6 letter words starting with e

Embark on an exciting exploration of six-letter words starting with 'E'! Whether you're an enthusiastic wordsmith or just eager to expand your vocabulary, this list will entertain and enlighten. Dive into a world where every word promises to enchant, enrich, and elevate your language skills. Let's get started!

enough 10
excuse 15
either 9
entire 6
expect 17
except 17
eating 7
escape 10
energy 10
engine 7
easier 6
easily 9
effect 14
effort 12
expert 15
ending 8
estate 6
empire 10
earned 7
eleven 9
escort 8
editor 7
ensure 6
easter 6
endure 7
expose 15
extend 14
engage 8
eighty 13
exotic 15
eldest 7
eighth 13
extent 13
erotic 8
expand 16
erased 7
esteem 8
ethics 11
edited 8
emerge 9
excess 15
employ 13
errand 7
evolve 12
export 15
echoes 11
entity 9
ethnic 11
enable 8
enigma 9
eunuch 11
exhale 16
encore 8
exceed 16
excite 15
edible 9
exodus 14
embryo 13
exiled 14
enlist 6
eloped 9
elixir 13
evenly 12
enroll 6
exempt 17
enmity 11
eraser 6
expire 15
enzyme 20
embark 14
envied 10
emblem 12
eyeing 10
equity 18
etched 12
eulogy 10
eggnog 9
entice 8
eureka 10
elated 7
extort 13
eyelid 10
embody 14
echoed 12
enrich 11
ensign 7
eatery 9
escrow 11
eluded 8
enamel 8
entree 6
easing 7
evaded 11
eroded 8
ensued 7
egoist 7
earful 9
expiry 18
eczema 19
entail 6
exhume 18
enders 7
earner 6
effigy 16
errant 6
eyeful 12
elvish 12
eclair 8
elicit 8
engulf 10
ermine 8
equate 15
earthy 12
excise 15
egress 7
evoked 14
entrap 8
endive 10
expend 16
eerily 9
evilly 12
equine 15
earwax 16
edging 9
encode 9
egoism 9
edgier 8
eterne 6
esprit 8
endear 7
enjoin 13
eocene 8
exuded 15
ealing 7
ebbing 11
exhort 16
enrage 7
erring 7
earwig 10
etoile 6
embalm 12
encamp 12
elapse 8
enfold 10
effete 12
escudo 9
exeunt 13
ersatz 15
ethane 9
extant 13
eyelet 9
emboss 10
encash 11
emetic 10
emoted 9
emigre 9
eschew 14
entomb 10
erlang 7
epopee 10
emergs 9
ejidos 14
eeling 7
ecomap 12
eaving 10
emerse 8
emojis 15
endcap 11
enurns 6
epater 8
espoir 8
exergy 17
exfils 16
exomes 15
ezines 15
eluvia 9
embank 14
embars 10
embase 10
embays 13
embeds 11
embers 10
emball 10
elvans 9
elvers 9
elytra 9
emails 8
embace 12
embail 10
embale 10
emblic 12
embogs 11
emceed 11
emcees 10
emdash 12
emeers 8
emends 9
emerod 9
emeses 8
embusy 13
emboil 10
emboli 10
emboly 13
embosk 14
embost 10
embows 13
embrue 10
emesis 8
elutor 6
elfish 12
eliads 7
eliche 11
elided 8
elides 7
elints 6
elites 6
elfins 9
elfing 10
elding 8
eldins 7
elects 8
elegit 7
elemis 8
elench 11
elevon 9
ellops 8
elmier 8
eltchi 11
eluant 6
eluate 6
eluder 7
eludes 7
eluent 6
eluted 7
