4 letter words starting with l

Welcome to a world where language gets lively with four-letter words starting with L! Discover delightful words that add a little zest to everyday conversations. Whether you're a word wizard or just curious, dive in and explore this lively list that's sure to leave you longing for more linguistic fun!

like 8
look 8
love 7
life 7
long 5
last 4
left 7
live 7
lost 4
late 4
lady 8
lose 4
line 4
lord 5
luck 10
less 4
land 5
lead 5
lots 4
legs 5
list 4
lock 10
lift 7
loud 5
lied 5
lake 8
liar 4
laid 5
loss 4
load 5
loan 4
lack 10
laws 7
lend 5
lion 4
luke 8
lily 7
lazy 16
ling 5
link 8
lane 4
lick 10
lamp 8
lame 6
leak 8
lung 5
lamb 8
lean 4
leaf 7
lars 4
lawn 7
lust 4
leap 6
lent 4
lulu 4
lens 4
limo 6
luna 4
lure 4
loop 6
lump 8
lone 4
lava 7
limp 8
lang 5
loot 4
lana 4
lime 6
lama 6
limb 8
loft 7
lice 6
loaf 7
logo 5
lace 6
lakh 11
lair 4
lass 4
lima 6
lobe 6
ludo 5
luce 6
lest 4
lyra 7
lino 4
lush 7
loco 6
lobo 6
loch 9
lark 8
lira 4
lire 4
lube 6
lard 5
lear 4
lilo 4
lash 7
linn 4
levy 10
loon 4
lain 4
lien 4
lowe 7
lewd 8
lore 4
leno 4
lull 4
lido 5
lute 4
lode 5
lout 4
lint 4
lurk 8
lite 4
loin 4
lieu 4
lota 4
luau 4
lind 5
loom 6
lynx 14
lyre 7
lisp 6
leer 4
loca 6
lacy 9
leek 8
loup 6
lees 4
laze 13
lune 4
lade 5
loma 6
lope 6
loos 4
lave 7
lier 4
lech 9
lari 4
laud 5
loam 6
luge 5
luxe 11
lats 4
lory 7
levo 7
lief 7
loll 4
loir 4
lunt 4
leat 4
lede 5
leis 4
lilt 4
loci 6
luff 10
luny 7
lank 8
leva 7
loge 5
lorn 4
leal 4
labs 6
lacs 6
lads 5
laer 4
lags 5
lahs 7
laic 6
laik 8
laky 11
lall 4
lams 6
lant 4
lanx 11
laps 6
lare 4
larn 4
lase 4
lath 7
lati 4
latu 4
lauf 7
lavs 7
lawk 11
lays 7
lazo 13
leam 6
leas 4
leed 5
leep 6
leet 4
lehr 7
leir 4
leke 8
leks 8
leku 8
leme 6
leng 5
leps 6
lept 6
lere 4
lerp 6
lets 4
leud 5
leve 7
levs 7
leys 7
lezz 22
lias 4
libs 6
lich 9
lids 5
lies 4
ligs 5
lill 4
limn 6
limy 9
lins 4
liny 7
lipa 6
lipe 6
lipo 6
lips 6
liri 4
lirk 8
lisk 8
lith 7
lits 4
litu 4
lobi 6
lobs 6
lods 5
logs 5
logy 8
loid 5
loke 8
lolz 13
lome 6
loof 7
loor 4
lops 6
losh 7
lote 4
loth 7
loti 4
loto 4
loun 4
lour 4
lous 4
lown 7
lowp 9
lows 7
lowt 7
loys 7
lude 5
luds 5
lues 4
lugs 5
luit 4
lulz 13
luma 6
lums 6
lunk 8
luns 4
lurs 4
lusk 8
lutz 13
luvs 7
lwei 7
lyam 9
lych 12
lyes 7
lyme 9
lyms 9
lyne 7
lyse 7
lyte 7

Step into the playful realm where language meets letters, creating a delightful dance of sounds and meanings. Today, we’re exploring an intriguing category: four-letter words that begin with the letter "L". These words possess a unique charm, often snappy and succinct, yet packed with meaning. Through clever combinations of vowels and consonants, they offer a linguistic playground that influences pronunciation and adds flavor to everyday conversation. From lively expressions to languid tones, let's dive into the fun-filled world of these linguistically little yet lively words.

