Words Starting With DE

Dive into the dynamic world of "DE" words, where delightful discoveries await! From daring adventures to debonair characters, these words dazzle with depth and diversity. Whether you're a devoted wordsmith or just dabbling, you'll find a treasure trove of terms that will definitely enrich your vocabulary. Let's delve in!

2 letter words

de 3

3 letter words

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dee 4
del 4
den 4
deb 6
dew 7
def 7
dep 6
dey 7
deg 5
dei 4
dev 7
dex 11

4 letter words

View all
dead 6
deal 5
dear 5
deep 7
debt 7
desk 9
deaf 8
dean 5
deny 8
deck 11
deer 5
deed 6
demo 7
dent 5
defy 11
dell 5
devi 8
deli 5
deva 8
dens 5
dewy 11

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5 letter words

View all
death 9
devil 9
demon 8
delay 9
deeds 7
depth 11
dealt 6
delta 6
devon 9
debut 8
dense 6
depot 8
decay 11
denis 6
deuce 8
derby 11
decoy 11
decks 12
deity 9
decaf 11
detox 13

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6 letter words

View all
decide 10
desire 7
desert 7
decent 9
design 8
defend 11
deeply 12
degree 8
defeat 10
demand 10
detail 7
device 12
dealer 7
deputy 12
deadly 11
denied 8
depend 10
debate 9
define 10
decade 10
dearly 10

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7 letter words

View all
decided 12
destroy 11
deserve 11
defense 11
destiny 11
details 8
deliver 11
dealing 9
despite 10
dessert 8
deposit 10
develop 13
dentist 8
declare 10
defence 13
dearest 8
despair 10
devoted 12
delayed 12
delight 12
deceive 13

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8 letter words

View all
decision 11
delivery 15
designed 11
describe 13
designer 10
delicate 11
deserved 13
defeated 13
declared 12
deceased 12
destined 10
deadline 10
deserted 10
deceived 15
dedicate 12
devotion 12
detailed 10
definite 12
detected 12
deciding 13
decorate 11

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9 letter words

View all
detective 15
destroyed 14
delicious 12
desperate 12
developed 16
depressed 13
democracy 19
defendant 14
delighted 15
dedicated 14
described 15
defending 15
determine 12
detention 10
departure 12
demanding 14
defensive 16
decorated 13
deception 14
dependent 13
descended 14

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10 letter words

View all
definitely 17
department 15
determined 14
depression 13
developing 17
depressing 14
democratic 17
definition 14
devastated 15
delightful 18
dedication 14
demolition 13
despicable 17
decoration 13
deliveries 14
delusional 11
describing 16
deliberate 13
degenerate 12
demolished 17
designated 13

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Step into the delightful world of words starting with DE, where language takes on a dynamic twist! These two letters may seem simple, but they hold powerful sway over pronunciation and meaning, adding depth and intrigue to our conversations. Whether you're deconstructing a complex topic or delighting in a delectable dessert, words beginning with DE bring a special flair to communication. Prepare for a playful exploration as we delve into captivating examples that demonstrate just how unique and useful these words can be.

About words starting with DE

In the English language, words starting with DE are surprisingly prevalent. They often prefix verbs, bestowing a sense of removal or reversal, such as "deactivate" or "declutter." This prefix not only alters the meaning of the base word but also adds a rhythmic touch to its pronunciation. The "DE" combination creates a soft yet decisive sound, making these words both pleasant to say and impactful in meaning. Imagine the transformation when you decode a mystery or decide on a menu; the influence of DE is undeniable.

Moreover, words beginning with DE frequently appear in everyday language, underscoring their utility and significance. Think of words like "develop," "describe," and "defend," each one essential in a variety of contexts. Their versatility is matched only by their phonetic appeal, as the initial 'd' sound softly flows into the open, inviting 'e.' This combination not only crafts meaningful dialogue but also enriches the texture of language, making communication more engaging and nuanced.

Popular word examples

Words starting with DE are often seen in various contexts, from casual conversation to formal writing. Here are some of the popular ones:


  • Definition: To make a choice or come to a conclusion.
  • Example in a Sentence: She couldn't decide between chocolate or vanilla ice cream.
  • Fun Fact: The word "decide" comes from the Latin "decidere," meaning "to cut off."