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elshin 9
elodea 7
eloges 7
eloign 7
eloins 6
eloper 8
elopes 8
elpees 8
elutes 6
encalm 10
endews 10
endite 7
endoss 7
endows 10
endash 10
endart 7
encase 8
encave 11
encina 8
encyst 11
endrin 7
endued 8
endues 7
enform 11
enfree 9
engaol 7
engild 8
engilt 7
engird 8
enfire 9
enduro 7
enemas 8
enerve 9
enewed 10
enface 11
enfant 9
engirt 7
encage 9
emoter 8
emotes 8
emoved 12
emoves 11
empale 10
empare 10
emparl 10
emodin 9
emmove 13
emetin 8
emeute 8
emlets 8
emmers 10
emmesh 13
emmets 10
emmews 13
empart 10
empery 13
emydes 12
enacts 8
enamor 8
enarch 11
enarms 8
enates 6
emures 8
emured 9
empted 11
empusa 10
empuse 10
emuled 9
emules 8
emulge 9
emunge 9
enatic 8
elders 7
easied 7
eatche 11
eaters 6
eathly 12
ebayer 11
ebbets 10
eatage 7
easies 6
easles 6
eassel 6
eassil 6
easted 7
ebooks 12
ecarte 8
ecbole 10
echoic 13
eclats 8
eclose 8
econut 8
ectopy 13
ectype 13
ecurie 8
echoey 14
ecesic 10
ecesis 8
echard 12
eching 12
echini 11
echium 13
echoer 11
easers 6
eadish 10
eagers 7
earing 7
earlap 8
earths 9
earded 8
eagled 8
eagles 7
eaglet 7
eagres 7
eaning 7
earbob 10
earbud 9
earcon 8
easels 6
eggars 8
egoity 10
egrets 7
eident 7
eiders 7
eidola 7
eights 10
eggcup 12
eggers 8
eggery 11
eggier 8
egging 9
eggler 8
egises 7
eiking 11
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elanet 6
elapid 9
elater 6
elates 6
elbows 11
elchee 11
elands 7
elance 8
eirack 12
eisell 6
eisels 6
ejecta 15
ejects 15
ekuele 10
elains 6
elchis 11
egests 7
eddied 9
edicts 9
ediles 7
educed 10
educes 9
educts 9
eeched 12
eddies 8
eddish 11
eddoes 8
edemas 9
edenic 9
edgers 8
edgily 11
eeches 11
eejits 13
eelier 6
efflux 19
effray 15
effuse 12
eftest 9
egally 10
egence 9
egency 12
effing 13
eerier 6
eevens 9
efface 14
effeir 12
effere 12
egesta 7
etches 11
ethyls 12
ethyne 12
etrier 6
ettins 6
ettled 7
ettles 6
etudes 7
ethoxy 19
ethnos 9
ethals 9
ethene 9
ethers 9
ethion 9
etwees 9
etymic 13
etymon 11
eupads 9
euphon 11
eupnea 8
euripi 8
euroky 13
eusols 6
eutaxy 16
euouae 6
etypic 13
eucain 8
euchre 11
eughen 10
euking 11
eumong 9
eumung 9
etcher 11
escarp 10
eskars 10
eskers 10
eskies 10
esloin 6
esnecy 11
espada 9
espial 8
espied 9
esiles 6
escars 8
eschar 11
escots 8
escroc 10
escrol 8
espier 8
espies 8
estrin 6
estros 6
estrum 8
estrus 6
etages 7
etalon 6
etamin 8
etapes 8
estray 9
estral 6
essays 9
essive 9
essoin 6
esters 6
estocs 8
estops 8
exeems 15
exiler 13
exiles 13
exilic 15
exines 13
exists 13
exited 14
exodes 14
exodic 16
exemed 16
exemes 15
exequy 25
exerts 13
exodoi 14
exodos 14
expugn 16

