5 letter words starting with ch

Dive into the captivating world of five-letter words beginning with 'CH'! From charming to cheeky, these words add flavor and flair to your vocabulary. Whether you're a word game enthusiast or just curious, this list will challenge and delight your linguistic senses. Ready to explore the magic? Let's get started!

check 16
child 11
chief 13
cheap 12
chair 10
china 10
chest 10
chick 16
chose 10
chase 10
chuck 16
cheat 10
chain 10
cheer 10
chill 10
chaos 10
charm 12
chips 12
champ 14
chang 11
cheek 14
chess 10
ching 11
choir 10
choke 14
chart 10
chili 10
chile 10
chico 12
chops 12
chalk 14
chant 10
chunk 14
chump 14
chimp 14
chaps 12
chino 10
chevy 16
chord 11
chute 10
choco 12
cholo 10
chime 12
chink 14
chore 10
chirp 12
chard 11
chasm 12
chewy 16
chock 16
churn 10
chomp 14
cheep 12
chaff 16
chook 14
chafe 13
chaya 13
chide 11
chela 10
chaco 12
chiao 10
choli 10
chara 10
choux 17
chuff 16
chine 10
chimb 14
choky 17
churl 10
chace 12
chack 16
chado 11
chads 11
chaft 13
chais 10
chals 10
chams 12
chana 10
chank 14
chape 12
chapt 12
chare 10
chark 14
charr 10
chars 10
chary 13
chats 10
chave 13
chavs 13
chawk 17
chaws 13
chays 13
chefs 13
cheka 14
chelp 12
chemo 12
chems 12
chere 10
chert 10
cheth 13
chews 13
chias 10
chibs 12
chica 12
chich 15
chics 12
chiel 10
chiks 14
chimo 12
chins 10
chirk 14
chirl 10
chirm 12
chiro 10
chirr 10
chirt 10
chiru 10
chits 10
chive 13
chivs 13
chivy 16
chizz 28
chocs 12
chode 11
chogs 11
choil 10
choko 14
chola 10
chons 10
choof 13
choom 12
choon 10
chota 10
chott 10
chout 10
chowk 17
chows 13
chubs 12
chufa 13
chugs 11
chums 12
churr 10
chuse 10
chuts 10
chyle 13
chyme 15
chynd 14

Step into the whimsical world of words where "CH" takes center stage, leading a parade of five-letter wonders. These delightful combinations often conjure images of charming characters, cheeky situations, and occasionally, chilly circumstances. The power of "CH" in English is not only in its ability to start conversations but also in how it shapes meanings and influences pronunciations. Buckle up as we unravel the curious charm of these five-letter marvels, from everyday favorites to Scrabble sensations and Wordle winners.

About 5-Letter Words Starting with "CH"

The magical duo of letters "CH" opens doors to a fabulous array of words in the English language. As a digraph, it creates a distinct sound that can be varied across different dialects and contexts. For example, in some words like "charm," it offers a soft, inviting tone, whereas in "chaos," it hints at a more mysterious or intense vibe. The diversity in pronunciation—sometimes as a 'ch' sound, other times as a 'k', or even an 'sh'—adds layers of intrigue and complexity to the language.

These five-letter gems often serve as crucial building blocks in communication, making them indispensable in daily chatter. Words like "chill" and "chant" are peppered across English dialogue, offering clear, concise expressions that pack a punch. Their frequency and utility in the English lexicon make them not only useful but also a fun challenge for language enthusiasts eager to explore their etymological roots or score high in word games.

Popular Word Examples

Here are some popular five-letter words starting with "CH" that you might recognize.


  • Definition: A piece of furniture designed for sitting, typically with a back and four legs.
  • Example in a Sentence: She pulled out a chair and sat down next to him.
  • Fun Fact: The term "chair" is often used metaphorically to indicate a position of authority or leadership, like the "chairperson" of a meeting.


  • Definition: A soft white limestone used for writing on blackboards or pavement.
  • Example in a Sentence: The teacher used colorful chalk to write the lesson on the board.
  • Fun Fact: Chalk has been used since ancient times for art and writing; prehistoric cave drawings were made with natural chalk.


  • Definition: A sheet of information presented in the form of a graph or table.
  • Example in a Sentence: She studied the chart to understand the company's growth over time.
  • Fun Fact: Nautical charts are essential tools for navigation, showing water depths, hazards, and navigational aids.


  • Definition: To pursue someone or something with the intent to catch.
  • Example in a Sentence: The dog loved to chase the ball across the yard.
  • Fun Fact: "The Chase" is also a popular British television quiz show that pits contestants against a professional quizzer.


  • Definition: To act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.
  • Example in a Sentence: He was caught trying to cheat on the test.
  • Fun Fact: The word "cheat" dates back to the 14th century, originating from the Old French "eschier."


  • Definition: A set of bells or the sound they make when rung together.
  • Example in a Sentence: The church bells chime every hour on the hour.
  • Fun Fact: Wind chimes, often seen as decorative items, are also believed to have soothing effects and bring good luck.


  • Definition: A thick, solid piece of something.
  • Example in a Sentence: He cut the bread into large chunks for the stew.
  • Fun Fact: The term "chunk" is also used in computing to refer to a unit of data storage.

High-Scoring Scrabble Examples

For Scrabble aficionados, these "CH" words can boost your score significantly.

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Chafe 13 To irritate by rubbing.
Chomp 13 To chew or bite on something noisily.
Churn 10 To agitate or stir milk to make butter.
Chive 10 A small herb related to onions and garlic.
Choke 14 To obstruct the throat, preventing breathing.
Churl 10 A rude or unsophisticated person.

Popular 5-Letter Words for Wordle

Wordle challenges can be conquered with these strategic "CH" words.

Word Definition
Chase To pursue someone or something with intent to catch.
Cheat To act dishonestly to gain an advantage.
Chunk A thick, solid piece of something.
Chime A set of bells or the sound they make.
Churn To agitate cream or milk to make butter.
Choke To obstruct the airway or throat.

Unusual and Rare Word Examples

Explore these less common "CH" words that add a splash of rarity to your vocabulary.


  • Definition: Cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.
  • Interesting Fact: Deriving from Old English, "chary" shares roots with "care," emphasizing caution and heedfulness.
  • Example in a Sentence: She was chary of investing in stocks after her last experience.


  • Definition: A low, mournful sound, typically associated with birds.
  • Interesting Fact: This is a rare word, mostly used in Scottish dialects, emphasizing the cultural nuances in language.
  • Example in a Sentence: The chirl of the birds filled the early morning air.


  • Definition: A deep fissure in the earth, rock, or another surface.
  • Interesting Fact: From the Greek word "khasma," meaning "yawning hollow," it vividly describes vastness and emptiness.
  • Example in a Sentence: The hikers peered into the dark chasm below.


  • Definition: A milky fluid consisting of fat droplets and lymph that forms during digestion.
  • Interesting Fact: "Chyle" stems from the Greek word "khylos," meaning juice.
  • Example in a Sentence: The doctor explained how chyle is absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion.


  • Definition: A wedge or block placed against a wheel or rounded object, to prevent it from moving.
  • Interesting Fact: In maritime contexts, "chock-a-block" refers to objects packed tightly together.
  • Example in a Sentence: They placed a chock under the wheels to secure the car.

Final Words

Delving into the world of five-letter words starting with "CH" reveals a treasure trove of linguistic delights. These words not only enrich our vocabulary but also enhance our understanding of language's playful and multifaceted nature. From everyday speech to strategic game play, they offer endless opportunities for learning and fun. Now, go forth and sprinkle these charming "CH" words into your conversations and games!

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