10-letter words starting with DE

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter DE. This section showcases how DE at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with DE, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

definitely 17
department 15
determined 14
depression 13
developing 17
depressing 14
democratic 17
definition 14
devastated 15
delightful 18
dedication 14
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delusional 11
describing 16
deliberate 13
degenerate 12
demolished 17
designated 13
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descendant 14
decorating 14
definitive 17
delinquent 20
descending 15
depressive 16
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dependable 16
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decreasing 14
dependency 19
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delectable 15
debauchery 21
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depressant 13
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derogatory 15
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decompress 17
depository 16
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decisively 19
demoralize 22
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defensible 16
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dermatitis 13
demonizing 23
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deathwatch 22
dehumanize 25
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deodorizer 21
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defamatory 19
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demandable 16
demandants 14
demannings 14
demantoids 14

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