Words Starting With LE

Leap into the lively world of words starting with "LE"! Whether you're learning, laughing, or just looking to expand your lexicon, this list is loaded with luscious and legendary vocabulary. Perfect for polishing your prose or winning at word games—let's explore the limitless possibilities of "LE"!

3 letter words

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let 3
leg 4
lee 3
led 4
lea 3
lex 10
lei 3
lev 6
lew 6
lek 7
ley 6
lep 5
les 3
leu 3
lez 12

4 letter words

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left 7
less 4
lead 5
legs 5
lend 5
leak 8
lean 4
leaf 7
leap 6
lent 4
lens 4
lest 4
lear 4
levy 10
lewd 8
leno 4
leer 4
leek 8
lees 4
lech 9
levo 7

5 letter words

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leave 8
least 5
learn 5
level 8
legal 6
lewis 8
lemon 7
lease 5
leash 8
lefty 11
lever 8
legit 6
lemme 9
ledge 7
leech 10
leper 7
leone 5
leary 8
leapt 7
leaky 12
levin 8

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6 letter words

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letter 6
leaves 9
leader 7
lesson 6
legend 8
league 7
learnt 6
length 10
legacy 12
lethal 9
lesser 6
legion 7
legged 9
lenses 6
leaned 7
leased 7
ledger 8
lender 7
lessen 6
lentil 6
leeway 12

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7 letter words

View all
leaving 11
learned 8
letters 7
letting 8
leading 9
leaders 8
leather 10
lesbian 9
lecture 9
legally 11
leaning 8
leopard 10
lettuce 9
leisure 7
lending 9
learner 7
leaping 10
lenient 7
leprosy 12
lengthy 14
leftist 10

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8 letter words

View all
learning 9
lemonade 11
leverage 12
leftover 14
leukemia 14
lecturer 10
lectured 11
lengthen 12
legalize 18
levitate 11
leniency 13
legality 12
leapfrog 14
levelled 12
lessened 9
leveling 12
lewdness 12
lethargy 15
leotards 9
leathery 14
leavings 12

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9 letter words

View all
legendary 14
leftovers 15
lecturing 12
letterman 11
leviathan 15
leisurely 12
leukaemia 15
lethargic 15
lecherous 14
legalized 20
lettering 10
levitated 13
legislate 10
leastways 15
lessening 10
legalised 11
legionary 13
leniently 12
lethality 15
levelling 13
leachable 16

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10 letter words

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leadership 16
legitimate 13
leprechaun 17
legitimacy 18
letterhead 14
levitation 13
lederhosen 14
legislator 11
lengthened 15
legalizing 21
lesbianism 14
legitimize 22
lengthwise 17
levitating 14
leaderless 11
legitimise 13
legalistic 13
legislated 12
lemongrass 13
leveraging 15
leguminous 13

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Find more words starting with L

Welcome to the delightful world of words that commence with the letters "LE". These twin letters form an intriguing linguistic duo, offering a melodic touch to pronunciation and adding depth to vocabulary. Whether you're looking to level up your word game skills or simply want to luxuriate in the beauty of language, words beginning with "LE" have something for everyone. From the everyday to the extraordinary, let's dive into some captivating examples that will leave you spellbound.

About words starting with LE

The letters "L" and "E" together create a sound that is both charming and versatile, lending themselves to a wide array of words in the English language. The "LE" sound can be as soft and flowing as a gentle breeze or as firm and commanding as a leader's voice. This versatility makes these words unique contributors to our language. For instance, "leap" is as energetic as it sounds, while "leisure" conjures images of relaxation and ease.

In terms of frequency and importance, the "LE" combination often finds its place at the start of words that evoke actions, states, or qualities. Words like "learn" and "lead" emphasize growth and direction, showcasing how these two letters can influence the meaning and tone of words. The positioning of "LE" at the beginning of a word often sets the stage for dynamic interpretation, making them essential building blocks in English vocabulary.

Popular word examples

The "LE" combo introduces us to some of the most beloved words in the English lexicon. Here are ten popular examples that capture the essence of this dynamic duo:


  • Definition: To jump or spring a long way.
  • Example in a Sentence: The frog took a mighty leap over the lily pad.
  • Fun Fact: "Leap year" is termed so because the extra day causes future dates to "leap" over a weekday.


