Words Starting With FE
Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter FE. This section showcases how FE at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with FE, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.
2 letter words
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
fe | 5 | a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood | - |
3 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
few | 9 | a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a'; a small but indefinite number | a few weeks ago |
fed | 7 | any federal law-enforcement officer | - |
fee | 6 | give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on | fee the steward |
fer | 6 | - | - |
fen | 6 | low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water | the fens of eastern England |
fez | 15 | a felt cap (usually red) for a man; shaped like a flat-topped cone with a tassel that hangs from the crown | - |
fey | 9 | suggestive of an elf in strangeness and otherworldliness | the fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday |
fem | 8 | - | - |
feu | 6 | - | - |
fet | 6 | a transistor in which most current flows in a channel whose effective resistance can be controlled by a transverse electric field | - |
feg | 7 | - | - |
feh | 9 | - | - |
fes | 6 | a city in north central Morocco; religious center | - |
4 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
feel | 7 | the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people | the feel of the city excited him |
felt | 7 | change texture so as to become matted and felt-like | The fabric felted up after several washes |
feet | 7 | - | - |
fear | 7 | regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of | - |
fell | 7 | pass away rapidly | - |
feed | 8 | food for domestic livestock | - |
fest | 7 | - | - |
feat | 7 | a notable achievement | he performed a great feat |
fend | 8 | withstand the force of something | The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow |
fern | 7 | any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores | - |
feud | 8 | a bitter quarrel between two parties | - |
fess | 7 | (heraldry) an ordinary consisting of a broad horizontal band across a shield | - |
fete | 7 | an elaborate party (often outdoors) | - |
feck | 13 | - | - |
feta | 7 | - | - |
feeb | 9 | - | - |
fere | 7 | - | - |
fens | 7 | - | - |
feal | 7 | - | - |
feds | 8 | - | - |
feen | 7 | - | - |
feer | 7 | - | - |
fees | 7 | - | - |
fegs | 8 | - | - |
fehm | 12 | - | - |
fehs | 10 | - | - |
feis | 7 | - | - |
feme | 9 | - | - |
fems | 9 | - | - |
feni | 7 | - | - |
fent | 7 | - | - |
feod | 8 | - | - |
ferm | 9 | - | - |
fets | 7 | - | - |
fett | 7 | - | - |
feus | 7 | - | - |
fews | 10 | - | - |
feys | 10 | - | - |
5 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
fetch | 13 | be sold for a certain price | The old print fetched a high price at the auction |
fever | 11 | a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection | - |
fella | 8 | a boy or man | - |
fence | 10 | have an argument about something | - |
feast | 8 | an elaborate party (often outdoors) | - |
ferry | 11 | a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule | - |
fewer | 11 | (comparative of `few' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning a smaller number of | fewer birds came this year |
felon | 8 | a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail | - |
fetus | 8 | an unborn or unhatched vertebrate in the later stages of development showing the main recognizable features of the mature animal | - |
feces | 10 | solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels | - |
femur | 10 | the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton; extends from the pelvis to the knee | - |
fetal | 8 | of or relating to a fetus | fetal development |
femme | 12 | - | - |
feign | 9 | make a pretence of | he feigned sleep |
fecal | 10 | of or relating to feces | fecal matter |
feral | 8 | wild and menacing | a pack of feral dogs |
feint | 8 | any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack) | - |
fermi | 10 | a metric unit of length equal to one quadrillionth of a meter | - |
fetid | 9 | offensively malodorous | - |
feria | 8 | a weekday on which no festival or holiday is celebrated | in the middle ages feria was used with a prefixed ordinal number to designate the day of the week, so `secunda feria' meant Monday, but Sunday and Saturday were always called by their names, Dominicus and Sabbatum, and so feria came to mean an ordinary weekday |
feted | 9 | - | - |
fetes | 8 | - | - |
fenny | 11 | - | - |
festa | 8 | - | - |
feals | 8 | - | - |
feare | 8 | - | - |
fears | 8 | - | - |
feart | 8 | - | - |
fease | 8 | - | - |
feats | 8 | - | - |
feaze | 17 | - | - |
fecht | 13 | - | - |
