5 letter words starting with h

Get ready to hop into the world of five-letter wonders starting with "H"! From helpful to happy, these words add flair and finesse to your vocabulary. Whether you're a word game enthusiast or just love discovering new words, this collection will have you hooked and hungry for more.

hello 8
house 8
happy 15
heard 9
haven 11
heart 8
hands 9
hurry 11
honey 11
hours 8
human 10
hotel 8
horse 8
honor 8
harry 11
heavy 14
henry 11
heads 9
hired 9
hated 9
habit 10
hills 8
holly 11
humor 10
horny 11
harsh 11
handy 12
hobby 15
hatch 13
hairy 11
hence 10
howdy 15
homer 10
hunch 13
hallo 8
hubby 15
haunt 8
hitch 13
haste 8
hardy 12
hooks 12
hound 9
hicks 14
hajji 22
hasty 11
homey 13
heave 11
heist 8
havoc 13
hutch 13
hanks 12
hazel 17
honda 9
horst 8
henna 8
heath 11
hippo 12
hades 9
hogan 9
hoops 10
hoist 8
hedge 10
hippy 15
hyena 11
hunts 8
hover 11
harem 10
humid 11
holla 8
hanky 15
heaps 10
honky 15
hefty 14
hater 8
hakim 14
hussy 11
hooky 15
horde 9
husky 15
hives 11
hocus 10
hadji 16
hunky 15
hooch 13
heron 8
heady 12
haiku 12
hoses 8
hydra 12
hoots 8
hydro 12
hymen 13
hammy 15
huffy 17
hinge 9
humph 15
hurst 8
hoyle 11
hokey 15
hoard 9
haole 8
halal 8
hunks 12
hovel 11
hamza 19
helix 15
hertz 17
horsy 11
harpy 13
hullo 8
hilly 11
heres 8
hooey 11
hecht 13
hamal 10
hiker 12
halve 11
hajis 15
hadst 9
heros 8
herry 11
hexed 16
hotch 13
hight 12
haram 10
hansa 8
humpy 15
hough 12
hyoid 12
hurly 11
hijab 17
holey 11
haply 13
halva 11
humus 10
hokum 14
halon 8
hided 10
hollo 8
hards 9
hafiz 20
hotly 11
heigh 12
haver 11
hillo 8
hoper 10
hiver 11
halid 9
huger 9
hosen 8
haoma 10
harim 10
hamba 12
helio 8
houri 8
hyrax 18
hider 9
herby 13
hooka 12
hoary 11
hapus 10
hared 9
hapax 17
hangi 9
hangs 9
hanse 8
hants 8
hares 8
harks 12
hasks 12
hasps 10
hasta 8
hashy 14
harts 8
harls 8
harms 10
harns 8
haros 8
harps 10
hates 8
haily 11
hakea 12
hakes 12
hakus 12
haled 9
haler 8
hales 8
hakas 12
hakam 14
hains 8
haint 8
hairs 8
haith 11
hajes 15
halfa 11
halfs 11
hamed 11
hames 10
hanap 10
hance 10
halls 8
halma 10
halms 10
halos 8
halse 8
halts 8
hanch 13
heels 8
heeze 17
hefte 11
hefts 11
heids 9
heils 8
heedy 12
heeds 9
heben 10
hebes 10
hecks 14
heder 9
hedgy 13
heirs 8
hejab 17
helps 10
helve 11
hemal 10
hemes 10
hemic 12
hemin 10
hemps 12
hempy 15
helot 8
helos 8
hejra 15
heled 9
heles 8
hells 8
helms 10
heats 8
hatha 11
haves 11
hawed 12
hawks 15
hawms 13
hawse 11
haute 8
hause 8
hauds 9
haufs 11
haugh 12
hauld 9
haulm 10
hauls 8
hault 8
hayed 12
hayer 11
hayey 14
heame 10
heapy 13
heare 8
hears 8
heast 8
heals 8
heald 9
hayle 11
hazan 17
hazed 18
hazer 17
hazes 17
hails 8
haafs 11
haars 8
hable 10
haffs 14
hafts 11
haggs 10
hahas 11
haick 14
haika 12
haiks 12
haets 8
haems 10
habus 10
hacek 14
hacks 14
hadal 9
haded 10
howre 11
huers 8
huffs 14
huggy 13
huhus 11
huias 8
hulas 8
hudud 10
hudna 9
howso 11
hoxed 16
hoxes 15
hoyas 11
hoyed 12
hucks 14
hules 8
hulks 12
hulky 15
humps 12
hurds 9
hulls 8
hully 11
humas 10
humfs 13
humic 12
hurls 8
howls 11
hoser 8
hosey 11
hosta 8
hosts 8
hoten 8
hosel 8
horis 8
horme 10
horns 8
hosed 9
hotty 11
houff 14
hoven 11
hoves 11
howbe 13
howes 11
howff 17
howfs 14
hoved 12
houfs 11
houts 8
hovea 11
howks 15
hutia 8
huzza 26
huzzy 29
hwyls 14
hyens 11
hurra 8
hurts 8
hushy 14
husks 12
husos 8
hying 12
hykes 15
hylas 11
hypha 16
hypos 13
hyson 11
hythe 14
hypes 13
hyper 13
hyleg 12
hyles 11
hylic 13
hymns 13
hynde 12
hyped 14
horas 8
hides 9
hilch 13
hilts 8
hilum 10
hilus 8
himbo 12
hilar 8
hikoi 12
hiems 10
highs 12
hijra 15
hiked 13
hikes 12
hinau 8
hinds 9
hirer 8
hires 8
hissy 11
hists 8
hithe 11
hived 12
hiree 8
hings 9
hinky 15
hinny 11
hints 8
hiois 8
hiply 13
hends 9
herls 8
herma 10
herms 10
herns 8
heroe 8
herds 9
henge 9
henny 11
hents 8
hepar 10
herbs 10
herse 8
herye 11
hexad 16
hexer 15
hexes 15
hexyl 18
heyed 12
hiant 8
hewgh 15
hewer 11
hesps 10
hests 8
hetes 8
heths 11
heuch 13
heugh 12
hevea 11
hewed 12
homed 11
honer 8
hones 8
hongi 9
hongs 9
honks 12
honed 9
honds 9
homes 10
homie 10
homme 12
homos 10
honan 8
hoods 9
hoody 12
hooty 11
hoove 11
hoped 11
hopes 10
hoppy 15
horah 11
hoosh 11
hoord 9
hoofs 11
hooly 11
hoons 8
horal 8
homas 10
hizen 17
hodad 10
hodja 16
hoers 8
hogen 9
hoggs 10
hoghs 12
hohed 12
hocks 14
hoaed 9
hoagy 12
hoars 8
hoast 8
hobos 10
hoick 14
hoiks 12
hoing 9
holes 8
holks 12
holms 10
holon 8
holed 9
holds 9
hoise 8
hoked 13
hokes 12
hokis 12
hokku 16
holts 8
hafis 11
holme 10
holos 8
hoors 8
hopak 14
horks 12
hygge 13
hyphy 19
hokas 12
halwa 11
happi 12
hauns 8
hench 13
hoied 9

