showcase their richness and versatility:


  • Definition: To speak quietly and unclearly.
  • Example in a Sentence: He began to mumble his response, unsure of what to say.
  • Fun Fact: The word "mumble" likely comes from the Middle English "mumlen," which means "to mutter."


  • Definition: A small domed cake or quick bread.
  • Example in a Sentence: She grabbed a blueberry muffin for breakfast.
  • Fun Fact: The word "muffin" might derive from the French word "moufflet," meaning a soft bread.


  • Definition: A building for preserving and displaying artifacts.
  • Example in a Sentence: They spent the afternoon exploring the art museum.
  • Fun Fact: The word "museum" originates from the Greek "mouseion," a place dedicated to the Muses.


  • Definition: To change or cause to change in form or nature.
  • Example in a Sentence: The virus can mutate to become more infectious.
  • Fun Fact: "Mutate" comes from the Latin "mutare," meaning "to change."


  • Definition: Vocal or instrumental sounds combined to produce harmony.
  • Example in a Sentence: The music played softly in the background.
  • Fun Fact: "Music" has its roots in the Greek "mousikos," pertaining to the Muses.


  • Definition: Tissue in the body that can contract and produce movement.
  • Example in a Sentence: Building muscle takes time and consistent effort.
  • Fun Fact: The word "muscle" comes from Latin "musculus," meaning "little mouse," because of the shape of some muscles.


  • Definition: A condiment made from the seeds of a mustard plant.
  • Example in a Sentence: She added a dash of mustard to her sandwich.
  • Fun Fact: The word "mustard" is derived from the Latin "mustum," which means "must," the unfermented juice of grapes.


  • Definition: A large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling.
  • Example in a Sentence: The mural brightened the entire street with its colors.
  • Fun Fact: The term "mural" originates from the Latin "murus," meaning "wall."


  • Definition: A large number of people or things.
  • Example in a Sentence: A multitude of colors greeted them at the festival.
  • Fun Fact: "Multitude" stems from the Latin "multitudo," indicating a great number.


  • Definition: The projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an animal such as a dog or horse.
  • Example in a Sentence: The dog's muzzle was covered in snow after playing outside.
  • Fun Fact: "Muzzle" is derived from the Old French "musel," which is related to the Latin "muzzle."

High-scoring scrabble examples

For those who love a good game of Scrabble, these words starting with MU can boost your score and perhaps even clinch a victory:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Muzjiks 32 Plural of "muzjik," a Russian peasant.
Muzzily 30 In a confused or blurry manner.
Mucosae 11 Plural of "mucosa," a membrane lining cavities.
Mucking 16 Present participle of "muck," to clean waste.
Muttony 12 Resembling mutton, the flesh of sheep.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle enthusiasts may find these five-letter words starting with MU particularly handy:

Word Definition
Mural A large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling.
Mucus A slimy substance produced in the lining of some organs.
Munch To chew steadily or vigorously.
Mirth Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
Mused Past tense of "muse," meaning to ponder thoughtfully.
Mummy A dead body preserved by embalming and drying.

Unusual and rare word examples

Dive into the realm of the unusual with these rare words starting with MU:


  • Definition: To mix up in a confused manner.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "muddle" is believed to be of Dutch origin, related to "moddle," meaning to mix or stir.
  • Example in a Sentence: The instructions were so unclear that he managed to muddle everything.


  • Definition: A thick, gluey substance produced by nearly all plants and some microorganisms.
  • Interesting Fact: Used historically in books as an adhesive, mucilage is still found in some natural remedies.
  • Example in a Sentence: The seeds release mucilage when soaked in water.


  • Definition: To extract money from someone by fine or taxation.
  • Interesting Fact: "Mulct" comes from the Latin "multa," meaning a fine or penalty.
  • Example in a Sentence: The company was mulcted for violating environmental regulations.


  • Definition: A vertical bar between the panes of glass in a window.
  • Interesting Fact: Mullions have been used in architecture since the medieval period, providing structural support.
  • Example in a Sentence: The mullion divided the large window into smaller sections.


  • Definition: An infectious disease in cattle and sheep.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "murrain" comes from the Old French "morine," meaning pestilence.
  • Example in a Sentence: The outbreak of murrain devastated the local herd.


  • Definition: A person who remains aloof or independent, especially from party politics.
  • Interesting Fact: Originally used in the U.S. in the 19th century to describe a fence-sitting politician, it derives from an Algonquian word meaning "war leader."
  • Example in a Sentence: During the heated debate, he remained a mugwump, refusing to take sides.

Final words

Words starting with MU offer a delightful exploration of language, weaving together common vocabulary, intriguing rarities, and high-scoring game gems. From everyday speech to competitive board games, these words captivate with their sound and significance. Keep an ear out for these MU marvels as you navigate conversations, games, and learning adventures!