10-letter words starting with CR

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter CR. This section showcases how CR at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with CR, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

creativity 18
crossroads 13
criticized 24
critically 17
creatively 18
cretaceous 14
criminally 17
criticised 15
crosshairs 15
crustacean 14
cryptogram 20
crankshaft 22
crisscross 14
crossbones 14
credential 13
crematoria 14
crocheting 18
crucifying 21
crosscheck 23
cryptology 21
creatinine 12
creditable 15
cryogenics 18
crispbread 17
craftiness 15
craniotomy 17
crawlspace 19
crushingly 19
crackajack 31
crankiness 16
creepiness 14
crepuscule 16
crossmatch 19
crabapples 18
crabbiness 16
crabeaters 14
crabsticks 20
crackbacks 26
crackberry 23
crackbrain 20
crackdowns 22
crackheads 22
crackliest 18
cracklings 19
cradlesong 14
cradlewalk 20
craftworks 22
cragginess 14
craigfluke 20
crakeberry 21
cramoisies 14
crampbarks 22
cramponing 17
cramponned 17
cranachans 17
craneflies 15
cranesbill 14
craniology 16
craniopagi 15
crankbaits 18
crankcases 18
cranreuchs 17
crapshoots 17
crapulence 16
craquelure 21
crashingly 19
crashlands 16
crassitude 13
craterings 13
craterless 12
craterlets 12
craterlike 16
craunchier 17
craunching 18
cravatting 16
cravenness 15
crawfished 22
crawfishes 21
crawlingly 19
crayfishes 21
crayonists 15
crazyweeds 28
creakiness 16
creakingly 20
creameries 14
creaminess 14
creampuffs 22
creamwares 17
creaseless 12
creasoting 13
creational 12
creatrixes 19
creaturely 15
creditably 18
creditless 13
creeksides 17
creepingly 18
creepmouse 16
creeshiest 15
cremasters 14
cremations 14
cremocarps 18
crenations 12
crenatures 12
crenelated 13
crenelates 12
crenellate 12
crenelling 13
crenulated 13
creolising 13
creolizing 22
creosoting 13
crepitated 15
crepitates 14
crepituses 14
crepolines 14
crepuscles 16
crescendos 15
crescented 15
crescentic 16
crescively 20
cretinised 13
cretinises 12
cretinisms 14
cretinized 22
cretinizes 21
cretinoids 13
crevassing 16
crewelists 15
crewellery 18
crewelling 16
crewelwork 22
cribration 14
cribriform 19
cricketers 18
cricketing 19
crimewaves 20
criminated 15
criminates 14
criminator 14
crimsoning 15
cringeling 14
cringingly 17
crinkliest 16
crinoidean 13
crinolette 12
crinolined 13
crinolines 12
crippledom 19
cripplings 17
crispation 14
crispature 14
crispening 15
crispheads 18
crispiness 14
cristiform 17
criterions 12
criteriums 14
crithidial 16
criticiser 14
criticises 14
criticisms 16
criticizer 23
criticizes 23
critiquing 22
croakiness 16
crocheters 17
crockeries 18
crocodiles 15
crocoisite 14
crocosmias 16
croissants 12
crokinoles 16
crookbacks 24
crookedest 17
crookeries 16
crooknecks 22
cropduster 15
croquantes 21
croqueting 22
croquettes 21
crorepatis 14
crossandra 13
crossbands 15
crossbeams 16
crossbench 19
crossbills 14
crossbirth 17
crossbites 14
crossbower 17
crossbreds 15
crossbreed 15
crossbucks 20
crossclaim 16
crosscourt 14
crossettes 12
crossfalls 15
crossfield 16
crossfires 15
crosshatch 20
crossheads 16
crossjacks 25
crosslight 16
crossovers 15
crosspatch 19
crosspiece 16
crossruffs 18
crosstalks 16
crosstrees 12
crosswalks 19
crosswinds 16
crosswires 15
crosswords 16
crossworts 15
crotalaria 12
crotalisms 14
crotcheted 18
crotchless 17
crotonbugs 15
croupiness 14
croustades 13
crowbarred 18
crowdfunds 20
crowkeeper 21
crownlands 16
crownpiece 19
crownworks 22
cruciately 17
crucifiers 17
crucifixes 24
cruciforms 19
cruiseways 18
cruisewear 15
crumbcloth 21
crumbliest 16
crumblings 17
crumminess 16
crumpliest 16
crumplings 17
crunchable 19
crunchiest 17
crunchings 18
crushproof 20
crustation 12
crustiness 12
crutchings 18
cryocables 19
cryoconite 17
cryogenies 16
cryometers 17
cryometric 19
cryonicist 17
cryophilic 22
cryophorus 20
cryophytes 23
cryoprobes 19
cryoscopes 19
cryoscopic 21
cryostatic 17
cryptogams 20
cryptogamy 23
cryptonyms 22
cryptozoic 28
crystalise 15
crystalize 24

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