fecit | 10 | - | - |
fecks | 14 | - | - |
fedex | 16 | - | - |
feebs | 10 | - | - |
feeds | 9 | - | - |
feels | 8 | - | - |
feens | 8 | - | - |
feers | 8 | - | - |
feese | 8 | - | - |
feeze | 17 | - | - |
fehme | 13 | - | - |
feist | 8 | a nervous belligerent little mongrel dog | - |
felch | 13 | - | - |
felid | 9 | any of various lithe-bodied roundheaded fissiped mammals, many with retractile claws | - |
fells | 8 | - | - |
felly | 11 | rim (or part of the rim) into which spokes are inserted | - |
felts | 8 | - | - |
felty | 11 | - | - |
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6 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
female | 11 | characteristic of or peculiar to a woman | female sensitiveness |
fellow | 12 | one of a pair | one eye was blue but its fellow was brown |
felony | 12 | a serious crime (such as murder or arson) | - |
fetish | 12 | a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers | - |
feeble | 11 | lacking strength or vigor | feeble efforts |
fender | 10 | an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track | - |
feisty | 12 | showing courage | the champion is faced with a feisty challenger |
feller | 9 | a person who fells trees | - |
ferret | 9 | search and discover through persistent investigation | She ferreted out the truth |
fennel | 9 | leaves used for seasoning | - |
feeder | 10 | an outdoor device that supplies food for wild birds | - |
feudal | 10 | of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism | - |
feline | 9 | any of various lithe-bodied roundheaded fissiped mammals, many with retractile claws | - |
fervor | 12 | the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up | - |
fester | 9 | ripen and generate pus | her wounds are festering |
fealty | 12 | the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign) | - |
fewest | 12 | (superlative of `few' used with count nouns and usually preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the smallest in number | the fewest birds in recent memory |
feeler | 9 | slender tactile process on the jaws of a fish | - |
fellah | 12 | an agricultural laborer in Arab countries | - |
feebly | 14 | in a faint and feeble manner | the lighthouse, flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred, rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway |
fedora | 10 | a hat made of felt with a creased crown | - |
fencer | 11 | someone skilled at fencing | - |
fettle | 9 | a state of fitness and good health | in fine fettle |
fecund | 12 | intellectually productive | a fecund imagination |
femmes | 13 | - | - |
fetter | 9 | restrain with fetters | - |
fervid | 13 | characterized by intense emotion | - |
feeing | 10 | - | - |
femurs | 11 | - | - |
ferric | 11 | of or relating to or containing iron | - |
feting | 10 | - | - |
feague | 10 | - | - |
fealed | 10 | - | - |
feared | 10 | - | - |
fearer | 9 | - | - |
feares | 9 | - | - |
feased | 10 | - | - |
feases | 9 | - | - |
feasts | 9 | - | - |
feated | 10 | - | - |
feater | 9 | - | - |
featly | 12 | - | - |
feazed | 19 | - | - |
feazes | 18 | - | - |
fechts | 14 | - | - |
fecial | 11 | - | - |
fecked | 16 | - | - |
feckin | 15 | - | - |
feckly | 18 | - | - |
fecula | 11 | excreta (especially of insects) | - |
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7 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
feeling | 11 | the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people | - |
federal | 11 | any federal law-enforcement officer | - |
feeding | 12 | the act of consuming food | - |
feature | 10 | a prominent attribute or aspect of something | the map showed roads and other features |
feather | 13 | turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls | - |
fertile | 10 | bearing in abundance especially offspring | - |
fearful | 13 | timid by nature or revealing timidity | cast fearful glances at the large dog |
fencing | 13 | material for building fences | - |
festive | 13 | offering fun and gaiety | a festive (or festal) occasion |
felicia | 12 | genus of tropical African herbs or subshrubs with usually blue flowers | - |
felling | 11 | - | - |
fervent | 13 | characterized by intense emotion | a fervent desire to change society |
fervour | 13 | the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up | - |
femoral | 12 | of or relating to or near the femur or thigh | - |
fetuses | 10 | - | - |
feigned | 12 | not genuine | feigned sympathy |
ferment | 12 | a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol | - |
ferried | 11 | - | - |
feedbag | 14 | a canvas bag that is used to feed an animal (such as a horse); covers the muzzle and fastens at the top of the head | - |
feedlot | 11 | a building where livestock are fattened for market | - |