Have you ever found yourself captivated by the quirks of language, particularly when it comes to those charming clusters of letters that form words? Let's dive into the enchanting world of five-letter words starting with H. These words hold a special place in the realm of language, where each letter and combination plays a pivotal role in shaping pronunciation, meaning, and even the rhythm of our sentences. With our focus on this quirky group, we'll uncover how these words can be uniquely useful or simply delightful. Get ready to explore fascinating examples like "happy," "hobby," and "hazel," each adding its own flair to our linguistic adventures.

About 5 Letter Words Starting with H

The letter "H" is a breathy, whispering sound that introduces words with a gentle push of air. In English, it often precedes a vowel, creating a smooth transition that influences the pronunciation and meaning of the word. For instance, consider the word "hotel." The "H" gives a subtle but significant lift, steering the pronunciation and setting the stage for the rest of the word. This letter's placement can also alter word formation, as seen in "habit," where it anchors the word and provides a solid starting point for its meaning.

In many five-letter constructions, "H" can lead to delightful phonetic surprises. Words like "humor" and "hover" demonstrate its versatility, adding a touch of whimsy or elevating the tone. The letter's presence is often associated with warmth or comfort, as in "hearth" or "haven." This frequency and flexibility make "H" an essential player in the English language, influencing both how we speak and how we interpret words.

Popular Word Examples

Words are the building blocks of language, and five-letter words starting with H are no exception. They bring with them vibrant definitions and delightful quirks.