The English language, with its delightful twists and turns, offers endless fascination, especially when delving into the world of words. Today, we're setting our sights on some intriguing members of the lexicon, specifically those six-letter wonders starting with the letter "E". These words are a testament to the beauty of language, each carrying its distinct rhythm and resonance. From everyday expressions to tongue-twisting treasures, these words not only enrich our vocabulary but also add a certain flair to our conversations. Words like "eureka" or "emblem" come alive in stories, weaving magic through their unique combination of letters. Let’s dive into this captivating universe of six-letter "E" words and see what secrets they hold.

About 6 letter words starting with E

The letter "E" is no stranger to prominence in the English language, being the most frequently used letter. This gives words beginning with "E" a special place in linguistic landscapes. When we think of six-letter words starting with "E", we encounter a variety of uses and meanings that showcase the versatility of this vowel. For instance, "exhale" and "enrich" demonstrate how the addition of prefixes can shape the meaning of a root word, providing nuances that are essential for precise communication.

Interestingly, the position of "E" at the beginning of a word often signifies motion, change, or a process, as seen in "evolve" or "embark". This phonetic pattern adds an element of dynamism to our speech. The gentle start with the vowel "E" often leads to smoother pronunciation, giving these words a melodic quality that's both pleasant and memorable. Whether it's the excitement of an "escape" or the calm of an "effort", these words capture myriad emotions and actions with elegance.

Popular word examples

When exploring six-letter words beginning with "E", several popular examples stand out due to their common usage and distinct charm.


  • Definition: Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her elegant dress turned heads at the gala.
  • Fun Fact: The word "elegant" comes from the Latin "elegans", meaning select or tasteful.


  • Definition: A person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand.
  • Example in a Sentence: The Mona Lisa's smile remains an enigma to art historians.
  • Fun Fact: "Enigma" has been famously associated with the German cipher machine used during World War II.


  • Definition: A person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area.
  • Example in a Sentence: She consulted an expert before investing in the stock market.
  • Fun Fact: The word "expert" traces back to the Latin word "expertus", meaning having experience.


  • Definition: Originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.
  • Example in a Sentence: The botanical garden features many exotic plants.
  • Fun Fact: "Exotic" was first used in the 1590s to describe something foreign and enticing.


  • Definition: Give someone the authority or means to do something.
  • Example in a Sentence: The new software will enable faster data processing.
  • Fun Fact: The prefix "en-" typically means "to cause to be in" or "to make", showing how critical prefixes can be to word meaning.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, using words starting with "E" can be a strategic advantage, especially if they're six letters long.

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Exotic 15 Originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.
Embark 14 Begin a journey, especially by ship or plane.
Emerge 9 Move out of or away from something and become visible.
Errand 7 A short journey undertaken to deliver or collect something.
Engage 8 Occupy, attract, or involve someone's interest or attention.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle aficionados know the importance of a well-chosen starter word. Here are some five-letter "E" words to keep in your arsenal.

Word Definition
Eager Wanting to do or have something very much.
Event A planned public or social occasion.
Entry An act of going or coming in.
Earth The planet we live on.
Elder Of a greater age.

Unusual and rare word examples

These rare gems of the language might not be everyday words, but they add color and depth to English.


  • Definition: Pertaining to the wind; produced or carried by the wind.
  • Interesting Fact: The term is derived from Aeolus, the Greek god of the winds.
  • Example in a Sentence: The eolian sands had sculpted beautiful dunes over time.


  • Definition: Relating to exile or the condition of being exiled.
  • Interesting Fact: It is often used in historical or religious contexts, such as referring to the Babylonian Exile.
  • Example in a Sentence: The exilic writings of the prophet offered hope to the displaced people.


  • Definition: An abnormal position of an organ or body part.
  • Interesting Fact: In medical terms, it often references organs found in unusual places.
  • Example in a Sentence: The surgeon discovered an ectopy during the operation.


  • Definition: (Of time) pass or go by.
  • Interesting Fact: Despite its straightforward meaning, it can add a poetic touch to descriptions of time.
  • Example in a Sentence: As the years elapse, memories begin to fade.


  • Definition: Brilliant display or effect; dazzling success.
  • Interesting Fact: It derives from the French word "éclat", meaning a burst or flash.
  • Example in a Sentence: The orchestra performed with great éclat, earning a standing ovation.

Final words

Exploring six-letter words starting with "E" opens up a world of wonder and utility. Whether you're enhancing your vocabulary, aiming to score high in Scrabble, or simply enjoying the playful nature of language, these words offer a glimpse into the versatility and beauty of English. Keep these words handy, and let them enrich your conversations and word games alike!

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