fevered | 14 | highly or nervously excited | a fevered imagination |
fellahs | 13 | - | - |
fetcher | 15 | - | - |
febrile | 12 | of or relating to or characterized by fever | a febrile reaction caused by an allergen |
ferrety | 13 | - | - |
ferrous | 10 | of or relating to or containing iron | - |
festoon | 10 | flower chains suspended in curves between points as a decoration | - |
felafel | 13 | small croquette of mashed chick peas or fava beans seasoned with sesame seeds | - |
fellate | 10 | provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation | - |
fenland | 11 | low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water | - |
feagued | 12 | - | - |
feagues | 11 | - | - |
fealing | 11 | - | - |
fearers | 10 | - | - |
fearing | 11 | - | - |
feasing | 11 | - | - |
feasted | 11 | - | - |
feaster | 10 | - | - |
featest | 10 | - | - |
feating | 11 | - | - |
featous | 10 | - | - |
feazing | 20 | - | - |
fechter | 15 | - | - |
fecials | 12 | - | - |
fecking | 17 | - | - |
feculae | 12 | - | - |
feculas | 12 | - | - |
fedarie | 11 | - | - |
fedayee | 14 | - | - |
fedexed | 19 | - | - |
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8 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
feelings | 12 | emotional or moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity) | the remark hurt his feelings |
festival | 14 | an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place) | a drama festival |
feathers | 14 | - | - |
feminine | 13 | befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman | - |
fearless | 11 | oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them | - |
feedback | 20 | response to an inquiry or experiment | - |
feminist | 13 | a supporter of feminism | - |
felicity | 16 | pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression) | - |
fetching | 17 | very attractive; capturing interest | a fetching new hairstyle |
featured | 12 | having facial features as specified; usually used in combination | a grim-featured man |
fearsome | 13 | causing fear or dread or terror | - |
feasible | 13 | capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are | - |
feverish | 17 | of or relating to or characterized by fever | - |
feminism | 15 | the movement aimed at equal rights for women | - |
fellatio | 11 | oral stimulation of the penis | - |
feasting | 12 | eating an elaborate meal (often accompanied by entertainment) | - |
ferocity | 16 | the property of being wild or turbulent | - |
ferryman | 16 | a man who operates a ferry | - |
feigning | 13 | pretending with intention to deceive | - |
feckless | 17 | generally incompetent and ineffectual | feckless attempts to repair the plumbing |
fentanyl | 14 | trade names of a narcotic analgesic that can be inhaled and that acts on the central nervous system and may become addictive; used as a veterinary anesthetic and with other drugs before, during, and after surgery; also used as a nonlethal gas to incapacitate people in hostage situations; also abused as a recreational drug | - |
feathery | 17 | resembling or suggesting a feather or feathers | feathery palm trees |
fedayeen | 15 | (plural) Arab guerrillas who operate mainly against Israel | - |
feldspar | 14 | any of a group of hard crystalline minerals that consist of aluminum silicates of potassium or sodium or calcium or barium | - |
federate | 12 | unite on a federal basis or band together as a league | The country was federated after the civil war |
feminity | 16 | - | - |
ferrying | 15 | transport by boat or aircraft | - |
feasibly | 16 | in a practicable manner; so as to be feasible | - |
feculent | 13 | foul with waste matter | - |
femicide | 16 | - | - |
fervency | 19 | feelings of great warmth and intensity | - |
feaguing | 13 | - | - |
fealties | 11 | - | - |
feasance | 13 | - | - |
feasters | 11 | - | - |
feastful | 14 | - | - |
feateous | 11 | - | - |
featlier | 11 | - | - |
featuous | 11 | - | - |
features | 11 | - | - |
feblesse | 13 | - | - |
febrific | 18 | - | - |
fechters | 16 | - | - |
fechting | 17 | - | - |
fedaries | 12 | - | - |
fedelini | 12 | - | - |
federacy | 17 | - | - |
federals | 12 | - | - |
federary | 15 | - | - |
fedexing | 20 | - | - |
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9 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
ferocious | 14 | marked by extreme and violent energy | a ferocious beating |
fertility | 15 | the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth | - |
featuring | 13 | - | - |
feathered | 16 | adorned with feathers or plumes | a feathered hat |
festering | 13 | (medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pus | - |
fertilize | 21 | introduce semen into (a female) | - |
fearfully | 18 | in fear | she hurried down the stairs fearfully |
federally | 16 | by federal government | it's federally regulated |