About 4 Letter Words Starting with L

The letter "L" is a linguistic gem, seamlessly blending with vowels and consonants to create a wide array of words. As the twelfth letter of the alphabet, it frequently appears in English vocabulary, often lending a soft or rolling sound to words. This is particularly evident in four-letter words where the combination of "L" with other letters results in diverse meanings and pronunciations. Consider "love" and "lack," both starting with "L" but evoking completely different emotions and actions through a simple quartet of letters.

The positioning of "L" in these words affects how they roll off the tongue, sometimes softening harsh sounds or adding a playful twist. A word like "lure" suggests attraction and charm, while "leap" brings to mind energetic movement. This versatility makes "L" a fascinating letter that contributes to language's depth and dynamism. With such a rich palette of four-letter words, "L" truly stands out as a vital component of English vocabulary.

Popular Word Examples

Four-letter words beginning with "L" have found their way into many aspects of everyday communication. Let's explore some popular examples that showcase their diversity and charm.


  • Definition: To jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.
  • Example in a Sentence: The frog took a leap across the pond.
  • Fun Fact: "Leap" is often used metaphorically to describe taking chances or making significant progress.


  • Definition: A small, green citrus fruit known for its acidic juice.
  • Example in a Sentence: She added a slice of lime to her drink for a refreshing twist.
  • Fun Fact: Limes were historically used by sailors to prevent scurvy, leading to the British nickname "limey."


  • Definition: To give something to someone for temporary use.
  • Example in a Sentence: Could you lend me your pen for a moment?
  • Fun Fact: The term "lend" has roots in Old English "lænan," related to the concept of granting.


  • Definition: Growing luxuriantly; rich and abundant.
  • Example in a Sentence: The garden was lush with colorful flowers and greenery.
  • Fun Fact: "Lush" can also describe a person who drinks excessively, showing the word's versatile usage.


  • Definition: Something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do something.
  • Example in a Sentence: The fisherman used a shiny lure to attract fish.
  • Fun Fact: "Lure" originates from the Middle English "luere," referring to a decoy used in falconry.

High-Scoring Scrabble Examples

In the world of Scrabble, choosing the right word can make all the difference. Here are some high-scoring words that fit our theme:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Luck 10 Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
Laze 13 Spend time in a relaxed, lazy manner.
Lick 10 To pass the tongue over something.
Lump 8 A compact mass of a substance.
Link 8 A relationship between two things or situations.

Popular 5-Letter Words for Wordle

For Wordle enthusiasts, here's a selection of five-letter words starting with "L" that might just help you crack the code:

Word Definition
Learn Gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in.
Light The natural agent that stimulates sight.
Laugh Make sounds and movements of the face and body that express amusement.
Ledge A narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall.
Legal Relating to the law.

Unusual and Rare Word Examples

Dive into the less-traveled path of language with these rare and unusual four-letter words starting with "L".


  • Definition: A large bird known for its distinctive calls and diving ability.
  • Interesting Fact: Loons are typically found in North American lakes and are known for their haunting, eerie cries.
  • Example in a Sentence: The loon’s call echoed across the still lake at dusk.


  • Definition: A characteristic rising and falling of the voice when speaking; a pleasant gentle accent.
  • Interesting Fact: "Lilt" is often associated with musical or rhythmic speech patterns, adding a melodious quality to dialogue.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her voice had a delightful Irish lilt that was enchanting.


  • Definition: A small ground-dwelling songbird known for its melodious tune.
  • Interesting Fact: "Lark" is also used to describe a carefree adventure or outing, stemming from the bird's joyful song.
  • Example in a Sentence: We went for a lark in the countryside to enjoy the sunny day.


  • Definition: A rounded projection or division, especially of a bodily organ.
  • Interesting Fact: The human brain is divided into several lobes, each responsible for different functions.
  • Example in a Sentence: The injury affected the frontal lobe of his brain.


  • Definition: Traditional knowledge or beliefs, typically passed down through generations.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "lore" is often used in the context of myths, legends, and folklore.
  • Example in a Sentence: The old man shared tales of local lore around the campfire.

Final Words

Four-letter words starting with "L" add a sprinkle of curiosity and a dash of fun to our language. Whether you're jumping into a game of Scrabble or pondering over a Wordle puzzle, these words offer countless opportunities to enrich and enliven your linguistic adventures. So next time you find yourself in a wordy discussion, let these lively "L" words lead the way!

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