  • Definition: To gain knowledge or skill by studying or experiencing.
  • Example in a Sentence: She is eager to learn new languages.
  • Fun Fact: The Old English origin of "learn" means "to follow or find the track."


  • Definition: Free time when one is not working or occupied.
  • Example in a Sentence: He spent his leisure reading by the fireplace.
  • Fun Fact: The word "leisure" has roots in Latin, coming from "licere," meaning "to be allowed."


  • Definition: To give someone something for a short time, expecting it to be returned.
  • Example in a Sentence: Can you lend me a pencil?
  • Fun Fact: "Lend an ear" is a phrase that dates back to Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar."


  • Definition: A position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality.
  • Example in a Sentence: The water level in the pool was perfect for diving.
  • Fun Fact: The concept of "leveling" is used extensively in video games to denote progress.


  • Definition: A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.
  • Example in a Sentence: The legend of King Arthur is famous worldwide.
  • Fun Fact: "Legend" stems from the Latin "legenda," meaning "things to be read."


  • Definition: A yellow citrus fruit with a sour taste.
  • Example in a Sentence: She added a slice of lemon to her tea.
  • Fun Fact: Lemons are believed to have originated in Assam, India, northern Burma, or China.


  • Definition: A material made from the skin of an animal.
  • Example in a Sentence: He wore a leather jacket to the concert.
  • Fun Fact: Ancient civilizations used leather for clothing, shelter, and even tools.


  • Definition: An educational talk to an audience, especially students in a university.
  • Example in a Sentence: The professor delivered a compelling lecture on quantum physics.
  • Fun Fact: "Lecture" comes from the Latin "lectura," meaning "a reading."


  • Definition: A strap for holding an animal such as a dog in check.
  • Example in a Sentence: She held onto the dog's leash tightly.
  • Fun Fact: The term "leash" is also used in hunting, traditionally referring to three animals.

High-scoring scrabble examples

Words starting with "LE" can be a Scrabble enthusiast's secret weapon. Here are some high-scoring options to unleash on your opponents:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Lezzy 24 Slang term for a lesbian.
Leachy 14 Resembling or relating to leaching.
Lepton 8 A subatomic particle.
Length 10 The measurement of something from end to end.
Legacy 10 Something handed down by a predecessor.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

For those who revel in the challenge of Wordle, here are some five-letter gems starting with "LE":

Word Definition
Leave To go away from a place.
Lease A contractual agreement for property use.
Leash A strap or cord for controlling an animal.
Ledge A narrow horizontal surface projecting.
Legal Pertaining to the law.

Unusual and rare word examples

For the linguistically adventurous, delve into these rare and unusual words that start with "LE":


  • Definition: The side sheltered from the wind.
  • Interesting Fact: Commonly used in nautical terms, leeward is the opposite of windward.
  • Example in a Sentence: The sailors gathered on the leeward side of the ship.


  • Definition: The vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.
  • Interesting Fact: "Lexicon" stems from the Greek word "lexis," meaning "word."
  • Example in a Sentence: Her lexicon in the field of botany was extensive.


  • Definition: A member of the order of insects that includes butterflies and moths.
  • Interesting Fact: The name comes from the Greek "lepido," meaning "scale," and "ptera," meaning "wing."
  • Example in a Sentence: The garden was alive with colorful lepidopterans.


  • Definition: Having the shape of a double-convex lens.
  • Interesting Fact: Lenticular clouds are often mistaken for UFOs due to their saucer-like appearance.
  • Example in a Sentence: The photographer captured the stunning lenticular cloud formation.


  • Definition: A region in an organ or tissue that has suffered damage.
  • Interesting Fact: The term is derived from Latin "laesio," meaning "injury."
  • Example in a Sentence: The X-ray showed a lesion on the patient's lung.

Final words

As you've journeyed through the various facets of words starting with "LE", it's clear how these letters enrich our language in delightful and diverse ways. Whether you're a word game aficionado or simply someone who loves exploring linguistic nuances, the treasure trove of "LE" words offers endless opportunities for discovery and enjoyment.