  • Definition: Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She felt incredibly happy when she saw the surprise party her friends had organized."
  • Fun Fact: The word "happy" comes from the Middle English "hap," meaning "luck" or "fortune."


  • Definition: An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
  • Example in a Sentence: "His favorite hobby is painting landscapes during the weekends."
  • Fun Fact: The term originates from "hobby-horse," a toy for children, symbolizing something done for fun.


  • Definition: A type of tree or shrub with edible nuts; also used to describe a light brown color.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Her eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel that captured the sunlight perfectly."
  • Fun Fact: The name "Hazel" has been used as a given name since the late 19th century.


  • Definition: High respect or esteem.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The soldier was awarded a medal of honor for his bravery."
  • Fun Fact: "Honor" is spelled "honour" in British English, showing regional spelling variations.


  • Definition: A building for human habitation.
  • Example in a Sentence: "They bought a new house in the countryside to enjoy a quieter life."
  • Fun Fact: The concept of a "house" goes back to ancient times, with varying structures across cultures.


  • Definition: The organ that pumps blood through the body; also used metaphorically to mean courage or enthusiasm.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She followed her heart and pursued her dream career."
  • Fun Fact: In ancient times, the heart was believed to be the seat of thought and emotion.


  • Definition: Relating to or characteristic of people.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Being human means we all make mistakes from time to time."
  • Fun Fact: The word traces back to the Latin "humanus," which means "of man, human."


  • Definition: The quality of being amusing or comical.
  • Example in a Sentence: "His sense of humor always lightens the mood at gatherings."
  • Fun Fact: "Humor" originally referred to bodily fluids, which were believed to affect emotions and temperament in ancient medicine.


  • Definition: To remain in one place in the air.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The helicopter hovered above the landing pad before gently touching down."
  • Fun Fact: The word "hover" is believed to have originated from the Old English "hof," meaning "to hang in the air."


  • Definition: Move or act with speed.
  • Example in a Sentence: "We need to hurry if we want to catch the last train."
  • Fun Fact: The word "hurry" was first recorded in English in the late 16th century, originating from the Middle English "hurien".

High-Scoring Scrabble Examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, discovering high-scoring words can be a game-changer. Here are some prime five-letter words starting with H that pack a punch on the board:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Huffy 13 Easily offended; touchy.
Hefty 14 Large and heavy.
Hunky 15 Attractive and muscular.
Hiver 11 A person who collects honey from bees.
Handy 12 Convenient to handle or use; skillful.

Popular 5-Letter Words for Wordle

Wordle players often seek words that can give them a strategic edge. Here are some popular choices starting with H:

Word Definition
Heath An area of open uncultivated land.
Hasty Done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried.
Hoist Raise or lift by mechanical means.
Hatch An opening of restricted size allowing passage.
Helix An object having a three-dimensional spiral shape.

Unusual and Rare Word Examples

There are certain five-letter words beginning with H that are rare gems, each with its own peculiar charm:


  • Definition: A small, squalid, unpleasant dwelling.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "hovel" dates back to the late Middle English period, originally meaning "shed" or "cattle shelter."
  • Example in a Sentence: "The old fisherman lived in a hovel by the sea."


  • Definition: A beautiful young woman, especially one of the virgin companions of the faithful in Islamic belief.
  • Interesting Fact: The word comes from Persian, referring to the beautiful maidens promised to faithful followers in paradise.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The poet described his muse as a radiant houri from the heavens."


  • Definition: A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five.
  • Interesting Fact: Haiku traditionally evoke images of the natural world and are deeply rooted in Japanese culture.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She wrote a haiku about the cherry blossoms in spring."


  • Definition: Relating to blood.
  • Interesting Fact: The prefix "hem-" is derived from the Greek word for blood, "haima."
  • Example in a Sentence: "The hemic analysis revealed insights into the patient's health."


  • Definition: A group or set of six.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "hexad" is derived from the Greek "hexas," meaning "six."
  • Example in a Sentence: "In chemistry, a hexad refers to a molecule composed of six atoms."

Final Words

Exploring five-letter words starting with H offers a whimsical journey through the nuances of language. Whether it's the delight of discovering a new word, the joy of a Scrabble victory, or the satisfaction of a Wordle win, these words enrich our language experience. Keep playing with words, and let your curiosity guide you to new linguistic treasures!

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