fervently | 18 | with passionate fervor | both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people |
festivity | 18 | any joyous diversion | - |
felonious | 12 | involving or being or having the nature of a crime | felonious intent |
fetishist | 15 | one who engages in fetishism (especially of a sexual nature) | - |
fetishism | 17 | sexual arousal or gratification resulting from handling a fetish (or a specific part of the body other than the sexual organs) | - |
fertilise | 12 | introduce semen into (a female) | - |
federated | 14 | united under a central government | - |
fenugreek | 17 | annual herb or southern Europe and eastern Asia having off-white flowers and aromatic seeds used medicinally and in curry | - |
feudalism | 15 | the social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war | - |
fecundity | 18 | the intellectual productivity of a creative imagination | - |
feelingly | 16 | with great feeling | she spoke feelingly of her early childhood |
ferreting | 13 | - | - |
feedstock | 19 | the raw material that is required for some industrial process | - |
ferryboat | 17 | a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule | - |
feminized | 24 | - | - |
festively | 18 | - | - |
fetishize | 24 | make a fetish of | - |
fettucine | 14 | - | - |
feasances | 14 | - | - |
feastings | 13 | - | - |
feastless | 12 | - | - |
featliest | 12 | - | - |
featurely | 15 | - | - |
feblesses | 14 | - | - |
febricity | 19 | a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection | - |
febricula | 16 | - | - |
febricule | 16 | - | - |
febrifuge | 18 | any medicine that lowers body temperature to prevent or alleviate fever | - |
febrility | 17 | a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection | - |
feculence | 16 | something that is feculent | - |
feculency | 19 | - | - |
fecundate | 15 | introduce semen into (a female) | - |
fedelinis | 13 | - | - |
federarie | 13 | - | - |
federates | 13 | - | - |
federator | 13 | - | - |
feedbacks | 21 | - | - |
feedboxes | 22 | - | - |
feedgrain | 14 | - | - |
feedholes | 16 | - | - |
feedpipes | 17 | - | - |
feedstuff | 19 | - | - |
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10 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
federation | 14 | a union of political organizations | - |
fertilizer | 22 | any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile | - |
fellowship | 21 | an association of people who share common beliefs or activities | the church welcomed new members into its fellowship |
fertilized | 23 | - | - |
femininity | 18 | the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women | - |
fearlessly | 16 | without fear | fearlessly, he led the troops into combat |
fettuccine | 17 | pasta in flat strips wider than linguine | - |
fertiliser | 13 | any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile | - |
felicitate | 15 | express congratulations | - |
feverishly | 22 | in a feverish manner | she worked feverishly |
feathering | 17 | turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls | - |
featherbed | 19 | a mattress stuffed with feathers | - |
federalism | 16 | the idea of a federal organization of more or less self-governing units | - |
federalize | 23 | unite on a federal basis or band together as a league | - |
fermenting | 16 | a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol | - |
fertilised | 14 | - | - |
felicitous | 15 | marked by good fortune | a felicitous life |
federalist | 14 | a member of a former political party in the United States that favored a strong centralized federal government | - |
federative | 17 | - | - |
fettuccini | 17 | pasta in flat strips wider than linguine | - |
fearfuller | 16 | - | - |
fearmonger | 16 | - | - |
fearnaught | 17 | - | - |
fearnought | 17 | - | - |
fearsomely | 18 | in a fearsome manner | a sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions |
feateously | 16 | - | - |
featherier | 16 | - | - |
featliness | 13 | - | - |
featurette | 13 | - | - |
febriculas | 17 | - | - |
febricules | 17 | - | - |
febrifugal | 19 | - | - |
febrifuges | 19 | - | - |
fecklessly | 22 | with ineptitude; in an incompetent manner | - |
feculences | 17 | - | - |
fecundated | 17 | - | - |
fecundates | 16 | - | - |
fecundator | 16 | - | - |
federacies | 16 | - | - |
federalese | 14 | - | - |
federalise | 14 | unite on a federal basis or band together as a league | - |
federaries | 14 | - | - |
federating | 15 | - | - |
federators | 14 | - | - |
feebleness | 15 | the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age) | - |
feedgrains | 15 | - | - |
feedstocks | 20 | - | - |
feedstuffs | 20 | - | - |
feedwaters | 17 | - | - |
feigningly | 18 | - | - |
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