  • Definition: To bring or hand over something to the intended recipient.
  • Example in a Sentence: The courier will deliver the package by noon tomorrow.
  • Fun Fact: "Deliver" has roots in the Latin word "deliberare," which means "to set free."


  • Definition: Great pleasure or joy.
  • Example in a Sentence: The children's laughter was a delight to hear.
  • Fun Fact: The word comes from Old French "delit," related to "delectare," meaning "to allure" or "to charm."


  • Definition: To ask for something forcefully or insistently.
  • Example in a Sentence: The workers demand better working conditions.
  • Fun Fact: "Demand" is derived from the Latin "demandare," meaning "to entrust" or "to command."


  • Definition: To give an account of something in words.
  • Example in a Sentence: Can you describe the suspect to the police?
  • Fun Fact: It originates from the Latin "describere," which means "to write down."


  • Definition: A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function of something.
  • Example in a Sentence: The architect's design was innovative and modern.
  • Fun Fact: The word "design" is linked to the Latin "designare," meaning "to mark out."


  • Definition: To protect from harm or danger.
  • Example in a Sentence: The knight vowed to defend his kingdom.
  • Fun Fact: "Defend" comes from the Latin "defendere," which translates to "ward off."


  • Definition: A formal discussion on a particular topic.
  • Example in a Sentence: They had a lively debate about climate change.
  • Fun Fact: The word "debate" has French origins from "debattre," implying "to fight."


  • Definition: To cause something to end or no longer exist.
  • Example in a Sentence: The wildfire threatened to destroy the forest.
  • Fun Fact: It comes from the Latin "destruere," meaning "to unbuild."


  • Definition: To grow or cause something to grow or become more advanced.
  • Example in a Sentence: Technology continues to develop at a rapid pace.
  • Fun Fact: The word "develop" stems from the Old French "desveloper," which means "to unwrap."

High-scoring scrabble examples

For those who love word games, especially Scrabble, words starting with DE can score big!

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Deject 17 To make someone feel sad or dispirited.
Demure 11 Reserved, modest, and shy.
Deplore 10 To express strong disapproval of.
Detoxify 20 To remove toxic substances from.
Decipher 16 To convert code into ordinary language.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

If you're a Wordle enthusiast, these five-letter words starting with DE might just be your next winning guess!

Word Definition
Debut A person's first appearance or performance.
Dense Closely compacted in substance.
Defer To postpone or delay.
Dealt Past tense of deal; to distribute.
Debit An entry recording an amount owed.

Unusual and rare word examples

Let’s explore some of the more unusual and rare words that begin with DE, perfect for impressing your friends or stumping them in a word game.


  • Definition: To expose the falseness of a myth, idea, or belief.
  • Interesting Fact: "Debunk" emerged in the 1920s, reportedly coined by American journalist W. E. Woodward.
  • Example in a Sentence: The scientist aimed to debunk the myth with solid evidence.


  • Definition: To depart suddenly or secretly, especially to relocate one's business or household in another area.
  • Interesting Fact: Originating from military jargon, "decamp" originally referred to breaking camp.
  • Example in a Sentence: The circus decided to decamp at dawn, leaving the town in awe.


  • Definition: To throw someone out of a window.
  • Interesting Fact: This word has historical significance, notably used during the Defenestration of Prague in 1618.
  • Example in a Sentence: The movie scene where the villain gets defenestrated was thrilling.


  • Definition: To reach inside a receptacle and search for something.
  • Interesting Fact: "Delve" has its roots in the Old English "delfan," meaning "to dig."
  • Example in a Sentence: She decided to delve into her purse for the missing keys.


  • Definition: Worn out or ruined due to age or neglect.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "decrepit" comes from Latin "decrepitus," meaning very old or infirm.
  • Example in a Sentence: The decrepit building was scheduled for demolition.


  • Definition: A political leader who seeks support by appealing to desires and prejudices rather than rational argument.
  • Interesting Fact: "Demagogue" has Greek origins, stemming from "demagogos," meaning leader of the people.
  • Example in a Sentence: The candidate was criticized as a demagogue for his sensational speeches.

Final words

Our journey through words starting with DE has shown us their charming diversity and linguistic power. Whether common or rare, each word offers its own unique contribution to the rich tapestry of the English language. Keep exploring, and let DE words add a delightful dimension to your vocabulary!